Trump's CNN Town Hall Highlights


Why does the Neo-GOP hate America and the law and order our country represents?
More propaganda you brainwashed fool. The corruption of our judicial system is a fact. Rule of law means 0 now.
So any court that brings your insurrectionists to justice is a kangaroo court. People like you are the enemy of the Republic. You're disgusting.


Gee. I thought your cult screamed their little brains raw whenever we call this a "Republic".

We don`t lock up political opponents here. Trump has plenty of indictments heading his way when the fake electors in Georgia begin to sing. They may be in love with the man as you obviously are but they won`t go to jail for him. 8 of his thugs have reached a deal for immunity. Uh-Oh. :abgg2q.jpg:
You just said you don't lock up political opponents, then you turn around and make a claim that is false and claim that it's worthy of locking up a political opponent.
Ho-Hum Humbug

Why are Lefties all in tantrums if they've seen the Town Hall as nothing but yawns? Their frantic reaction is the best proof that Trump ran the table.
Triggered Snowflakes. They can't handle the truth anymore. Their biggest beef is that Trump lost a court case from a woman who perjured herself claiming he raped her.
That was the only purpose for the case. To give women a rational excuse not to listen to him.
$50 bucks they never would have bothered if he hadn't decided to run for office.

Democraps don't campaign anymore.
They just hold show-trials.
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Defamation After Town Hall

Media · May 11, 2023 ·


GOFFSTOWN, NH — A visibly shaken Kaitlan Collins announced she will be suing Trump for assault and defamation after being destroyed by the former President on national television last night.
"He said things I didn't agree with. Even worse, he said things I didn't like," said Collins in a statement. "It was the most traumatizing experience of my life. It was assault, plain and simple. And defamation. I'm suing Trump for $5 million like that other lady."
Sources also reported Trump called the CNN host a "nasty person," which trusted fact-checkers have determined was false.
Media experts applauded the announcement and were all in agreement that Trump's performance in the town hall was the most horrifying spectacle ever televised. "I am literally shaking right now," said CNN Host Jake Tapper. "The lies, the misinformation, the pure evil of that monstrous orange man is too much for my soul to bear. Our democracy is in danger once again. God help us all."
Biden also responded to the town hall, saying: "Reflustrazuuure! Shut up, fat!"
Within minutes of the announcement of the lawsuit, a New York judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff and ordered Trump to pay $5 million.

CNN Host Sues Trump For Assault And Defamation After Town Hall


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