Trumps Answer on how to get Mexico to pay for the wall will make you ROFL

Trump: 'Mexico isn't playing with us with war'

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.

I'm not sure so I'll ask: Can a president mobilize troops on money collecting missions like the local bookie? Will he knee cap mexicans until they pay up? Will he say "nice place ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it"
No. But he can get idiots to vote for him by pretending he can.
What was the Donald saying? How's he getting mexico to pay for the wall? LOL

Is he actually saying he would invade Mexico to get them to pay for a wall?

Woodward's mistake is that he's trying to ask questions like an adult would ask. He's looking for specifics. The Donald is not going to give any specifics ... because wait for it .... wait for it .... he has none. Remember his natl security team? Remember his tax plan? Remember his more recent healthcare plan? LOL
Hey Mexico you're going to build a wall or we'll send our troops over there to uh....

The troops will mobilize on you because uh,...

We are going to build the wall. Mexico is going to pay for it through increased border fees on personal and commercial vehicles and cargo.

If they choose not to pay the fees, fine...stay in Mexico. If they choose not to pay the fees, but choose to attempt to bypass our sovereignty by invading our country by force, that is where the military option enters the picture.

We do have the authority to protect our borders and repel forcible invaders, do we not?
Tariff the shit out of their imports into our country
Stop the foriegn aid we give them

Pay for the wall with that. Build it so guards can walk ontop of it. Put some machine guns up their too.

Have you seen our roads and bridges? :lmao:

This person is a piece of work as he goes from one worthless point, to the other useless point! He is going to be a very sad Democrat come November-)

I am a national socialist. ;) So I honestly believe i a little of both beliefs. Trump is gaining my support because he wants to make America super powerful!

Then I guess that you belong in Germany with Angela Merkel. No harm, no foul. You can argue with her about her former Soviet stance, or your Aryan stance. Let us know how that works out-)
Trump: 'Mexico isn't playing with us with war'

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.

I'm not sure so I'll ask: Can a president mobilize troops on money collecting missions like the local bookie? Will he knee cap mexicans until they pay up? Will he say "nice place ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it"

And is this before or after he "opens up" the First Amendment to control the press?

It's fuggin' hilarious. Not so much Rump, but his sycophants clamoring to wipe his bib.
He didn't even answer the question. Politico AND you are fuckin retarded

Of course, what did you think that Trump would A. Make Sense or B. Provide Specifics?
Don't turn it around. YOU are the moron here.

LOL....So you didnt expect an answer either and thought name calling would cover the egg on your face. Po child
My face? I didn't start this thread with a fallacious premise. YOU did.
So, either you are completely fuckin retarded, or you are a liar. Which is it?

What fallacious premise would that be? :dunno:

He said the answer would make the reader ROFL. Well --- it did.
He didn't even answer the question. Politico AND you are fuckin retarded

Of course, what did you think that Trump would A. Make Sense or B. Provide Specifics?
Don't turn it around. YOU are the moron here.

LOL....So you didnt expect an answer either and thought name calling would cover the egg on your face. Po child
My face? I didn't start this thread with a fallacious premise. YOU did.
So, either you are completely fuckin retarded, or you are a liar. Which is it?

What fallacious premise would that be? :dunno:

He said the answer would make the reader ROFL. Well --- it did.
He didn't even answer the question. You people are goddamn retarded
The wall will be built, Mexico will pay for it, illegals will be deported, and Trump will just give liberals a smirk when they foam at the mouth about it. :laugh:
What was the Donald saying? How's he getting mexico to pay for the wall? LOL

Is he actually saying he would invade Mexico to get them to pay for a wall?

Woodward's mistake is that he's trying to ask questions like an adult would ask. He's looking for specifics. The Donald is not going to give any specifics ... because wait for it .... wait for it .... he has none. Remember his natl security team? Remember his tax plan? Remember his more recent healthcare plan? LOL

wait for it...wait for it...Remember Hillary Clinton Natl Security Team for Benghazi? Remember Bernie Sanders own worst economic tax plan state in the nation on the top 10 worst list Vermont 4 billion debt? Rich States, Poor States, 8th Edition - American Legislative Exchange Council
Remember FORCED healthcare from Obamacare with free generic low quality health care with long lines and penalties if you don't have health insurance, which you are forced to get or pay fines, doesn't cover paying full coverage for meds which you pay a percentage?

Trump: 'Mexico isn't playing with us with war'

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.

