Trump's Appeal Is Anti-PC; Long Story Short (& Why Hillary Might Lose)

^^ I'll tell you what I hear in private circles. People are furious that a cult is taking over their country while their hands are tied behind their backs by activist judges. Americans have a low threshold for being told "you can't have an opposing opinion." They may even be intelligent enough to see what a fraudster Trump is, but the color red is clouding their vision..

You either have no interest in issues or policies, have no understanding of the policies each has on the various issues or understand that issue by issue Clinton loses to Trump, so you make up nonsense about personalities to avoid discussing them. In short, you have no idea why you support Clinton, and from what she says herself, she seems to have no idea why anyone should support her.

Yes, but we're not talking about me are we? We're talking about the undecided masses who are gravitating away from PC bullshit. They don't give a rat's about your intellectual deductions. Have you caught up yet?
^^ I'll tell you what I hear in private circles. People are furious that a cult is taking over their country while their hands are tied behind their backs by activist judges. Americans have a low threshold for being told "you can't have an opposing opinion." They may even be intelligent enough to see what a fraudster Trump is, but the color red is clouding their vision..

You either have no interest in issues or policies, have no understanding of the policies each has on the various issues or understand that issue by issue Clinton loses to Trump, so you make up nonsense about personalities to avoid discussing them. In short, you have no idea why you support Clinton, and from what she says herself, she seems to have no idea why anyone should support her.

Yes, but we're not talking about me are we? We're talking about the undecided masses who are gravitating away from PC bullshit. They don't give a rat's about your intellectual deductions. Have you caught up yet?
No, they are moving to Trump because he gives them clear positions and proposals for action on issues they care about and Clinton gives them nothing but slogans and one liners. You have got to stop being in denial about this.
“Political correctness” — I feel like that’s becoming a catch-all term for just shit that you don’t like.
I think this is definitely true to a point.

On one hand, Trump has indeed stepped into PC territory with his comments about Mexicans and Muslims. The Democrats then (predictably) jumped on the opportunity, went PC on him and distorted his messages to mean "all Muslims are terrorists, all Mexicans are rapists, always", and off we went. So in that way, I can see how his fans would defend him and celebrate the fact that he's "not PC".

BUT, they've also conflated his "non-PC" comments with the LONG list of STUPID things he has said, and said/pretended it's ALL about PC. So now, every time he says something stupid and someone points at it and says "hey, look", they automatically default to the PC thing.

Say something stupid and you've just said something stupid. PC may not have anything to do with it.
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No, they are moving to Trump because he gives them clear positions and proposals for action on issues they care about and Clinton gives them nothing but slogans and one liners. You have got to stop being in denial about this.

OK, so Trump isn't giving them slogans and one liners "Make America Great" and his solutions?? "We're gonna build a wall so YUGE!!". That's like saying "Free unicorn milk for everyone if I'm elected!"

You need to stop being in denial that the reason people forgive this comical one-liner Trump is because he's anti-PC.
No, they are moving to Trump because he gives them clear positions and proposals for action on issues they care about and Clinton gives them nothing but slogans and one liners. You have got to stop being in denial about this.

OK, so Trump isn't giving them slogans and one liners "Make America Great" and his solutions?? "We're gonna build a wall so YUGE!!". That's like saying "Free unicorn milk for everyone if I'm elected!"

You need to stop being in denial that the reason people forgive this comical one-liner Trump is because he's anti-PC.
It is you who is going to vote on the basis of emotion without any apparent interest is any of the issues or the candidates proposals for dealing with them so you find it hard to conceive of anyone else being interest in matters of substance. Being anti pc isn't an end in itself, it is a means to an end that is blocked by concerns about always saying the politically correct thing.
It is you who is going to vote on the basis of emotion without any apparent interest is any of the issues or the candidates proposals for dealing with them so you find it hard to conceive of anyone else being interest in matters of substance. Being anti pc isn't an end in itself, it is a means to an end that is blocked by concerns about always saying the politically correct thing.

Yep, I and I alone am the ONLY PERSON IN THE WHOLE UNITED STATES who will vote on the basis of emotion without any apparent interest in any of the issues. All those Trumpees? Why they're MUCH deeper than I am! They're not really nuzzling up to Trump because he personifies their angst with the PC bullshit. Nope!

