Trump's CNN Town Hall Highlights

Babbitts family should sue the Dirty Don for her death. He is practically and morally responsible for the events at the Capitol that day.

“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said. “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.”
Trump didn't set those people up. Nancy Pelosi and friends set those people up.
They let them in the door and pounced on them. They were just trying to defend themselves.
I saw the raw footage on the shooting.
It was a total setup.
Several cops were standing in front of the door, then somebody gave a signal and they left the area.
And then an ANTIFA member broke in the window and encouraged Ashley to go thru, and she was shot in cold-blood when she was dumb enough to fall for it.
Trump didn't set those people up. Nancy Pelosi and friends set those people up.
They let them in the door and pounced on them. They were just trying to defend themselves.
I saw the raw footage on the shooting.
It was a total setup.
Several cops were standing in front of the door, then somebody gave a signal and they left the area.
And then an ANTIFA member broke in the window and encouraged Ashley to go thru, and she was shot in cold-blood when she was dumb enough to fall for it.
Pelosi didn't call the MAGAMOB to DC on Jan 6th. Donnie did that. Pelosi's friends didn't spend weeks thundering that shadowy democrat forces are stealing our country. The Dirty Don did that. Antifa didn't kindle the MAGAMOB's passion with 3 hours of lying about their election loss and blaming it on non-existent democrat fraud and then send the enflamedMAGAMOB to the Capitol. Trumpyberra did that.

I think they'd have a good case in civil court.

If you join in a riot in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected government, and are breaching the last barricade between the mob and members of the House of Representatives, and you ignore several warnings from a cop pointing a gun at you, try not to die with a surprised look on your Q-tarded face.

Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland sacrificed their credulous lives on the altar of the Big Lie.

Their blood is on Traitor Trump's hands.
Pelosi didn't call the MAGAMOB to DC on Jan 6th. Donnie did that. Pelosi's friends didn't spend weeks thundering that shadowy democrat forces are stealing our country. The Dirty Don did that. Antifa didn't kindle the MAGAMOB's passion with 3 hours of lying about their election loss and blaming it on non-existent democrat fraud and then send the enflamedMAGAMOB to the Capitol. Trumpyberra did that.

I think they'd have a good case in civil court.
So what you're saying is we nolonger have the right to protest and air our grievances?

The left has conducted numerous similar protests all over the country this year and nobody got killed.
Nobody was killed in Nashville when they rushed the House Chambers.
Do you want to know why not?
Because nobody in Nashville is as evil and devious as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Mitch McConnell.
And nobody from the CIA told the authorities to let people in the building so they could bushwack them like they did on Jan 6th.
If you join in a riot in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected government, and are breaching the last barricade between the mob and members of the House of Representatives, and you ignore several warnings from a cop pointing a gun at you, try not to die with a surprised look on your Q-tarded face.

Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland sacrificed their credulous lives on the altar of the Big Lie.

Their blood is on Traitor Trump's hands.
I wouldn't be stupid enough to show up at such an event.
I knew what was going to happen even before it happened.
I just didn't think they were going to murder MAGA supporters.
I wouldn't be stupid enough to show up at such an event.
I knew what was going to happen even before it happened.
I just didn't think they were going to murder MAGA supporters.
It's a miracle the police showed so much restraint. I'm actually surprised the Capitol wasn't littered with dead bodies and red hats.

As the Insurrectionist-in-Chief sat jerking off for three hours watching his minions attempt a coup, he could have stopped it at any time, but chose instead to stoke them with tweets, encouraging their actions.

They beat and electrocuted a policeman into a heart attack.

The officer at the last barricade heard hours of his fellow officers being mauled by the insurrectionists. He heard officers asking their last messages be passed on to their families.

I would have shot Babbitt, too, seeing the mob right behind her.

Fuck these tards. Trump could have stopped it, and deliberatley did not. In fact, he egged them on, siccing them on his Vice President.

Every drop of blood shed that day is on his hands.
Misogyny lurks over their in Trumpistan. It is a defining characteristic of Trump's "base". As we see in the quote above.

My own personal opinion is that Collins, the host, wasn't strong enough or assertive enough to insert herself into his monologues.
She allowed him---not always, but too often ---to interrupt her, dismissively wave her away. And he was able to do that without consequences.

