Trump’s coup attempt failed ... in Venezuela, Bolivia, etc

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
I wish this were only satire. But there is truth in this article concerning U.S. (bipartisan) atttempts to overthrow enemies of U.S. corporations abroad. In particular, false charges of a fraudulent vote in Bolivia almost exactly followed the script Trump tried in D.C., only in Bolivia the government “auto-golpe” or “soft coup” was carried out by the military and rightwing politicians, backed up by street gangs. Of course in Bolivia, popular pressure forced a new election, in which the social-democratic MAS movement won an even greater electoral victory, reversing the coup. Excerpts from a Common Dreams article follow. Here is an ironic but not unreasonable statement issued by Venezuela on the recent troubles in D.C.:

"Venezuela condemns the political polarization and the spiral of violence that only reflects the deep crisis that the political and social system of the United States is currently going through," the statement continues. "With this unfortunate episode, the United States is suffering the same thing that it has generated in other countries with its policies of aggression."

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Juan Guaidó, Venezuela's right-wing opposition figure who in 2019 oversaw a failed U.S.-backed coup attempt after the reelection of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, became a flashpoint for commentators eager to shed light on the hypocrisy of U.S. lawmakers from both major parties who gave Guaidó a standing ovation when the self-anointed leader was erroneously described by President Donald Trump during his 2020 State of the Union address as the "true and legitimate president of Venezuela."...

The Grayzone's Anya Parampil noted that Maduro opponent Carlos Vecchio "was welcomed in D.C. as Juan Guaidó's ambassador," not long after "encouraging violence and attacks on government buildings in Venezuela."...

In an interview with teleSUR, political analyst Arnold August explained that while Wednesday's terrible events are relatively unprecedented in the U.S., "unfortunately, these scenes are not unprecedented when it comes to U.S. foreign policy."

"The chickens have come home to roost," August said. "It is not unprecedented in U.S. foreign policy to carry out coups far more violent than the one that is going on in Washington, D.C. at the moment." He listed several recent examples of countries, including Paraguay, Brazil, Venezuela, and Bolivia, whose leaders were overthrown after pursuing policies that run counter to the interests of the U.S. ruling class.

After Right-Wing Coup Effort in DC, Venezuela Offers Sympathy for US Suffering What 'It Has Generated' Elsewhere
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This article will be well received by all freedom loving Americans on here.
Do I detect a note of satire in your comment? ; )

Truly, fair minded U.S. citizens should welcome the connections being made by my post and this article, but I fear relatively few of them will. Rejecting U.S. imperialism’s terrible destabilizing efforts in Latin America and elsewhere doesn’t equal slavish support for Maduro or any other opponent of corporate-determined U.S. policies abroad. Just as opposition to Trump’s madness doesn’t necessarily equal support to Biden or Hillary.

It is sad how many Trump supporters in particular scream about “globalism” and how the U.S. is “taken advantage” of by foreigners ... while supporting U.S. global interference on behalf of companies like Tesla, whose chairman openly wanted the coup so he could exploit Bolivian Lithium resources!
The Clown Show That Was Meant To Be A Coup

The impeached president trump simply refuses to listen to experts. From Day One of his presidency he has been at odds with his advisers. His need to “do it his way” has been a big reason over 80 million Americans voted for Joe Biden. 7. 62 million of those voters were voting for Biden. But, the other 72.4 million were voting to get the impeached president trump tossed out.

The impeached president trump’s January 6, coup attemp is another example of his refusal to listen to the experts.

Naturally, it would require him to read books to consult these exprts, but he didn’t, it would have required too much time and effort. If he had, he would have known his first choice should have been to hire professional mercenaries to storm and secure the Capital Building. Instead, he relied on a bunch of clowns who treated the coup like a frat-boy pantie raid.

During this particular clown show, produced and directed by the impeached president trump, two people have been reported killed. These deaths will have no effect on the impeached president trump, in any way. No more or no less than the nearly 360,000 Covid-19 related deaths caused by his incompetent leadership.

All America should be grateful his disastrous four years have come to an end.

Venezuela, where the Progressive leaders are worth hundreds of millions while the people eat their pets and sell their kids.
I wish this were only satire. But there is truth in this article concerning U.S. (bipartisan) atttempts to overthrow enemies of U.S. corporations abroad. In particular, false charges of a fraudulent vote in Bolivia almost exactly followed the script Trump tried in D.C., only in Bolivia the government “auto-golpe” or “soft coup” was carried out by the military and rightwing politicians, backed up by street gangs. Of course in Bolivia, popular pressure forced a new election, in which the social-democratic MAS movement won an even greater electoral victory, reversing the coup. Excerpts from a Common Dreams article follow. Here is an ironic but not unreasonable statement issued by Venezuela on the recent troubles in D.C.:

"Venezuela condemns the political polarization and the spiral of violence that only reflects the deep crisis that the political and social system of the United States is currently going through," the statement continues. "With this unfortunate episode, the United States is suffering the same thing that it has generated in other countries with its policies of aggression."

* * *

Juan Guaidó, Venezuela's right-wing opposition figure who in 2019 oversaw a failed U.S.-backed coup attempt after the reelection of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, became a flashpoint for commentators eager to shed light on the hypocrisy of U.S. lawmakers from both major parties who gave Guaidó a standing ovation when the self-anointed leader was erroneously described by President Donald Trump during his 2020 State of the Union address as the "true and legitimate president of Venezuela."...

The Grayzone's Anya Parampil noted that Maduro opponent Carlos Vecchio "was welcomed in D.C. as Juan Guaidó's ambassador," not long after "encouraging violence and attacks on government buildings in Venezuela."...

In an interview with teleSUR, political analyst Arnold August explained that while Wednesday's terrible events are relatively unprecedented in the U.S., "unfortunately, these scenes are not unprecedented when it comes to U.S. foreign policy."

"The chickens have come home to roost," August said. "It is not unprecedented in U.S. foreign policy to carry out coups far more violent than the one that is going on in Washington, D.C. at the moment." He listed several recent examples of countries, including Paraguay, Brazil, Venezuela, and Bolivia, whose leaders were overthrown after pursuing policies that run counter to the interests of the U.S. ruling class.

After Right-Wing Coup Effort in DC, Venezuela Offers Sympathy for US Suffering What 'It Has Generated' Elsewhere
Venezuela, where the Progressive leaders are worth hundreds of millions while the people eat their pets and sell their kids.
Who are the one's with the naval blockade against Venezuela? Do you know?

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