Is lying a hobby with you or a profession? I'm thinking you get paid to lie here. So I'm going with profession..
It is you who is going to vote on the basis of emotion without any apparent interest is any of the issues or the candidates proposals for dealing with them so you find it hard to conceive of anyone else being interest in matters of substance. Being anti pc isn't an end in itself, it is a means to an end that is blocked by concerns about always saying the politically correct thing.

Yep, I and I alone am the ONLY PERSON IN THE WHOLE UNITED STATES who will vote on the basis of emotion without any apparent interest in any of the issues. All those Trumpees? Why they're MUCH deeper than I am! They're not really nuzzling up to Trump because he personifies their angst with the PC bullshit. Nope!

Is lying a hobby with you or a profession? I'm thinking you get paid to lie here. So I'm going with profession..
Everyone is much deeper than you are, but no, you are not the only person who will be voting on the basis of emotion, most Clinton supporters will do the same thing because she has provided them nothing of substance to vote for.
Everyone is much deeper than you are, but no, you are not the only person who will be voting on the basis of emotion, most Clinton supporters will do the same thing because she has provided them nothing of substance to vote for.
And nearly all Trump supporters will vote anti-PC. That's what they love about their potty-mouthed "take no prisoners" "all Mexicans are rapists" etc. etc. orator-God, Donald Trump. Don't even begin to deny that or I'll laugh you off of these boards.
Everyone is much deeper than you are, but no, you are not the only person who will be voting on the basis of emotion, most Clinton supporters will do the same thing because she has provided them nothing of substance to vote for.
And nearly all Trump supporters will vote anti-PC. That's what they love about their potty-mouthed "take no prisoners" orator-God, Donald Trump.
That's all you are able to understand because you have no interest in anything substantial. If you did, you would realize that unlike you all these Trump supporters are voting because of what Trump has said about the issues that matter to them. Clinton voters, of course can't do that because Clinton hasn't provided them with anything substantial to vote for.
pc is about intimidating the public into shallow ways of relating everything as some kind of official victimhood, and leveraging that to make contentions and culture wars. the perpetrators target every kind of human relationship for an exploit, even as they wrap a thin, plastic candy shell around themselves, each a little skittle with a twitter chip on it's shoulder, getting into the public's face and daring anyone or anything ''deplorable'' to come along and be offensive.
pc is about intimidating the public into shallow ways of relating everything as some kind of official victimhood, and leveraging that to make contentions and culture wars. the perpetrators target every kind of human relationship for an exploit, even as they wrap a thin, plastic candy shell around themselves, each a little skittle with a twitter chip on it's shoulder, getting into the public's face and daring anyone or anything ''deplorable'' to come along and be offensive.
Yes and this is why the Donald is so popular. He is the Anti-PC candidate. Hillary has no idea how appealing this is when it counts at the ballot.
That's all you are able to understand because you have no interest in anything substantial. If you did, you would realize that unlike you all these Trump supporters are voting because of what Trump has said about the issues that matter to them. Clinton voters, of course can't do that because Clinton hasn't provided them with anything substantial to vote for.

What she's doing is encouraging more people TO vote for Trump.

First the Basket of Deplorables and now she is mouthing off against the police. She may be gaining favor with the minority vote but losing many others who are for our law enforcement.
What she's doing is encouraging more people TO vote for Trump.

First the Basket of Deplorables and now she is mouthing off against the police. She may be gaining favor with the minority vote but losing many others who are for our law enforcement.

Exactly. And Soros is whispering in her ear to do it. Which makes me think that the 100s of million$ Soros recently forgave the Donald on a debt he owed Soros for a loan to build in Illinois was actually a campaign contribution. And that the two boys are cookin' somethin' up on the down low, making sure the Donald gets the seat of power as Soros' surrogate.. I think Soros knows between the two, Hillary at least has a shred of spine left. Donald will sell out to the highest bidder. And Soros has money in spades...
That's all you are able to understand because you have no interest in anything substantial. If you did, you would realize that unlike you all these Trump supporters are voting because of what Trump has said about the issues that matter to them. Clinton voters, of course can't do that because Clinton hasn't provided them with anything substantial to vote for.

That's weird because most of the interviews I've seen of Trumpsters or those nudging his way say the #1 reason they're for him is because he's unconventional to the trends (read- "Anti-PC") and speaks his mind no matter what; telling it like it is, not how people want to hear in cordial circles.