Now, to be sure the tired tidal wave of lies and conspiracies was too much for any moderator to fac-check real-time. Still, she is a well prepared reporter.
She could have been more emphatic and not allowed his dismissals without remonstrance or correction.

She did insists, several times, that he could not repeat and repeat his lie about a stolen election and fraudulent ballots. But he continued.
"He can lie about presidential documents; he can lie about his impeachments; he can lie about his record in office; and there is nothing an impeccably prepared interviewer can do to prevent any of it.
She can rebut him, correct him, interrupt him and otherwise battle with him over every point, but that’s no match for ceaseless mendacity."

So, what we saw was the sam ol', same ol'. Trump is who is and Trump is who he was. No Trump v.2.0 for us.
The hand-picked Republican audience (why in God's name, CNN allowed beyond me)....was on his side from the beginning, and cheered and applauded him.
But that, in some cases, made them look venal and mean-spirited, and, in the case of their laughter at the sexual-assault victim, EJean Carrol, it made them look misogynistic and cruel.

I am disappointed that CNN allowed this serial liar, serial adulterer, and serial sexual predator to have 70 minutes to do his tired old whirl&twirl of conspiracies and mendacious .self-serving lies.

On the other hand, we all saw the chaos once again that typified Don Trump's earlier campaigns and his single term in office. That plays very well to Trump's TrumpLove base....that
they see no flaws in this man's character, demeanor or behavior. He's their Paladin, and nothing.....nothing....will change that. But the rest of America saw the old Don Trump once again.
The Don Trump that twice lost the popular vote, that lost the 2018 mid-terms, that lost the 2020 mid-terms, that lost the Senate, that lost his 2020 national elecition.
And America once again saw why he lost. And why he is unqualified and unsuited to be the leader of this great nation.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on the guy.

Cool story, brah. You were typically verbose and your analysis was as distorted as we’ve come to expect from you. Because Trump was given a chance to speak, you criticize that “reporter’s” skills. 🙄

The real problem isn’t what you falsely cite as a “tidal wave of lies ….” Instead, the “problem” was that the media wasn’t able to muzzle the man.
So what you're saying is we nolonger have the right to protest and air our grievances?
We've never had the right to riot, invade Congress while in session, and make unconstitutional demands of our lawmakers when they were counting the EC Votes from all the various states.

The left has conducted numerous similar protests

There were no similar riots elsewhere in the country where rioters violently invaded state capitols while they were closed to the public to make unconstitutional demands of their legislators.
So what you're saying is we nolonger have the right to protest and air our grievances?

The left has conducted numerous similar protests all over the country this year and nobody got killed.
Nobody was killed in Nashville when they rushed the House Chambers.
Do you want to know why not?
Because nobody in Nashville is as evil and devious as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Mitch McConnell.
And nobody from the CIA told the authorities to let people in the building so they could bushwack them like they did on Jan 6th.

That's exactly what it is saying. They are the only ones with rights.

It's a miracle the police showed so much restraint. I'm actually surprised the Capitol wasn't littered with dead bodies and red hats.

As the Insurrectionist-in-Chief sat jerking off for three hours watching his minions attempt a coup, he could have stopped it at any time, but chose instead to stoke them with tweets, encouraging their actions.

They beat and electrocuted a policeman into a heart attack.

The officer at the last barricade heard hours of his fellow officers being mauled by the insurrectionists. He heard officers asking their last messages be passed on to their families.

I would have shot Babbitt, too, seeing the mob right behind her.

Fuck these tards. Trump could have stopped it, and deliberatley did not. In fact, he egged them on, siccing them on his Vice President.

Every drop of blood shed that day is on his hands.
Restraint isn't inviting people into the Capital so they could get their pictures and their videos to use against Trump.
Restraint isn't shooting tear gas into an already dispersing crowd.
Nor is restraint beating women to a pulp, nor is it shooting them in cold-blood.
Nor is it shooting rubber bullets into a crowd to agitate them into violence.
We've never had the right to riot, invade Congress while in session, and make unconstitutional demands of our lawmakers when they were counting the EC Votes from all the various states.

There were no similar riots elsewhere in the country where rioters violently invaded state capitols while they were closed to the public to make unconstitutional demands of their legislators.

No. Of course not. Your rights only include burning up cities and looting businesses and killing police officers.

Nice little cherry picking tap-dance there.


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