Trump's election will cause a world wide depression

Stock market uncertainity over Trump is causing fears at the Stock Market and on Wall Street.

This is what the experts think.

This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins

Stock market uncertainity over Trump is causing fears at the Stock Market and on Wall Street.

This is what the experts think.

17 Hours Ago | 03:54
Wall Street's long-running view that Hillary Clinton would easily become the next president has been replaced by a new fear that Donald Trump could win, and it probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks if he does.

Bond yields have moved lower and so have stocks, as the markets have begun to react to the possibility of a Trump victory in the last several days. The S&P 500 Wednesday was off 13 points at the key support level of 2,097 and was down 1.3 percent for the week so far.

The work of two economics professors may provide a glimpse of how the stock market might react if Donald Trump were elected. They studied the predictions market, including and the reaction in the financial markets to events around the election. One of the economists says their findings point to a sharp immediate sell-off if Trump wins and a slight rally if Clinton wins. The amount of the rally or sell-off depends on the predicted outcome.

Donald Trump
Carlo Allegri | Reuters
Donald Trump
"If we were to go in 70/30 [for Clinton], and we think the market is 10 percent higher under Clinton than Trump, if Clinton wins it should be up about 3 percent and if Trump wins, it should go down 7 percent," said Eric Zitzewitz, economics professor at Dartmouth College.
ya we wouldn't want an honest stock market.
We want one that's artificially propped up by quantitative easing.
Just like the farmer who are takers who get subsidies and price levels. We want nothing fair and free market.
The S&P 500 Wednesday was off 13 points at the key support level of 2,097 and was down 1.3 percent for the week so far.
JakeStarkey, calm down you are hysterical. lol Please slap yourself. The stock market goes up and down all the time for the silliest of reasons. Trump's election won't cause a world wide depression. Nor will it cause tidal waves nor meteor strikes.

Trump has called for middle class tax cuts. Is that so awful?

Larry Kudlow on Trump's Tax Plan: I Really Like It

I thought his tax plan was to pay no taxes, if he gets in I'm going to become smart like him and live off the middle class. His tax plan is a disaster for the middle class but a great , yes for the elites.

also most corps like his do not pay taxes , if they do its 12% average in the US, check It out, and by the way the corps do business elsewhere not because of corp tax but because wages are lower, same reason for the HB1 visas, insurance is cheaper on the young and they can pay them less.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
JS Translation...
I will have to sell 17 of my 20 homes, sell 3 of my 5 yachts and only take 4 vacations to France this year instead of 10.
Life's good when you have slave labor.
I never vacation in France. Peasants.
The S&P 500 Wednesday was off 13 points at the key support level of 2,097 and was down 1.3 percent for the week so far.
JakeStarkey, calm down you are hysterical. lol Please slap yourself. The stock market goes up and down all the time for the silliest of reasons. Trump's election won't cause a world wide depression. Nor will it cause tidal waves nor meteor strikes.

Trump has called for middle class tax cuts. Is that so awful?

Larry Kudlow on Trump's Tax Plan: I Really Like It

I thought his tax plan was to pay no taxes, if he gets in I'm going to become smart like him and live off the middle class. His tax plan is a disaster for the middle class but a great , yes for the elites.

also most corps like his do not pay taxes , if they do its 12% average in the US, check It out, and by the way the corps do business elsewhere not because of corp tax but because wages are lower, same reason for the HB1 visas, insurance is cheaper on the young and they can pay them less.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
I'll be depressed all right. That so many dumb people live in the US.
The S&P 500 Wednesday was off 13 points at the key support level of 2,097 and was down 1.3 percent for the week so far.
JakeStarkey, calm down you are hysterical. lol Please slap yourself. The stock market goes up and down all the time for the silliest of reasons. Trump's election won't cause a world wide depression. Nor will it cause tidal waves nor meteor strikes.

Trump has called for middle class tax cuts. Is that so awful?

