Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Yep, we should hire (vote) for a politician that has no experience at anything except being a politician...dumbass. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Yep, we should hire (vote) for a politician that has no experience at anything except being a politician...dumbass.

Governance is a profession like any other. But oddly it is the only one in which you want to base your choice on no qualifications. Would you hire a doctor, lawyer, home builder like that?

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

But while we might all grant that there are exceptions, the general question still stands: does it make sense to run government like a business? The short answer is no. Bear in mind, first, that “efficiency” in the private sector means profit. Hence, to ask that the government be run like a business is tantamount to asking that the government turn a profit. The problem in a nutshell, is that not everything that is profitable is of social value and not everything of social value is profitable. Reality TV, pornography, fashion, sports, and gambling are all of questionable social value, but each is quite profitable and exists in the private sector. Meanwhile, few would argue that the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, police department, fire department, libraries, parks, and public schools are of no social value, and yet they could not exist if they were required to be profitable. Imagine maintaining a standing military by selling subscriptions door-to-door: “Hello, my name is Captain Johnson, and I represent the US Army. Are you afraid of foreigners? Would you like guaranteed protection against invasion, pillaging, enslavement, and more? Please see our brochure for our three levels of service.” There would, of course, be a few subscribers, but nothing approaching the level necessary to truly protect the United States from attack.

To reiterate, the key issue is this: not everything that is profitable is of social value and not everything of social value is profitable. The proper role of government is the latter. Those arguing for a business model for government must necessarily be ready to shut down all government functions that do not earn a profit, regardless of their contribution to our well being. And, if the public sector is being run properly, that should mean every single one. If it’s profitable, they shouldn’t have been doing it in the first place. There is no need for the government to start a chain of hamburger stands, hardware stores, or coffee shops. Rather, they run child protective services, the National Park Service, and the Air Force. Profit is the realm of business, while unprofitable but socially useful tasks is the responsibility of government. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Yep, we should hire (vote) for a politician that has no experience at anything except being a politician...dumbass.

Governance is a profession like any other. But oddly it is the only one in which you want to base your choice on no qualifications. Would you hire a doctor, lawyer, home builder like that?

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

It shouldn't be ran like a charity organization either we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Yep, we should hire (vote) for a politician that has no experience at anything except being a politician...dumbass.

Governance is a profession like any other. But oddly it is the only one in which you want to base your choice on no qualifications. Would you hire a doctor, lawyer, home builder like that?

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

So you justifying incompetence, theft now?
Some food for thought on the idea that businessmen magically make good presidents.

6 Other Businessmen Who Became President of the United States
Surprisingly, four presidents who had successful business careers — Hoover, both Bushes and Carter — “had the four worst records in terms of gross domestic product performance,” Robert S. McElvaine, history professor at Milsaps College in Jackson, Miss., has argued in the Washington Post “The only president since Hoover with business experience under whom the economy did well was the one who was unsuccessful in business: Harry Truman, whose haberdashery shop went bankrupt after two years.” we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Yep, we should hire (vote) for a politician that has no experience at anything except being a politician...dumbass.

Governance is a profession like any other. But oddly it is the only one in which you want to base your choice on no qualifications. Would you hire a doctor, lawyer, home builder like that?

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

It shouldn't be ran like a charity organization either

It needs a balance, but in fact, in some cases it is a charity organization. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Yep, we should hire (vote) for a politician that has no experience at anything except being a politician...dumbass.

Governance is a profession like any other. But oddly it is the only one in which you want to base your choice on no qualifications. Would you hire a doctor, lawyer, home builder like that?

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

So you justifying incompetence, theft now?
Where? You must not have read the article.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Yep, we should hire (vote) for a politician that has no experience at anything except being a politician...dumbass.

Governance is a profession like any other. But oddly it is the only one in which you want to base your choice on no qualifications. Would you hire a doctor, lawyer, home builder like that?

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

So you justifying incompetence, theft now?
Where? You must not have read the article.
So you don't live in the real world?

We have only two options

Rich private citizens

Or rich government employees

Trump is trying to change it
Bill Clinton was a failed lawyer who came to the White House without two dimes to rub together. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama was the son of a bigamist alcoholic African nationalist and the business partner of an unrepentant domestic terrorist. He was also a failed lawyer who spent his time organizing rallies for democrats. The problem for President Trump is that he is a successful businessman who had to take a cut in salary to become President. You can count on the crazy left to criticize success and praise failure and disappointment and endorse socialism these days. Anger is all they have left.
Bill Clinton was a failed lawyer who came to the White House without two dimes to rub together. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama was the son of a bigamist alcoholic African nationalist and the business partner of an unrepentant domestic terrorist. He was also a failed lawyer who spent his time organizing rallies for democrats. The problem for President Trump is that he is a successful businessman who had to take a cut in salary to become President. You can count on the crazy left to criticize success and praise failure and disappointment and endorse socialism these days. Anger is all they have

Nancy and Maxine became millionaire because of insider trading we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.

