Trump's Attacks on First Amendment Smells Like Fascism


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

Obama already sailed that boat of lies. Sorry.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

Obama already sailed that boat of lies. Sorry.
Not even close. That silly claim comes up ofter and always ends the same way. There is no comparison. Trump tells an average of five lies per day. No one else comes even close.
Trump is lying today by saying NBC made up a story and reported fake news about his Secretary of State. There was nothing fake about the reporting. The President is a moron whose only response to a negative story is to lie about it.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

Obama already sailed that boat of lies. Sorry.
No way Jose

There is no liar in the whole world bigger than Trump but the devil himself.

He is a chronic liar.
Obama is the one that used the DOJ to go after reporters.

"It is now well known that the Obama justice department has prosecuted more government leakers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all prior administrations combined - in fact, double the number of all such prior prosecutions. But as last week's controversy over the DOJ's pursuit of the phone records of AP reportersillustrated, this obsessive fixation in defense of secrecy also targets, and severely damages, journalists specifically and the newsgathering process in general."
Obama DOJ formally accuses journalist in leak case of committing crimes | Glenn Greenwald

President Trump verbally attacks the media, rightfully so, yet he hasn't done anything like what Obama did.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

You only care about that one part of the 1st Amendment, your kind don't care a whit about free speech or freedom of religion.

Besides, Trump is doing nothing to attack the 1st Amendment. He's allowed to call out the press as much as he pleases. When he starts writing bills restricting the press, then you can bitch.
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The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

So how many press offices have been raided and closed down under Trump's direction?

How many websites have been taken offline under Trump's direction?

How many journalists have been arrested or rounded up under Trump's direction?

Replying to the press is not the same as suppressing it. The 1st amendment says free press, not un-countered on un-replied to press.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.
/—-/ Oh Spanky, fascist don’t criticize the media, they round up the editors, execute them and turn the news building into a parking lot. Now calm down woman.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.
wow. and you started off so unbiased in your views that means we should believe you and your well thought out discussion.

it's not your job to tell me what to think and/or feel either, but here we are.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me

The people are free to believe who they want to believe.

That is the strength and weakness of any representative form of government.

Your just mad that progressives and their less left allies are no longer the ones in total control of the narrative.

If your side has the truth, and is right, you shouldn't have to worry about your so called falsehoods from the other side.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me
/—-/ Dem Presidents attack Fox News, Rush and Hannity without a peep of protest out of your pie hole.
The series of stories about the secretary of state were complete and total fabrications. They were denounced by the secretary himself. Calling the press on their lies is not an attack on the first amendment.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me
/—-/ Dem Presidents attack Fox News, Rush and Hannity without a peep of protest out of your pie hole.

The anti-press rhetoric coming out of Trump reminds me of the rhetoric coming out of Nixon in 1972
Didn't work out well for him
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

Obama already sailed that boat of lies. Sorry.

Truly the lies of Faux News certainly filled the sails of the Obama Schooner.. Accusation of a foreign birth, giving guns to drug cartels, using the IRS, 'You didn't build that', Stand Down Orders, and watching a 7 hour battle in Benghazi, are but a few of the phony scandals Faux convinced their viewer were gospel truth. Many will still try and argue the phony points to this day.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me
/—-/ Dem Presidents attack Fox News, Rush and Hannity without a peep of protest out of your pie hole.

The anti-press rhetoric coming out of Trump reminds me of the rhetoric coming out of Nixon in 1972
Didn't work out well for him

That's because Nixon actually did something wrong you ignorant twit.

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