Trumps coal come back ..

Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then his article goes on to explain why.
The far left will believe anything their rich white far left masters tell them to believe.

But which far left site will they believe?

Analysis | The Energy 202: Coal production is actually up under Trump. Should he get credit?
And Trump? As to the question of whether Trump's coal-friendly policies, which include the repeal of the Clean Power Plan and numerous other regulations on the industry, have given coal miners the confidence to increase production, energy experts say the Trump effecti s anywhere from small to negligible.

"This is not due to any 'Trump bump,' " Zindler said. "Longer term, move away from coal will continue, recent policy pronouncements notwithstanding."

The long-term trends are hard to deny. Total coal mining capacity has shrunk from 1.37 million tons in 2008 to 1.16 million tons in 2015, according to EIA. More dramatically, coal power plants have shuttered at a rapid rate. Since 2010, 259 of the nation's 523 coal power plants have retired or announced their retirement, according to the Sierra Club.

As one recent study from the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia concluded, "Trump’s efforts to roll back environmental regulations will not materially improve economic conditions in America’s coal communities."

"There was a Trump bump for commodities in general right after the inauguration," Vitta said. "The administration and its policies made a difference, but it's a small difference compared to the effect of the price of natural gas and the level of demand in the international market."

Analysis | The Energy 202: Coal production is actually up under Trump. Should he get credit?

LOL Do you conservatives ever bother to actually read the links you post? The treasonous fat senile old orange clown had very little to do with the small positive bump coal has experianced. In the mean time, more coal plants are shutting down. They cannot compete economically with natural gas, wind, and solar.
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then your article goes on to explain why.

You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.
Is giving people jobs instead of food stamps really such a bad thing?
They were offered training for jobs that will be there in the future. They refused that, believing the treasonous fat senile old orange clown that the coal jobs are always going to be there. They are not, and probably, except for the met coal, will be gone in a decade. And those stupid assholes will be on welfare.
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then your article goes on to explain why.

You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.
Manufacturing production has been climbing for a century.

Manufacturing JOBS, not so much. They have been obsoleted by technology.

Understand the difference, rube.
Is giving people jobs instead of food stamps really such a bad thing?
They were offered training for jobs that will be there in the future. They refused that, believing the treasonous fat senile old orange clown that the coal jobs are always going to be there. They are not, and probably, except for the met coal, will be gone in a decade. And those stupid assholes will be on welfare.

Which jobs?
Back in the day when America was great, coal was the preferred energy source.

We need to get back to those glorious days of yore.
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then your article goes on to explain why.

You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.
Manufacturing production has been climbing for a century.

Manufacturing JOBS, not so much. They have been obsoleted by technology.

Understand the difference, rube.

Tech isn't changing that fast, not 12% a year.

Consumption keeps climbing, jobs will follow.
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then your article goes on to explain why.

You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.
As the link showed, it did not go up so much as it rebounded from where it dropped as producers worked through bankruptcy. What should be obvious to all but the Trumpbots to whom nothing can be logically explained, IT'S A FUCK OF A LOT CHEAPER TO FRACK THAN DIG OUT A FUCKING MOUNTAIN.

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