Trump's election will cause a world wide depression

The S&P 500 Wednesday was off 13 points at the key support level of 2,097 and was down 1.3 percent for the week so far.
JakeStarkey, calm down you are hysterical. lol Please slap yourself. The stock market goes up and down all the time for the silliest of reasons. Trump's election won't cause a world wide depression. Nor will it cause tidal waves nor meteor strikes.

Trump has called for middle class tax cuts. Is that so awful?

Larry Kudlow on Trump's Tax Plan: I Really Like It

It doesn't matter that he has no idea how he will pay for it. It doesn't matter that he will double the national deficit. It doesn't matter that he has split the GOP into two factions that may never recover.
Hey Libs- Your boy George Soros has been bearish towards stocks since June. I'm not a big fan of his politics, but he is definitely a smart and shrewd investor.
A Bearish George Soros Is Trading Again

BTW- he is not the only well known investor who has declared the market to be in bubble territory, even the clown said it was a bubble.
One of the World’s Most Respected Investors Predicts 2016 Stock Crash
Are stocks 'in a big, fat, ugly bubble,' as Trump claims?

Just a friendly word of warning- your broker/financial advisor will rarely if ever tell you the market is going down, even if he believes it. Those people don't want your money in cash, they want it in stocks. That's how they get paid. Always consider the source when choosing where to put your money.

I have made several post since joining USMB regarding my views on the economy. and I will reiterate that everybody should have some gold interest. I have more than a little and it has served me very well over the last 15 years, and expect the next 5 to be even better.

Read Fred Hickey, Bill Fleckenstein, and Mark Fabre. They all write commentary on the market and have done very well.
his tax plan leaves money in working class pockets, hillary takes more.

damn you "people" are fucking ignorant.
His plan will never pass that includes the middle class. That's part of his plan for his plan.
they all already put out their plans

it was all made very clear that people that work get to keep more under trump, but now you are claiming that it won't get passed.

are you saying that leftist hate for the working class will cause them to stop it from going through?

if so, I agree, leftist hate for Americans is deep and wide.
I am claiming the far right wing of our GOP will cut it out.
Every R but Trump IS a RW nutjob.
trumps a democrate
A Blue Dog...just the way I like them.
Stock market uncertainity over Trump is causing fears at the Stock Market and on Wall Street.

This is what the experts think.

This is what could happen to the stock market if Donald Trump wins

Stock market uncertainity over Trump is causing fears at the Stock Market and on Wall Street.

This is what the experts think.

17 Hours Ago | 03:54
Wall Street's long-running view that Hillary Clinton would easily become the next president has been replaced by a new fear that Donald Trump could win, and it probably won't be a pretty picture for stocks if he does.

Bond yields have moved lower and so have stocks, as the markets have begun to react to the possibility of a Trump victory in the last several days. The S&P 500 Wednesday was off 13 points at the key support level of 2,097 and was down 1.3 percent for the week so far.

The work of two economics professors may provide a glimpse of how the stock market might react if Donald Trump were elected. They studied the predictions market, including and the reaction in the financial markets to events around the election. One of the economists says their findings point to a sharp immediate sell-off if Trump wins and a slight rally if Clinton wins. The amount of the rally or sell-off depends on the predicted outcome.

Donald Trump
Carlo Allegri | Reuters
Donald Trump
"If we were to go in 70/30 [for Clinton], and we think the market is 10 percent higher under Clinton than Trump, if Clinton wins it should be up about 3 percent and if Trump wins, it should go down 7 percent," said Eric Zitzewitz, economics professor at Dartmouth College.

The fact that Trump french kisses Putin and Russia's economy is in freefall because oil prices have tanked so hard has most around the world scared that Trump would collude with Putin to artificially cause oil prices to spike and send the world into a new horrendous recession.

And the rest of the world knows what happens when populations are subjected to long term recession. People get elected that operate more like a dictator than a democratically elected leader. The fear that this is tantamount to the late 1920's is real and the danger is real. Trump already exhibits the slow-witted would-be Mussolini who would-be-king artifice. If hat POS wins you can expect investment in business to also tank, credit to become vary hard to get, and the new recession to be another ten year continuation of The Bush Great Recession.
ya we wouldn't want an honest stock market.
We want one that's artificially propped up by quantitative easing.

The markets are artificially propped up with trillions in funny money printing and artificially low interest rates. The crash will come no matter who is parked in the Oval Office.

Actually, that's not true at all. We've had very low inflation for some time now. And, there is no reason to believe "the crash will come no matter who is [elected]" and every reason to believe Trump would be a disaster.
ya we wouldn't want an honest stock market.
We want one that's artificially propped up by quantitative easing.

The markets are artificially propped up with trillions in funny money printing and artificially low interest rates. The crash will come no matter who is parked in the Oval Office.

Actually, that's not true at all. We've had very low inflation for some time now. And, there is no reason to believe "the crash will come no matter who is [elected]" and every reason to believe Trump would be a disaster.
How can you have inflation when most jobs pay $9.00/hour for less than 35 hours a week?
Fakey doesn't grok that we've been headed towards a recession for years. Obama broke the Economy. Whomever is elected is going to inherit a Terrible Economy.
Fakey doesn't grok that we've been headed towards a recession for years. Obama broke the Economy. Whomever is elected is going to inherit a Terrible Economy.
boedicca don't grok life but that's because she is a second hand sassyirishlass. The economy was broken before Obama became president. Trump will completely disrupt markets.
Donald Trump's economic policies will lead to recession.

I am fine with that.
Fakey doesn't grok that we've been headed towards a recession for years. Obama broke the Economy. Whomever is elected is going to inherit a Terrible Economy.
boedicca don't grok life but that's because she is a second hand sassyirishlass. The economy was broken before Obama became president. Trump will completely disrupt markets.
Which markets?
The current Housing Bubble?
Fakey doesn't grok that we've been headed towards a recession for years. Obama broke the Economy. Whomever is elected is going to inherit a Terrible Economy.
boedicca don't grok life but that's because she is a second hand sassyirishlass. The economy was broken before Obama became president. Trump will completely disrupt markets.

Obama owns ZIRP.

'nuff said.
A recession cause by Fair Trade is a good recession resulting in long term prosperity.

How do you equalize the trade deficit without permanently hindering growth and destroying jobs?

How do you make that system sustainable for when the trade deficit inevitably fluctuates?
so they will stop getting our money have actually have to earn it themselves by making good decisions.

yea, his election means we are all doomed within days.

good lord, leftist are such weak people.

Like the Brexit gloom and doom that never happened.

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