Trump's Attacks on First Amendment Smells Like Fascism

Attacks? What attacks. It wasn't that long ago that Barry Hussein's administration illegally monitored the actions of Fox reporter Ed Henry. The Obama administration considered a law ironically called the "fairness doctrine" (aka Hush Rush) that would have forced right wing talk radio to broadcast left wing propaganda during broadcast time and Hussein took the time to insult Sean Hannity in public in a sound bite that Sean broadcasts from time to time. Don't forget the time CBS used forged documents to try to influence a presidential election. While Ed Henry was intimidated it was Fox reporter James Rosen who was under (illegal) surveillance by the Hussein administration.
Obama-era Surveillance Timeline | Sharyl Attkisson

they were all over her when she broke "fast and furious".
to the OP.

expecting the media to report the truth is not fascism. Creating lies and reporting them as fact is fascism.

Trump is calling out the media when they do not report honestly. Obama did the same thing, why was it ok for him?
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

Obama already sailed that boat of lies. Sorry.

Truly the lies of Faux News certainly filled the sails of the Obama Schooner.. Accusation of a foreign birth, giving guns to drug cartels, using the IRS, 'You didn't build that', Stand Down Orders, and watching a 7 hour battle in Benghazi, are but a few of the phony scandals Faux convinced their viewer were gospel truth. Many will still try and argue the phony points to this day.
so you are saying:

obama did not use the IRS against conservatives (or at least his admin)
fast n furious is a lie
he never said "you didn't build that" which he meant to say it's a "cooperative effort" but came out "your success is dependant on someone else"
never ordered soldiers to stand down or watched beghazi unfold

before i go on - i want to make sure of what you're saying or at least trying to.

The IRS is required to verify a certain percent of applications for federal benefit. Obama had nothing to do with the decision to use political sounding names as part of the criteria for selecting applications for the verification process.

Fast and Furious was a surveillance operation on alleged straw buyers in AZ carried out by the AZ office of the ATF. The guns were all legally purchased buy the alleged straw buyers. AZ's DA's did not want to file charges.

While he did say those word "You didn't build that". The Faux false narrative was that he was talking about individual businesses. He wasn't he was obviously referring to the excellent infrastructure we have in America.

The CIA chief in Benghazi told his men to wait until he secured more help. Not orders from anyone to stand down.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me

The people are free to believe who they want to believe.

That is the strength and weakness of any representative form of government.

Your just mad that progressives and their less left allies are no longer the ones in total control of the narrative.

If your side has the truth, and is right, you shouldn't have to worry about your so called falsehoods from the other side.
Is it sensible to "believe" who we want to believe even if the information is a verified lie?
I have been very concerned about Trump's attack on the media since he began all this fake news business. Ironic considering he is the one making up most of the "fake" news, not the media. He NEVER criticizes actually made up shit by the right wing sites he likes to visit, only news that is critical of him.
This is very dangerous and a commonly used ploy of a dictator to be. You should know that.
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

Obama already sailed that boat of lies. Sorry.
Not even close. That silly claim comes up ofter and always ends the same way. There is no comparison. Trump tells an average of five lies per day. No one else comes even close.
Trump is lying today by saying NBC made up a story and reported fake news about his Secretary of State. There was nothing fake about the reporting. The President is a moron whose only response to a negative story is to lie about it.

I do not think that Trump lies------he BLURTS ----it is very hard for a BLURTER to be a liar
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me

The people are free to believe who they want to believe.

That is the strength and weakness of any representative form of government.

Your just mad that progressives and their less left allies are no longer the ones in total control of the narrative.

If your side has the truth, and is right, you shouldn't have to worry about your so called falsehoods from the other side.
Is it sensible to "believe" who we want to believe even if the information is a verified lie?
I have been very concerned about Trump's attack on the media since he began all this fake news business. Ironic considering he is the one making up most of the "fake" news, not the media. He NEVER criticizes actually made up shit by the right wing sites he likes to visit, only news that is critical of him.
This is very dangerous and a commonly used ploy of a dictator to be. You should know that.

So the progressive media is 100% honest?

The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

Obama already sailed that boat of lies. Sorry.
Not even close. That silly claim comes up ofter and always ends the same way. There is no comparison. Trump tells an average of five lies per day. No one else comes even close.
Trump is lying today by saying NBC made up a story and reported fake news about his Secretary of State. There was nothing fake about the reporting. The President is a moron whose only response to a negative story is to lie about it.

I do not think that Trump lies------he BLURTS ----it is very hard for a BLURTER to be a liar

I've never heard that one.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me

The people are free to believe who they want to believe.

That is the strength and weakness of any representative form of government.

Your just mad that progressives and their less left allies are no longer the ones in total control of the narrative.

If your side has the truth, and is right, you shouldn't have to worry about your so called falsehoods from the other side.
Is it sensible to "believe" who we want to believe even if the information is a verified lie?
I have been very concerned about Trump's attack on the media since he began all this fake news business. Ironic considering he is the one making up most of the "fake" news, not the media. He NEVER criticizes actually made up shit by the right wing sites he likes to visit, only news that is critical of him.
This is very dangerous and a commonly used ploy of a dictator to be. You should know that.

So the progressive media is 100% honest?

How did you find out that scenario was not true? The media? When they make a mistake, they report the subsequently discovered facts.
Does that mean you disagree with the comment?

it means your comment is about as empty as your head.

