Trumps Answer on how to get Mexico to pay for the wall will make you ROFL

LOL....So you didnt expect an answer either and thought name calling would cover the egg on your face. Po child
My face? I didn't start this thread with a fallacious premise. YOU did.
So, either you are completely fuckin retarded, or you are a liar. Which is it?

What fallacious premise would that be? :dunno:

He said the answer would make the reader ROFL. Well --- it did.
He didn't even answer the question.

When someone asks a question .......

Stay with me here....

.... and the other person responds with.... whatever they respond with.....

That's called "Answering".

Might not be a good answer or a valid answer but as long as it has some relationship to the question --- it's an "answer". And this one does refer to "Mexico" and "war" ---- which were both in the question.

So that's an "answer" and you lose.

You people are goddamn retarded

Oh my, aren't we emotionally invested.

That should be a screaming clue.
You are fuckin stupid. Even the OP admits he is a liar you big bag of dumbfuck.

BIG emotional investment here. Oh dear oh dear someone disparaged Hair Furrier!

The first thing Trump pointed out was that we have a $58 billion trading deficit with Mexico, and that the wall would cost $10 billion to build. Trump was clearly implying he would eliminate that trading deficit, to Mexico's disadvantage.

What Woodward SHOULD have done at that point was ask Trump how he would reduce or eliminate the trade deficit. That's what any objective, intelligent, real journalist would have asked next.

But what did the biased retard do instead? He said, "But they're a sovereign nation." What the ever loving fuck does that have to do with trade deficits?

Trump continued on about the trade deficit, so then the tard asked, "How do you get a sovereign nation that says they don't want to pay, to pay?"

He clearly wasn't listening. He was using an idiotic rhetorical trick to imply with his questions that Trump was going to make Mexico hand over some cash.

So then Trump explained the second method by which Mexico would pay for the wall. He explained that we give "subsidies" to Mexico. I think he meant foreign aid, but with Trump, who knows.

Again, any objective, intelligent real journalist would have realized Trump was going to withhold the "subsidies" we give to Mexico and use that money instead for the wall.

Woodward did his level best to avoid letting his audience absorb this entirely rational response by Trump. He decided to imply Trump was going to go to war to get our subsidies back!!!

“I’m sorry to press on this, but how would you grab that money? If they say no, would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

How would we grab our subsidies from Mexico, Bob? Really? You fucking prick. You know exactly how. We simply stop giving them foreign aid, and use the money for the wall.

But you are counting on the rubes watching that we would somehow have to go to war to get OUR OWN MONEY from Mexico..

What a fucking asshole Woodward is.
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My face? I didn't start this thread with a fallacious premise. YOU did.
So, either you are completely fuckin retarded, or you are a liar. Which is it?

What fallacious premise would that be? :dunno:

He said the answer would make the reader ROFL. Well --- it did.
He didn't even answer the question.

When someone asks a question .......

Stay with me here....

.... and the other person responds with.... whatever they respond with.....

That's called "Answering".

Might not be a good answer or a valid answer but as long as it has some relationship to the question --- it's an "answer". And this one does refer to "Mexico" and "war" ---- which were both in the question.

So that's an "answer" and you lose.

You people are goddamn retarded

Oh my, aren't we emotionally invested.

That should be a screaming clue.
You are fuckin stupid. Even the OP admits he is a liar you big bag of dumbfuck.

BIG emotional investment here. Oh dear oh dear someone disparaged Hair Furrier!

You are the retard here. Not me ;)
Trump: 'Mexico isn't playing with us with war'

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.

I'm not sure so I'll ask: Can a president mobilize troops on money collecting missions like the local bookie? Will he knee cap mexicans until they pay up? Will he say "nice place ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it"

He's stated repeatedly that the wall would be paid for by reducing the trade deficit with Mexico, so in essence, yes, they would pay for it in that sense. That aside, there is no reason to build a wall in the first place. The border isn't the problem; our immigration policies are.

reducing the deficit by imposing a tariff ... the tax is passed on to consumers .. American taxpayers buy the wall.

enforce the laws on the books, screw the wall.
Trump: 'Mexico isn't playing with us with war'

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.

I'm not sure so I'll ask: Can a president mobilize troops on money collecting missions like the local bookie? Will he knee cap mexicans until they pay up? Will he say "nice place ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it"

He's stated repeatedly that the wall would be paid for by reducing the trade deficit with Mexico, so in essence, yes, they would pay for it in that sense. That aside, there is no reason to build a wall in the first place. The border isn't the problem; our immigration policies are.

reducing the deficit by imposing a tariff ... the tax is passed on to consumers .. American taxpayers buy the wall.

enforce the laws on the books, screw the wall.
Not securing the border costs us a hell of a lot more than the wall itself.............They use our welfare programs and cost us Trillions over the decades..........
What fallacious premise would that be? :dunno:

He said the answer would make the reader ROFL. Well --- it did.
He didn't even answer the question.

