Trump’s Fake Oath of Office


Oct 30, 2017
Mod Edit -- Don't start your OPs attacking USMB Admin and Moderation. It'll usually kill the thread. Sicilianthing

The Topic speaks for itself in whether or not Trump is Truly working for them or us.


About "The UN" And Trump’s Fake Oath of Office

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 06:54 AM PST

By Anna Von Reitz

The "UN Corporation" is just another commercial corporation formed in Vichy France during WWII by Fascists bent on world dominion. It is criminal to the core and the French people and French government need to be "highly motivated" to pull the plug on it and liquidate its far-flung mercenary empire.

While fronting the actual "United Nations Organization" as an instrumentality for World Peace, what they have really worked at all these years is the creation of an instrumentality of world dominion and coercion using any form of lie or excuse possible for their actions.

When people try to tax cow farts, it's time for your Shinola Sensors to hit the Red Zone.
The criminality which has infested "UN" aid programs should tell you enough. Less than 2% of all the foreign aid that the UNITED STATES funneled to the UN ever made it to the people it was supposed to help. Instead, it got channeled to drug runners and prostitution rings and booze and gambling and proliferation of arms deals and theft of natural resources, especially in the Mideast and Africa, where the Vichy French and their Dutch and Netherlandish co-conspirators have wreacked havoc for generations.

The entire Grand Duchy of Luxembourg needs to be cleaned out like a wasp' nest, fumigated, and given back to the people of Luxembourg. The Swiss Cantons are equally infected by these international crime syndicate scum, but the Swiss are willing and able to clean their own house once made aware and motivated to address the "clear and present danger".

Back in the 1970's the endlessly useless bums in the Territorial United States Congress took it upon themselves to "release" all our state laws to the United Nations Organization, which the UN Corporation then capitalized upon and falsely claimed that this gave them the right to dispose of our property.

XXXX --- Mod Edit -- You've been warned before about copying entire articles. Don't do it. Shortening for Fair Use. Sicilianthing

In view of the malfeasance the UN Corp and the "United Nations" front organization has demonstrated in misdirecting humanitarian aid that was paid for in Good Faith and charged against the accounts of the American states and people, I am calling for a complete fiscal audit of both organizations, complete with verification of receipt of funds and other forms of aid.

That audit will show that innocent Americans, Chinese, Germans, Swiss, Norwegians, Canadians, English, Russians, Japanese, Aussies, Italians, Frenchmen, Poles---- people from all over the world have faithfully contributed large amounts of humanitarian aid to and through the United Nations--- and most of it "disappeared" down rabbit holes, was spent on crony deals (like Army Surplus wool blankets sent to Nigeria), or used to buy armaments.

All these so-called institutions and commercial corporations have glutted themselves on the people they were supposedly helping and serving. They all need to be audited--- and the guilty ones need to be liquidated.

If the actual governments of the actual nations of the world wish to establish a meeting ground to discuss issues of mutual concern and to join together to take joint action with regard to mutual problems --- which was supposed to be the function of the United Nations Organization--- fine. But let it be actual and accountable governments meeting in this fashion, not Hired Help, not commercial corporations in the business of providing government services.

Pretending to be a government while lining your pockets puts you in a position where there is too much temptation and too little accountability.
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have you met dale murphy?

you should


I just don’t care, WTF is wrong with you ?
Are you stupid ?
Read the whole thing, stop and think before you open your phat phucking mouth !
have you met dale murphy?

you should


I just don’t care, WTF is wrong with you ?
Are you stupid ?
Read the whole thing, stop and think before you open your phat phucking mouth !

i've got dale

why do i need another blathering fuckwit in my life?


When you can prove it wrong I’ll engage in your boring debate otherwise, Phuck OFF and GEt off my post, you’re a Traitor !
I’m guessing this ends up in either conspiracy theory or rubber room forum.
i'm a sovereign citizen

i've reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status
Mod Edit -- Don't start your OPs attacking USMB Admin and Moderation. It'll usually kill the thread. Sicilianthing

The Topic speaks for itself in whether or not Trump is Truly working for them or us.


About "The UN" And Trump’s Fake Oath of Office

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 06:54 AM PST

By Anna Von Reitz

The "UN Corporation" is just another commercial corporation formed in Vichy France during WWII by Fascists bent on world dominion. It is criminal to the core and the French people and French government need to be "highly motivated" to pull the plug on it and liquidate its far-flung mercenary empire.

While fronting the actual "United Nations Organization" as an instrumentality for World Peace, what they have really worked at all these years is the creation of an instrumentality of world dominion and coercion using any form of lie or excuse possible for their actions.

When people try to tax cow farts, it's time for your Shinola Sensors to hit the Red Zone.
The criminality which has infested "UN" aid programs should tell you enough. Less than 2% of all the foreign aid that the UNITED STATES funneled to the UN ever made it to the people it was supposed to help. Instead, it got channeled to drug runners and prostitution rings and booze and gambling and proliferation of arms deals and theft of natural resources, especially in the Mideast and Africa, where the Vichy French and their Dutch and Netherlandish co-conspirators have wreacked havoc for generations.

The entire Grand Duchy of Luxembourg needs to be cleaned out like a wasp' nest, fumigated, and given back to the people of Luxembourg. The Swiss Cantons are equally infected by these international crime syndicate scum, but the Swiss are willing and able to clean their own house once made aware and motivated to address the "clear and present danger".

