Trumps coal come back ..

best of luck to the miners, holding on to something is important.

Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining

as long as natural gas is so abundant, cheap, and clean, Trump wont ever have any impact on coal.
Robotics, driverless tech are taking over mining jobs

Increased automation guarantees a bleak outlook for Trump’s promises to coal miners

Coal Mining Jobs Trump Would Bring Back No Longer Exist

Just more of Trump's sheeple screaming to be the first to be fuked. Not only aren't the jobs not coming back, Republicans want to abolish their healthcare. So they will be truly and deeply fuked from about every way possible.

But it's OK. Trump hates blacks just like they do. They still have a lot that keeps them together.

Do you already have your excuses ready for when employment numbers show an increase in coal jobs?
Trump and the other hucksters who work for your propagandists depend on you looking at static pictures of the coal employment situation. That's exactly why I made post 16. Because you tards are suckers for that kind of shit.

Take a look at the employment chart again. Notice the occasional upticks? Now pull back and look at the LONG TERM TREND.

Trump and your propagandists absolutely depend on you being stupid enough to look at carefully framed static pictures and never engaging in a moment of critical thinking.

Critical thinking is a huckster's worst enemy.

It's time to wake up.

You mean the graph going back to 1900?

It is not a lack of critical thinking to hold on to a job that could be in danger in twenty years from now. Especially for a 50 year old man who is not confident of his ability to be retrained in the STEM fields.

That is just you being callous and dismissive to people you don't like, because they are different than you.
best of luck to the miners, holding on to something is important.

Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining

as long as natural gas is so abundant, cheap, and clean, Trump wont ever have any impact on coal.
Robotics, driverless tech are taking over mining jobs

Increased automation guarantees a bleak outlook for Trump’s promises to coal miners

Coal Mining Jobs Trump Would Bring Back No Longer Exist

Just more of Trump's sheeple screaming to be the first to be fuked. Not only aren't the jobs not coming back, Republicans want to abolish their healthcare. So they will be truly and deeply fuked from about every way possible.

But it's OK. Trump hates blacks just like they do. They still have a lot that keeps them together.

Do you already have your excuses ready for when employment numbers show an increase in coal jobs?
I have no doubt people will be hired. Just not "THOSE" people.

No, they'll hire engineers, programmers, technicians and so on. Why hire uneducated people when you can program machines that don't get black lung, never get sick and don't sue? Duh!
Here is something you can count on, as surely as the sun rising tomorrow.

Trump and the pseudocons will crow and crow and crow when a naturally occurring uptick happens.

And then they will go radio silent when coal employment returns to trend.

"If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have 'it.'"

Here is what your hero said:

Hillary Clinton says she misspoke when she vowed to put ‘coal companies out of business’

Campaigning in coal country, Hillary Clinton said that she’s sorry for vowing earlier this year to put coal miners out of business.
Clinton's not my hero, liar.

Jesus, you really are stuck in a rut, you poor thing! :lol:

You have a three programmed responses.

Yes that is why you only bash Trump, right?

Silly far left done, you were outed long, get over it!
Dumb fucks are trying to create horsewhip jobs in an automotive economy. That's what you tards look and sound like.

You are willing to give up on hundreds of thousands of jobs, just because you don't like the people that have them.
What is the fascination these turd sized lumps of coal have with the squiggle lined charts that prove nothing?
"98 percent of Americans used to be in agriculture jobs. Now only 2 percent are employed! If elected, I promise to bring back farming jobs!"

That's how Trump is hoaxing you.

What's he gonna do? Break all the machines? Shut down the gas and oil industries? Take us back to digging by candlelight with shovels? :lol:
best of luck to the miners, holding on to something is important.

Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining

as long as natural gas is so abundant, cheap, and clean, Trump wont ever have any impact on coal.
Robotics, driverless tech are taking over mining jobs

Increased automation guarantees a bleak outlook for Trump’s promises to coal miners

Coal Mining Jobs Trump Would Bring Back No Longer Exist

Just more of Trump's sheeple screaming to be the first to be fuked. Not only aren't the jobs not coming back, Republicans want to abolish their healthcare. So they will be truly and deeply fuked from about every way possible.

But it's OK. Trump hates blacks just like they do. They still have a lot that keeps them together.

Do you already have your excuses ready for when employment numbers show an increase in coal jobs?
I have no doubt people will be hired. Just not "THOSE" people.

