Trump's CNN Town Hall Highlights

Some hostility? She was going after Trump from minute one and never stopped. But it was not the crowd for her to score any points. She wound up making a fool out of herself. Trump handled her masterfully. But, I have to say, I was very extremely disappointed with CNN. Over the last few months they had me actually believing that they were trying to go down a new road of being fair and balanced, unlike who they had been before. But, instead, they assigned a big anti-Trumper to being the moderator, exposing the fact that they have not changed their stripes one bit. I went into the night expecting that she was going to be unbiased and fair but it might just as well have been Schumer or Pelosi as the moderator. A moderator, any moderator, should be unbiased and fair, otherwise, then what is the point?
Some hostility? She was going after Trump from minute one and never stopped. But it was not the crowd for her to score any points. She wound up making a fool out of herself. Trump handled her masterfully. But, I have to say, I was very extremely disappointed with CNN. Over the last few months they had me actually believing that they were trying to go down a new road of being fair and balanced, unlike who they had been before. But, instead, they assigned a big anti-Trumper to being the moderator, exposing the fact that they have not changed their stripes one bit. I went into the night expecting that she was going to be unbiased and fair but it might just as well have been Schumer or Pelosi as the moderator. A moderator, any moderator, should be unbiased and fair, otherwise, then what is the point?
I only saw the highlights, and it was apparent the "Karen" was doing what a CNN host (poor host?) does best. Deflect. Accuse. Misrepresent. Interrupt. Etc. Typical leftoid, knee-jerk reactions.

Approximately 50% of the time they spent on air was the leftist vermin asking the same questions over and over and over and over, in an attempt to get President Trump to answer one way or another, and both potential answers spelled trouble.


I want CNN to give me back that time. I could have been watching Green Acres and drifting off to peaceful sleep.

When it's all said and done -- CNN just helped Trump secure his chances for re-election. It's almost a good thing that Biden's coup worked this time. Because I believe that Trump can win the next two terms in a row (if he doesn't die of old age).
I only saw the highlights, and it was apparent the "Karen" was doing what a CNN host (poor host?) does best. Deflect. Accuse. Misrepresent. Interrupt. Etc. Typical leftoid, knee-jerk reactions.
I watched most of it. She dug into Trump repeatedly, trying to fact check every word he said in real time and Trump threw facts right back in her face. Several times she got so flustered she cut Trump off, claiming it was time for a question from the audience.
When it's all said and done -- CNN just helped Trump secure his chances for re-election. It's almost a good thing that Biden's coup worked this time. Because I believe that Trump can win the next two terms in a row (if he doesn't die of old age).
There`s a greater chance of Trump being locked up, than getting another term. He and his cult are and have been a global embarrassment and people with measurable IQs know this.
The host wiped the floor with him.

I hope they have more of these town halls with the blob...he looked idiotic and sounded worse than he looked.
I donno, maybe I'm just shallow or living in the past, it's not about hatred for the poor old Trumpybear, for me it's that face! Why would anyone vote for that? "Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!' I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really folks, come on. Are we serious?"

I can't imagine it.
I was surprised that Trump got a standing ovation at the CNN Town Hall Meeting. He was met with cheers and a very positive audience. This may be the first time in history that CNN didn't handpick a bunch of angry lunatics to fill the chairs. Anyway, NTD News offers some of the highlights of the event. As expected, the female host attempted some hostility but Trump was able to drown her out (to his credit):

She was extremely rude, and Trump never got rude in return....which is what they were hoping for.

No matter how nasty they talk about Trump....the fact remains he's not the asshole they claim he is.

There`s a greater chance of Trump being locked up, than getting another term. He and his cult are and have been a global embarrassment and people with measurable IQs know this.
Yeah.....maybe we could totally destroy Democracy and lock our political opponents up so they can't run against our totally corrupt and incompetently Demented candidates.
It's not fair because the GOP has rational candidates, not brain-dead assholes that only want to know where the ice cream is.


Babbitts family should sue the Dirty Don for her death. He is practically and morally responsible for the events at the Capitol that day.

“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said. “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.”

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