Trumper loses job for harrassing workers in the street.

Who gives a shit? Like leftists never say heinous awful shit to people?

It's hilarious how much time you spend obsessing about Trump and US politics considering you don't even live here.

Get your own house in order and worry about your own politics. Plenty of shit going on where you are at that is more pertinent to you...of that I am sure.

Also, the average American doesn't give a fuck what you think about our President.

This is just another TDS thread from some asswipe across the pond that won't mind his own business.

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.
Why am I finding it sooo hard to figure out white women??? Keep in mind, these women are number one in intergrating the races......they slap after anything with a pulse and a budge in his pants and yet time and time again, you got these Karen's making the lives of the very minorities they drop panties for, harrassing them???? Maybe they're getting turned down and not liking the answer NO
She is described as a "Life-long Democrat" in this article.

From four years ago. Opinions change. Nice gaslight attempt, though.
Yet you folks think that Southern Democrats that switched to the Republican party never changed their opinions?

You are so full of shit.

I never said any of that, liar.
You didn't have to. Everyone you support said it for you. It's a core belief of the left. It's the primary excuse you folks use to shed your guilt for being racist Democrats. The Democrat Party that created the KKK and Jim Crow laws in the South after the Civil War.

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.

The level of ignorance you possess is fucking stunning.

She deserved to be fired. She's not a poster child for anything...

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.
tRumplings are, by and large, just that stupid.

All you've gotta do is look around here to see it.

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.

The level of ignorance you possess is fucking stunning.

She deserved to be fired. She's not a poster child for anything...
Bullshit. She's a dyed in the wool tRumpling. The only difference between her and the average tRumpkin here is her microphone.

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.

The level of ignorance you possess is fucking stunning.

She deserved to be fired. She's not a poster child for anything...
Bullshit. She's a dyed in the wool tRumpling. The only difference between her and the average tRumpkin here is her microphone.

So, I suppose we can blame every piece of shit left wing idiot (aka: You) for the murder of 8-year-old Secoriea Turner in Atlanta or 20-month old Sincere Gaston in Chicago, right?

Fuck you. Pull your head out of your ass and wrap your head around the fact that good Americans actually don't tolerate pieces of shit like that radio talk show host.

It might be tough, but try not to be a dickhead...
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A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.

The level of ignorance you possess is fucking stunning.

She deserved to be fired. She's not a poster child for anything...
Bullshit. She's a dyed in the wool tRumpling. The only difference between her and the average tRumpkin here is her microphone.

So, I suppose we can blame every piece of shit left wing idiot (aka: You) for the murder of 8-year-old Secoriea Turner in Atlanta or 20-month old Sincere Gaston in Chicago, right?

Fuck you. Pull your head out of your ass and wrap your head around the fact that good Americans actually don't tolerate pieces of shit like that radio talk show host.

It might be tough, but try not to be a dickhead...
You do realize that as a general rule criminals are pretty much apolitical, right?

I mean yes, I know it's the RWNJ narrative that all criminals are Democrats, but it's a lie. Most of them couldn't even tell you who's president, much less anything about their local reps.
:auiqs.jpg: I just don't care about opinions from the poorly educated simple animals that support traitors and crooks. Heart filled with hate, head filled with shit is your tribe's shtick.

Sure Comrade traitor.

You do that 3rd grade education of your's proud.

View attachment 364709

:dunno: When you use the same old bad faith tactics and tricks as regressives you hate, Imma gonna call you out on it. Then you 'SCREEE' just like them. Full circle of hate. You're just too poorly educated to notice. :itsok: I get it.

You don't "call" shit. You're a dunce who can't do anything but repeat what your betters post.

Oh, and my dog is better educated than you are, cleetus.
You don't have a 'right' to demand shit, Mr. Entitled. You aren't an LEO.

Within your 6 or 7 IQ points, have you ever contemplated whether there could be a governing document that defines how our system works? A constitution or some such?

Of course not, a dunce like you simply vomits what the hate sites are spewing at any given second.
You do realize that as a general rule criminals are pretty much apolitical, right?

I mean yes, I know it's the RWNJ narrative that all criminals are Democrats, but it's a lie. Most of them couldn't even tell you who's president, much less anything about their local reps.

Criminals know that democrats let them out. That's really all they care about. Over there in Beijing things are different, but in America, democrats are pro-criminal. If they vote, it will be for the democrats. Most won't bother to vote - but that defines most democrats.

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