Trumps coal come back ..

Coal burning steam engines of course. But, but but coal is finite and God willing the human race will be around much longer.

It's like Trump said when he was telling the truth in the Playboy interview, long before he decided to become a Republican and lie his ass off to the rubes: Coal is done. Coal miners need to move on and learn a new trade.

It's all in the charts, retards.

"If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have 'it.'" - Donald J. Trump

He nailed it. Most people don't have the imagination to see reality and where things are going in the long term. They are parroting rubes.

And he said it when there were TWICE as many coal jobs as there are now!
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then your article goes on to explain why.

You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.
As the link showed, it did not go up so much as it rebounded from where it dropped as producers worked through bankruptcy. What should be obvious to all but the Trumpbots to whom nothing can be logically explained, IT'S A FUCK OF A LOT CHEAPER TO FRACK THAN DIG OUT A FUCKING MOUNTAIN.

Lot of coal burning plants still out there, and more being built all the time.

They have to get their coal from somewhere.

Your lack of concern for the jobs of other people is touching. NOt.
Coal jobs aren't coming back, tard.

Trump has you completely hoaxed.

Yes we know you hate anything not far left!

Look for Coal and Mining Jobs to Come Back This Year


"And production is likely to have increased further in the fourth quarter, when the figures are published next month.

The increase in output should start to boost employment, with at least some of the 33,000 employees and contractors laid off between 2014 and 2016 likely to be rehired."

"After a terrible 2015 and start to 2016, coal producers have good reasons to expect the worst of the industry’s recession is over.

Natural gas production has been falling year-on-year since May 2016 and gas prices have been on an upward trend since March 2016.

Gas has become steadily more expensive than coal. The delivered cost of gas moved above coal in July 2016 and by January 2017 gas was almost twice as expensive.

Power producers have responded by switching back from gas toward coal. Gas-fired power plants operated around 51 percent of the time in January 2017 down from 57 percent in January 2016.

Coal-fired power plants operated around 59 percent of the time in January 2017 up from 56 percent in January 2016.

Power producers’ gas consumption has been declining year-on-year since October 2016 while coal consumption has been rising.

Critically, the overhang of coal stocks at power plants is clearing, with inventories back down to 157 million tons by the end of January and 30 million tons below a year earlier.

U.S. coal exports also jumped in the fourth quarter to 19.3 million tons up from 12.6 million tons in the third quarter, the highest level since April-June 2015.


The short-term outlook for the coal sector remains positive with gas prices for the summer of 2017 rising strongly.

Gas stocks have ended the winter looking much tighter than at this point in 2016 and the futures market has moved into a big backwardation between 2017 and 2018.

Futures prices for gas delivered at Henry Hub in June 2017 have risen almost 19 percent from $2.86 on Feb. 22 to $3.40 on April 6.

Gas for delivery in June 2017 is trading at premium of 53 cents per million British thermal units compared with June 2018, up from a premium of just 9 cents on Feb. 22.

Higher gas prices will encourage power producers to limit gas consumption as much as possible this summer and run coal-fired power plants for more hours which should support a significant increase in coal demand."
It's like Trump said when he was telling the truth in the Playboy interview, long before he decided to become a Republican and lie his ass off to the rubes: Coal is done. Coal miners need to move on and learn a new trade.

It's all in the charts, retards.

"If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have 'it.'" - Donald J. Trump

He nailed it. Most people don't have the imagination to see reality and where things are going in the long term. They are parroting rubes.

And he said it when there were TWICE as many coal jobs as there are now!

Then why do you not post what Hilary said on the campaign trail to show why she would be different?

After you did vote for her!
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then your article goes on to explain why.

You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.
As the link showed, it did not go up so much as it rebounded from where it dropped as producers worked through bankruptcy. What should be obvious to all but the Trumpbots to whom nothing can be logically explained, IT'S A FUCK OF A LOT CHEAPER TO FRACK THAN DIG OUT A FUCKING MOUNTAIN.

Lot of coal burning plants still out there, and more being built all the time.

