Trumper loses job for harrassing workers in the street.

You do realize that as a general rule criminals are pretty much apolitical, right?

I mean yes, I know it's the RWNJ narrative that all criminals are Democrats, but it's a lie. Most of them couldn't even tell you who's president, much less anything about their local reps.

Criminals know that democrats let them out. That's really all they care about. Over there in Beijing things are different, but in America, democrats are pro-criminal. If they vote, it will be for the democrats. Most won't bother to vote - but that defines most democrats.
Blah blah blah... GOP brainwash techniques are quite effective.
Now we know, Karen's are tea bagger trumpoholics, disguised as ordinary racist bigoted entitled white ladies.
We're living in Orwell's 1984
Yup. Bitch had no business berating these guys. They are entitled to speak any language they want.
I agree, but those of us who speak English are also entitled to understanding who it is that we come into any form of contact with here. Them guys know that everyone around them will be speaking another language and so why can't the guys learn more about what they are willing to be exposed to since you know that they are not originally from here to begin? Why is it so much to ask that people not originally from here try to open themselves up to the American way of life if America is where they choose to reside?

I have a female cousin who got married to a guy from Nicaragua and because they live here in the U.S. he eventually learned English. One of my most favorite actors is from Australia, Matt Passmore that is, but when you watch him here, you would never know of his origins until an interview is done. In other words, even after mastering an American accent, his Australian accent never went anywhere which may be my most favorite thing about him, his decision to meet us halfway. :) :) :)

God bless you and him and my family and everyone else who is open minded always!!!


P.S. And before you say that we here in the states could take the time and learn more about what is outside of our homeland. Well, should we ever leave our homeland for any reason, just that is what we will do. :) :) :)
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL

The fact that it triggered your retarded ass is the icing on the cake. lol

Not triggered at all...I love it...Real Americans are woke, wise and angry...we HATE what foreigners have done/are doing to our nation...We want it back, we’re taking it back.

It’s not the “foreigners” you should be worried about. It’s the guy who’s taking his cues from Putin.

Americans are woke wise and angry -at idiots like YOU. You’re the ones destroying the nation with your ignorance and hate.
Don't like it? Simples. Mow your own damned lawn!

(or good luck trying to find a landscaper who can still make money without hiring immigrants)

They're here to vote Democat.

Obama told them they should.

They’ll be coming for Asians next. You make too much money. Those jobs should be going to whites. Go back where you can from.

You already forgot didn’t you?
$50 million in taxpayer cash and Robert Mueller destroyed your Russian fantasies...REMEMBER?

Good real Americans love Asians...they’re productive, self funded, clean, responsible, accountable, law abiding...etc etc...They are everything your beloved dark folks are not. Weird’s almost as if skin color = genetic defects or something huh?

If your case it does. You’re afraid of non-whites because you
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL

The fact that it triggered your retarded ass is the icing on the cake. lol

Not triggered at all...I love it...Real Americans are woke, wise and angry...we HATE what foreigners have done/are doing to our nation...We want it back, we’re taking it back.

It’s not the “foreigners” you should be worried about. It’s the guy who’s taking his cues from Putin.

Americans are woke wise and angry -at idiots like YOU. You’re the ones destroying the nation with your ignorance and hate.
Don't like it? Simples. Mow your own damned lawn!

(or good luck trying to find a landscaper who can still make money without hiring immigrants)

They're here to vote Democat.

Obama told them they should.

They’ll be coming for Asians next. You make too much money. Those jobs should be going to whites. Go back where you can from.

You already forgot didn’t you?
$50 million in taxpayer cash and Robert Mueller destroyed your Russian fantasies...REMEMBER?

Good real Americans love Asians...they’re productive, self funded, clean, responsible, accountable, law abiding...etc etc...They are everything your beloved dark folks are not. Weird’s almost as if skin color = genetic defects or something huh?

The only two countries in the world where blacks are “stupid, lazy, unproductive and violent” are the USA and South Africa. The rest of the world doesn’t have a “black” problem.