Back in the 1970's the endlessly useless bums in the Territorial United States Congress took it upon themselves to "release" all our state laws to the United Nations Organization, which the UN Corporation then capitalized upon and falsely claimed that this gave them the right to dispose of our property.

XXXX --- Mod Edit -- You've been warned before about copying entire articles. Don't do it. Shortening for Fair Use. Sicilianthing

In view of the malfeasance the UN Corp and the "United Nations" front organization has demonstrated in misdirecting humanitarian aid that was paid for in Good Faith and charged against the accounts of the American states and people, I am calling for a complete fiscal audit of both organizations, complete with verification of receipt of funds and other forms of aid.

That audit will show that innocent Americans, Chinese, Germans, Swiss, Norwegians, Canadians, English, Russians, Japanese, Aussies, Italians, Frenchmen, Poles---- people from all over the world have faithfully contributed large amounts of humanitarian aid to and through the United Nations--- and most of it "disappeared" down rabbit holes, was spent on crony deals (like Army Surplus wool blankets sent to Nigeria), or used to buy armaments.

All these so-called institutions and commercial corporations have glutted themselves on the people they were supposedly helping and serving. They all need to be audited--- and the guilty ones need to be liquidated.

If the actual governments of the actual nations of the world wish to establish a meeting ground to discuss issues of mutual concern and to join together to take joint action with regard to mutual problems --- which was supposed to be the function of the United Nations Organization--- fine. But let it be actual and accountable governments meeting in this fashion, not Hired Help, not commercial corporations in the business of providing government services.

Pretending to be a government while lining your pockets puts you in a position where there is too much temptation and too little accountability.

Okay, yeah, we're gonna get a little place and we're gonna... have... we're gonna have a cow, and some pigs, and we're gonna have, maybe, maybe, a chicken. Down in the flat, we'll have a little field of... alfalfa for the rabbits. And you get to tend the rabbits..
Mod Edit -- Don't start your OPs attacking USMB Admin and Moderation. It'll usually kill the thread. Sicilianthing

The Topic speaks for itself in whether or not Trump is Truly working for them or us.


About "The UN" And Trump’s Fake Oath of Office

Posted: 18 Feb 2018 06:54 AM PST

By Anna Von Reitz

The "UN Corporation" is just another commercial corporation formed in Vichy France during WWII by Fascists bent on world dominion. It is criminal to the core and the French people and French government need to be "highly motivated" to pull the plug on it and liquidate its far-flung mercenary empire.

While fronting the actual "United Nations Organization" as an instrumentality for World Peace, what they have really worked at all these years is the creation of an instrumentality of world dominion and coercion using any form of lie or excuse possible for their actions.

When people try to tax cow farts, it's time for your Shinola Sensors to hit the Red Zone.
The criminality which has infested "UN" aid programs should tell you enough. Less than 2% of all the foreign aid that the UNITED STATES funneled to the UN ever made it to the people it was supposed to help. Instead, it got channeled to drug runners and prostitution rings and booze and gambling and proliferation of arms deals and theft of natural resources, especially in the Mideast and Africa, where the Vichy French and their Dutch and Netherlandish co-conspirators have wreacked havoc for generations.

The entire Grand Duchy of Luxembourg needs to be cleaned out like a wasp' nest, fumigated, and given back to the people of Luxembourg. The Swiss Cantons are equally infected by these international crime syndicate scum, but the Swiss are willing and able to clean their own house once made aware and motivated to address the "clear and present danger".

Back in the 1970's the endlessly useless bums in the Territorial United States Congress took it upon themselves to "release" all our state laws to the United Nations Organization, which the UN Corporation then capitalized upon and falsely claimed that this gave them the right to dispose of our property.

XXXX --- Mod Edit -- You've been warned before about copying entire articles. Don't do it. Shortening for Fair Use. Sicilianthing

In view of the malfeasance the UN Corp and the "United Nations" front organization has demonstrated in misdirecting humanitarian aid that was paid for in Good Faith and charged against the accounts of the American states and people, I am calling for a complete fiscal audit of both organizations, complete with verification of receipt of funds and other forms of aid.

That audit will show that innocent Americans, Chinese, Germans, Swiss, Norwegians, Canadians, English, Russians, Japanese, Aussies, Italians, Frenchmen, Poles---- people from all over the world have faithfully contributed large amounts of humanitarian aid to and through the United Nations--- and most of it "disappeared" down rabbit holes, was spent on crony deals (like Army Surplus wool blankets sent to Nigeria), or used to buy armaments.

All these so-called institutions and commercial corporations have glutted themselves on the people they were supposedly helping and serving. They all need to be audited--- and the guilty ones need to be liquidated.

If the actual governments of the actual nations of the world wish to establish a meeting ground to discuss issues of mutual concern and to join together to take joint action with regard to mutual problems --- which was supposed to be the function of the United Nations Organization--- fine. But let it be actual and accountable governments meeting in this fashion, not Hired Help, not commercial corporations in the business of providing government services.

Pretending to be a government while lining your pockets puts you in a position where there is too much temptation and too little accountability.

Okay, yeah, we're gonna get a little place and we're gonna... have... we're gonna have a cow, and some pigs, and we're gonna have, maybe, maybe, a chicken. Down in the flat, we'll have a little field of... alfalfa for the rabbits. And you get to tend the rabbits..


WTF are you babbling about ?
WTF is your problem ?
I can’t shorten a fact laden piece by someone else !

really ?

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