Trumped-Up Administration Touts Its Own Lies--New Zeland 9 New Cases, Trumped-Up 400,000 All Intended! They Didn't Have to Happen!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Administration's often tout progress during 100 day time-frames. New Zealand recorded 9 new Covid-19 cases in 110 days. Trumped-Up USA recorded closer to 0.5 mil. in the same time-frame. Trumped-Up White House claims comparative success(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25 14-30 is even a lawful prayer subject--USA!)
There's 350,000,000 in America, and it's one of the biggest hubs to travel to and from in the world.

New Zealand, on other hand, has 4,600,000 people, a tiny fraction of the US, and it's a tiny little island nation that's cut off from much of the rest of the world.

There are 1,643 cases of covid in New Zealand, that they have reported. The number could be much higher if they tested as much as the US does. But that number is UP 69 CASES, not NINE, but SIXTY NINE... covid 19 cases in new zealand - Bing

Once again, TDS, LYING, FAKE NEWS CNN is spewing BULL SHIT. These democrat propaganda wing members have given up on ANY sort of actual REPORTING, and it's now GET TRUMP, HATE TRUMP, ORANGE MAN BAD, LIE-LIE-LIE FAKE NEWS... ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, NON STOP, 24/7...

007 poster, of the prayers for baby genital mutilations--"Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done," can note that USA is 70 times more populous than New Zealand, but is then so blinded by zeal of lunching on the genitals: The poster can't see only 70 times 1650, 112,000 cases in New Zeland. There are 5.5 mil. US cases.

Neighborhoods in USA have basis to make their choices.

Governor Cuomo has even correctly identified the European Virus. Even at count of bats with Chinese passports has not been released at Trumped-Up Department of State!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Matt 25; 14-30, prized Kingdom of the prayers!)
007 poster, of the prayers for baby genital mutilations--"Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done," can note that USA is 70 times more populous than New Zealand, but is then so blinded by zeal of lunching on the genitals: The poster can't see only 70 times 1650, 112,000 cases in New Zeland. There are 5.5 mil. US cases.

Neighborhoods in USA have basis to make their choices.

Governor Cuomo has even correctly identified the European Virus. Even at count of bats with Chinese passports has not been released at Trumped-Up Department of State!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Matt 25; 14-30, prized Kingdom of the prayers!)
New Zealand is an Island, moron. very few people go there. It's thousands of miles from any major land area other than Australia.
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Way too Illiterate bripat9643 poster: Even acknowledges the Trumped-Up Baby Genital mutilating atrocity of closing US boarders last March(?)! The Baby-Genital Mutilating, Trumped-Up Atrocity: Was the apparent belief in bats with Chinese passports(?), boarding flights headed to USA--and only USA(?)! The Baby-Genital Mutilating Trumped-Up Oval Office Occupant--Refused to work on behalf of anyone. The Trumped-Up occupant unable to read the daily Intel Briefings! There are other people on the planet in transit all over!


And so the Trumped-Up Illiteracy remains in place--not even recording the number of problems now being encountered as school years start!

Michele Obama sounded the alarm! "The elections are coming! The Elections Are Coming! The Republicans Know How To Cough And Spit--Especially On People Indoors, Doing Religious Observances! "SHOUT! YELL! PROCLAIM THE MESSAGE OF THE LORD AMONG ALL SEATED NEAR YOU, INDOORS!"


Some people don't even acknowledge the "See New Zealand" messaging, all over! (Jealous and Illiterate!) New Zealand knows how to keep all peoples safe, and virus-free--even among the visitors!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And for this shit, here: Matt 25: 14-30!"
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I guess the OP should do a Biden and hide in his basement until it blows over or he catches it from people bringing him food... This is a virus you moron and any idiot that thinks they can stop it are fools..
Way too Illiterate bripat9643 poster: Even acknowledges the Trumped-Up Baby Genital mutilating atrocity of closing US boarders last March(?)! The Baby-Genital Mutilating, Trumped-Up Atrocity: Was the apparent belief in bats with Chinese passports(?), boarding flights headed to USA--and only USA(?)! The Baby-Genital Mutilating Trumped-Up Oval Office Occupant--Refused to work on behalf of anyone. The Trumped-Up occupant unable to read the daily Intel Briefings! There are other people on the planet in transit all over!


And so the Trumped-Up Illiteracy remains in place--not even recording the number of problems now being encountered as school years start!

Michele Obama sounded the alarm! "The elections are coming! The Elections Are Coming! The Republicans Know How To Cough And Spit--Especially On People Indoors, Doing Religious Observances! "SHOUT! YELL! PROCLAIM THE MESSAGE OF THE LORD AMONG ALL SEATED NEAR YOU, INDOORS!"