But you go on thinking that most Trump supporters are more cerebral and intellectual, signing on to his obvious (even to the dull) unicorn foreign policy ideas and generalizations... if it helps to soothe you...

Let me just sum it up thus:

Trump says "Free unicorn milk for All!! It'll be the best unicorn milk you've ever had folks..I promise you *weird hand gestures, cheesy smile*" And they believe him because they like him. And they like him because he is anti-PC.
What you are saying in effect is that Trump has great charisma and Hillary has none. That is certainly true, but American voters are not as stupid or easily duped as you suggest. An increasing number of American voters understand that Trump has laid out clear positions and proposals for dealing with important issues while Hillary has provided only slogans and one liners about these issues. This is why Trump supporters can nearly always tell you they support Trump because of his positions and proposals on specific issues and Clinton supporters can only spew nonsense like "Trump's a scoundrel and a liar, a nut job and a blowhard, but the one thing that absolves him of all those sins" as the reason they are supporting Clinton.

The problem with Clinton's campaign is that there is no substance to it.

And I call bullshit. Which is why when Trump is exposed for making his ties, hats and so forth in China, his supporters don't give a fig. So it's not his positions, it's his being the embodiment of Anti-PC that attracts them and keeps them there. Trump supporters have this deep visceral reaction to being told what they can and cannot support.

Hence why the "basket of deplorables" flopped like a rubber fish.
I'd agree that there is no substance to Donald. You could do an hour long montage of Trump saying something, walking it back, saying it again, then denying he ever said it.

Trump's numbers are fueled by three things right now:
1. Dislike for Hillary.
2. Party loyalty
3. Rabidly anti-PC folks.

As for the Anti-PC: Folks need to realize that when the leader of the Free World opens his mouth there are serious consequences. Saddam's invasion of Kuwait came because of poorly chosen words on the part of a Bush administration official. Wars, both shooting and trade, have started because of poorly chosen words. So you may enjoy the fact he speaks his mind, but as President I want someone with the ability to actually control their tongue.
What you are saying in effect is that Trump has great charisma and Hillary has none. That is certainly true, but American voters are not as stupid or easily duped as you suggest. An increasing number of American voters understand that Trump has laid out clear positions and proposals for dealing with important issues while Hillary has provided only slogans and one liners about these issues. This is why Trump supporters can nearly always tell you they support Trump because of his positions and proposals on specific issues and Clinton supporters can only spew nonsense like "Trump's a scoundrel and a liar, a nut job and a blowhard, but the one thing that absolves him of all those sins" as the reason they are supporting Clinton.

The problem with Clinton's campaign is that there is no substance to it.

And I call bullshit. Which is why when Trump is exposed for making his ties, hats and so forth in China, his supporters don't give a fig. So it's not his positions, it's his being the embodiment of Anti-PC that attracts them and keeps them there. Trump supporters have this deep visceral reaction to being told what they can and cannot support.

Hence why the "basket of deplorables" flopped like a rubber fish.
I'd agree that there is no substance to Donald. You could do an hour long montage of Trump saying something, walking it back, saying it again, then denying he ever said it.

Trump's numbers are fueled by three things right now:
1. Dislike for Hillary.
2. Party loyalty
3. Rabidly anti-PC folks.

As for the Anti-PC: Folks need to realize that when the leader of the Free World opens his mouth there are serious consequences. Saddam's invasion of Kuwait came because of poorly chosen words on the part of a Bush administration official. Wars, both shooting and trade, have started because of poorly chosen words. So you may enjoy the fact he speaks his mind, but as President I want someone with the ability to actually control their tongue.
You see? Donald Trump is the major issue of the Clinton campaign. Name an issue and Trump has laid out a position and a strategy for dealing with it, but you people are deaf and blind to anything but Hillary's hate speech.
As for the Anti-PC: Folks need to realize that when the leader of the Free World opens his mouth there are serious consequences. Saddam's invasion of Kuwait came because of poorly chosen words on the part of a Bush administration official. Wars, both shooting and trade, have started because of poorly chosen words. So you may enjoy the fact he speaks his mind, but as President I want someone with the ability to actually control their tongue.

So if you want to drag down this messianic turd, just expose him as pro-left. May, 2016, OP video. Problem solved. It may not shed all the fleas but a good number of them will come off with that bath...

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