Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.

All borrowers benefit. Is that bad?

All savers pay. Is that good?

If a Democrat gets in there, there will be no savers.

That's odd. I'm a democrat, and I am a saver. In fact it is republicans like Trump who profit by borrowing money to make money off of capital, instead of by working.

Trump isn't a Republican,

The RNC merely afforded Trump a ticket to run on,

" borrowing money to make money off of capital..."


A smart businessman uses investestors to build the 'next YUGE thing'.

I'm seriously dismayed regarding the financial ignorance of so many who post on this board! we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.

So what?

A person isn't entitled to earn money off their investments??

The fed doesn't operate on the whims of Trump.

For those that REFUSE to understand or even try to comprehend the mind of a businessman and rather settle for bureaucrats and more red tape, more (less actually) power to you!

For the real ... I'm sick of people parroting crap they don't understand.... but dam, it's BAD!

gtfo yourselves and get in reality.
Very well said.

Some people confuse free stuff with freedom.

Capitalism is how free people conduct commerce.
i don't get it.

so is trump supposed to make rules that hurt his businesses and hope no one else gets hurt?
is he supposed to sell all his businesses and see where he is when his term(s) is/are over?

this, to me, is intentionally distorting something so you can say BAD TRUMP. if we heard the ONLY reason he was doing this was for his own businesses then yes, my ears would perk up. but if he's doing something business friendly for ALL and then yes his businesses benefit also, i just don't care.
i don't get it.

so is trump supposed to make rules that hurt his businesses and hope no one else gets hurt?
is he supposed to sell all his businesses and see where he is when his term(s) is/are over?

this, to me, is intentionally distorting something so you can say BAD TRUMP. if we heard the ONLY reason he was doing this was for his own businesses then yes, my ears would perk up. but if he's doing something business friendly for ALL and then yes his businesses benefit also, i just don't care.

It's just more TDS. Are we supposed to set monetary policy based on the mortgages of presidents now?

Truly idiotic argument, not surprised that it comes from someone so low IQ.
Lower interest rates help companies for investment purposes and the majority of Americans who have debt. Many of the wealthy folks are actually harmed because they don't have debt and want o earn higher interest on their money. Democrats against lower interest rates boils down to envy, yet again. Even though it benefits the very people they supposedly represent, the fact that it benefits big business also is too much for them to swallow.
You are accurately describing Trump.

Your position is that, because you have a personal distaste for Trump, we should replace him with a far-left socialist that is going to shit on the economy and reduce the standard of living for poor and middle-class Americans, right?

What's more important when picking a doctor, their qualifications and expertise or how nice they are?
How qualified is a man with multiple bankruptcies and failed business’ under his belt to handle the largest economy in the world?

More qualified than Obama...….

One of these bug eating lizards I see in my back yard is more qualified to be President than that Obama asshole was. These Moon Bats were idiots voting for him. "Hey, lets elect a worthless affirmative action Muslim commie for President, what could possibly go wrong?"
Or Trump. Who’s father financed much of his business. That is a real job right?

So what? Trump took the business and turned it into something far greater than his father built. Trump has been a fabulously successful businessman. Trump is good for the country because he understands what it takes for American businesses to be successful. You prefer a president that doesn't know anything about running a business and who is, in fact, hostile to businesses, like Obama was and like the Democratic candidates are.

It is stuff like the above that make me me think Trump occupies a Messianic spot in your psyche that no amount of reality checking can impinge on.

Donald Trump might be the worst businessman in America

He negotiated a favorable trade deal with Japan yesterday and got the Chinese back to the table. That is more than that worthless Obama ever did. All Obama ever did at the summits was give away the store and take selfies. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.

All borrowers benefit. Is that bad?


Trump is trying to pressure Powell into a much larger drop than is merited, larger than what they did for the Great Recession. We are not in a recession, so.... Why? What are the motivations here?

Also, adjusting interests rates, which are currently very low, is one o the few tools the Fed can use to try to stave off or come out of a recession. A rush to the bottom would leave no tools should the economy get really bad. I read somewhere that he German federal bank was in that sort of situation and Germany’s economy is also experiencing trouble.
His motivation is simple... he doesn't want to go down in history with Obama as the only presidents to not have a year where GDP doesn't reach at least 3%. Now while that's actually nothing more than a talking point to begin with, don't forget just how shallow and narcissistic trump is. Everything he does is about him. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
So you still hate this POTUS, eh? You must know he donates his $400,000/yr salary to charity. Do you really think he cares about saving a few hundred thou (after taxes) in interest?

Now for a reality check (not that you ever seem connected) … guess how much this country would save on our $22 Trillion debt?
i don't get it.

so is trump supposed to make rules that hurt his businesses and hope no one else gets hurt?
is he supposed to sell all his businesses and see where he is when his term(s) is/are over?

this, to me, is intentionally distorting something so you can say BAD TRUMP. if we heard the ONLY reason he was doing this was for his own businesses then yes, my ears would perk up. but if he's doing something business friendly for ALL and then yes his businesses benefit also, i just don't care.
It's bad for the country to lower the federal fund rate during a strong economy. Doing so eliminates a tool used to help pull us out of a recession when one comes.
His motivation is simple... he doesn't want to go down in history with Obama as the only presidents to not have a year where GDP doesn't reach at least 3%. Now while that's actually nothing more than a talking point to begin with, don't forget just how shallow and narcissistic trump is. Everything he does is about him.
Wow!!! That is particularly STUPID at best. If Trump has proven nothing else it is that he has only America's best interests at heart which seems to really annoy our leftards.
It's bad for the country to lower the federal fund rate during a strong economy. Doing so eliminates a tool used to help pull us out of a recession when one comes.
And as if your last post wasn't STUPID enough, you double down on it with this post.