I'm not sure so I'll ask: Can a president mobilize troops on money collecting missions like the local bookie? Will he knee cap mexicans until they pay up? Will he say "nice place ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it"
Mexican leaders don't seem to be laughing.
Of course, what did you think that Trump would A. Make Sense or B. Provide Specifics?
Don't turn it around. YOU are the moron here.

LOL....So you didnt expect an answer either and thought name calling would cover the egg on your face. Po child
My face? I didn't start this thread with a fallacious premise. YOU did.
So, either you are completely fuckin retarded, or you are a liar. Which is it?

What fallacious premise would that be? :dunno:

He said the answer would make the reader ROFL. Well --- it did.
He didn't even answer the question.

When someone asks a question .......

Stay with me here....

.... and the other person responds with.... whatever they respond with.....

That's called "Answering".

Might not be a good answer or a valid answer but as long as it has some relationship to the question --- it's an "answer". And this one does refer to "Mexico" and "war" ---- which were both in the question.

So that's an "answer" and you lose.

You people are goddamn retarded

Oh my, aren't we emotionally invested.

That should be a screaming clue.
Of course, what did you think that Trump would A. Make Sense or B. Provide Specifics?
Don't turn it around. YOU are the moron here.

LOL....So you didnt expect an answer either and thought name calling would cover the egg on your face. Po child
My face? I didn't start this thread with a fallacious premise. YOU did.
So, either you are completely fuckin retarded, or you are a liar. Which is it?

Whats the fallacious premise you speak of? Dont run away this time k?
He didn't answer the question, genius. Like I have already said.
So, are you a complete fuckin moron or a liar?

Of course he didnt. Thats how Trump answers questions silly billy
Don't most Mexicans that become illegals actually just overstay their visas? A wall isn't going to stop that.
Tariff the shit out of their imports into our country
Stop the foriegn aid we give them

Pay for the wall with that. Build it so guards can walk ontop of it. Put some machine guns up their too.

Have you seen our roads and bridges? :lmao:

This person is a piece of work as he goes from one worthless point, to the other useless point! He is going to be a very sad Democrat come November-)

Youre right, the state of our engineering feats have nothing at all to do with building stuff! :alcoholic:
Don't turn it around. YOU are the moron here.

LOL....So you didnt expect an answer either and thought name calling would cover the egg on your face. Po child
My face? I didn't start this thread with a fallacious premise. YOU did.
So, either you are completely fuckin retarded, or you are a liar. Which is it?

What fallacious premise would that be? :dunno:

He said the answer would make the reader ROFL. Well --- it did.
He didn't even answer the question.

When someone asks a question .......

Stay with me here....

.... and the other person responds with.... whatever they respond with.....

That's called "Answering".

Might not be a good answer or a valid answer but as long as it has some relationship to the question --- it's an "answer". And this one does refer to "Mexico" and "war" ---- which were both in the question.

So that's an "answer" and you lose.

You people are goddamn retarded

Oh my, aren't we emotionally invested.

That should be a screaming clue.
You are fuckin stupid. Even the OP admits he is a liar you big bag of dumbfuck.
Trump: 'Mexico isn't playing with us with war'

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.

I'm not sure so I'll ask: Can a president mobilize troops on money collecting missions like the local bookie? Will he knee cap mexicans until they pay up? Will he say "nice place ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it"
Woodward was being willfully stupid during that interview. Trump explained at least two ways to get money out of Mexico. Trump said there were five, but Woodward kept interrupting him with leading troll bait questions like the one you quoted, and so he was only able to explain two of them. That clip you posted is out of context. It is 20 seconds out of a nearly four minute exchange. It does not show the two specific ways Trump said he would do.

If you watch the full interview, you can see Woodward was not hearing a word Trump was saying, and had come into the conversation with some bullshit preconceived notions and blinders on.

This is hack bullshit.
Trump: 'Mexico isn't playing with us with war'

On MSNBC on Wednesday, journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, “Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?”

“Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war,” Trump responded Wednesday.

I'm not sure so I'll ask: Can a president mobilize troops on money collecting missions like the local bookie? Will he knee cap mexicans until they pay up? Will he say "nice place ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it"

He's stated repeatedly that the wall would be paid for by reducing the trade deficit with Mexico, so in essence, yes, they would pay for it in that sense. That aside, there is no reason to build a wall in the first place. The border isn't the problem; our immigration policies are.

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