Trump's behavior sure is erratic!

And the erratic behavior of the trumphucs is fun to watch as well as that of their Master.
And just reported on Cavuto but for that media meeting Trump made 'wolfie blitzer' and all the other hacks walk up the stairs to the top floor meeting room WF2020 !!:afro:
your gonna get President Trump who looks to me to be an American being an American President after these last 8 years of counterfeit resident of the 'white hut' Gary !!

Fuck me, that gave me a headache just attempting to read it.
your gonna get President Trump who looks to me to be an American being an American President after these last 8 years of counterfeit resident of the 'white hut' Gary !!

Fuck me, that gave me a headache just attempting to read it.
--------------------------------------------------- GOOD , YOU loser !! :afro: [chuckle]
And just think, he's not even under the kind of pressure that a sitting president experiences day to day.

Trump's behavior sure doesn't even come close to inspiring confidence.

On Tuesday morning President-elect Donald Trump backed out of a meeting he had called with The New York Times.
But hours later he changed his mind and decided to visit the newspaper after all.

Trump is heading over to the Times' headquarters, press secretary Hope Hicks told CNNMoney around 9:45 a.m, three and a half hours after Trump tweeted to announce the meeting had been canceled.

A portion of the meeting will be an on-the-record interview, as the newspaper originally wanted.

"Mr. Trump's staff has told us that the President Elect's meeting with The Times is on again," Eileen Murphy, head of communications for the Times, said in a statement. "He will meet with our publisher off-the-record and that session will be followed by an on-the-record meeting with our journalists and editorial columnists."

Later Tuesday morning, Trump tweeted, "The meeting with the @nytimes is back on at 12:30 today. Look forward to it!"

The back-and-forth showed Trump's impulsive nature and his combative approach toward top news organizations.

Here's what happened:

Trump originally asked for the meeting with Times executives, and also agreed to meet on the record with reporters and columnists.

The Times announced the meeting on Monday.

But on Tuesday morning, Trump said on Twitter that the "terms and conditions" had changed at the last minute -- a claim The Times denied, saying it was in fact Trump who had tried to alter the conditions.

"Not nice," Trump said in an early morning tweet. He called the newspaper "failing," a favorite insult.

In a second tweet minutes later, the president-elect said: "Perhaps a new meeting will be set up with the @nytimes. In the meantime they continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!"

Trump cancels New York Times meeting, then changes his mind
I beg to differ.

Trump is doing exactly what he ran on.

I didn't realize he ran on a pledge of indecisiveness.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you don't KNOW and I don't KNOW but its more likely that the TRUMP was PLAYING with the 'ny times' , hey , that's TRUMPS style . Haven't you learned that the TRUMP uses a Ruffian style when it suits his purpose Mustang ??

So, what you're saying is that after 200+ years of Americans being able to depend on a president being a serious when he talks, we now have to pivot to the idea that a new president is just "punking" everyone? Keep in mind that the definition of a ruffian is the following:

/ˈrəfēən/ thug, lout, hooligan, hoodlum, vandal, delinquent, rowdy;
"Erratic" and "unfocused" define Trump well.
I especially liked how the TRUMP sidestepped the media and is using video and 'you tube' to sidestep the 'new York times; and other media , I liked his move very much Sur [jake] !!

Yeah, it reminds me of how strongman leaders normally address the people of their countries because they almost never take questions or interact with people in any kind of a forum that isn't entirely orchestrated.
he is just slapping the media around a bit like a good ruffian should do . Hope that the TRUMP uses his ruffian or brawler personae on some foreign leaders , the 'un' and USA politicians that also get uppity . Besides that its no useful information to me to hears silly news from media about who Trump thinks is ugly , fat or whos tuppy TRUMP is rumored to have grabbed . Trumps video was fine as it told me all that I wanted to know Mustang .
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