Trumped-Up Illiteracy Showcased Again! More Mail-In Voters Use Drop-Off Boxes Than Use USPS--A Growing Trend!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The widely now infamous Trumped-Up problem with literacy--especially when it comes to the famously inability to read or comprehend the daily Intel Briefings: Shows up again in the Voter Suppression campaign. Early and Mail-in Voter are widely more popular, every election. Biden-Harris will likely have won at the polls by October 15, only the official counting left to happen. The early voters do not use USPS. They use the recognized drop-off locations.

This is not a trick that Democrats have to advertise about this year. Elections like this are already a recurring event.

The idiocy of the matter is that the Trumped-Up Administration doesn't know even about that, already!

It did not know that Chinese could find their way about the planet--instead of just flying into Seattle, WA(?). It still doesn't know that real White people live in New Zealand--with procedures in place and hardly any new pandemic cases, even now. There is a distinct compare and contrast between the two national leaders. One is Trumped-Up. The other would be regarded a strong female leader: Abomination to the Trumped-Up Administration.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, does notice how the usury arithmetic--allegedly abomination to Jews and to Moslems alike: Works in practice. The arithmetic of fixed percentages--of the usual illiteracy problem--is not acknowledged!)
I agree

Trumps attempts to cripple the post office and make people fear mailing their ballot will only encourage earlier voting and using official drop offs.
I support keeping our postal service, is there anything the political world is not out to turn into a money making deal for the rich.
I agree

Trumps attempts to cripple the post office and make people fear mailing their ballot will only encourage earlier voting and using official drop offs.
Trump’s attempts to rig the election will ultimately fail. The American people are onto the scammer in chief.
I support keeping our postal service, is there anything the political world is not out to turn into a money making deal for the rich.
Don't expect any radical improvement if the impeached president trump's opponent moves into the White House next January. He works for the same ruling billionaire class that owns nearly all of our politicians.

If the fat cats want Social Security killed, it will be killed, regardless of which party wins the presidency.

The widely now infamous Trumped-Up problem with literacy--especially when it comes to the famously inability to read or comprehend the daily Intel Briefings: Shows up again in the Voter Suppression campaign. Early and Mail-in Voter are widely more popular, every election. Biden-Harris will likely have won at the polls by October 15, only the official counting left to happen. The early voters do not use USPS. They use the recognized drop-off locations.

This is not a trick that Democrats have to advertise about this year. Elections like this are already a recurring event.

The idiocy of the matter is that the Trumped-Up Administration doesn't know even about that, already!

It did not know that Chinese could find their way about the planet--instead of just flying into Seattle, WA(?). It still doesn't know that real White people live in New Zealand--with procedures in place and hardly any new pandemic cases, even now. There is a distinct compare and contrast between the two national leaders. One is Trumped-Up. The other would be regarded a strong female leader: Abomination to the Trumped-Up Administration.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, does notice how the usury arithmetic--allegedly abomination to Jews and to Moslems alike: Works in practice. The arithmetic of fixed percentages--of the usual illiteracy problem--is not acknowledged!)
You do know the difference between absentee and mass mail-in voting, right?

The irony of a chump who can oh-but-barely compose a coherent paragraph calling anyone else illiterate is the laugh of the month.
Only Oddball poster can pretend to call Oddball poster anything other than illiterate. The "AirHead!" concept applies again. Absentee and Mail-in ballots both can be put in drop-off boxes.

Oddball poster is more likely to make the ballot into a paper airplane, and then see if Oddball poster can fly it into the counting office, even(?): And even from an in-person voting booth!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, not about foreign aid, even!)
So I'll score that a big "NO" that you don't know the difference.

Illiterate stooge.

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