They have to get their coal from somewhere.

Your lack of concern for the jobs of other people is touching. NOt.
Coal jobs aren't coming back, tard.

Trump has you completely hoaxed.

Wow. YOu called me a name. You have crushed me with your logic.

Stupid lefty.
best of luck to the miners, holding on to something is important.

Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining

as long as natural gas is so abundant, cheap, and clean, Trump wont ever have any impact on coal.
Robotics, driverless tech are taking over mining jobs

Increased automation guarantees a bleak outlook for Trump’s promises to coal miners

Coal Mining Jobs Trump Would Bring Back No Longer Exist

Just more of Trump's sheeple screaming to be the first to be fuked. Not only aren't the jobs not coming back, Republicans want to abolish their healthcare. So they will be truly and deeply fuked from about every way possible.

But it's OK. Trump hates blacks just like they do. They still have a lot that keeps them together.
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then your article goes on to explain why.

You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.

Any new coal fired power plants starting up in the US yet?

How about new homes that use coal for heat? Many new ones on the market yet?

Coal is used for a lot more than just power, but hey do not let a good debunked far left religious narrative go to waste.

Coal is also an essential ingredient in the production of specialist products:
  • Activated carbon - used in filters for water and air purification and in kidney dialysis machines.
  • Carbon fibre - an extremely strong but light weight reinforcement material used in construction, mountain bikes and tennis rackets.
  • Silicon metal - used to produce silicones and silanes, which are in turn used to make lubricants, water repellents, resins, cosmetics, hair shampoos and toothpastes.

That 12 % increase didn't go into carbon fiber research or charcoal water filters either.

And the debunked far left drone tries to justify their debunked religious narrative!

See after you show them reality they still will not accept it!

Still didn't read the article you posted huh?
You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.

Any new coal fired power plants starting up in the US yet?

How about new homes that use coal for heat? Many new ones on the market yet?

Coal is used for a lot more than just power, but hey do not let a good debunked far left religious narrative go to waste.

Coal is also an essential ingredient in the production of specialist products:
  • Activated carbon - used in filters for water and air purification and in kidney dialysis machines.
  • Carbon fibre - an extremely strong but light weight reinforcement material used in construction, mountain bikes and tennis rackets.
  • Silicon metal - used to produce silicones and silanes, which are in turn used to make lubricants, water repellents, resins, cosmetics, hair shampoos and toothpastes.

That 12 % increase didn't go into carbon fiber research or charcoal water filters either.

And the debunked far left drone tries to justify their debunked religious narrative!

See after you show them reality they still will not accept it!

Still didn't read the article you posted huh?

Of course I did, but do not deflect from the fact that your far left religious narrative was debunked with reality!
best of luck to the miners, holding on to something is important.

Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining

as long as natural gas is so abundant, cheap, and clean, Trump wont ever have any impact on coal.
Robotics, driverless tech are taking over mining jobs

Increased automation guarantees a bleak outlook for Trump’s promises to coal miners

Coal Mining Jobs Trump Would Bring Back No Longer Exist

Just more of Trump's sheeple screaming to be the first to be fuked. Not only aren't the jobs not coming back, Republicans want to abolish their healthcare. So they will be truly and deeply fuked from about every way possible.

But it's OK. Trump hates blacks just like they do. They still have a lot that keeps them together.

Do you already have your excuses ready for when employment numbers show an increase in coal jobs?
What makes a huckster good at their trade is the ability to tell the mark what he or she wants to hear.

Trump is not the only huckster out there, not by a long shot, but he is a master of the art.

When our Constitution was ratified, 98 percent of Americans were employed in agriculture.

Today, less than two percent of Americans are employed in agriculture.

And yet PRODUCTION of food is the highest it has ever been, and there is a lot of money sloshing around in that sector. Except it is concentrated in that two percent.

That is because of technology. And that technology allowed for consolidation. The story of American technological innovations in agriculture is a fascinating one if you ever have the time.

So it is with coal.

