Trump's demand that Mosques be closed -- Here's what Washington said in a letter to the Jews

We have procedures for defining our laws. There is no way Sharia can be implemented. If individuals want to set their own terms on their personal dealings, that is no ones business but theirs.

Irrelevant. I didn't ask about procedures or US law. We were talking freedom to worship w/out government persecution.

Sharia is part of Islamic worship. Should that be permitted here?

Of course it should if they chose to use it to settle their personal disputes, as long as it doesn't break our law in the process.

Which, for them, negates their freedom to worship without government interference. Thank you for your cooperation.

None of our rights are absolute

No? Aside from agreed-to restrictions arising from security issues, what is not absolute about say ... the 1st Amendment?

Really? That's the easiest one you could have asked about ......"YOU CAN'T YELL FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER !!!" You never heard that before?
George Washington Letter

George Washington and his Letter to the Jews of Newport
The original of Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregations of Newport, Rhode Island is small in size, but its impact on American life is immense. In 340 well-chosen words, the Letter reassures those who had fled religious tyranny that life in their new nation would be different, that religious “toleration” would give way to religious liberty, and that the government would not interfere with individuals in matters of conscience and belief. Quoting the Bible’s Old Testament, Washington writes,

“every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.”
He continues:

For happily the Government of the United States gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.1

When he wrote this particular letter in August of 1790, the new President must have been aware of the effect it would have on the fledgling nation. He could not have known the extent of its influence today. The history behind Washington’s Letter not only gives us an understanding of the values of the early colonists and our Founding Fathers, but also insight into two fundamental tenets of American democracy: the separation of church and state, and the right of individuals to believe in and practice their religion.

Trump will destroy the basic fundamental right of this nation -- which is freedom to worship without government persecution.

When Christians, Jews, and atheists are no longer being persecuted and are able to live freely and equally in Muslim nations, we'll entertain the idea accepting Muslims into our nation.

Who the fuck cares whether you "entertain the idea of accepting Muslims"?

You don't get a say, bigot. Muslims will continue come to this nation and make up an important part of American culture, whether you like it or not.
Shira is anathema to our system of government. Those people want to put your women in burkas and kill your gay friends. We don't need to import that to our shores. The Muslims we have here are Americans and not virulent like that trash in the Middle East.
George Washington Letter

George Washington and his Letter to the Jews of Newport
The original of Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregations of Newport, Rhode Island is small in size, but its impact on American life is immense. In 340 well-chosen words, the Letter reassures those who had fled religious tyranny that life in their new nation would be different, that religious “toleration” would give way to religious liberty, and that the government would not interfere with individuals in matters of conscience and belief. Quoting the Bible’s Old Testament, Washington writes,

“every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.”
He continues:

For happily the Government of the United States gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.1

When he wrote this particular letter in August of 1790, the new President must have been aware of the effect it would have on the fledgling nation. He could not have known the extent of its influence today. The history behind Washington’s Letter not only gives us an understanding of the values of the early colonists and our Founding Fathers, but also insight into two fundamental tenets of American democracy: the separation of church and state, and the right of individuals to believe in and practice their religion.

Trump will destroy the basic fundamental right of this nation -- which is freedom to worship without government persecution.

When Christians, Jews, and atheists are no longer being persecuted and are able to live freely and equally in Muslim nations, we'll entertain the idea accepting Muslims into our nation.

Who the fuck cares whether you "entertain the idea of accepting Muslims"?

You don't get a say, bigot. Muslims will continue come to this nation and make up an important part of American culture, whether you like it or not.
Shira is anathema to our system of government. Those people want to put your women in burkas and kill your gay friends. We don't need to import that to our shores. The Muslims we have here are Americans and not virulent like that trash in the Middle East.

Big deal. There are posters here that want to kill my gay friends.
Irrelevant. I didn't ask about procedures or US law. We were talking freedom to worship w/out government persecution.

Sharia is part of Islamic worship. Should that be permitted here?

Of course it should if they chose to use it to settle their personal disputes, as long as it doesn't break our law in the process.

Which, for them, negates their freedom to worship without government interference. Thank you for your cooperation.

None of our rights are absolute

No? Aside from agreed-to restrictions arising from security issues, what is not absolute about say ... the 1st Amendment?

Really? That's the easiest one you could have asked about ......"YOU CAN'T YELL FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER !!!" You never heard that before?

Au contraire, but you can. And have every right to. But there will be consequences due to the damages resulting from the public panic caused by the unwise exercise of your right, and the criminal charges will reflect the damages, not the right itself.
I will agree that I used the wrong word.

