Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery?

Or a community organizer...…?

Or a senator to run for office? we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Yep, we should hire (vote) for a politician that has no experience at anything except being a politician...dumbass.

Governance is a profession like any other. But oddly it is the only one in which you want to base your choice on no qualifications. Would you hire a doctor, lawyer, home builder like that?

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

But while we might all grant that there are exceptions, the general question still stands: does it make sense to run government like a business? The short answer is no. Bear in mind, first, that “efficiency” in the private sector means profit. Hence, to ask that the government be run like a business is tantamount to asking that the government turn a profit. The problem in a nutshell, is that not everything that is profitable is of social value and not everything of social value is profitable. Reality TV, pornography, fashion, sports, and gambling are all of questionable social value, but each is quite profitable and exists in the private sector. Meanwhile, few would argue that the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, police department, fire department, libraries, parks, and public schools are of no social value, and yet they could not exist if they were required to be profitable. Imagine maintaining a standing military by selling subscriptions door-to-door: “Hello, my name is Captain Johnson, and I represent the US Army. Are you afraid of foreigners? Would you like guaranteed protection against invasion, pillaging, enslavement, and more? Please see our brochure for our three levels of service.” There would, of course, be a few subscribers, but nothing approaching the level necessary to truly protect the United States from attack.

To reiterate, the key issue is this: not everything that is profitable is of social value and not everything of social value is profitable. The proper role of government is the latter. Those arguing for a business model for government must necessarily be ready to shut down all government functions that do not earn a profit, regardless of their contribution to our well being. And, if the public sector is being run properly, that should mean every single one. If it’s profitable, they shouldn’t have been doing it in the first place. There is no need for the government to start a chain of hamburger stands, hardware stores, or coffee shops. Rather, they run child protective services, the National Park Service, and the Air Force. Profit is the realm of business, while unprofitable but socially useful tasks is the responsibility of government.
well at this point i'd argue he's not really running it like a business and spending money like his democrat roots would do. :)

so far i'm hit and miss on his monetary policies. some have worked, some are not. while i do think he has a point w/china, the way he's doing it is coming off vindictive, not productive. it's not helping his cause.

I am in agreement that China’s trade policies need to be dealt with, but don’t agree with the tactics and the US go it alone approach. It may end in a scorched earth policy.
Should he form a Nevada Corporation?

Still won't help him obtain a gaming license.

What would it help him with?

The issue is the gaming license. No help.

I'm interested in your Nevada Corporation claims...…...please elaborate.

He is dumb

You can't refute my hypotheses yet call me dumb.....interesting. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.
Now explain how voting for useless politicians with no business experience can run an economy better........Um......derp.....derp.

Explain how a man with multiple and large bankruptcies should run the economy derp.

Remember when Obama said he'd raise the capital gains tax rate, even though that meant less government revenue?

Is that how you'd prefer the economy gets run? we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery?

Or a community organizer...…?

Or a senator to run for office?

Yeah, he was almost as useless as a Senator as he was as President.
Still won't help him obtain a gaming license.

What would it help him with?

The issue is the gaming license. No help.

I'm interested in your Nevada Corporation claims...…...please elaborate.

He is dumb

You can't refute my hypotheses yet call me dumb.....interesting.

Explain your Nevada Corporation hypothesis. We'll explain how dumb you are. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
The country could save billions if the interest rate falls lik he wants it?

Your 401k will be of less value. Oh wait......if it's market based it already is.
Oh wait.

Most people invest more than 6 months before they retire.

Lower interest rates take years to recoup. Plus, the tens of millions that were wiped out during the last Republican White House. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.

All borrowers benefit. Is that bad?

All savers pay. Is that good?

If a Democrat gets in there, there will be no savers.

That's odd. I'm a democrat, and I am a saver. In fact it is republicans like Trump who profit by borrowing money to make money off of capital, instead of by working.

Trump isn't a Republican,

The RNC merely afforded Trump a ticket to run on,

" borrowing money to make money off of capital..."


A smart businessman uses investestors to build the 'next YUGE thing'.

I'm seriously dismayed regarding the financial ignorance of so many who post on this board!

Donald J. tRump(R) we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
The country could save billions if the interest rate falls lik he wants it?

Your 401k will be of less value. Oh wait......if it's market based it already is.
So how does that work. Cheaper interest rates mean more borrowing to help the business and make more profit which leads to higher stock values. I guess the run up in the stock market since trump has been elected hasn’t helped everyone who is invested in the stock market? The people that really get hurt with low interest rates are savers. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
The country could save billions if the interest rate falls lik he wants it?

Your 401k will be of less value. Oh wait......if it's market based it already is.
Oh wait.

Most people invest more than 6 months before they retire.