Larry Kudlow on Trump's Tax Plan: I Really Like It

I thought his tax plan was to pay no taxes, if he gets in I'm going to become smart like him and live off the middle class. His tax plan is a disaster for the middle class but a great , yes for the elites.

also most corps like his do not pay taxes , if they do its 12% average in the US, check It out, and by the way the corps do business elsewhere not because of corp tax but because wages are lower, same reason for the HB1 visas, insurance is cheaper on the young and they can pay them less.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
they all already put out their plans

it was all made very clear that people that work get to keep more under trump, but now you are claiming that it won't get passed.

are you saying that leftist hate for the working class will cause them to stop it from going through?

if so, I agree, leftist hate for Americans is deep and wide.
Stock market uncertainity over Trump is causing fears at the Stock Market and on Wall Street.

This is what the experts think.

This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins

Stock market uncertainity over Trump is causing fears at the Stock Market and on Wall Street.

This is what the experts think.

17 Hours Ago | 03:54
Wall Street's long-running view that Hillary Clinton would easily become the next president has been replaced by a new fear that Donald Trump could win, and it probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks if he does.

Bond yields have moved lower and so have stocks, as the markets have begun to react to the possibility of a Trump victory in the last several days. The S&P 500 Wednesday was off 13 points at the key support level of 2,097 and was down 1.3 percent for the week so far.

The work of two economics professors may provide a glimpse of how the stock market might react if Donald Trump were elected. They studied the predictions market, including and the reaction in the financial markets to events around the election. One of the economists says their findings point to a sharp immediate sell-off if Trump wins and a slight rally if Clinton wins. The amount of the rally or sell-off depends on the predicted outcome.

Donald Trump
Carlo Allegri | Reuters
Donald Trump
"If we were to go in 70/30 [for Clinton], and we think the market is 10 percent higher under Clinton than Trump, if Clinton wins it should be up about 3 percent and if Trump wins, it should go down 7 percent," said Eric Zitzewitz, economics professor at Dartmouth College.
I wonder how many of the folks voting for Trump have anything in the stock market, and if they should they care?

They have been screwed over by the interests on Wall Street for too long. The elites have been making policies that are good for Wall Street by screwing over the rest of the nation, how will a Clinton admin be any different?

If investments and 401K's don't take a dive with her, the dollar will still continue to lose it's value, and eventually, the whole thing will crash anyway.

Obama can say jobs have recovered, and the press repeats it day after day, but who cares when America hasn't gotten a raise from the Bush admin or the Obama admin, and prices have continued to rise for the past fifteen years. Do they really think everyone is that stupid?

I remember how far a hundred dollars went at the grocery store a decade ago. I know how much it buys now. If the market has to crash to fix things, do you think folks that don't have the extra cash to play that stupid NY casino give a shit?

It's not like you can buy stock and bonds with food stamps. :laugh: I wouldn't be surprised if there are as many SNAP recipients voting for Trump as there are voting for Clinton, that would be an interesting statistical analysis, don't you think?


However, the federal government changed the way it measures inflation in 1983 and 1998.
Remember the double-digit inflation of the late 1970s and early 1980s ?
Based on the pre-1983 measurement method, inflation in AUG-2008 is really 15.6% !
Falling U.S. Dollar / Inflation

Falling U.S. Dollar / Inflation

Alternate Inflation Charts
The S&P 500 Wednesday was off 13 points at the key support level of 2,097 and was down 1.3 percent for the week so far.
JakeStarkey, calm down you are hysterical. lol Please slap yourself. The stock market goes up and down all the time for the silliest of reasons. Trump's election won't cause a world wide depression. Nor will it cause tidal waves nor meteor strikes.

Trump has called for middle class tax cuts. Is that so awful?

Larry Kudlow on Trump's Tax Plan: I Really Like It

I thought his tax plan was to pay no taxes, if he gets in I'm going to become smart like him and live off the middle class. His tax plan is a disaster for the middle class but a great , yes for the elites.

also most corps like his do not pay taxes , if they do its 12% average in the US, check It out, and by the way the corps do business elsewhere not because of corp tax but because wages are lower, same reason for the HB1 visas, insurance is cheaper on the young and they can pay them less.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
they all already put out their plans

it was all made very clear that people that work get to keep more under trump, but now you are claiming that it won't get passed.

are you saying that leftist hate for the working class will cause them to stop it from going through?

if so, I agree, leftist hate for Americans is deep and wide.
I am claiming the far right wing of our GOP will cut it out.
JakeStarkey, calm down you are hysterical. lol Please slap yourself. The stock market goes up and down all the time for the silliest of reasons. Trump's election won't cause a world wide depression. Nor will it cause tidal waves nor meteor strikes.