When someone asks a question .......

Stay with me here....

.... and the other person responds with.... whatever they respond with.....

That's called "Answering".

Might not be a good answer or a valid answer but as long as it has some relationship to the question --- it's an "answer". And this one does refer to "Mexico" and "war" ---- which were both in the question.

So that's an "answer" and you lose.

You people are goddamn retarded

Oh my, aren't we emotionally invested.

That should be a screaming clue.
You are fuckin stupid. Even the OP admits he is a liar you big bag of dumbfuck.

BIG emotional investment here. Oh dear oh dear someone disparaged Hair Furrier!

You are the retard here. Not me ;)

Actually I haven't used the word retard. I'm not the one melting down into emotionality.

I just find it revealing when my opponent reveals that that's what his basis is. It says much about why he's attached to what he's attached to.
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013)

Key Findings

  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117. The fiscal impact per household varies considerably because the greatest share of the burden falls on state and local taxpayers whose burden depends on the size of the illegal alien population in that locality
  • Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion. Nearly all of those costs are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax collections from illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.
  • Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.
I often talk about how hacks will manufacture bullshit when they could easily have taken down an opponent with the truth.

Woodward has now manufactured a completely irresponsible meme that Trump is going to go to war with Mexico.

It's bogus. It's a lie. But the retards will bleev it.

Woodward shattered his integrity for cheap political points. He's a fucking asshole. More than that, he's fucking reckless. He has just bore false witness against Trump that will have international consequences harmful to the way the United States is perceived.

Trump could be taken down by facts and the truth. For instance, if we eliminate the foreign aid we give to Mexico, which is primarily used to fight against the maniacs smuggling drugs across our borders, then Trump will actually be exacerbating the very problem he claimed we have with our border right now!

And a tariff war never ends well.
Trump: 'Mexico isn't playing with us with war'

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.

I'm not sure so I'll ask: Can a president mobilize troops on money collecting missions like the local bookie? Will he knee cap mexicans until they pay up? Will he say "nice place ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it"

He's stated repeatedly that the wall would be paid for by reducing the trade deficit with Mexico, so in essence, yes, they would pay for it in that sense. That aside, there is no reason to build a wall in the first place. The border isn't the problem; our immigration policies are.

reducing the deficit by imposing a tariff ... the tax is passed on to consumers .. American taxpayers buy the wall.

enforce the laws on the books, screw the wall.
Not securing the border costs us a hell of a lot more than the wall itself.............They use our welfare programs and cost us Trillions over the decades..........

enforce the laws on the books ... confusing isn't it?
Trump: 'Mexico isn't playing with us with war'

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.

I'm not sure so I'll ask: Can a president mobilize troops on money collecting missions like the local bookie? Will he knee cap mexicans until they pay up? Will he say "nice place ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it"

He's stated repeatedly that the wall would be paid for by reducing the trade deficit with Mexico, so in essence, yes, they would pay for it in that sense. That aside, there is no reason to build a wall in the first place. The border isn't the problem; our immigration policies are.

reducing the deficit by imposing a tariff ... the tax is passed on to consumers .. American taxpayers buy the wall.

enforce the laws on the books, screw the wall.
Not securing the border costs us a hell of a lot more than the wall itself.............They use our welfare programs and cost us Trillions over the decades..........

enforce the laws on the books ... confusing isn't it?
Nope............unless you add e-verify and dry up the jobs it will not matter...........all of the above are needed along with double the border patrol.
I often talk about how hacks will manufacture bullshit when they could easily have taken down an opponent with the truth.

Woodward has now manufactured a completely irresponsible meme that Trump is going to go to war with Mexico.

It's bogus. It's a lie. But the retards will bleev it.

Woodward shattered his integrity for cheap political points. He's a fucking asshole. More than that, he's fucking reckless. He has just bore false witness against Trump that will have international consequences harmful to the way the United States is perceived.

Trump could be taken down by facts and the truth. For instance, if we eliminate the foreign aid we give to Mexico, which is primarily used to fight against the maniacs smuggling drugs across our borders, then Trump will actually be exacerbating the very problem he claimed we have with our border right now!

And a tariff war never ends well.
Which is why our military needs to be sent down there to obliterate the Drug Lords...Collateral Damage be damned.
The job of our Representatives is to protect Americans...period.
Trump: 'Mexico isn't playing with us with war'

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.

