Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval

Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
Hey dumb shit. Republicans gain in the House and Senate during the year of the "blue wave" but Trump lost ! Mail-in ballots ballowed corrupt Democrats to steal the presidential election. Everyone knows it. Stop trying to gloat like a 13 year old who has won at a game if Uno. Our nation is on the brink of serious bloodshed and this is all you socialist can think about is that you stole an election? Fuck you!

You're actually putting your name on a post claiming Democrats conspired to "steal the presidential election" while simultaneously giving up seats in the House and failing to take vulnerable ones in the Senate?

This is ON THE SAME BALLOT. Right?

Are you retarded?
/----/ Explain the ballots for Dementia Joe with NO down votes.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
/——/ Once again, the numbers are ginned up.

Once again, if you were going to "gin up" numbers you'd gin them in the direction you wanted to go, not the direction you didn't. Same as reply to Wimpy just above.

Let us illustrate.

Click this link to the Cook Political Report. The map will be the same one we've been staring at until our eyes bleed waiting for the next numbers but ignore that and click the button to the right that says "Swing vs 2016 Margin".

See AAALLLL that blue? That represents how much a given state shifted toward (red) or away from (blue) Rump. While the Minnesotas and Maines got bluer, so did the Idahos and the Oklahomas. Whether they still voted for Rump or not, they shied away from their 2016 position -- excepting Utah, which had three major candidates on the ballot in '16 but only two this time.

That swath of blue across the continent (including Alaska) means an entire country shifting away from the Rumpster Fire that has been the last four years. In other words in these times of division here's something the entire country agrees on --- Rump is bad news.

While that's going on the "number ginners" failed to gin Senate numbers for their side in ... oh let's see, Maine, Iowa, North Cackalackee, Kansas, Montana, South Cackalackee and TWO in Georgia, all of which they were favoured or competitive. Not to mention the House turnover.

Did some department not get a gin memo or what?

See how wacko emotional meltdown theories crumble to the ground once analyzed?
/----/ Easy one. The 450,000 ballots with only Biden selected and no downvotes.
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for ...
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for Joe Biden ONLY - No Down-Ballot Candidates
They also used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from…Trump to Biden, and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also. We've identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
Hey dumb shit. Republicans gain in the House and Senate during the year of the "blue wave" but Trump lost ! Mail-in ballots ballowed corrupt Democrats to steal the presidential election. Everyone knows it. Stop trying to gloat like a 13 year old who has won at a game if Uno. Our nation is on the brink of serious bloodshed and this is all you socialist can think about is that you stole an election? Fuck you!

You're actually putting your name on a post claiming Democrats conspired to "steal the presidential election" while simultaneously giving up seats in the House and failing to take vulnerable ones in the Senate?

This is ON THE SAME BALLOT. Right?

Are you retarded?
/----/ Explain the ballots for Dementia Joe with NO down votes.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
/——/ Once again, the numbers are ginned up.

Once again, if you were going to "gin up" numbers you'd gin them in the direction you wanted to go, not the direction you didn't. Same as reply to Wimpy just above.

Let us illustrate.

Click this link to the Cook Political Report. The map will be the same one we've been staring at until our eyes bleed waiting for the next numbers but ignore that and click the button to the right that says "Swing vs 2016 Margin".

See AAALLLL that blue? That represents how much a given state shifted toward (red) or away from (blue) Rump. While the Minnesotas and Maines got bluer, so did the Idahos and the Oklahomas. Whether they still voted for Rump or not, they shied away from their 2016 position -- excepting Utah, which had three major candidates on the ballot in '16 but only two this time.

That swath of blue across the continent (including Alaska) means an entire country shifting away from the Rumpster Fire that has been the last four years. In other words in these times of division here's something the entire country agrees on --- Rump is bad news.

While that's going on the "number ginners" failed to gin Senate numbers for their side in ... oh let's see, Maine, Iowa, North Cackalackee, Kansas, Montana, South Cackalackee and TWO in Georgia, all of which they were favoured or competitive. Not to mention the House turnover.

Did some department not get a gin memo or what?

See how wacko emotional meltdown theories crumble to the ground once analyzed?
/----/ Easy one. The 450,000 ballots with only Biden selected and no downvotes.
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for ...
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for Joe Biden ONLY - No Down-Ballot Candidates
They also used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from…Trump to Biden, and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also. We've identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.


No actually YOU explain how that's any different from any other POTUS election.

WHICH is the most visible, the most known, the most discussed, position on the ballot in a POTUS election year? The DA? The local Tax Commissioner?

FFS do you actually vote for literally everything on your ballot?

And btw your excerpt quoted above (from no less a source than "") claims they "used an algorithm" to flip votes, quote, "from other Republican candidates to their competitors also". CLEARLY THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. Your own link shoots you in the foot.

Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
Hey dumb shit. Republicans gain in the House and Senate during the year of the "blue wave" but Trump lost ! Mail-in ballots ballowed corrupt Democrats to steal the presidential election. Everyone knows it. Stop trying to gloat like a 13 year old who has won at a game if Uno. Our nation is on the brink of serious bloodshed and this is all you socialist can think about is that you stole an election? Fuck you!

You're actually putting your name on a post claiming Democrats conspired to "steal the presidential election" while simultaneously giving up seats in the House and failing to take vulnerable ones in the Senate?

This is ON THE SAME BALLOT. Right?

Are you retarded?
/----/ Explain the ballots for Dementia Joe with NO down votes.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
/——/ Once again, the numbers are ginned up.

Once again, if you were going to "gin up" numbers you'd gin them in the direction you wanted to go, not the direction you didn't. Same as reply to Wimpy just above.

Let us illustrate.

Click this link to the Cook Political Report. The map will be the same one we've been staring at until our eyes bleed waiting for the next numbers but ignore that and click the button to the right that says "Swing vs 2016 Margin".

See AAALLLL that blue? That represents how much a given state shifted toward (red) or away from (blue) Rump. While the Minnesotas and Maines got bluer, so did the Idahos and the Oklahomas. Whether they still voted for Rump or not, they shied away from their 2016 position -- excepting Utah, which had three major candidates on the ballot in '16 but only two this time.

That swath of blue across the continent (including Alaska) means an entire country shifting away from the Rumpster Fire that has been the last four years. In other words in these times of division here's something the entire country agrees on --- Rump is bad news.

While that's going on the "number ginners" failed to gin Senate numbers for their side in ... oh let's see, Maine, Iowa, North Cackalackee, Kansas, Montana, South Cackalackee and TWO in Georgia, all of which they were favoured or competitive. Not to mention the House turnover.

Did some department not get a gin memo or what?

See how wacko emotional meltdown theories crumble to the ground once analyzed?
/----/ Easy one. The 450,000 ballots with only Biden selected and no downvotes.
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for ...
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for Joe Biden ONLY - No Down-Ballot Candidates
They also used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from…Trump to Biden, and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also. We've identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.


No actually YOU explain how that's any different from any other POTUS election.

WHICH is the most visible, the most known, the most discussed, position on the ballot in a POTUS election year? The DA? The local Tax Commissioner?

FFS do you actually vote for literally everything on your ballot?

And btw your excerpt quoted above (from no less a source than "") claims they "used an algorithm" to flip votes, quote, "from other Republican candidates to their competitors also". CLEARLY THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. Your own link shoots you in the foot.

/-----/ I didn't ask you to explain. But now that you mention it, why would democRATs vote for Biden and not for the other democRATs on the ballot to give Dementia Joe a majority in the Senate and maintain the one in Congress? Also, the Govs and state assembly?
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
Hey dumb shit. Republicans gain in the House and Senate during the year of the "blue wave" but Trump lost ! Mail-in ballots ballowed corrupt Democrats to steal the presidential election. Everyone knows it. Stop trying to gloat like a 13 year old who has won at a game if Uno. Our nation is on the brink of serious bloodshed and this is all you socialist can think about is that you stole an election? Fuck you!

You're actually putting your name on a post claiming Democrats conspired to "steal the presidential election" while simultaneously giving up seats in the House and failing to take vulnerable ones in the Senate?

This is ON THE SAME BALLOT. Right?

Are you retarded?
/----/ Explain the ballots for Dementia Joe with NO down votes.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
/——/ Once again, the numbers are ginned up.

Once again, if you were going to "gin up" numbers you'd gin them in the direction you wanted to go, not the direction you didn't. Same as reply to Wimpy just above.

Let us illustrate.

Click this link to the Cook Political Report. The map will be the same one we've been staring at until our eyes bleed waiting for the next numbers but ignore that and click the button to the right that says "Swing vs 2016 Margin".

See AAALLLL that blue? That represents how much a given state shifted toward (red) or away from (blue) Rump. While the Minnesotas and Maines got bluer, so did the Idahos and the Oklahomas. Whether they still voted for Rump or not, they shied away from their 2016 position -- excepting Utah, which had three major candidates on the ballot in '16 but only two this time.

That swath of blue across the continent (including Alaska) means an entire country shifting away from the Rumpster Fire that has been the last four years. In other words in these times of division here's something the entire country agrees on --- Rump is bad news.

While that's going on the "number ginners" failed to gin Senate numbers for their side in ... oh let's see, Maine, Iowa, North Cackalackee, Kansas, Montana, South Cackalackee and TWO in Georgia, all of which they were favoured or competitive. Not to mention the House turnover.

Did some department not get a gin memo or what?

