Trump's Destruction of the White House Correspondents' Dinner Is Complete

If you want to see examples of thin skinned, take a look at the main stream media when it's pointed out that they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for democrats. Or, in Trump parlance, "Fake News".

The arrogance of you tiny liberals is amazing. You whine because the object of your daily bullying won't come to your house so you can bully them in person. What asshats you are.

I always laugh when I hear the low-life, scum-sucking piece of excrement called Trump talking about fake news. He is the epitome of spreading fake BS.
In 8 years I never saw Obama once go on Foxnews for an interview.

Presidents tend to not want to sit down with hostile media that constantly lies and has perpetuated a lie of collusion for the last 2 years.

Obama was the biggest fucking pansy to ever grace the white house. He had the MSM in his back pocket for 8 years and he complained about FNC and even wanted to ban them.

I think it's because, well, Trump just ain't bright enough to sit down for five minutes with the media without sounding like an idiot.
The media trashes Trump 24/7, why does it need a special dinner to take shots at him. Who would be dumb enough to go to a dinner like that?
For a joke he's doing a pretty damned good job. The economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been since 69 and we have jobs all across the country. Quite a change from Barry's first term.

If you want to call that a joke then have at it. I call it great.

it is because of Barry that the country is doing so great. I think the Trumpeter has only enacted one piece of legislation. he is the do-nothing president.
Why bless your little liberal heart. This must be your audition for a stand up comedy performance. Face it little liberal, Barry couldn't grow an economy if you paid him to. ( We know. We paid him. ) The only things Barry was good at growing were racial division and debt.
Some of our little liberals seem out of sorts. This always makes ME laugh. Enjoy this fine example of American "journalism".

it is because of Barry that the country is doing so great. I think the Trumpeter has only enacted one piece of legislation. he is the do-nothing president.
Why bless your little liberal heart. This must be your audition for a stand up comedy performance. Face it little liberal, Barry couldn't grow an economy if you paid him to. ( We know. We paid him. ) The only things Barry was good at growing were racial division and debt.[/QUOTE]

Obama was an average president at best my tiny neocon whackadoodle. However, he was 10 times better than the clusterfuck that is in the WH now.
I’m still waiting for a quote where the press made fun of Obama at any of his 8 dinners.

Try holding your breath. Obama took his turn in the barrel, which also gave him a turn at the podium.

I'm still waiting for the White House to resume 'Daily' Press Briefings. So far, there have been three in the past 119 days.

Daily Press Briefings are hardly necessary during the Trump Administration. He answers questions all the time out on the lawn going to the Presidential helicopter or limo. Mr. Trump also tweets multiple times a day. He's already the most transparent president in human history.

I really don't see the point of Ms. Sanders coming out more than every month or so for a briefing.

I just wanted to see it again for a laugh. "Transparent". Stop! You're killing me.

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