Trump's behavior sure is erratic!

Have you ever read the NYT? Didn't think so. I've had a subscription for the last 11 years. They didn't try to derail his campaign. They were also equally critical of Hillary and her inability to connect. But Trump gave them more material from his rallies, where he spoke live and uncensored and with more air time than any candidate in previous presidential history, to write enough books to fill a library.

This explains a lot. The brain damage is likely irreversible at this point, but some higher brain function may return if you cancel your subscription immediately.
And just think, he's not even under the kind of pressure that a sitting president experiences day to day.

Trump's behavior sure doesn't even come close to inspiring confidence.

On Tuesday morning President-elect Donald Trump backed out of a meeting he had called with The New York Times.
But hours later he changed his mind and decided to visit the newspaper after all.

Trump is heading over to the Times' headquarters, press secretary Hope Hicks told CNNMoney around 9:45 a.m, three and a half hours after Trump tweeted to announce the meeting had been canceled.

A portion of the meeting will be an on-the-record interview, as the newspaper originally wanted.

"Mr. Trump's staff has told us that the President Elect's meeting with The Times is on again," Eileen Murphy, head of communications for the Times, said in a statement. "He will meet with our publisher off-the-record and that session will be followed by an on-the-record meeting with our journalists and editorial columnists."

Later Tuesday morning, Trump tweeted, "The meeting with the @nytimes is back on at 12:30 today. Look forward to it!"

The back-and-forth showed Trump's impulsive nature and his combative approach toward top news organizations.

Here's what happened:

Trump originally asked for the meeting with Times executives, and also agreed to meet on the record with reporters and columnists.

The Times announced the meeting on Monday.

But on Tuesday morning, Trump said on Twitter that the "terms and conditions" had changed at the last minute -- a claim The Times denied, saying it was in fact Trump who had tried to alter the conditions.

"Not nice," Trump said in an early morning tweet. He called the newspaper "failing," a favorite insult.

In a second tweet minutes later, the president-elect said: "Perhaps a new meeting will be set up with the @nytimes. In the meantime they continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!"

Trump cancels New York Times meeting, then changes his mind
I beg to differ.

Trump is doing exactly what he ran on.

I didn't realize he ran on a pledge of indecisiveness.
"Erratic" and "unfocused" define Trump well.
I especially liked how the TRUMP sidestepped the media and is using video and 'you tube' to sidestep the 'new York times; and other media , I liked his move very much Sur [jake] !!
You are very frantic today, Sur 'ismoe! Your buddy Hillary is going to walk free. But then we all knew she was innocent anyway.
we are leading , at least for the next 4 to 8 years . --------------------------- Sure I liked Trump on video , it is excellent reminder to dishonest or foolish media that they aren't needed and I learned what I want to know from the video . And there was no talk about made up racism , grabbing of women , ugly people or other non news worthy tripe ,. I also liked when TRUMP took off for a steak as that was another reminder to the media that they aren't needed Care4
Trump is a fucking genius. He's playing the media and the left like a cheap ukulele.

Shouldn't he instead be working on a plan to run the country?

This video he made last night, speaking from teleprompters, is sooooo.....Kim Jong Un. It's portends of the how Trump plans on communicating with his sheep for the next few years: No live press conferences, he can't handle them or think quickly enough to answer questions. He will make videos and read from planned, written speeches.

Hey dim wit, he laid out his plan right there in the video.

His style of communication is pure genius. He avoids the MSM and their editing an other bull shit, and he can do it at any time of his choosing. Your hero 0bama started it, Trump is using it to its fullest extent. I hope he continues to draw so.
"Erratic" and "unfocused" define Trump well.
I especially liked how the TRUMP sidestepped the media and is using video and 'you tube' to sidestep the 'new York times; and other media , I liked his move very much Sur [jake] !!
you like that? what if Obama or Bush did that, would you still like it? Avoid the first amendment and the duty of the press? And having him only go on video or tweet and never be reported on or answer any reporters questions asked by the press?

You truly need to live in a place like China or russia or North Korea with a Dictator Pismoe....

Trump isn;t the problem, his supporters you and predfan and gary on this thread...YOU should be demanding him to do what is right and just and follow the protocol for all presidents and all presidents to come.

He'll listen to you, his supporters...but if you just let him do anything he pleases at all times, even murder by shooting a person on 5th avenue as he stated you would,, then YOU have installed a DICTATOR....

Just do the right thing Pismoe, stop being a follower and be a leader, someone righteous, who cares about this Nation more than simply for himself....but for our Nation's future and future presidents to come....

He's not frightening, I expected him to push the boundaries of the Presidency, it's YOU ALL that are frightening, because you allow him to do anything even if it is wrong, and look up to him like he is your Savior, and can do nothing that you will disagree with...
------------------------------------------------------------- mrobama is a Pwick , same as the bushes and clintoons . All 3 are liars and destroyers of the USA but hopefully they are gone now . I never listened to the Obama when he was on tely , same for clintoon as she was getting defeated by the TRUMP Care4 !!
"Erratic" and "unfocused" define Trump well.
I especially liked how the TRUMP sidestepped the media and is using video and 'you tube' to sidestep the 'new York times; and other media , I liked his move very much Sur [jake] !!
you like that? what if Obama or Bush did that, would you still like it? Avoid the first amendment and the duty of the press? And having him only go on video or tweet and never be reported on or answer any reporters questions asked by the press?

You truly need to live in a place like China or russia or North Korea with a Dictator Pismoe....

