Trumps inner circle obsessive hate for Iran equal to Bush inner circle hate for Iraq

Will Trump's inner circles obsessive hate for Iran have the same disastrous result of the Bush's inner circles obsessive hate of Iraq?

Bush's administration found a reason to invade Iraq and the whole world is still suffering from the negative results.

Trump's administration seems to have the same attitude toward Iran

I wonder what type of military action Trump's team will ultimately take. Isn't occupation out of the question? And will air strikes even accomplish anything? Maybe one of the experts here can help me out here
Trump will secure Iraq like it was before your boy took over.
I hope you are right. Trump better meet his promises. If he does not, the toilet will be flushed on him and his group dastardly bastards and one bitch.
Iran is a much bigger and much more powerful nation then Saddams Iraq in 2002. I'd rather just use MAD and remain out of war all together.
I say send the Berkley protesters to iran, to protest!
I agree, send the violent protesters and the white supremacist militias.
I would also throw in all Americans who own an AK-47. Why own the gun unless you can use it. Go to Iran and have some fun. We will pay your way.
Trump has promised to tear up the Iran Nuclear Deal. Someone please explain why it might be in our best interest to do so. Without the agreement, there would be no inspections. There will be no commitment from Iran to abandon developing nuclear weapons and there would be no agreement for China, France, Germany, the EU, Russia, the UK, and the US to apply sanctions if Iran fails to live up to their commitment.
All the deal does is kick the can down the road. Essentially, the old folks save their asses and let the teenagers of today handle it 10-15 years from now.....if not sooner.

As for sanctions, those will take time to initiate anyway.

The only reason to not tear it up is to use the old maxim "Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock
What is the alternative to kicking the can down the road. Israel wants to bomb all of their known nuclear facilities. What would happen next?
Trump has promised to tear up the Iran Nuclear Deal. Someone please explain why it might be in our best interest to do so. Without the agreement, there would be no inspections. There will be no commitment from Iran to abandon developing nuclear weapons and there would be no agreement for China, France, Germany, the EU, Russia, the UK, and the US to apply sanctions if Iran fails to live up to their commitment.
All the deal does is kick the can down the road. Essentially, the old folks save their asses and let the teenagers of today handle it 10-15 years from now.....if not sooner.

As for sanctions, those will take time to initiate anyway.

The only reason to not tear it up is to use the old maxim "Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock
What is the alternative to kicking the can down the road. Israel wants to bomb all of their known nuclear facilities. What would happen next?
When the alternative is war, kicking the can down the road may well be the best policy. Just because two nations can't peacefully resolve an issue today, doesn't mean it can never be peacefully resolved.
When the alternative is war, kicking the can down the road may well be the best policy. Just because two nations can't peacefully resolve an issue today, doesn't mean it can never be peacefully resolved.
Disagreed. If the Brits and French had stood up to Germany in the mid-1920s and early 30s, millions of lives would have been saved. Kicking the can down the road usually makes things worse. What is does is give those in the present relief, but place a terrible burden on those who come after.
Will Trump's inner circles obsessive hate for Iran have the same disastrous result of the Bush's inner circles obsessive hate of Iraq?

Bush's administration found a reason to invade Iraq and the whole world is still suffering from the negative results.

Trump's administration seems to have the same attitude toward Iran
Big difference, no one is going to back Trump..

I laugh at US trying to put up sanctions... Guess what idiots no one is going to back you... US soft power is gone, Trump lost it in the last week...

People followed America because it was in their interest... Trump in his inauguration speech said America First and screw everyone else...

The blowback is going to be a bitch... EU, Russia, China and ROW will trade with Iran as long as they follow rules set out by Obama...

Nice try dickwads... The only ones getting isolated is US...
if everyone only followed the U.S because they could get over on us at our expense, do we really need those people on our side now? I say no.
Fuck them all, its time for the U.S to restore its financial power and that is not going to happen if we keep paying everyone to be our friend.
All we have to do is wait for one of those countries that doesnt like us when we stop giving away all of our money to them, to ask for help in some conflict and we politely refuse to assist, for them to come crawling back asking for forgiveness.
in the meantime? we worry about our borders, our income, our citizens first.
When the alternative is war, kicking the can down the road may well be the best policy. Just because two nations can't peacefully resolve an issue today, doesn't mean it can never be peacefully resolved.
Disagreed. If the Brits and French had stood up to Germany in the mid-1920s and early 30s, millions of lives would have been saved. Kicking the can down the road usually makes things worse. What is does is give those in the present relief, but place a terrible burden on those who come after.
Iran's belligerent attitude and the Germany takeover of Europe are not even similar. There may be a point in which war is the alternative, but it should not only be an alternative, but the last alternative.
Will Trump's inner circles obsessive hate for Iran have the same disastrous result of the Bush's inner circles obsessive hate of Iraq?

Bush's administration found a reason to invade Iraq and the whole world is still suffering from the negative results.

Trump's administration seems to have the same attitude toward Iran
In order to restore the balance of power astride The Persian Gulf, someone needs to decimate Iran now and bomb them into the Stone Age as well.

