Trump's CNN Town Hall Highlights

I think I can sum it up succinctly:

Key word -- "trying" but failed.
I was surprised that Trump got a standing ovation at the CNN Town Hall Meeting. He was met with cheers and a very positive audience. This may be the first time in history that CNN didn't handpick a bunch of angry lunatics to fill the chairs. Anyway, NTD News offers some of the highlights of the event. As expected, the female host attempted some hostility but Trump was able to drown her out (to his credit):

You know the audience WAS hand-picked, right?
I turned it on for one minute and saw some girl grilling him about the top secret documents they found at Mar el Lago. Her hatred was obvious and her questioning rivaled that of the inquisition or a Nazi camp. If the girl had a weapon, she would have shot Trump on the spot. That's why I turned it off after a minute.
"some girl"? Was CNN dangling ANOTHER underaged female at trump?
Don't you prefer the people with Molotov cocktails or bricks? Plenty of pics of them. Not in DC. Should I post some

Wrong. Citizens have no right to riot, burn, loot or wantonly kill, anywhere. Doesn't matter if your weapons are Molotov Cocktails, bricks, bear spray, or blunt force instruments.
Misogyny lurks over their in Trumpistan. It is a defining characteristic of Trump's "base". As we see in the quote above.

My own personal opinion is that Collins, the host, wasn't strong enough or assertive enough to insert herself into his monologues.
She allowed him---not always, but too often ---to interrupt her, dismissively wave her away. And he was able to do that without consequences.

Now, to be sure the tired tidal wave of lies and conspiracies was too much for any moderator to fac-check real-time. Still, she is a well prepared reporter.
She could have been more emphatic and not allowed his dismissals without remonstrance or correction.

She did insists, several times, that he could not repeat and repeat his lie about a stolen election and fraudulent ballots. But he continued.
"He can lie about presidential documents; he can lie about his impeachments; he can lie about his record in office; and there is nothing an impeccably prepared interviewer can do to prevent any of it.
She can rebut him, correct him, interrupt him and otherwise battle with him over every point, but that’s no match for ceaseless mendacity."

So, what we saw was the sam ol', same ol'. Trump is who is and Trump is who he was. No Trump v.2.0 for us.
The hand-picked Republican audience (why in God's name, CNN allowed beyond me)....was on his side from the beginning, and cheered and applauded him.
But that, in some cases, made them look venal and mean-spirited, and, in the case of their laughter at the sexual-assault victim, EJean Carrol, it made them look misogynistic and cruel.

I am disappointed that CNN allowed this serial liar, serial adulterer, and serial sexual predator to have 70 minutes to do his tired old whirl&twirl of conspiracies and mendacious .self-serving lies.

On the other hand, we all saw the chaos once again that typified Don Trump's earlier campaigns and his single term in office. That plays very well to Trump's TrumpLove base....that
they see no flaws in this man's character, demeanor or behavior. He's their Paladin, and nothing.....nothing....will change that. But the rest of America saw the old Don Trump once again.
The Don Trump that twice lost the popular vote, that lost the 2018 mid-terms, that lost the 2020 mid-terms, that lost the Senate, that lost his 2020 national elecition.
And America once again saw why he lost. And why he is unqualified and unsuited to be the leader of this great nation.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on the guy.

Not to worry.
His pool of die-hard MAGAt supporters who will vote for him is shrinking daily.
CNN achieved the objective last night.
He came across like the unhinged, whiny loser that he is....and everybody got to see it.
All he accomplished last night was turning off more independent voters.
Not to worry.
His pool of die-hard MAGAt supporters who will vote for him is shrinking daily.
CNN achieved the objective last night.
He came across like the unhinged, whiny loser that he is....and everybody got to see it.
All he accomplished last night was turning off more independent voters.
Really? Is that what you heard on CNN?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Not to worry.
His pool of die-hard MAGAt supporters who will vote for him is shrinking daily.
CNN achieved the objective last night.
He came across like the unhinged, whiny loser that he is....and everybody got to see it.
All he accomplished last night was turning off more independent voters.

Simply wrong.

But you go on ahead and be afraid that your opinion is not right. You're entitled to it, regardless of how wrong or right it is.


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