Trumps coal come back ..

Is giving people jobs instead of food stamps really such a bad thing?
They were offered training for jobs that will be there in the future. They refused that, believing the treasonous fat senile old orange clown that the coal jobs are always going to be there. They are not, and probably, except for the met coal, will be gone in a decade. And those stupid assholes will be on welfare.
Butthurt is a terrible thing. I guess everyone has to deal with it in his/her own way.
The far left will believe anything their rich white far left masters tell them to believe.

But which far left site will they believe?

Analysis | The Energy 202: Coal production is actually up under Trump. Should he get credit?
And Trump? As to the question of whether Trump's coal-friendly policies, which include the repeal of the Clean Power Plan and numerous other regulations on the industry, have given coal miners the confidence to increase production, energy experts say the Trump effecti s anywhere from small to negligible.

"This is not due to any 'Trump bump,' " Zindler said. "Longer term, move away from coal will continue, recent policy pronouncements notwithstanding."

The long-term trends are hard to deny. Total coal mining capacity has shrunk from 1.37 million tons in 2008 to 1.16 million tons in 2015, according to EIA. More dramatically, coal power plants have shuttered at a rapid rate. Since 2010, 259 of the nation's 523 coal power plants have retired or announced their retirement, according to the Sierra Club.

As one recent study from the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia concluded, "Trump’s efforts to roll back environmental regulations will not materially improve economic conditions in America’s coal communities."

"There was a Trump bump for commodities in general right after the inauguration," Vitta said. "The administration and its policies made a difference, but it's a small difference compared to the effect of the price of natural gas and the level of demand in the international market."

Analysis | The Energy 202: Coal production is actually up under Trump. Should he get credit?

LOL Do you conservatives ever bother to actually read the links you post? The treasonous fat senile old orange clown had very little to do with the small positive bump coal has experianced. In the mean time, more coal plants are shutting down. They cannot compete economically with natural gas, wind, and solar.

Once again the far left drones prove my point for me.

One drone says coal is down, the other confirms coal is up, but does not want to give Trump the credit.

So far left drones which is it is coal up or down under Trump?
We are six million tradesmen short for industry in this nation. Millwrights, electricians, automation technicians, and other technical personal. Jobs that pay very well, with good benefits. The miners were offered training in those jobs. They really should have taken that training, because when they go on welfare, one can only pity their familes, they are getting the fruits of their laziness.


Another far left drone trying to prove that coal is down under trump using a chart that goes to 2016..

What an epic fail!
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then his article goes on to explain why.

Another far left drone proving my point for me..

The OP says cola is down and I post from another far left site that coal was up!

But as we all see the far left does not want to give Trump credit!
heres why coal production is still alive ..


and why coal mining JOBS are dying.

puns intended.
Check out what Trump said about coal miners in his Playboy interview:

PLAYBOY: What satisfaction, exactly, do you get out of doing a deal?
TRUMP: I love the creative process. I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. There’s a beauty to making a great deal. It’s my canvas. And I like painting it.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have “it.”

PLAYBOY: Which is?
TRUMP: “It” is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else.

Trump spit right in the faces of coal miners in that interview. Trump considered coal miners to be too stupid to get another career. Trump said they don't have "it".

These dumb backward rubes have not caught on they've been hoaxed by a New York limousine liberal.
Is giving people jobs instead of food stamps really such a bad thing?
They were offered training for jobs that will be there in the future. They refused that, believing the treasonous fat senile old orange clown that the coal jobs are always going to be there. They are not, and probably, except for the met coal, will be gone in a decade. And those stupid assholes will be on welfare.
Butthurt is a terrible thing. I guess everyone has to deal with it in his/her own way.
Stupid ass, I left a dying industry for another one, and am one of those highly paid tradesmen. These men passed up an opportunity to do the best for their families. I do not pity them, only their families.
Check out what Trump said about coal miners in his Playboy interview:

PLAYBOY: What satisfaction, exactly, do you get out of doing a deal?
TRUMP: I love the creative process. I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. There’s a beauty to making a great deal. It’s my canvas. And I like painting it.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have “it.”

PLAYBOY: Which is?
TRUMP: “It” is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else.

Trump spit right in the faces of coal miners in that interview. Trump considered coal miners to be too stupid to get another career. Trump said they don't have "it".