The only two countries with state sanctioned slavery, segregation, and abuse of black people have a “black problem”.
We're living in Orwell's 1984
Yup. Bitch had no business berating these guys. They are entitled to speak any language they want.
I agree, but those of us who speak English are also entitled to understanding who it is that we come into any form of contact with here. Them guys know that everyone around them will be speaking another language and so why can't the guys learn more about what they are willing to be exposed to since you know that they are not originally from here to begin? Why is it so much to ask that people not originally from here try to open themselves up to the American way of life if America is where they choose to reside?

I have a female cousin who got married to a guy from Nicaragua and because they live here in the U.S. he eventually learned English. One of my most favorite actors is from Australia, Matt Passmore that is, but when you watch him here, you would never know of his origins until an interview is done. In other words, even after mastering an American accent, his Australian accent never went anywhere which may be my most favorite thing about him, his decision to meet us halfway. :) :) :)

God bless you and him and my family and everyone else who is open minded always!!!


P.S. And before you say that we here in the states could take the time and learn more about what is outside of our homeland. Well, should we ever leave our homeland for any reason, just that is what we will do. :) :) :)
You really have no rights at all in this respect. You have a right to expect them to obey the law and pay their taxes. Nothing else.
We're living in Orwell's 1984
Yup. Bitch had no business berating these guys. They are entitled to speak any language they want.
I agree, but those of us who speak English are also entitled to understanding who it is that we come into any form of contact with here. Them guys know that everyone around them will be speaking another language and so why can't the guys learn more about what they are willing to be exposed to since you know that they are not originally from here to begin? Why is it so much to ask that people not originally from here try to open themselves up to the American way of life if America is where they choose to reside?

I have a female cousin who got married to a guy from Nicaragua and because they live here in the U.S. he eventually learned English. One of my most favorite actors is from Australia, Matt Passmore that is, but when you watch him here, you would never know of his origins until an interview is done. In other words, even after mastering an American accent, his Australian accent never went anywhere which may be my most favorite thing about him, his decision to meet us halfway. :) :) :)

God bless you and him and my family and everyone else who is open minded always!!!


P.S. And before you say that we here in the states could take the time and learn more about what is outside of our homeland. Well, should we ever leave our homeland for any reason, just that is what we will do. :) :) :)
You really have no rights at all in this respect. You have a right to expect them to obey the law and pay their taxes. Nothing else.
That's only under Sharia Law

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.

TDS thread 1,770

We should nuke your asses.

The rest of the world would thank us.

You motherfuckers are the bastards of hisotry.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL

The fact that it triggered your retarded ass is the icing on the cake. lol

Not triggered at all...I love it...Real Americans are woke, wise and angry...we HATE what foreigners have done/are doing to our nation...We want it back, we’re taking it back.

It’s not the “foreigners” you should be worried about. It’s the guy who’s taking his cues from Putin.

Americans are woke wise and angry -at idiots like YOU. You’re the ones destroying the nation with your ignorance and hate.
Don't like it? Simples. Mow your own damned lawn!

(or good luck trying to find a landscaper who can still make money without hiring immigrants)

They're here to vote Democat.

Obama told them they should.

They’ll be coming for Asians next. You make too much money. Those jobs should be going to whites. Go back where you can from.

You already forgot didn’t you?
$50 million in taxpayer cash and Robert Mueller destroyed your Russian fantasies...REMEMBER?

Good real Americans love Asians...they’re productive, self funded, clean, responsible, accountable, law abiding...etc etc...They are everything your beloved dark folks are not. Weird’s almost as if skin color = genetic defects or something huh?

If your case it does. You’re afraid of non-whites because you cant compete. Broke Loser is all you’ll ever be.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL

The fact that it triggered your retarded ass is the icing on the cake. lol

Not triggered at all...I love it...Real Americans are woke, wise and angry...we HATE what foreigners have done/are doing to our nation...We want it back, we’re taking it back.

It’s not the “foreigners” you should be worried about. It’s the guy who’s taking his cues from Putin.