The Fed's job is to keep growth and inflation in balance and one Fed governor admitted they may have overdone the rate increases - crimping growth unnecessarily - late last year.

Bullard says December Fed hike may have slightly overdone it
i don't get it.

so is trump supposed to make rules that hurt his businesses and hope no one else gets hurt?
is he supposed to sell all his businesses and see where he is when his term(s) is/are over?

this, to me, is intentionally distorting something so you can say BAD TRUMP. if we heard the ONLY reason he was doing this was for his own businesses then yes, my ears would perk up. but if he's doing something business friendly for ALL and then yes his businesses benefit also, i just don't care.
It's bad for the country to lower the federal fund rate during a strong economy. Doing so eliminates a tool used to help pull us out of a recession when one comes.


It drives the economy.

lower interest rates for

mortgages (we want all the poor people to afford homes, right?)

cars ( we want everyone to be to afford a new car, right)

etc, etc, etc

c'mon Faun you're smarter than this
i don't get it.

so is trump supposed to make rules that hurt his businesses and hope no one else gets hurt?
is he supposed to sell all his businesses and see where he is when his term(s) is/are over?

this, to me, is intentionally distorting something so you can say BAD TRUMP. if we heard the ONLY reason he was doing this was for his own businesses then yes, my ears would perk up. but if he's doing something business friendly for ALL and then yes his businesses benefit also, i just don't care.
It's bad for the country to lower the federal fund rate during a strong economy. Doing so eliminates a tool used to help pull us out of a recession when one comes.


It drives the economy.

lower interest rates for

mortgages (we want all the poor people to afford homes, right?)

cars ( we want everyone to be to afford a new car, right)

etc, etc, etc

c'mon Faun you're smarter than this

Fawn is not. I ve seen smarter broom sticks. He still doesn’t realize that QE is in essence the printing of money.
i don't get it.

so is trump supposed to make rules that hurt his businesses and hope no one else gets hurt?
is he supposed to sell all his businesses and see where he is when his term(s) is/are over?

this, to me, is intentionally distorting something so you can say BAD TRUMP. if we heard the ONLY reason he was doing this was for his own businesses then yes, my ears would perk up. but if he's doing something business friendly for ALL and then yes his businesses benefit also, i just don't care.
It's bad for the country to lower the federal fund rate during a strong economy. Doing so eliminates a tool used to help pull us out of a recession when one comes.
you mistake me for someone who gives a fuck what you say.

please don't do that again.
i don't get it.

so is trump supposed to make rules that hurt his businesses and hope no one else gets hurt?
is he supposed to sell all his businesses and see where he is when his term(s) is/are over?

this, to me, is intentionally distorting something so you can say BAD TRUMP. if we heard the ONLY reason he was doing this was for his own businesses then yes, my ears would perk up. but if he's doing something business friendly for ALL and then yes his businesses benefit also, i just don't care.

It's just more TDS. Are we supposed to set monetary policy based on the mortgages of presidents now?

Truly idiotic argument, not surprised that it comes from someone so low IQ.
if you're talking about me - heh. ok. if you're talking about coyote - i don't agree with her much it would seem, but she's far from a low iq person. not agreeing with someone doesn't make them ignorant and stupid. people lacking in their own confidence may feel threatened by this and "wall up" - but that's kinda what got us here today. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
Yeah.....Trump’s businesses my save the Leftist response is "let's fuck everyone to spite Trump!!!!" we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?
How qualified is a man with multiple bankruptcies and failed business’ under his belt to handle the largest economy in the world?

Business bankruptcies, never a personal bankruptcy. A lot of businessmen declare bankruptcy; that doesn't mean they're not good businessmen. Not every investment or business start-up is a home run. Trump turned a million dollar family business into an multi-billion dollar international corporation. To say or imply that Trump is a business failure is a monolithically stupid statement.

tRump makes his money by using bankruptcy law. He's a liar, cheat, and manipulator and you're defending the guy who's currently fucking you in the ass.

6 bankruptcies out of over 300 companies.? I think the liar, cheat and manipulator you are seeing is in the mirror!

Which netted tRump billions.

Bullshit! You are useless. All you do is lie! we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business. we watch Trump berate and publically insult Powell.

Trump’s company could save millions if interest rates fall like he wants

The Post notes that just a quarter-point reduction, which many investors now predict will occur in mid-September, could save Trump as much as $275,000 annually on just his Doral loan.

Bloomberg News reported that every quarter-point reduction could save Trump $850,000 annually, which would create more than $3 million in annual savings if the Fed dropped rates a full percentage point as Trump has demanded.

The Fed cut short-term rates by a quarter of a percentage point in July, the first such action in more than a decade.
No shit really? Lol a president who is a business man should fail? Won’t many businesses hire more people?

Should we hire a business man to do your open heart surgery? You premise contains one big fallacy, that government can be run like a business.
If my doc has a business on the side why not?? Are you on crack?

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