Trump isn;t the problem, his supporters you and predfan and gary on this thread...YOU should be demanding him to do what is right and just and follow the protocol for all presidents and all presidents to come.

He'll listen to you, his supporters...but if you just let him do anything he pleases at all times, even murder by shooting a person on 5th avenue as he stated you would,, then YOU have installed a DICTATOR....

Just do the right thing Pismoe, stop being a follower and be a leader, someone righteous, who cares about this Nation more than simply for himself....but for our Nation's future and future presidents to come....

He's not frightening, I expected him to push the boundaries of the Presidency, it's YOU ALL that are frightening, because you allow him to do anything even if it is wrong, and look up to him like he is your Savior, and can do nothing that you will disagree with...

Welcome to real change dim wit. You don't like it? Kill yourself.
Trump is a fucking genius. He's playing the media and the left like a cheap ukulele.

No one argues that he's not a showman, and an entertainer and a troll. Sadly, those skills are the inverse of what we want in a president.
And just think, he's not even under the kind of pressure that a sitting president experiences day to day.

Trump's behavior sure doesn't even come close to inspiring confidence.

On Tuesday morning President-elect Donald Trump backed out of a meeting he had called with The New York Times.
But hours later he changed his mind and decided to visit the newspaper after all.

Trump is heading over to the Times' headquarters, press secretary Hope Hicks told CNNMoney around 9:45 a.m, three and a half hours after Trump tweeted to announce the meeting had been canceled.

A portion of the meeting will be an on-the-record interview, as the newspaper originally wanted.

"Mr. Trump's staff has told us that the President Elect's meeting with The Times is on again," Eileen Murphy, head of communications for the Times, said in a statement. "He will meet with our publisher off-the-record and that session will be followed by an on-the-record meeting with our journalists and editorial columnists."

Later Tuesday morning, Trump tweeted, "The meeting with the @nytimes is back on at 12:30 today. Look forward to it!"

The back-and-forth showed Trump's impulsive nature and his combative approach toward top news organizations.

Here's what happened:

Trump originally asked for the meeting with Times executives, and also agreed to meet on the record with reporters and columnists.

The Times announced the meeting on Monday.

But on Tuesday morning, Trump said on Twitter that the "terms and conditions" had changed at the last minute -- a claim The Times denied, saying it was in fact Trump who had tried to alter the conditions.

"Not nice," Trump said in an early morning tweet. He called the newspaper "failing," a favorite insult.

In a second tweet minutes later, the president-elect said: "Perhaps a new meeting will be set up with the @nytimes. In the meantime they continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!"

Trump cancels New York Times meeting, then changes his mind
I beg to differ.

Trump is doing exactly what he ran on.

I didn't realize he ran on a pledge of indecisiveness.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you don't KNOW and I don't KNOW but its more likely that the TRUMP was PLAYING with the 'ny times' , hey , that's TRUMPS style . Haven't you learned that the TRUMP uses a Ruffian style when it suits his purpose Mustang ??
Trump is a fucking genius. He's playing the media and the left like a cheap ukulele.

No one argues that he's not a showman, and an entertainer and a troll. Sadly, those skills are the inverse of what we want in a president.
------------------------------------------------------ inverse of the skills that YOU and YOURS want in a President Gary !!
Trump is a fucking genius. He's playing the media and the left like a cheap ukulele.

No one argues that he's not a showman, and an entertainer and a troll. Sadly, those skills are the inverse of what we want in a president.
------------------------------------------------------ inverse of the skills that YOU and YOURS want in a President Gary !!

No. What is actually NEEDED in a president.
Trump is a fucking genius. He's playing the media and the left like a cheap ukulele.

No one argues that he's not a showman, and an entertainer and a troll. Sadly, those skills are the inverse of what we want in a president.

Yeah everyone argues that. He is first and formost a leader. That is something we haven't had since Reagan.
your gonna get President Trump who looks to me to be an American being an American President after these last 8 years of counterfeit resident of the 'white hut' Gary !!
--- Trump Summons TV Figures for Private Meeting, and Lets Them Have It --- these bonehead media showed up at Trump building think they were going to a party type meeting with shrimp and fancy treats but they got their azzez kicked instead [funny] !!

That's not what your linked article said, though. Just the opposite according to KellyAnne C:

"Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser to Mr. Trump, described the meeting in more tempered terms. “It was very cordial, very productive, very congenial,” Ms. Conway told reporters at Trump Tower. “It was also very candid and very honest.”

Trump needs to get over his butthurt and start acting like the leader of the free world, instead of a juvenile jerking off in the bathroom.
Trump is a fucking genius. He's playing the media and the left like a cheap ukulele.

No one argues that he's not a showman, and an entertainer and a troll. Sadly, those skills are the inverse of what we want in a president.
------------------------------------------------------ inverse of the skills that YOU and YOURS want in a President Gary !!

No. What is actually NEEDED in a president.

Trump is a leader and a problem solver. That is exactly what we need.
--- Trump Summons TV Figures for Private Meeting, and Lets Them Have It --- these bonehead media showed up at Trump building think they were going to a party type meeting with shrimp and fancy treats but they got their azzez kicked instead [funny] !!

That's not what your linked article said, though. Just the opposite according to KellyAnne C:

"Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser to Mr. Trump, described the meeting in more tempered terms. “It was very cordial, very productive, very congenial,” Ms. Conway told reporters at Trump Tower. “It was also very candid and very honest.”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANDID and HONEST , CORDIAL and friendly as the TRUMP used rubber hoses that left no marks WF2020 !!

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