No, they'll hire engineers, programmers, technicians and so on. Why hire uneducated people when you can program machines that don't get black lung, never get sick and don't sue? Duh!

Because people have the experience and training and your mine is not set up for robots.

Your dislike of people without college degrees is a personal problem. Of yours. Get over it.
Dumb fucks are trying to create horsewhip jobs in an automotive economy. That's what you tards look and sound like.

You are willing to give up on hundreds of thousands of jobs, just because you don't like the people that have them.
87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. If that doesn't clue you in, then what does?
"98 percent of Americans used to be in agriculture jobs. Now only 2 percent are employed! If elected, I promise to bring back farming jobs!"

That's how Trump is hoaxing you.

What's he gonna do? Break all the machines? Shut down the gas and oil industries? Take us back to digging by candlelight with shovels? :lol:

You cite a development that took over 200 years as though that is a reason for a man to give up on a good job he has a very good chance of getting back.
Dumb fucks are trying to create horsewhip jobs in an automotive economy. That's what you tards look and sound like.

You are willing to give up on hundreds of thousands of jobs, just because you don't like the people that have them.
Nope. Wrong. I have nothing against coal miners. You really need to stop listening to the voices in your head.

This is what I mean about critical thinking. You are utterly incapable of it.
"98 percent of Americans used to be in agriculture jobs. Now only 2 percent are employed! If elected, I promise to bring back farming jobs!"

That's how Trump is hoaxing you.

What's he gonna do? Break all the machines? Shut down the gas and oil industries? Take us back to digging by candlelight with shovels? :lol:

You cite a development that took over 200 years as though that is a reason for a man to give up on a good job he has a very good chance of getting back.
No, the coal miner has very little chance of long term employment in the coal industry. I've shown you the charts SEVERAL times, and yet you refuse to see reality.

This is fascinating.

You actually want to believe Trump's lie. Why is that?

"If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have 'it.'"
Dumb fucks are trying to create horsewhip jobs in an automotive economy. That's what you tards look and sound like.

You are willing to give up on hundreds of thousands of jobs, just because you don't like the people that have them.
87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. If that doesn't clue you in, then what does?

It tells me that automation is certainly part of the problem. NOt that I trust your numbers.

If I was banking on returning to peak mining employment, that would be crushing news.
The best thing for the son of a coal miner is to leave the damn mines.

Does that mean Trump hated coal miners, rubes?


I'm saying the exact same thing, and you are having shit fits!

Dumb fucks are trying to create horsewhip jobs in an automotive economy. That's what you tards look and sound like.

You are willing to give up on hundreds of thousands of jobs, just because you don't like the people that have them.
87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. If that doesn't clue you in, then what does?

It tells me that automation is certainly part of the problem. NOt that I trust your numbers.

Hilarious. This is exactly what Trump and your propagandists depend on. They count on you ignoring FACTS and bleeving their BULLSHIT.
"98 percent of Americans used to be in agriculture jobs. Now only 2 percent are employed! If elected, I promise to bring back farming jobs!"

That's how Trump is hoaxing you.

What's he gonna do? Break all the machines? Shut down the gas and oil industries? Take us back to digging by candlelight with shovels? :lol:

You cite a development that took over 200 years as though that is a reason for a man to give up on a good job he has a very good chance of getting back.
No, the coal miner has very little chance of long term employment in the coal industry. I've shown you the charts SEVERAL times, and yet you refuse to see reality.

This is fascinating.

You actually want to believe Trump's lie. Why is that?

"If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have 'it.'"

What do you consider "long term"?
"If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have 'it.'"

When I say the exact same thing, you tards call me a Hillary lover, a coal miner hater, and all kinds of nasty things.

You can't pay for this kind of comedy! :lol:
What is the fascination these turd sized lumps of coal have with the squiggle lined charts that prove nothing?
Oh, wow.

Thank you so much for demonstrating just how willfully stupid you idiots choose to be.

Oh, man. I couldn't have asked for a more apt example! :lol:
Well you see, here's the thing, you must be reasonably intelligent or you wouldn't be able to post your images here and have the opinions you do and write them out as well as you do. So my post sort of points that out, don't you think? What kind of person, a reasonably intelligent person, believes everything that the people who make these charts say they mean, without having any proof of any kind? Doesn't make sense to me. As I have pointed out before, anyone, even a knuckle dragging flyover rube as willfully stupid as I, can create a graph like that in a short period of time using Photoshop or something similar.

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