But I'm not the slightest bit ashamed that I'm "bigoted" against all you hateful fucks.
. Why the name calling? If you want us kissing Habib the Terrorist's ass with you libs, this is no way to go about winning our support.
George Washington Letter

George Washington and his Letter to the Jews of Newport
The original of Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregations of Newport, Rhode Island is small in size, but its impact on American life is immense. In 340 well-chosen words, the Letter reassures those who had fled religious tyranny that life in their new nation would be different, that religious “toleration” would give way to religious liberty, and that the government would not interfere with individuals in matters of conscience and belief. Quoting the Bible’s Old Testament, Washington writes,

“every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.”
He continues:

For happily the Government of the United States gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.1

When he wrote this particular letter in August of 1790, the new President must have been aware of the effect it would have on the fledgling nation. He could not have known the extent of its influence today. The history behind Washington’s Letter not only gives us an understanding of the values of the early colonists and our Founding Fathers, but also insight into two fundamental tenets of American democracy: the separation of church and state, and the right of individuals to believe in and practice their religion.

Trump will destroy the basic fundamental right of this nation -- which is freedom to worship without government persecution.

When Christians, Jews, and atheists are no longer being persecuted and are able to live freely and equally in Muslim nations, we'll entertain the idea accepting Muslims into our nation.

Who the fuck cares whether you "entertain the idea of accepting Muslims"?

You don't get a say, bigot. Muslims will continue come to this nation and make up an important part of American culture, whether you like it or not.
Shira is anathema to our system of government. Those people want to put your women in burkas and kill your gay friends. We don't need to import that to our shores. The Muslims we have here are Americans and not virulent like that trash in the Middle East.

Big deal. There are posters here that want to kill my gay friends.
Bullshit. You probably want to kill your gay friends and just project that on everyone else like a typical libtard.
George Washington Letter

George Washington and his Letter to the Jews of Newport
The original of Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregations of Newport, Rhode Island is small in size, but its impact on American life is immense. In 340 well-chosen words, the Letter reassures those who had fled religious tyranny that life in their new nation would be different, that religious “toleration” would give way to religious liberty, and that the government would not interfere with individuals in matters of conscience and belief. Quoting the Bible’s Old Testament, Washington writes,

“every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.”
He continues:

For happily the Government of the United States gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.1

When he wrote this particular letter in August of 1790, the new President must have been aware of the effect it would have on the fledgling nation. He could not have known the extent of its influence today. The history behind Washington’s Letter not only gives us an understanding of the values of the early colonists and our Founding Fathers, but also insight into two fundamental tenets of American democracy: the separation of church and state, and the right of individuals to believe in and practice their religion.

Trump will destroy the basic fundamental right of this nation -- which is freedom to worship without government persecution.

When Christians, Jews, and atheists are no longer being persecuted and are able to live freely and equally in Muslim nations, we'll entertain the idea accepting Muslims into our nation.

Who the fuck cares whether you "entertain the idea of accepting Muslims"?

You don't get a say, bigot. Muslims will continue come to this nation and make up an important part of American culture, whether you like it or not.
Shira is anathema to our system of government. Those people want to put your women in burkas and kill your gay friends. We don't need to import that to our shores. The Muslims we have here are Americans and not virulent like that trash in the Middle East.

Big deal. There are posters here that want to kill my gay friends.
Bullshit. You probably want to kill your gay friends and just project that on everyone else like a typical libtard.
True. Libs are too chickenshit to kill gays,so they want to import Islamic terrorists to do it.
George Washington Letter

George Washington and his Letter to the Jews of Newport
The original of Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregations of Newport, Rhode Island is small in size, but its impact on American life is immense. In 340 well-chosen words, the Letter reassures those who had fled religious tyranny that life in their new nation would be different, that religious “toleration” would give way to religious liberty, and that the government would not interfere with individuals in matters of conscience and belief. Quoting the Bible’s Old Testament, Washington writes,

“every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.”
He continues:

For happily the Government of the United States gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.1

When he wrote this particular letter in August of 1790, the new President must have been aware of the effect it would have on the fledgling nation. He could not have known the extent of its influence today. The history behind Washington’s Letter not only gives us an understanding of the values of the early colonists and our Founding Fathers, but also insight into two fundamental tenets of American democracy: the separation of church and state, and the right of individuals to believe in and practice their religion.

Trump will destroy the basic fundamental right of this nation -- which is freedom to worship without government persecution.

When Christians, Jews, and atheists are no longer being persecuted and are able to live freely and equally in Muslim nations, we'll entertain the idea accepting Muslims into our nation.

Who the fuck cares whether you "entertain the idea of accepting Muslims"?

You don't get a say, bigot. Muslims will continue come to this nation and make up an important part of American culture, whether you like it or not.
Shira is anathema to our system of government. Those people want to put your women in burkas and kill your gay friends. We don't need to import that to our shores. The Muslims we have here are Americans and not virulent like that trash in the Middle East.

Big deal. There are posters here that want to kill my gay friends.
Bullshit. You probably want to kill your gay friends and just project that on everyone else like a typical libtard.

Well, there is one who always drinks my beer, and never brings any. I don't think i would kill him for that though.
I will agree that I used the wrong word.

But I'm not the slightest bit ashamed that I'm "bigoted" against all you hateful fucks.
. Why the name calling? If you want us kissing Habib the Terrorist's ass with you libs, this is no way to go about winning our support.