Trump looks like he is gunning for them, yes.

However Iran deserves it.

If they are smart they will back down.

If they are not smart they will likely suffer several missile strikes like Iraq did under GHW and W Bush.
When the alternative is war, kicking the can down the road may well be the best policy. Just because two nations can't peacefully resolve an issue today, doesn't mean it can never be peacefully resolved.
Disagreed. If the Brits and French had stood up to Germany in the mid-1920s and early 30s, millions of lives would have been saved. Kicking the can down the road usually makes things worse. What is does is give those in the present relief, but place a terrible burden on those who come after.
Iran's belligerent attitude and the Germany takeover of Europe are not even similar. There may be a point in which war is the alternative, but it should not only be an alternative, but the last alternative.
Actually Iran is long overdue for a few well placed missile strikes.

Ever since they pulled that sh!t with the hostages they have been deserving of it.

So let them bleed.

The sooner the better.
Iran's belligerent attitude and the Germany takeover of Europe are not even similar. There may be a point in which war is the alternative, but it should not only be an alternative, but the last alternative.
Then consider North Korea, or do you want to dodge that comparison too?

The bottom line is that appeasement doesn't work. It just puts off the inevitable, usually for the worse. We threw a lot of money and food at North Korea and for what? Now they have nukes and the son is crazier than the father.
When the alternative is war, kicking the can down the road may well be the best policy. Just because two nations can't peacefully resolve an issue today, doesn't mean it can never be peacefully resolved.
Disagreed. If the Brits and French had stood up to Germany in the mid-1920s and early 30s, millions of lives would have been saved. Kicking the can down the road usually makes things worse. What is does is give those in the present relief, but place a terrible burden on those who come after.
what about Iraq. Did we try and do something too soon? Would kicking the can down the road be preferable. Iran is not Germany in the 1930's.
Will Trump's inner circles obsessive hate for Iran have the same disastrous result of the Bush's inner circles obsessive hate of Iraq?

Bush's administration found a reason to invade Iraq and the whole world is still suffering from the negative results.

Trump's administration seems to have the same attitude toward Iran
Big difference, no one is going to back Trump..

I laugh at US trying to put up sanctions... Guess what idiots no one is going to back you... US soft power is gone, Trump lost it in the last week...

People followed America because it was in their interest... Trump in his inauguration speech said America First and screw everyone else...

The blowback is going to be a bitch... EU, Russia, China and ROW will trade with Iran as long as they follow rules set out by Obama...

Nice try dickwads... The only ones getting isolated is US...
if everyone only followed the U.S because they could get over on us at our expense, do we really need those people on our side now? I say no.
Fuck them all, its time for the U.S to restore its financial power and that is not going to happen if we keep paying everyone to be our friend.
All we have to do is wait for one of those countries that doesnt like us when we stop giving away all of our money to them, to ask for help in some conflict and we politely refuse to assist, for them to come crawling back asking for forgiveness.
in the meantime? we worry about our borders, our income, our citizens first.
Foreign aid, military and humanitarian always has strings attached, military bases, trade agreements, information sharing, pledges to support US foreign policy, internal policies changes and laws favorable to the US, increased dependence on the US, and a host of other activities. Some times it's specified in the agreements and other times it's understood. Often we give foreign aid to smaller countries for much the same reason we give cars to our kids. If they don't tow the line they find them self walking.
When the alternative is war, kicking the can down the road may well be the best policy. Just because two nations can't peacefully resolve an issue today, doesn't mean it can never be peacefully resolved.
Disagreed. If the Brits and French had stood up to Germany in the mid-1920s and early 30s, millions of lives would have been saved. Kicking the can down the road usually makes things worse. What is does is give those in the present relief, but place a terrible burden on those who come after.
what about Iraq. Did we try and do something too soon? Would kicking the can down the road be preferable. Iran is not Germany in the 1930's.
Absolutely. Trillions of dollars the drain, thousands of US lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives lost and for what?
what about Iraq. Did we try and do something too soon? Would kicking the can down the road be preferable. Iran is not Germany in the 1930's.
Yes, we kicked them out of Kuwait in 1991. That situation was handled with no-fly zones, sanctions and other military and diplomatic solutions. I think the invasion in 2003 was not only a huge mistake, but a pretense to put US oil interests square in the middle of the ME oil resources. Those guys were idiots and 4,486 American heroes paid the ultimate price for that mistake.

Iran isn't Hawaii either. Feel free to pick another example of where appeasement succeeded or failed out of history.
When the alternative is war, kicking the can down the road may well be the best policy. Just because two nations can't peacefully resolve an issue today, doesn't mean it can never be peacefully resolved.
Disagreed. If the Brits and French had stood up to Germany in the mid-1920s and early 30s, millions of lives would have been saved. Kicking the can down the road usually makes things worse. What is does is give those in the present relief, but place a terrible burden on those who come after.
what about Iraq. Did we try and do something too soon? Would kicking the can down the road be preferable. Iran is not Germany in the 1930's.
Absolutely. Trillions of dollars the drain, thousands of US lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives lost and for what?
Iran isn't derail like you two.

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