I'm not sure so I'll ask: Can a president mobilize troops on money collecting missions like the local bookie? Will he knee cap mexicans until they pay up? Will he say "nice place ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it"

He's stated repeatedly that the wall would be paid for by reducing the trade deficit with Mexico, so in essence, yes, they would pay for it in that sense. That aside, there is no reason to build a wall in the first place. The border isn't the problem; our immigration policies are.

reducing the deficit by imposing a tariff ... the tax is passed on to consumers .. American taxpayers buy the wall.

enforce the laws on the books, screw the wall.
Not securing the border costs us a hell of a lot more than the wall itself.............They use our welfare programs and cost us Trillions over the decades..........

enforce the laws on the books ... confusing isn't it?
Nope............unless you add e-verify and dry up the jobs it will not matter...........all of the above are needed along with double the border patrol.

earlier today ..

The Great Wall Of Trump
He's stated repeatedly that the wall would be paid for by reducing the trade deficit with Mexico, so in essence, yes, they would pay for it in that sense. That aside, there is no reason to build a wall in the first place. The border isn't the problem; our immigration policies are.

reducing the deficit by imposing a tariff ... the tax is passed on to consumers .. American taxpayers buy the wall.

enforce the laws on the books, screw the wall.
Not securing the border costs us a hell of a lot more than the wall itself.............They use our welfare programs and cost us Trillions over the decades..........

enforce the laws on the books ... confusing isn't it?
Nope............unless you add e-verify and dry up the jobs it will not matter...........all of the above are needed along with double the border patrol.

earlier today ..

The Great Wall Of Trump
Couple of outpost towers and its covered..........sensors as well and roving border agents..........A wall doesn't have to be always physical in nature.
reducing the deficit by imposing a tariff ... the tax is passed on to consumers .. American taxpayers buy the wall.

enforce the laws on the books, screw the wall.
Not securing the border costs us a hell of a lot more than the wall itself.............They use our welfare programs and cost us Trillions over the decades..........

enforce the laws on the books ... confusing isn't it?
Nope............unless you add e-verify and dry up the jobs it will not matter...........all of the above are needed along with double the border patrol.

earlier today ..

The Great Wall Of Trump
Couple of outpost towers and its covered..........sensors as well and roving border agents..........A wall doesn't have to be always physical in nature.
Fire one shot and the ACLU and the UN will be crawling all over us and the Libs will be wailing at the Tower.
Not securing the border costs us a hell of a lot more than the wall itself.............They use our welfare programs and cost us Trillions over the decades..........

enforce the laws on the books ... confusing isn't it?
Nope............unless you add e-verify and dry up the jobs it will not matter...........all of the above are needed along with double the border patrol.

earlier today ..

The Great Wall Of Trump
Couple of outpost towers and its covered..........sensors as well and roving border agents..........A wall doesn't have to be always physical in nature.
Fire one shot and the ACLU and the UN will be crawling all over us and the Libs will be wailing at the Tower.
Shots get fired down there all the time already.
reducing the deficit by imposing a tariff ... the tax is passed on to consumers .. American taxpayers buy the wall.

enforce the laws on the books, screw the wall.
Not securing the border costs us a hell of a lot more than the wall itself.............They use our welfare programs and cost us Trillions over the decades..........

enforce the laws on the books ... confusing isn't it?
Nope............unless you add e-verify and dry up the jobs it will not matter...........all of the above are needed along with double the border patrol.

earlier today ..

The Great Wall Of Trump
Couple of outpost towers and its covered..........sensors as well and roving border agents..........A wall doesn't have to be always physical in nature.

like I said yesterday, we could line up armed border patrol agents shoulder to shoulder, from San Diego to South Padre, and run 3, 8 hour shifts for 10 billion dollars...

but the drama of Trump screaming wall gives the big strong RW's wood ..
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Hey Mexico you're going to build a wall or we'll send our troops over there to uh....

The troops will mobilize on you because uh,...

We are going to build the wall. Mexico is going to pay for it through increased border fees on personal and commercial vehicles and cargo.

If they choose not to pay the fees, fine...stay in Mexico. If they choose not to pay the fees, but choose to attempt to bypass our sovereignty by invading our country by force, that is where the military option enters the picture.

We do have the authority to protect our borders and repel forcible invaders, do we not?
Lmao you are delusional. The only thing that will stop the oppressed from getting here is a bubble over the country.
Of course, what did you think that Trump would A. Make Sense or B. Provide Specifics?
Don't turn it around. YOU are the moron here.

LOL....So you didnt expect an answer either and thought name calling would cover the egg on your face. Po child
My face? I didn't start this thread with a fallacious premise. YOU did.
So, either you are completely fuckin retarded, or you are a liar. Which is it?

What fallacious premise would that be? :dunno:

He said the answer would make the reader ROFL. Well --- it did.
He didn't even answer the question. You people are goddamn retarded
Now you are being technical. He said he would war on Mexico and that is so incredibly stupid that I'm not surprised you support it.

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