Why the fuck would I care about "winning your support?"
When Christians, Jews, and atheists are no longer being persecuted and are able to live freely and equally in Muslim nations, we'll entertain the idea accepting Muslims into our nation.

Who the fuck cares whether you "entertain the idea of accepting Muslims"?

You don't get a say, bigot. Muslims will continue come to this nation and make up an important part of American culture, whether you like it or not.
Shira is anathema to our system of government. Those people want to put your women in burkas and kill your gay friends. We don't need to import that to our shores. The Muslims we have here are Americans and not virulent like that trash in the Middle East.

Big deal. There are posters here that want to kill my gay friends.
Bullshit. You probably want to kill your gay friends and just project that on everyone else like a typical libtard.

Well, there is one who always drinks my beer, and never brings any. I don't think i would kill him for that though.
Well, its at least worth a good kick in the shins.
Agreed, what's wrong with observing certain mosques? A few years ago undercover reporters produced a programme in the UK called Undercover Mosque. The hatred and exhortations to violence against non Muslims, gays and women was horrific. We've also found caches of weapons and hate literature in mosques - the original purpose of the masjid. How strange that people wouldn't want to know about them and watch the, or indeed close them down.
Agreed, what's wrong with observing certain mosques? A few years ago undercover reporters produced a programme in the UK called Undercover Mosque. The hatred and exhortations to violence against non Muslims, gays and women was horrific. We've also found caches of weapons and hate literature in mosques - the original purpose of the masjid. How strange that people wouldn't want to know about them and watch the, or indeed close them down.

Well apparently we /did/ watch mosques, from 2001 until April 2014 so I'm not sure what they're all freaking out about...
Agreed, what's wrong with observing certain mosques? A few years ago undercover reporters produced a programme in the UK called Undercover Mosque. The hatred and exhortations to violence against non Muslims, gays and women was horrific. We've also found caches of weapons and hate literature in mosques - the original purpose of the masjid. How strange that people wouldn't want to know about them and watch the, or indeed close them down.

Well apparently we /did/ watch mosques, from 2001 until April 2014 so I'm not sure what they're all freaking out about...
But under Obama, this is a violation of the blah, blah, blah _____________________ libtard PC Nazi doctrine of the USA must suck Muslim donkey cock.
Well I thought Obama became president in like 2007, and since New York didn't end the program until 2014, it seems like Obama was okay with it to me.
Agreed, what's wrong with observing certain mosques? A few years ago undercover reporters produced a programme in the UK called Undercover Mosque. The hatred and exhortations to violence against non Muslims, gays and women was horrific. We've also found caches of weapons and hate literature in mosques - the original purpose of the masjid. How strange that people wouldn't want to know about them and watch the, or indeed close them down.

Well apparently we /did/ watch mosques, from 2001 until April 2014 so I'm not sure what they're all freaking out about...
But under Obama, this is a violation of the blah, blah, blah _____________________ libtard PC Nazi doctrine of the USA must suck Muslim donkey cock.

And you are stuck with Donald Trump...Fa La La La Laaaaa, La La La Laaaaaa.:badgrin:
And you are stuck with Donald Trump...Fa La La La Laaaaa, La La La Laaaaaa.:badgrin:

Stuck with a self made multi-billionaire real estate tycoon, best selling author and TV star?

Sure, that's like being stuck with a Porsche, lol.
And you are stuck with Donald Trump...Fa La La La Laaaaa, La La La Laaaaaa.:badgrin:

Stuck with a self made multi-billionaire real estate tycoon, best selling author and TV star?

Sure, that's like being stuck with a Porsche, lol.
. Watch for liberal asshole tightening too. Trump said he would bring back...wait for it.....WATERBOARDING!
I will agree that I used the wrong word.

But I'm not the slightest bit ashamed that I'm "bigoted" against all you hateful fucks.
. Why the name calling? If you want us kissing Habib the Terrorist's ass with you libs, this is no way to go about winning our support.

Why the fuck would I care about "winning your support?"
because your perverted ideology wants to rule this country with no opposition whatsoever. It's the Fascist part of your ideology causing you to think that way.
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And you are stuck with Donald Trump...Fa La La La Laaaaa, La La La Laaaaaa.:badgrin:

Stuck with a self made multi-billionaire real estate tycoon, best selling author and TV star?

Sure, that's like being stuck with a Porsche, lol.
. Watch for liberal asshole tightening too. Trump said he would bring back...wait for it.....WATERBOARDING!

Oh, yeah, if Trump gets elected and he implements that, the libtards will go ape shit crazy.

I will agree that I used the wrong word.

But I'm not the slightest bit ashamed that I'm "bigoted" against all you hateful fucks.
. Why the name calling? If you want us kissing Habib the Terrorist's ass with you libs, this is no way to go about winning our support.

Why the fuck would I care about "winning your support?"
because your perverted ideology wants to rule this country with no opposition whatsoever. It's the Fascist part of your ideology causing you to think that way.

Well, to be fair they do intend to wreck the country a lot more than Obamy has in the last 7 years before they start their Revolution, and they need to let the current veterans get a bit older too.

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