Trump has called for middle class tax cuts. Is that so awful?

Larry Kudlow on Trump's Tax Plan: I Really Like It

I thought his tax plan was to pay no taxes, if he gets in I'm going to become smart like him and live off the middle class. His tax plan is a disaster for the middle class but a great , yes for the elites.

also most corps like his do not pay taxes , if they do its 12% average in the US, check It out, and by the way the corps do business elsewhere not because of corp tax but because wages are lower, same reason for the HB1 visas, insurance is cheaper on the young and they can pay them less.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
they all already put out their plans

it was all made very clear that people that work get to keep more under trump, but now you are claiming that it won't get passed.

are you saying that leftist hate for the working class will cause them to stop it from going through?

if so, I agree, leftist hate for Americans is deep and wide.
I am claiming the far right wing of our GOP will cut it out.
Every R but Trump IS a RW nutjob.
JakeStarkey, calm down you are hysterical. lol Please slap yourself. The stock market goes up and down all the time for the silliest of reasons. Trump's election won't cause a world wide depression. Nor will it cause tidal waves nor meteor strikes.

Trump has called for middle class tax cuts. Is that so awful?

Larry Kudlow on Trump's Tax Plan: I Really Like It

I thought his tax plan was to pay no taxes, if he gets in I'm going to become smart like him and live off the middle class. His tax plan is a disaster for the middle class but a great , yes for the elites.

also most corps like his do not pay taxes , if they do its 12% average in the US, check It out, and by the way the corps do business elsewhere not because of corp tax but because wages are lower, same reason for the HB1 visas, insurance is cheaper on the young and they can pay them less.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
they all already put out their plans

it was all made very clear that people that work get to keep more under trump, but now you are claiming that it won't get passed.

are you saying that leftist hate for the working class will cause them to stop it from going through?

if so, I agree, leftist hate for Americans is deep and wide.
I am claiming the far right wing of our GOP will cut it out.
you think the far right will block tax cuts?

crack is whack, just say no
I thought his tax plan was to pay no taxes, if he gets in I'm going to become smart like him and live off the middle class. His tax plan is a disaster for the middle class but a great , yes for the elites.

also most corps like his do not pay taxes , if they do its 12% average in the US, check It out, and by the way the corps do business elsewhere not because of corp tax but because wages are lower, same reason for the HB1 visas, insurance is cheaper on the young and they can pay them less.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
they all already put out their plans

it was all made very clear that people that work get to keep more under trump, but now you are claiming that it won't get passed.

are you saying that leftist hate for the working class will cause them to stop it from going through?

if so, I agree, leftist hate for Americans is deep and wide.
I am claiming the far right wing of our GOP will cut it out.
Every R but Trump IS a RW nutjob.
I am not a rwnj. Many of us nevertrumps are not rwnjs. But some rwnjs are anti trump too.
I thought his tax plan was to pay no taxes, if he gets in I'm going to become smart like him and live off the middle class. His tax plan is a disaster for the middle class but a great , yes for the elites.

also most corps like his do not pay taxes , if they do its 12% average in the US, check It out, and by the way the corps do business elsewhere not because of corp tax but because wages are lower, same reason for the HB1 visas, insurance is cheaper on the young and they can pay them less.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
they all already put out their plans

it was all made very clear that people that work get to keep more under trump, but now you are claiming that it won't get passed.

are you saying that leftist hate for the working class will cause them to stop it from going through?

if so, I agree, leftist hate for Americans is deep and wide.
I am claiming the far right wing of our GOP will cut it out.
Every R but Trump IS a RW nutjob.
trumps a democrate
I thought his tax plan was to pay no taxes, if he gets in I'm going to become smart like him and live off the middle class. His tax plan is a disaster for the middle class but a great , yes for the elites.