I've shown you the charts. More coal is being produced than ever before, but the JOBS have been steadily declining for over 80 years. They are not coming back. Anyone with a lick of sense can see it. You have to be willfully stupid and blind not to see it.

Trump will crow at the occasional upticks, and then ignore the return to trend. And since the rubes have been deliberately dumbed down over a period of years by their propagandists to have the memories and intellects of goldfish, they will buy the briefcase of fake gold bricks from Trump.
What makes a huckster good at their trade is the ability to tell the mark what he or she wants to hear.

Trump is not the only huckster out there, not by a long shot, but he is a master of the art.

When our Constitution was ratified, 98 percent of Americans were employed in agriculture.

Today, less than two percent of Americans are employed in agriculture.

And yet PRODUCTION of food is the highest it has ever been, and there is a lot of money sloshing around in that sector. Except it is concentrated in that two percent.

That is because of technology. And that technology allowed for consolidation.

So it is with coal.

I've shown you the charts. More coal is being produced than ever before, but the JOBS have been steadily declining for over 80 years. They not coming back.

Trump will crow at the occasional upticks, and then ignore the return to trend. And since the rubes have been deliberately dumbed down to have the memories and intellect of goldfish, they will buy the briefcase of fake gold bricks from him.

Those upticks you dismiss could be the difference between life and death to many.

You talk of trends that took centuries. Real people can make a life with 10 good years of a good job, houses can be paid off, educations paid for, dreams realized...

YOu are not clever, just callous.
What makes a huckster good at their trade is the ability to tell the mark what he or she wants to hear.

Trump is not the only huckster out there, not by a long shot, but he is a master of the art.

When our Constitution was ratified, 98 percent of Americans were employed in agriculture.

Today, less than two percent of Americans are employed in agriculture.

And yet PRODUCTION of food is the highest it has ever been, and there is a lot of money sloshing around in that sector. Except it is concentrated in that two percent.

That is because of technology. And that technology allowed for consolidation. The story of American technological innovations in agriculture is a fascinating one if you ever have the time.

So it is with coal.

I've shown you the charts. More coal is being produced than ever before, but the JOBS have been steadily declining for over 80 years. They are not coming back. Anyone with a lick of sense can see it. You have to be willfully stupid and blind not to see it.

Trump will crow at the occasional upticks, and then ignore the return to trend. And since the rubes have been deliberately dumbed down over a period of years by their propagandists to have the memories and intellects of goldfish, they will buy the briefcase of fake gold bricks from Trump.
Is creating jobs really such a bad thing Gaylord500?
best of luck to the miners, holding on to something is important.

Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining

as long as natural gas is so abundant, cheap, and clean, Trump wont ever have any impact on coal.
Robotics, driverless tech are taking over mining jobs

Increased automation guarantees a bleak outlook for Trump’s promises to coal miners

Coal Mining Jobs Trump Would Bring Back No Longer Exist

Just more of Trump's sheeple screaming to be the first to be fuked. Not only aren't the jobs not coming back, Republicans want to abolish their healthcare. So they will be truly and deeply fuked from about every way possible.

But it's OK. Trump hates blacks just like they do. They still have a lot that keeps them together.

Do you already have your excuses ready for when employment numbers show an increase in coal jobs?
Trump and the other hucksters who work for your propagandists depend on you looking at static pictures of the coal employment situation. That's exactly why I made post 16. Because you tards are suckers for that kind of shit.

Take a look at the employment chart again. Notice the occasional upticks? Now pull back and look at the LONG TERM TREND.

Trump and your propagandists absolutely depend on you being stupid enough to look at carefully framed static pictures and never engaging in a moment of critical thinking.

Critical thinking is a huckster's worst enemy.

It's time to wake up.
Here is something you can count on, as surely as the sun rising tomorrow.

Trump and the pseudocons will crow and crow and crow when a naturally occurring uptick happens.

And then they will go radio silent when coal employment returns to trend.

"If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have 'it.'"
What makes a huckster good at their trade is the ability to tell the mark what he or she wants to hear.