See how wacko emotional meltdown theories crumble to the ground once analyzed?
/----/ Easy one. The 450,000 ballots with only Biden selected and no downvotes.
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for ...
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for Joe Biden ONLY - No Down-Ballot Candidates
They also used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from…Trump to Biden, and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also. We've identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.

So why is it that republicans keep telling us that NO VOTER FRAUD was found.
  • Thanks
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Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
Hey dumb shit. Republicans gain in the House and Senate during the year of the "blue wave" but Trump lost ! Mail-in ballots ballowed corrupt Democrats to steal the presidential election. Everyone knows it. Stop trying to gloat like a 13 year old who has won at a game if Uno. Our nation is on the brink of serious bloodshed and this is all you socialist can think about is that you stole an election? Fuck you!

You're actually putting your name on a post claiming Democrats conspired to "steal the presidential election" while simultaneously giving up seats in the House and failing to take vulnerable ones in the Senate?

This is ON THE SAME BALLOT. Right?

Are you retarded?
/----/ Explain the ballots for Dementia Joe with NO down votes.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
/——/ Once again, the numbers are ginned up.

Once again, if you were going to "gin up" numbers you'd gin them in the direction you wanted to go, not the direction you didn't. Same as reply to Wimpy just above.

Let us illustrate.

Click this link to the Cook Political Report. The map will be the same one we've been staring at until our eyes bleed waiting for the next numbers but ignore that and click the button to the right that says "Swing vs 2016 Margin".

See AAALLLL that blue? That represents how much a given state shifted toward (red) or away from (blue) Rump. While the Minnesotas and Maines got bluer, so did the Idahos and the Oklahomas. Whether they still voted for Rump or not, they shied away from their 2016 position -- excepting Utah, which had three major candidates on the ballot in '16 but only two this time.

That swath of blue across the continent (including Alaska) means an entire country shifting away from the Rumpster Fire that has been the last four years. In other words in these times of division here's something the entire country agrees on --- Rump is bad news.

While that's going on the "number ginners" failed to gin Senate numbers for their side in ... oh let's see, Maine, Iowa, North Cackalackee, Kansas, Montana, South Cackalackee and TWO in Georgia, all of which they were favoured or competitive. Not to mention the House turnover.

Did some department not get a gin memo or what?

See how wacko emotional meltdown theories crumble to the ground once analyzed?
/----/ Easy one. The 450,000 ballots with only Biden selected and no downvotes.
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for ...
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for Joe Biden ONLY - No Down-Ballot Candidates
They also used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from…Trump to Biden, and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also. We've identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.


No actually YOU explain how that's any different from any other POTUS election.

WHICH is the most visible, the most known, the most discussed, position on the ballot in a POTUS election year? The DA? The local Tax Commissioner?

FFS do you actually vote for literally everything on your ballot?

And btw your excerpt quoted above (from no less a source than "") claims they "used an algorithm" to flip votes, quote, "from other Republican candidates to their competitors also". CLEARLY THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. Your own link shoots you in the foot.

/-----/ I didn't ask you to explain. But now that you mention it, why would democRATs vote for Biden and not for the other democRATs on the ballot to give Dementia Joe a majority in the Senate and maintain the one in Congress? Also, the Govs and state assembly?

Simplest question I'll see all day. I'm gonna turn this one over to Captain Obvious. Take it Cap'm.

TO DUMP RUMP. Priority One.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
Hey dumb shit. Republicans gain in the House and Senate during the year of the "blue wave" but Trump lost ! Mail-in ballots ballowed corrupt Democrats to steal the presidential election. Everyone knows it. Stop trying to gloat like a 13 year old who has won at a game if Uno. Our nation is on the brink of serious bloodshed and this is all you socialist can think about is that you stole an election? Fuck you!

You're actually putting your name on a post claiming Democrats conspired to "steal the presidential election" while simultaneously giving up seats in the House and failing to take vulnerable ones in the Senate?

This is ON THE SAME BALLOT. Right?

Are you retarded?
/----/ Explain the ballots for Dementia Joe with NO down votes.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
/——/ Once again, the numbers are ginned up.

Once again, if you were going to "gin up" numbers you'd gin them in the direction you wanted to go, not the direction you didn't. Same as reply to Wimpy just above.

Let us illustrate.

Click this link to the Cook Political Report. The map will be the same one we've been staring at until our eyes bleed waiting for the next numbers but ignore that and click the button to the right that says "Swing vs 2016 Margin".

See AAALLLL that blue? That represents how much a given state shifted toward (red) or away from (blue) Rump. While the Minnesotas and Maines got bluer, so did the Idahos and the Oklahomas. Whether they still voted for Rump or not, they shied away from their 2016 position -- excepting Utah, which had three major candidates on the ballot in '16 but only two this time.

That swath of blue across the continent (including Alaska) means an entire country shifting away from the Rumpster Fire that has been the last four years. In other words in these times of division here's something the entire country agrees on --- Rump is bad news.