And, like Trump, when such financial ventures fail, they declare bankruptcy and stiff the owners of the lost money. I don't do business that way., myself.

All borrowers benefit. Is that bad?

All savers pay. Is that good?

If a Democrat gets in there, there will be no savers.

That's odd. I'm a democrat, and I am a saver. In fact it is republicans like Trump who profit by borrowing money to make money off of capital, instead of by working.

Trump isn't a Republican,

The RNC merely afforded Trump a ticket to run on,

" borrowing money to make money off of capital..."


A smart businessman uses investestors to build the 'next YUGE thing'.

I'm seriously dismayed regarding the financial ignorance of so many who post on this board! we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Yep, we should hire (vote) for a politician that has no experience at anything except being a politician...dumbass.

Governance is a profession like any other. But oddly it is the only one in which you want to base your choice on no qualifications. Would you hire a doctor, lawyer, home builder like that?

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

But while we might all grant that there are exceptions, the general question still stands: does it make sense to run government like a business? The short answer is no. Bear in mind, first, that “efficiency” in the private sector means profit. Hence, to ask that the government be run like a business is tantamount to asking that the government turn a profit. The problem in a nutshell, is that not everything that is profitable is of social value and not everything of social value is profitable. Reality TV, pornography, fashion, sports, and gambling are all of questionable social value, but each is quite profitable and exists in the private sector. Meanwhile, few would argue that the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, police department, fire department, libraries, parks, and public schools are of no social value, and yet they could not exist if they were required to be profitable. Imagine maintaining a standing military by selling subscriptions door-to-door: “Hello, my name is Captain Johnson, and I represent the US Army. Are you afraid of foreigners? Would you like guaranteed protection against invasion, pillaging, enslavement, and more? Please see our brochure for our three levels of service.” There would, of course, be a few subscribers, but nothing approaching the level necessary to truly protect the United States from attack.

To reiterate, the key issue is this: not everything that is profitable is of social value and not everything of social value is profitable. The proper role of government is the latter. Those arguing for a business model for government must necessarily be ready to shut down all government functions that do not earn a profit, regardless of their contribution to our well being. And, if the public sector is being run properly, that should mean every single one. If it’s profitable, they shouldn’t have been doing it in the first place. There is no need for the government to start a chain of hamburger stands, hardware stores, or coffee shops. Rather, they run child protective services, the National Park Service, and the Air Force. Profit is the realm of business, while unprofitable but socially useful tasks is the responsibility of government.
well at this point i'd argue he's not really running it like a business and spending money like his democrat roots would do. :)

so far i'm hit and miss on his monetary policies. some have worked, some are not. while i do think he has a point w/china, the way he's doing it is coming off vindictive, not productive. it's not helping his cause. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery?

Or a community organizer...…?
His motivation is simple... he doesn't want to go down in history with Obama as the only presidents to not have a year where GDP doesn't reach at least 3%. Now while that's actually nothing more than a talking point to begin with, don't forget just how shallow and narcissistic trump is. Everything he does is about him.
Wow!!! That is particularly STUPID at best. If Trump has proven nothing else it is that he has only America's best interests at heart which seems to really annoy our leftards.
It's bad for the country to lower the federal fund rate during a strong economy. Doing so eliminates a tool used to help pull us out of a recession when one comes.
And as if your last post wasn't STUPID enough, you double down on it with this post.

The Fed's job is to keep growth and inflation in balance and one Fed governor admitted they may have overdone the rate increases - crimping growth unnecessarily - late last year.

Bullard says December Fed hike may have slightly overdone it
"That is particularly STUPID at best. If Trump has proven nothing else it is that he has only America's best interests at heart which seems to really annoy our leftards."


As if the forum needed more evidence you're delusional.

Unilaterally pulling out of the nuclear missile pact with Russia and jump starting the arms race with them is not in our best interest.
Unilaterally pulling out of the Iran deal without an alternative, giving Iran the green light to resume their nuclear aspirations, is not on our best interest.
Giving us trillion dollar deficits in a strong economy is not in our best interest.
Kicking out the legs from ACA with no viable alternative is not in our best interest.
Dropping interest rates that are already low in a strong economy is not in our best interest.
Dividing America is not in our best interest.

