Trumps financial records ?

good - if its nothing Trump shouldn't have ANY problem turning over ALL of his records.

Mueller can hold on to them for Donnie
Nobody in their right mind would do matter one would ever be so stupid to turn their whole life over to the leader of the witch hunt....but I sure would like to see Hillary's books....that's for sure....LMAO

Yeah, when in doubt bring up HRC. You have nothing, no argument left to make you bring usual.
Why not...........she's a dang criminal............and these people attacking were all deep with the last administration...........

Fitting to bring up the criminal who lost ............
Article I. Section IX. Clause VIII.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

No mention of made of "Goods and/or Services". What is mention is "And No Person Holding Any Office of Profit or Trust under the, shall without Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office, or TItle, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State"

An Emolument is defined as A Salary, Fee or Profit From Employment or Office.

45 is violating the Emoluments Clause. He cannot profit from or accept a fee or salary from his businesses while in public office.

IF a Person or Persons unknown from a foreign government stays at a grossly over price room at one the ugly ass hotels 45 has a business, he cannot accept any fee or salary from that stay. Nor can 45 make profit from any guest from any State, Trust or Territory of the U.S. He is barred from making money period while in office from any business he or his fucked up family owns. He cannot under the U.S. Constitution MAKE OFF HIS BUSINESS....PERIOD.

By taking fee, a present or salary from such an enterprise is a violation of the Emoluments Clause. Which for the Dead From The Neck Up, Sheet Wearing, Seig Heil Goosestepping GroppeFuhrer Followers is an Impeachable Offense.
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a new ruling opens the door --

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Maryland and the District of Columbia can proceed with their lawsuit accusing President Donald Trump of unconstitutionally accepting payments from foreign and state interests through his Washington hotel. The decision clears the way for the plaintiffs to seek financial records and other materials from the president's company.

Trump hotel ruling could open door to his financial records

awwwww- aint that too bad ..

Shouldn't they be suing congress? After all, they're claiming congress isn't doing its job. The Constitution only gives congress the authority to approve or not.

What does the angry left hope to find? Trump was a freaking civilian. Wouldn't it be easier to check the financial records of the Clinton Foundation if you were looking for skulduggery in the federal government?

that foundation gets audited on a regular basis and the records are public, youre just too damn dumb to read them.

here ya go sport -- pick a year

Audited Financial Statements & IRS Form 990s
2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2013 amended | 2012 | 2012 amended | 2011 | 2011 amended | 2010 | 2010 amended | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
For the trump whores, it's always.....but, but, but, Hillary, Obama!
Yeah, when in doubt bring up HRC. When you have nothing, when you have no argument left to make you bring up usual.

New Flash for all the Dead From The Neck Up, Seig Heil Shouting, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer Followers. 45 is violating the Emoluments Clause. Which has nothing whatsoever to do with HRC
Its Mueller that has nothing...we all know what Hillary did whether the FBI and Comey the clown cared or not....
You say it.
You idiots mouth whatever your cult leader tells you.
And choose not to look beyond the flies coming out of his pie hole.
Sad. to be you...Trumps over all approval number up 6 percentage points left speechless...dems freaking out....progs jumping off bridges...and how did you know I had pie last night....?lol
Want to explain how you know what Mueller doesn't?
Because I'm smarter than you and I pay better attention and I am not on a hate mission like you are....stop the hate buttkiss....enjoy Trump's new wage growth...America first...but that's really what you hate the most isn't it? hate America being number 1....
Good news is that Mueller has had Donnie's tax returns since DAY ONE
And has found nothing you idiots know how scrutinized and watched Trump has been as a millionaire living in NY???? rich people in NY never cheat on their fact they willingly pay more to ward off state tax issues....Trying to find illegal wrong doing in Trump's taxes are a waste of time....Its just liberal noise that will yield absolutely nothing....
Payments in exchange for goods and services, i.e., quid pro quo, are not emoluments... idiot.

Sorry if there is any profit then it is...

plural noun: emoluments
  1. a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.

You can't be going cowboy all the time and then surprised if you broke the law... It is nearly impossible to not break the law while retaining your business while being President... That is why in the modern era all presidents use a blind trust...
Good news is that Mueller has had Donnie's tax returns since DAY ONE
And has found nothing you idiots know how scrutinized and watched Trump has been as a millionaire living in NY???? rich people in NY never cheat on their fact they willingly pay more to ward off state tax issues....Trying to find illegal wrong doing in Trump's taxes are a waste of time....Its just liberal noise that will yield absolutely nothing....

Yeah Right....keep vomiting up those talking points, the lies are very important to you. You people bring HRC everytime you run out arguments to make. With the indicitments of 12-Russian Intelligence Officers, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has indicited or gotten GUILTY PLEAS from Thirty-Two (32) and 3-Companies to date.