Trump is not the only huckster out there, not by a long shot, but he is a master of the art.

When our Constitution was ratified, 98 percent of Americans were employed in agriculture.

Today, less than two percent of Americans are employed in agriculture.

And yet PRODUCTION of food is the highest it has ever been, and there is a lot of money sloshing around in that sector. Except it is concentrated in that two percent.

That is because of technology. And that technology allowed for consolidation. The story of American technological innovations in agriculture is a fascinating one if you ever have the time.

So it is with coal.

I've shown you the charts. More coal is being produced than ever before, but the JOBS have been steadily declining for over 80 years. They are not coming back. Anyone with a lick of sense can see it. You have to be willfully stupid and blind not to see it.

Trump will crow at the occasional upticks, and then ignore the return to trend. And since the rubes have been deliberately dumbed down over a period of years by their propagandists to have the memories and intellects of goldfish, they will buy the briefcase of fake gold bricks from Trump.
Is creating jobs really such a bad thing Gaylord500?
There's a big difference between lying about creating jobs, and creating jobs, retard. Trump is the latter, and you are too stupid to see it. I honestly don't know how you have the brainpower to breathe!

So of course you suffer a logical fallacy when someone points out the Emperor has no clothes. "You have something against clothes, faggot?"
Kosh is a far right drone.

"Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really."

And then your article goes on to explain why.

You libs were claiming that coal production could not go up.

It has gone up 12%.

Right there you are proven wrong.

12% is a big increase. IF Trump hasn't had an impact yet, that implies that even greater gains are possible.

Any new coal fired power plants starting up in the US yet?

How about new homes that use coal for heat? Many new ones on the market yet?

Interesting. Are you purposefully breaking from the lefty pack with their coal is dying, and moving on to, Coal is not growing?

Nope, just a question I though of from this in Zippy's article.

"More dramatically, coal power plants have shuttered at a rapid rate. Since 2010, 259 of the nation's 523 coal power plants have retired or announced their retirement, according to the Sierra Club."

Homes? Yeah, well I think we know the answer to that one.

Do People Still Use Coal as a Home Fuel Source?

Coal is still king in the third world and China. The smoke and pollution from primitive stoves is horrendous, causing death and illness among people who deserve better. Environmental entrepreneurs and inventors (like those profiled in The New Yorker in 2009) are applying their talents to meet the need for simple, reliable clean coal stoves.

PS: Because it burns, coal can also catch fire (this above-ground culm fire was memorialized on a 100-year-old postcard), and an underground coal fire can burn for as long as the coal holds out, killing the land above it with heat, smoke, sulfur gases and carbon dioxide.

Coal fires in the United States have been burning for decades; others in China have burned for centuries. China's coal fires destroy over five times more coal than the nation mines, and coal fires in China alone add up to about 3 percent of the whole Earth's fossil-fuel CO2 load.
Here is something you can count on, as surely as the sun rising tomorrow.

Trump and the pseudocons will crow and crow and crow when a naturally occurring uptick happens.

And then they will go radio silent when coal employment returns to trend.

"If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have 'it.'"

Here is what your hero said:

Hillary Clinton says she misspoke when she vowed to put ‘coal companies out of business’

Campaigning in coal country, Hillary Clinton said that she’s sorry for vowing earlier this year to put coal miners out of business.
Dumb fucks are trying to create horsewhip jobs in an automotive economy. That's what you tards look and sound like.
Here is something you can count on, as surely as the sun rising tomorrow.

Trump and the pseudocons will crow and crow and crow when a naturally occurring uptick happens.

And then they will go radio silent when coal employment returns to trend.

"If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have 'it.'"

Here is what your hero said:

Hillary Clinton says she misspoke when she vowed to put ‘coal companies out of business’

Campaigning in coal country, Hillary Clinton said that she’s sorry for vowing earlier this year to put coal miners out of business.
Clinton's not my hero, liar.

Jesus, you really are stuck in a rut, you poor thing! :lol:

You have three programmed responses.
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