"The Fed's job is to keep growth and inflation in balance and one Fed governor admitted they may have overdone the rate increases - crimping growth unnecessarily - late last year."

Rates were already low. If they keep lowering them and we slide into a recession, there will be little room to lower them to stimulate the economy out of the recession. This is where you'd be best to use your dial-a-friend for a clue. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.
Now explain how voting for useless politicians with no business experience can run an economy better........Um......derp.....derp.
His motivation is simple... he doesn't want to go down in history with Obama as the only presidents to not have a year where GDP doesn't reach at least 3%. Now while that's actually nothing more than a talking point to begin with, don't forget just how shallow and narcissistic trump is. Everything he does is about him.
TDS sufferers aren't a credible source for Trump's 'motivation'.
Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

sure they could - but not if he takes his advice to other companies and stops doing business in China.
i don't get it.

so is trump supposed to make rules that hurt his businesses and hope no one else gets hurt?
is he supposed to sell all his businesses and see where he is when his term(s) is/are over?

this, to me, is intentionally distorting something so you can say BAD TRUMP. if we heard the ONLY reason he was doing this was for his own businesses then yes, my ears would perk up. but if he's doing something business friendly for ALL and then yes his businesses benefit also, i just don't care.
It's bad for the country to lower the federal fund rate during a strong economy. Doing so eliminates a tool used to help pull us out of a recession when one comes.


It drives the economy.

lower interest rates for

mortgages (we want all the poor people to afford homes, right?)

cars ( we want everyone to be to afford a new car, right)

etc, etc, etc

c'mon Faun you're smarter than this
He once was but like so many bitter numbskulls, what smarts he once had have been replaced by TDS rage and stupidity.

He can't see the good in anything he can twist to spew mindless hatred for the POTUS.

America's lefties are traitors ... every one of 'em.

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
Bill Clinton was a failed lawyer who came to the White House without two dimes to rub together. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama was the son of a bigamist alcoholic African nationalist and the business partner of an unrepentant domestic terrorist. He was also a failed lawyer who spent his time organizing rallies for democrats. The problem for President Trump is that he is a successful businessman who had to take a cut in salary to become President. You can count on the crazy left to criticize success and praise failure and disappointment and endorse socialism these days. Anger is all they have left.

And, interestingly, history thus far has judged those two men far better than Trump. No indication he was a failed lawyer. Both started with nothing and are quite wealthy now.

A cut in salary more than made up for by the money his presidency is generating for his business’.

Trump has spent nearly a third of his presidency visiting his business properties at taxpayer expense, report says

Over the past two and a half years, Trump Organization properties have raked in nearly $6 million from political groups. So far in 2019, political organizations have spent over $1 million by holding events at Trump properties. Before Trump ran for president, his business empire never made more than $100,000 from political groups in a year, according to CREW.

By the numbers: How Trump properties profited from his presidency
The big picture:

  • 84% of the more than $16 million spent on Trump properties since 2015 came from Trump's own campaign, most of which went to chartered planes from Trump-owned TAG Air.
  • The largest single payment was $1,271,944, paid by Trump's campaign to his chartered jet company, on November 28, 2016, 20 days after Trump's election.
    • Trump's campaign spent another $473,662 on that same date at five other Trump properties — rent at Trump Tower in New York, food at Trump Restaurants in New York and Trump Golf Club in Virginia, and lodging at Trump Hotel Las Vegas and Trump Hotel D.C.
  • The largest payment made by taxpayers came from the Department of Homeland Security, which paid $56,330.48 for an event at Trump Golf Club Miami on May 31, 2017.
  • When Trump has traveled as president, a third of the time he has stayed at his own properties, according to ProPublica.
  • Trump's properties, especially the International Hotel off of Pennsylvania Ave. in D.C., have also attracted foreign government officials from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Malaysia as well as pro-Turkish groups, according to watchdog group Public Citizen.
  • Trump promised to donate any profit from foreign governments to the U.S. Treasury. In March, the Trump Organization claimed that they had done so for their 2017 profits by donating around $150,000, according to the Wall Street Journal.
  • The joining fee for the Mar-a-Lago beach resort were doubled to $200,000 following Trump's election and just before his inauguration, members also pay an additional $4k a year in annual dues.
  • The D.C. Trump hotel managed to make more money than expected at the beginning of 2017 —$18 million in the first four months — due to raising room rates and charging extravagantly for food and drink.
  • Ivanka Trump has also benefitted greatly from Trump properties, raking in $3.9 million from the Trump International Hotel in 2017. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.
Now explain how voting for useless politicians with no business experience can run an economy better........Um......derp.....derp.

Explain how a man with multiple and large bankruptcies should run the economy derp.

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