These dumb backward rubes have not caught on they've been hoaxed by a New York limousine liberal.

Yes we know you loved Obama and Hilary and Hate Trump..

Silly far left drones!
Check out what Trump said about coal miners in his Playboy interview:

PLAYBOY: What satisfaction, exactly, do you get out of doing a deal?
TRUMP: I love the creative process. I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. There’s a beauty to making a great deal. It’s my canvas. And I like painting it.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have “it.”

PLAYBOY: Which is?
TRUMP: “It” is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else.

Trump spit right in the faces of coal miners in that interview. Trump considered coal miners to be too stupid to get another career. Trump said they don't have "it".

These dumb backward rubes have not caught on they've been hoaxed by a New York limousine liberal.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has no respect for anyone other than himself. His narcissistic pathology is apparent to anyone with higher than a room temperature IQ.
Check out what Trump said about coal miners in his Playboy interview:

PLAYBOY: What satisfaction, exactly, do you get out of doing a deal?
TRUMP: I love the creative process. I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. There’s a beauty to making a great deal. It’s my canvas. And I like painting it.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have “it.”

PLAYBOY: Which is?
TRUMP: “It” is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else.

Trump spit right in the faces of coal miners in that interview. Trump considered coal miners to be too stupid to get another career. Trump said they don't have "it".

These dumb backward rubes have not caught on they've been hoaxed by a New York limousine liberal.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has no respect for anyone other than himself. His narcissistic pathology is apparent to anyone with higher than a room temperature IQ.

Proof why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS!
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then your article goes on to explain why.

You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.

Any new coal fired power plants starting up in the US yet?

How about new homes that use coal for heat? Many new ones on the market yet?
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then your article goes on to explain why.

You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.

Any new coal fired power plants starting up in the US yet?

How about new homes that use coal for heat? Many new ones on the market yet?

Coal is used for a lot more than just power, but hey do not let a good debunked far left religious narrative go to waste.

Coal is also an essential ingredient in the production of specialist products:
  • Activated carbon - used in filters for water and air purification and in kidney dialysis machines.
  • Carbon fibre - an extremely strong but light weight reinforcement material used in construction, mountain bikes and tennis rackets.
  • Silicon metal - used to produce silicones and silanes, which are in turn used to make lubricants, water repellents, resins, cosmetics, hair shampoos and toothpastes.
Is giving people jobs instead of food stamps really such a bad thing?
They were offered training for jobs that will be there in the future. They refused that, believing the treasonous fat senile old orange clown that the coal jobs are always going to be there. They are not, and probably, except for the met coal, will be gone in a decade. And those stupid assholes will be on welfare.
Butthurt is a terrible thing. I guess everyone has to deal with it in his/her own way.
Stupid ass, I left a dying industry for another one, and am one of those highly paid tradesmen. These men passed up an opportunity to do the best for their families. I do not pity them, only their families.
These men are likely in their 50s or so and the only trade many of them and many of their parents ever knew was working the mines. No doubt they would be better off as Wal-Mart greeters or some other Obama-era job. Of course computer programmers would be great, but a lot of them can hardly use Windows or even their mobile phones.

Butthurt is a terrible thing, but that does not justify inflicting it on others. Deal with it in whatever way you see fit, short of that.
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For God sake lefties, the guy hasn't even been in office a year. Hillary, on the other hand, vowed to put coal miners on welfare and bankrupt the industry while the U.S. still relies on coal.
Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining
Of course they do, because they're Trumpkins and as such, they're confident that learning new skills is of no use in and of itself. :rolleyes: WTH? Who the hell says, in essence, "no, I don't want training that will give me additional marketable skills?" Oh, Trumpkins do.
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then his article goes on to explain why.

Another far left drone proving my point for me..

The OP says cola is down and I post from another far left site that coal was up!

But as we all see the far left does not want to give Trump credit!

Can't read can you? See, the OP never said that did he?

You guys read from the same page. Like ice in the Arctic.
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then his article goes on to explain why.

Another far left drone proving my point for me..

The OP says cola is down and I post from another far left site that coal was up!

But as we all see the far left does not want to give Trump credit!

Can't read can you? See, the OP never said that did he?

You guys read from the same page. Like ice in the Arctic.

Did you read the article by msn that the OP used?

Silly far left drone!

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