Lower interest rates take years to recoup. Plus, the tens of millions that were wiped out during the last Republican White House.
So how many years will it take to recoup Obama’s overlong low interest rates? we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.
Now explain how voting for useless politicians with no business experience can run an economy better........Um......derp.....derp.

Explain how a man with multiple and large bankruptcies should run the economy derp.
Have you ever owned a business?
Did you know that filing for bankruptcy is designed to keep creditors from stealing your property away from you?
I had to use it because my wife came down with Dementia and stopped making payments on some of our properties. Predatory lenders love it when you get behind on your payments.....then they start slamming you with extra fees designed to keep you from making your payments. They added $10,000 to the payoff amount in just a few months. I had six properties that were in this state. Bankruptcy was my only option other than a short-sale.
How qualified is a man with multiple bankruptcies and failed business’ under his belt to handle the largest economy in the world?

Business bankruptcies, never a personal bankruptcy. A lot of businessmen declare bankruptcy; that doesn't mean they're not good businessmen. Not every investment or business start-up is a home run. Trump turned a million dollar family business into an multi-billion dollar international corporation. To say or imply that Trump is a business failure is a monolithically stupid statement.

tRump makes his money by using bankruptcy law. He's a liar, cheat, and manipulator and you're defending the guy who's currently fucking you in the ass.

6 bankruptcies out of over 300 companies.? I think the liar, cheat and manipulator you are seeing is in the mirror!

Which netted tRump billions.

Bullshit! You are useless. All you do is lie!

Do you really think that those managing tRumps investments didn't position said investments correctly BEFORE the tariff announcements?
Bill Clinton was a failed lawyer who came to the White House without two dimes to rub together. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama was the son of a bigamist alcoholic African nationalist and the business partner of an unrepentant domestic terrorist. He was also a failed lawyer who spent his time organizing rallies for democrats. The problem for President Trump is that he is a successful businessman who had to take a cut in salary to become President. You can count on the crazy left to criticize success and praise failure and disappointment and endorse socialism these days. Anger is all they have left.

Why do you think Clinton was a "Failed Lawyer?"

Obama did a exceptional job after baby bush caused the worst financial crisis in world history. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.
Now explain how voting for useless politicians with no business experience can run an economy better........Um......derp.....derp.

Explain how a man with multiple and large bankruptcies should run the economy derp.

Remember when Obama said he'd raise the capital gains tax rate, even though that meant less government revenue?

Is that how you'd prefer the economy gets run?

When was that?
What would it help him with?

The issue is the gaming license. No help.

I'm interested in your Nevada Corporation claims...…...please elaborate.

He is dumb

You can't refute my hypotheses yet call me dumb.....interesting.

Explain your Nevada Corporation hypothesis. We'll explain how dumb you are.

Once again, Nevada has no State business tax. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.

Ah-ha! So that's why Trump wants the Fed to lower interest rates! Not to help more people be able to afford home loans. Not to make all other kinds of loans less expensive for people. Not to spur economic growth. No! He wants lower interest rates so he can save $3 million per year, even though he's worth at least $4 billion by the strictest accounting methods.

So now liberals want higher interest rates because Trump wants lower interest rates.

In related news, Trump announced that he wants the NIH to redouble their efforts to find a cure for cancer. After hearing this, Think Progress and the DNC issued a joint statement titled "Trump NIH Policy Could Put Thousands of Cancer Scientists Out of Work." we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
The country could save billions if the interest rate falls lik he wants it?

Your 401k will be of less value. Oh wait......if it's market based it already is.
So how does that work. Cheaper interest rates mean more borrowing to help the business and make more profit which leads to higher stock values. I guess the run up in the stock market since trump has been elected hasn’t helped everyone who is invested in the stock market? The people that really get hurt with low interest rates are savers.

"So how does that work. Cheaper interest rates mean more borrowing to help the business and make more profit which leads to higher stock values. I guess the run up in the stock market since trump has been elected hasn’t helped everyone who is invested in the stock market? The people that really get hurt with low interest rates are savers."

The middle class.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.
Now explain how voting for useless politicians with no business experience can run an economy better........Um......derp.....derp.

Explain how a man with multiple and large bankruptcies should run the economy derp.

Remember when Obama said he'd raise the capital gains tax rate, even though that meant less government revenue?

Is that how you'd prefer the economy gets run?

When was that?

2008 campaign.
The issue is the gaming license. No help.

I'm interested in your Nevada Corporation claims...…...please elaborate.

He is dumb

You can't refute my hypotheses yet call me dumb.....interesting.

Explain your Nevada Corporation hypothesis. We'll explain how dumb you are.

Once again, Nevada has no State business tax.

You claimed a benefit on your federal corporate tax.

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