While that's going on the "number ginners" failed to gin Senate numbers for their side in ... oh let's see, Maine, Iowa, North Cackalackee, Kansas, Montana, South Cackalackee and TWO in Georgia, all of which they were favoured or competitive. Not to mention the House turnover.

Did some department not get a gin memo or what?

See how wacko emotional meltdown theories crumble to the ground once analyzed?
/----/ Easy one. The 450,000 ballots with only Biden selected and no downvotes.
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for ...
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for Joe Biden ONLY - No Down-Ballot Candidates
They also used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from…Trump to Biden, and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also. We've identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.


No actually YOU explain how that's any different from any other POTUS election.

WHICH is the most visible, the most known, the most discussed, position on the ballot in a POTUS election year? The DA? The local Tax Commissioner?

FFS do you actually vote for literally everything on your ballot?

And btw your excerpt quoted above (from no less a source than "") claims they "used an algorithm" to flip votes, quote, "from other Republican candidates to their competitors also". CLEARLY THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. Your own link shoots you in the foot.

/-----/ I didn't ask you to explain. But now that you mention it, why would democRATs vote for Biden and not for the other democRATs on the ballot to give Dementia Joe a majority in the Senate and maintain the one in Congress? Also, the Govs and state assembly?

Simplest question I'll see all day. I'm gonna turn this one over to Captain Obvious. Take it Cap'm.

TO DUMP RUMP. Priority One.
/——/ Translation: I can’t answer this simple question, so I’ll dodge it with a lame attempt of humor.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
Lib polls - lib results
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
Hey dumb shit. Republicans gain in the House and Senate during the year of the "blue wave" but Trump lost ! Mail-in ballots ballowed corrupt Democrats to steal the presidential election. Everyone knows it. Stop trying to gloat like a 13 year old who has won at a game if Uno. Our nation is on the brink of serious bloodshed and this is all you socialist can think about is that you stole an election? Fuck you!

You're actually putting your name on a post claiming Democrats conspired to "steal the presidential election" while simultaneously giving up seats in the House and failing to take vulnerable ones in the Senate?

This is ON THE SAME BALLOT. Right?

Are you retarded?
/----/ Explain the ballots for Dementia Joe with NO down votes.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
We’re up around 250k now
/——/ Once again, the numbers are ginned up.

Once again, if you were going to "gin up" numbers you'd gin them in the direction you wanted to go, not the direction you didn't. Same as reply to Wimpy just above.

Let us illustrate.

Click this link to the Cook Political Report. The map will be the same one we've been staring at until our eyes bleed waiting for the next numbers but ignore that and click the button to the right that says "Swing vs 2016 Margin".

See AAALLLL that blue? That represents how much a given state shifted toward (red) or away from (blue) Rump. While the Minnesotas and Maines got bluer, so did the Idahos and the Oklahomas. Whether they still voted for Rump or not, they shied away from their 2016 position -- excepting Utah, which had three major candidates on the ballot in '16 but only two this time.

That swath of blue across the continent (including Alaska) means an entire country shifting away from the Rumpster Fire that has been the last four years. In other words in these times of division here's something the entire country agrees on --- Rump is bad news.

While that's going on the "number ginners" failed to gin Senate numbers for their side in ... oh let's see, Maine, Iowa, North Cackalackee, Kansas, Montana, South Cackalackee and TWO in Georgia, all of which they were favoured or competitive. Not to mention the House turnover.

Did some department not get a gin memo or what?

See how wacko emotional meltdown theories crumble to the ground once analyzed?
/----/ Easy one. The 450,000 ballots with only Biden selected and no downvotes.
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for ...
Sidney Powell: We've Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for Joe Biden ONLY - No Down-Ballot Candidates
They also used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from…Trump to Biden, and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also. We've identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.


No actually YOU explain how that's any different from any other POTUS election.

WHICH is the most visible, the most known, the most discussed, position on the ballot in a POTUS election year? The DA? The local Tax Commissioner?

FFS do you actually vote for literally everything on your ballot?

And btw your excerpt quoted above (from no less a source than "") claims they "used an algorithm" to flip votes, quote, "from other Republican candidates to their competitors also". CLEARLY THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. Your own link shoots you in the foot.

/-----/ I didn't ask you to explain. But now that you mention it, why would democRATs vote for Biden and not for the other democRATs on the ballot to give Dementia Joe a majority in the Senate and maintain the one in Congress? Also, the Govs and state assembly?

Simplest question I'll see all day. I'm gonna turn this one over to Captain Obvious. Take it Cap'm.

TO DUMP RUMP. Priority One.
/——/ Translation: I can’t answer this simple question, so I’ll dodge it with a lame attempt of humor.

There's no humor there, ice cream man. You just got shaved by Occan's Razor.
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