Some people don't even acknowledge the "See New Zealand" messaging, all over! (Jealous and Illiterate!) New Zealand knows how to keep all peoples safe, and virus-free--even among the visitors!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And for this shit, here: Matt 25: 14-30!"
screaming at the sky wont help your cause....
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Michele Obama sounded the alarm! "The elections are coming! The Elections Are Coming! The Republicans Know How To Cough And Spit--Especially On People Indoors, Doing Religious Observances! "SHOUT! YELL! PROCLAIM THE MESSAGE OF THE LORD AMONG ALL SEATED NEAR YOU, INDOORS!"


(Expecting Republicans to show up and vote in person--indoors--within a few inches of one another(?)!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(For this they go indoors to scream about, deliriously ready to get it done to the babies: Matt 25: 14-30!)
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007 poster, of the prayers. . . . . . . . . . . .(insert interpretation). . . . . . . . . . ."Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done," can note that USA is 70 times more populous than New Zealand, but is then so blinded by zeal of. . . . .(insert interpretation). . . .That The poster can't see only 70 times 1650, 112,000 cases in New Zealand. There are 5.5 mil. US cases.

Neighborhoods in USA have basis to make their choices.

Governor Cuomo has even correctly identified the European Virus. Even a count of bats with Chinese passports has not been released at Trumped-Up Department of State!

Anyone sees what theHawk poster intends the outcome of prayer, (Matt 25: 14-30): Of origins in the Imperial Roman concept of baby abandonment, practiced routinely!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For this they go indoors to scream about, deliriously ready to get it done to the babies: Matt 25: 14-30!)
  • Funny
Reactions: 007
007 poster, of the prayers. . . . . . . . . . . .(insert interpretation). . . . . . . . . . ."Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done," can note that USA is 70 times more populous than New Zealand, but is then so blinded by zeal of. . . . .(insert interpretation). . . .That The poster can't see only 70 times 1650, 112,000 cases in New Zealand. There are 5.5 mil. US cases.

Neighborhoods in USA have basis to make their choices.

Governor Cuomo has even correctly identified the European Virus. Even a count of bats with Chinese passports has not been released at Trumped-Up Department of State!

Anyone sees what theHawk poster intends the outcome of prayer, (Matt 25: 14-30): Of origins in the Imperial Roman concept of baby abandonment, practiced routinely!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For this they go indoors to scream about, deliriously ready to get it done to the babies: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Sorry but... you sound like a total NUT BAG... are you a mouth breather?
007 poster too illiterate to ferret out the context of the heinous messaging of Sunday mornings, USA. Imperial Rome knew about throwing out the babies instead of the bath-water! See how 007 poster now notes how they get treated by 007 poster, too!

The illiterate ridiculous then go in Sunday Mornings to pray for it! "Thy Kingdom Come,Thy Will Be Done, on Earth As it is (In this murkey atrocity, Matt 25: 14-30!)

Then just to punctuate--even that happens indoors, people yelling, hollering,, clapping, singing---Screaming "Amen!" and of in a mantra, turning to face one another(?)!

Illiteracy happens. The outcome is notice worldwide!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even before Imperial Rome, there was Imperial Egypt--raising Moses, Deut 23: 19-20, actually not about foreign aid!)
007 poster too illiterate to ferret out the context of the heinous messaging of Sunday mornings, USA. Imperial Rome knew about throwing out the babies instead of the bath-water! See how 007 poster now notes how they get treated by 007 poster, too!

The illiterate ridiculous then go in Sunday Mornings to pray for it! "Thy Kingdom Come,Thy Will Be Done, on Earth As it is (In this murkey atrocity, Matt 25: 14-30!)

Then just to punctuate--even that happens indoors, people yelling, hollering,, clapping, singing---Screaming "Amen!" and of in a mantra, turning to face one another(?)!

Illiteracy happens. The outcome is notice worldwide!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even before Imperial Rome, there was Imperial Egypt--raising Moses, Deut 23: 19-20, actually not about foreign aid!)
You're babbling like a brain damaged fool.
007 poster, of the prayers for baby genital mutilations--"Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done," can note that USA is 70 times more populous than New Zealand, but is then so blinded by zeal of lunching on the genitals: The poster can't see only 70 times 1650, 112,000 cases in New Zeland. There are 5.5 mil. US cases.

Neighborhoods in USA have basis to make their choices.

Governor Cuomo has even correctly identified the European Virus. Even at count of bats with Chinese passports has not been released at Trumped-Up Department of State!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred."
(Matt 25; 14-30, prized Kingdom of the prayers!)
New Zealand is an Island, moron. very few people go there. It's thousands of miles from any major land area other than Australia.

That one seems impervious to all knowledge.
Bripat9643 poster in denial of public records going back 5000 years and beyond--and just a few days ago: In no denial of this contention, again:
The illiterate ridiculous then go in Sunday Mornings to pray for it! "Thy Kingdom Come,Thy Will Be Done, on Earth As it is (In this murkey atrocity, Matt 25: 14-30!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(The basis Deut 23: 19-20 is even thought to be the origin of Holocaust--Moses more likely recalling a childhood when he was a lot better off--usury gifts among the royals, subjugating everyone else!)

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