I noted you didn't actually respond to my reply to your idiotic post.
I have not seen any posts that addressed the OP in an educated fashion. Lots of "What about" posts and even some birther stuff, but nothing that challenges attacking the free press not being a tenet of fascism. Nothing about the government attacking the free press as being appropriate that contains serious content. All I see is angry trumpers lamely trying to defend our fake news promoting Liar in Chief who is desperate to neutralize the free press from reporting his moronic behavior and the constant lies he spews.
So, is neutralizing the free press a tenet of fascism or not?

Responding to the press is not neutralizing it. Again show me when the goons start ripping up the press rooms, or the cyber-goons start destroying the press websites then you can bitch about fascism.

Saying "the press sucks and is biased" is not neutralizing it.
sounds more like the press wants to silence opposing stories. That they are sooooooo righteous you can't say my story is fake!!!! LOL the stupid fks.

They have been too used to being the only game in town, and to having non-progressives back down when confronted.
The trump administration is flooded with scandal and criticism. His defense is to whine and attack the free press who are reporting on those scandals and criticism. He is unable to defend himself with content and fact, so, he demonizes the factions of the free press who dare report on the scandals and criticism. The whining he spews only convinces his cult. They make excuses why authoritarian fascism is OK and acceptable for trump...because he is trump.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me

The people are free to believe who they want to believe.

That is the strength and weakness of any representative form of government.

Your just mad that progressives and their less left allies are no longer the ones in total control of the narrative.

If your side has the truth, and is right, you shouldn't have to worry about your so called falsehoods from the other side.
Is it sensible to "believe" who we want to believe even if the information is a verified lie?
I have been very concerned about Trump's attack on the media since he began all this fake news business. Ironic considering he is the one making up most of the "fake" news, not the media. He NEVER criticizes actually made up shit by the right wing sites he likes to visit, only news that is critical of him.
This is very dangerous and a commonly used ploy of a dictator to be. You should know that.

So the progressive media is 100% honest?

How did you find out that scenario was not true? The media? When they make a mistake, they report the subsequently discovered facts.
well they reported that a man said something, the man said no I didn't. I haven't seen one retraction. so spare me your libturdness bullcrap.
The trump administration is flooded with scandal and criticism. His defense is to whine and attack the free press who are reporting on those scandals and criticism. He is unable to defend himself with content and fact, so, he demonizes the factions of the free press who dare report on the scandals and criticism. The whining he spews only convinces his cult. They make excuses why authoritarian fascism is OK and acceptable for trump...because he is trump.
it is? who said so?
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me

The people are free to believe who they want to believe.

That is the strength and weakness of any representative form of government.

Your just mad that progressives and their less left allies are no longer the ones in total control of the narrative.

If your side has the truth, and is right, you shouldn't have to worry about your so called falsehoods from the other side.
Is it sensible to "believe" who we want to believe even if the information is a verified lie?
I have been very concerned about Trump's attack on the media since he began all this fake news business. Ironic considering he is the one making up most of the "fake" news, not the media. He NEVER criticizes actually made up shit by the right wing sites he likes to visit, only news that is critical of him.
This is very dangerous and a commonly used ploy of a dictator to be. You should know that.
so where is the russia russia proof that has filled the airways for fking 17 months now? name one piece of evidence. One. come on lady you spew such bullshit it isn't funny.
The Liar in Chief continues his attacks on the free press. That is what fascist leaders have done ever since fascism was created. It is the first and most important tenet of fascism. It is what makes adoption of other tenets of fascism possible.

It is not the government's job to decide what and how a free society reports and transmits news and opinion, especially news and opinion about political issues.

President Trump puts out and promotes more misinformation, lies, and fake news than any American President in history. It is what he is best known for and will be his legacy. The President is the last person in a free society that should be lecturing about fake news and the last person in a free society that should be attempting to restrict the free press.

Trump's suggestion that the press should be investigated by Congress is an attempt to make a fascist tenet acceptable.

How better to solidify power than to call the free press into contempt

Do not believe what they say...they are not to be trusted
I am the only one you can trust, Believe me

The people are free to believe who they want to believe.

That is the strength and weakness of any representative form of government.

Your just mad that progressives and their less left allies are no longer the ones in total control of the narrative.

If your side has the truth, and is right, you shouldn't have to worry about your so called falsehoods from the other side.
Is it sensible to "believe" who we want to believe even if the information is a verified lie?
I have been very concerned about Trump's attack on the media since he began all this fake news business. Ironic considering he is the one making up most of the "fake" news, not the media. He NEVER criticizes actually made up shit by the right wing sites he likes to visit, only news that is critical of him.
This is very dangerous and a commonly used ploy of a dictator to be. You should know that.

So the progressive media is 100% honest?

How did you find out that scenario was not true? The media? When they make a mistake, they report the subsequently discovered facts.

No, they make a passing comment and never mention it again.

The media has chosen a side, why do they still get to pretend they are impartial and "for all of us"
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.

again, how does Trump have a say in how they operate? All he does is call them out when they do something he doesn't like.

What has he done beyond calling them a bunch of wankers sometimes?
A free press is the greatest threat to tyrants

and a progressive lapdog press is the greatest threat to individual freedoms.
No, it isn't. There are plenty of alternative press sources to counter what your so-called progressive press reports. A free press has news reporting from the entire spectrum of politics and the public has access to all of them.

The government should never have a say in how the free press operates. Once they get involved the free press ceases to exist. Any threat to the free press hinders its ability to operate as a free press.

again, how does Trump have a say in how they operate? All he does is call them out when they do something he doesn't like.

What has he done beyond calling them a bunch of wankers sometimes?
He is using the Presidency to misinform and lie to cover-up his failures, incompetence, scandals, and critics and apply pressure on the journalist to cease or underreport those things. Instead of addressing these important issues, he deflects to attacking the media that is using its 1rst Amendment right.

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