Trump's CNN Town Hall Highlights

What the Progs have done to this man. The viciousness never ends. The Secret Service must work harder to protect someone than any in history. For nothing.
I turned it on for one minute and saw some girl grilling him about the top secret documents they found at Mar el Lago. Her hatred was obvious and her questioning rivaled that of the inquisition or a Nazi camp. If the girl had a weapon, she would have shot Trump on the spot. That's why I turned it off after a minute.
I watched most of it & 90% of the questioners secretly wished they could sniff the seat that the orange retard was using.

I had a barf bag close by & within the first 5 minutes of watching idiot's act I came close to using it. I wonder who needs a good shrink more, Trump or his asslickers in the audience.
Restraint isn't inviting people into the Capital so they could get their pictures and their videos to use against Trump.
Restraint isn't shooting tear gas into an already dispersing crowd.
Nor is restraint beating women to a pulp, nor is it shooting them in cold-blood.
Nor is it shooting rubber bullets into a crowd to agitate them into violence.
All fiction, rube.
Yeah.....maybe we could totally destroy Democracy and lock our political opponents up so they can't run against our totally corrupt and incompetently Demented candidates.
It's not fair because the GOP has rational candidates, not brain-dead assholes that only want to know where the ice cream is.

We don`t lock up political opponents here. Trump has plenty of indictments heading his way when the fake electors in Georgia begin to sing. They may be in love with the man as you obviously are but they won`t go to jail for him. 8 of his thugs have reached a deal for immunity. Uh-Oh. :abgg2q.jpg:

You might have missed the moment where he called her "nasty".

She was.

That was the whole point of the exercise. What's-her-name being a nasty media whore as her bosses desperately prayed for viewers.

Not everyone is like you & Hannity who give free reach arounds to Trump, ass breath.
They tell themselves lies and then pretend to believe them.

At some point they actually kind of DO believe the lies
Repetition of lies is the bread and butter of propaganda. The rubes have been gaslighted into deep mass delusion.

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