also most corps like his do not pay taxes , if they do its 12% average in the US, check It out, and by the way the corps do business elsewhere not because of corp tax but because wages are lower, same reason for the HB1 visas, insurance is cheaper on the young and they can pay them less.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
they all already put out their plans

it was all made very clear that people that work get to keep more under trump, but now you are claiming that it won't get passed.

are you saying that leftist hate for the working class will cause them to stop it from going through?

if so, I agree, leftist hate for Americans is deep and wide.
I am claiming the far right wing of our GOP will cut it out.
you think the far right will block tax cuts? crack is whack, just say no
To the working man? Hell, yes.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
they all already put out their plans

it was all made very clear that people that work get to keep more under trump, but now you are claiming that it won't get passed.

are you saying that leftist hate for the working class will cause them to stop it from going through?

if so, I agree, leftist hate for Americans is deep and wide.
I am claiming the far right wing of our GOP will cut it out.
you think the far right will block tax cuts? crack is whack, just say no
To the working man? Hell, yes.
that's how you get unelected come reelection.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
they all already put out their plans

it was all made very clear that people that work get to keep more under trump, but now you are claiming that it won't get passed.

are you saying that leftist hate for the working class will cause them to stop it from going through?

if so, I agree, leftist hate for Americans is deep and wide.
I am claiming the far right wing of our GOP will cut it out.
you think the far right will block tax cuts? crack is whack, just say no
To the working man? Hell, yes.
that's how you get unelected come reelection.
Nah, they blame it on the Dems, because they will attach an "end all abortions" plank to the bill or something.
Says the most hiysterical thundermiss on the board. :lol:. Trump has called for it, but a GOP right wing in the house will not permit it.
Stock market uncertainity over Trump is causing fears at the Stock Market and on Wall Street.

This is what the experts think.

This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins

Stock market uncertainity over Trump is causing fears at the Stock Market and on Wall Street.

This is what the experts think.

17 Hours Ago | 03:54
Wall Street's long-running view that Hillary Clinton would easily become the next president has been replaced by a new fear that Donald Trump could win, and it probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks if he does.

Bond yields have moved lower and so have stocks, as the markets have begun to react to the possibility of a Trump victory in the last several days. The S&P 500 Wednesday was off 13 points at the key support level of 2,097 and was down 1.3 percent for the week so far.

The work of two economics professors may provide a glimpse of how the stock market might react if Donald Trump were elected. They studied the predictions market, including and the reaction in the financial markets to events around the election. One of the economists says their findings point to a sharp immediate sell-off if Trump wins and a slight rally if Clinton wins. The amount of the rally or sell-off depends on the predicted outcome.

Donald Trump
Carlo Allegri | Reuters
Donald Trump
"If we were to go in 70/30 [for Clinton], and we think the market is 10 percent higher under Clinton than Trump, if Clinton wins it should be up about 3 percent and if Trump wins, it should go down 7 percent," said Eric Zitzewitz, economics professor at Dartmouth College.

That's why this guy is an economist and not a well known investor. Do you call up an economist and ask for investment advice? It's like asking a Veterinarian which horse is going to win the Kentucky Derby. Did the guy happen to give any dates or timing with this nonsense?

People who have made lots of money in the stock market, many well known investors have already declared the market to be in bubble territory. This is the left going into panic mode and setting up an I told you so moment now that the clown has momentum.

Personally, I think there is a good Brexit type play short term in the market but the real bang for the buck may have already passed with the VIX up over the last 5 days, so option pricing has already built in a lot of a surprising Trump win. I can see a scenario that the market will react poorly with a surprising Trump victory, And that could be the catalyst to change what has been an overtly bullish sentiment towards stocks. If that does happen, you can be certain the Fed will stop with the talk of a Dec. rate hike.
JS Translation...
I will have to sell 17 of my 20 homes, sell 3 of my 5 yachts and only take 4 vacations to France this year instead of 10.
Life's good when you have slave labor.

Pleased to meet you Mr. Obama.

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