Americans are woke wise and angry -at idiots like YOU. You’re the ones destroying the nation with your ignorance and hate.
Don't like it? Simples. Mow your own damned lawn!

(or good luck trying to find a landscaper who can still make money without hiring immigrants)

They're here to vote Democat.

Obama told them they should.

They’ll be coming for Asians next. You make too much money. Those jobs should be going to whites. Go back where you can from.

You already forgot didn’t you?
$50 million in taxpayer cash and Robert Mueller destroyed your Russian fantasies...REMEMBER?

Good real Americans love Asians...they’re productive, self funded, clean, responsible, accountable, law abiding...etc etc...They are everything your beloved dark folks are not. Weird’s almost as if skin color = genetic defects or something huh?

The only two countries in the world where blacks are “stupid, lazy, unproductive and violent” are the USA and South Africa.

Slavery, segregation, apartheid, and a white population that treats them as “inferiors”. Seems to me that YOU have a problem with white supremacists grinding non-whites down.

The blacks aren’t the problem at all. It the racists assholes like you that need to be gotten rid of.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL

The fact that it triggered your retarded ass is the icing on the cake. lol

Not triggered at all...I love it...Real Americans are woke, wise and angry...we HATE what foreigners have done/are doing to our nation...We want it back, we’re taking it back.

It’s not the “foreigners” you should be worried about. It’s the guy who’s taking his cues from Putin.

Americans are woke wise and angry -at idiots like YOU. You’re the ones destroying the nation with your ignorance and hate.
Don't like it? Simples. Mow your own damned lawn!

(or good luck trying to find a landscaper who can still make money without hiring immigrants)

They're here to vote Democat.

Obama told them they should.

They’ll be coming for Asians next. You make too much money. Those jobs should be going to whites. Go back where you can from.

You already forgot didn’t you?
$50 million in taxpayer cash and Robert Mueller destroyed your Russian fantasies...REMEMBER?

Good real Americans love Asians...they’re productive, self funded, clean, responsible, accountable, law abiding...etc etc...They are everything your beloved dark folks are not. Weird’s almost as if skin color = genetic defects or something huh?

If your case it does. You’re afraid of non-whites because you cant compete. Broke Loser is all you’ll ever be.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL

The fact that it triggered your retarded ass is the icing on the cake. lol

Not triggered at all...I love it...Real Americans are woke, wise and angry...we HATE what foreigners have done/are doing to our nation...We want it back, we’re taking it back.

It’s not the “foreigners” you should be worried about. It’s the guy who’s taking his cues from Putin.

Americans are woke wise and angry -at idiots like YOU. You’re the ones destroying the nation with your ignorance and hate.
Don't like it? Simples. Mow your own damned lawn!

(or good luck trying to find a landscaper who can still make money without hiring immigrants)

They're here to vote Democat.

Obama told them they should.

They’ll be coming for Asians next. You make too much money. Those jobs should be going to whites. Go back where you can from.

You already forgot didn’t you?
$50 million in taxpayer cash and Robert Mueller destroyed your Russian fantasies...REMEMBER?

Good real Americans love Asians...they’re productive, self funded, clean, responsible, accountable, law abiding...etc etc...They are everything your beloved dark folks are not. Weird’s almost as if skin color = genetic defects or something huh?

The only two countries in the world where blacks are “stupid, lazy, unproductive and violent” are the USA and South Africa.

Slavery, segregation, apartheid, and a white population that treats them as “inferiors”. Seems to me that YOU have a problem with white supremacists grinding non-whites down.

The blacks aren’t the problem at all. It the racists assholes like you that need to be gotten rid of.

Who’s gonna feed the toads and the brown human cockroaches when you “get rid of me”?

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.
STFU you stupid Brit.

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.
So much for freedom of speech. Here comes that slippery slope.

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.

Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently.

Nope. She showed reasonable concern about a fucking massive crisis that is fuckging this country up, and so she had to be silenced.

I do agree, that is a common theme recently.
Since when is harassing a group of workers minding their own business "reasonable"?

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