Former Campaign Manager Paul Managfort's trial is scheduled to begin on July 31. Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has flipped.

But you people believe the lies. You people need the lies. You people want to lied to...You People love to lied to. Without the lies you people have nothing.

Just so all you Dead From The Neck Up, Seig Heil! Goosestepping White Supremacist GroppenFuhrer Followers know, Robert Mueller HAS 45's Financial Records. His Tax Returns are in the hands of Robert Mueller.

Keep on flapping your gums and saying nothing. You are very good at it. You're bigely at it, your bigger than are a very good empty minded lemming with no morals and no character. In other are the follower of a Treasonous, Vacuous, Russian Loving, White Supremacist Loving, Seig Heil! Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer follower.
Good news is that Mueller has had Donnie's tax returns since DAY ONE
And has found nothing you idiots know how scrutinized and watched Trump has been as a millionaire living in NY???? rich people in NY never cheat on their fact they willingly pay more to ward off state tax issues....Trying to find illegal wrong doing in Trump's taxes are a waste of time....Its just liberal noise that will yield absolutely nothing....

Yeah Right....keep vomiting up those talking points, the lies are very important to you. You people bring HRC everytime you run out arguments to make. With the indicitments of 12-Russian Intelligence Officers, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has indicited or gotten GUILTY PLEAS from Thirty-Two (32) and 3-Companies to date.

Former Campaign Manager Paul Managfort's trial is scheduled to begin on July 31. Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has flipped.

But you people believe the lies. You people need the lies. You people want to lied to...You People love to lied to. Without the lies you people have nothing.

Just so all you Dead From The Neck Up, Seig Heil! Goosestepping White Supremacist GroppenFuhrer Followers know, Robert Mueller HAS 45's Financial Records. His Tax Returns are in the hands of Robert Mueller.

Keep on flapping your gums and saying nothing. You are very good at it. You're bigely at it, your bigger than are a very good empty minded lemming with no morals and no character. In other are the follower of a Treasonous, Vacuous, Russian Loving, White Supremacist Loving, Seig Heil! Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer follower.
Who’s the illegal in your family?
Yeah Right....keep vomiting up those talking points, the lies are very important to you
I do not lie but we find CNN lying and liberals lie and progs are a lie....grow up and realize that you lost....get over it and stop shouting at a battleship.....the Trump train is working and will go on for years to come so you and your lib friends had better get used to it....
Payments in exchange for goods and services, i.e., quid pro quo, are not emoluments... idiot.

Sorry if there is any profit then it is...

plural noun: emoluments
  1. a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.

You can't be going cowboy all the time and then surprised if you broke the law... It is nearly impossible to not break the law while retaining your business while being President... That is why in the modern era all presidents use a blind trust...

Trump's businesses were around way before he was elected.
Good news is that Mueller has had Donnie's tax returns since DAY ONE
And has found nothing you idiots know how scrutinized and watched Trump has been as a millionaire living in NY???? rich people in NY never cheat on their fact they willingly pay more to ward off state tax issues....Trying to find illegal wrong doing in Trump's taxes are a waste of time....Its just liberal noise that will yield absolutely nothing....

Yeah Right....keep vomiting up those talking points, the lies are very important to you. You people bring HRC everytime you run out arguments to make. With the indicitments of 12-Russian Intelligence Officers, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has indicited or gotten GUILTY PLEAS from Thirty-Two (32) and 3-Companies to date.

Former Campaign Manager Paul Managfort's trial is scheduled to begin on July 31. Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has flipped.

But you people believe the lies. You people need the lies. You people want to lied to...You People love to lied to. Without the lies you people have nothing.

Just so all you Dead From The Neck Up, Seig Heil! Goosestepping White Supremacist GroppenFuhrer Followers know, Robert Mueller HAS 45's Financial Records. His Tax Returns are in the hands of Robert Mueller.

Keep on flapping your gums and saying nothing. You are very good at it. You're bigely at it, your bigger than are a very good empty minded lemming with no morals and no character. In other are the follower of a Treasonous, Vacuous, Russian Loving, White Supremacist Loving, Seig Heil! Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer follower.

Feel better now?

Lanny Daivs, Attorney for Michael Cohen says the leak(s) about the Walking Shit Stain, Fuck Faced Lying Draft Dodging Piece of Shit knowing about the Trump Tower did not come from them.

Which mean the Draft Doding, Russian Backed Piece of Shit in the White House leaked it. Which means that only did the Walking Shit Stain know about the meeting, but he would known why the meeting was being held.

Also, you Dead From The Neck Up, Seig Heil Shouting, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer Followers the Traitor in the Oval Office lied to you again.

But as we all know. You idiots want to lied to, you need to lied to, you love to lied to. WIthout the lies you have nothing

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