Trump's Judge/Justice Appointments & Gay Marriage Etc.


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Judicial appointments must be advocates for the main beneficiaries of the marriage contract (children) Parties harmed as described below must come forward and asks that Obergefell be reheard for these reasons (among others):

1. That one of the Justices had advertised to the public before the Hearing how she was going to vote on it: undermining the American judicial process, creating a mistrial (Capteron v A.T Massey Coal 2009) and

2. That that same Justice and one other were performing gay marriages as federal court Justices while the question of "should the fed preside over the states on the question of gay marriage being legitimate" was pending to be Heard (again, Caperton v A.T. Massey Coal 2009) and

3. That there isn't even a remote insinuation in the US Constitution that homosexual behaviors have special rights while other sexual behaviors like polyamory do not (somehow; ironically citing the 14th Amendment). Hively v Ivy Tech (7th circuit 2016) found that homosexuality is NOT covered under the 1964 Civil Rights Act even. and

4. That "gay marriage" uses a contract to dismiss even the hope of children (the main beneficiaries of the marriage contract) having the missing gendered parent (which may vitally be their own gender as a role model) missing from a "married" home..which is forbidden under the Infancy Doctrine, children, and contracts. (New York vs Ferber (1982) where it states nobody's civil rights may be exercised if they hurt children physically or mentally) Gay marriage actually damages children via a contract they used to benefit from . Also see: PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

The first priority the GOP has in the coming weeks is to fill lower federal court appointments with conservative judges; and to fill the vacancy on the USSC with a conservative Justice like Scalia. When Ginsburg either steps down or is impeached (see #s 1 & 2 above), they will replace her also with a conservative. Then the mistrial called "Obergefell" can be reheard; for the sake of the children it hurts if for no other reason..

Marriage was invented over 1,000 years ago to REMEDY the situation of a child not having either a vital mother or father....not to legally create an inescapable situation where the child will NEVER have a mother or father!

Gays may make great parents in isolated examples; but they never can provide the missing gender. Likewise, wolves may raise a child successfully and lovingly; but they also are deficient when it comes to the parameters of the foundation of what states call "marriage".

And, since divorce comes up all the time in the counter argument I will say right here and plainly that divorce is also about the children in that it is granted reluctantly...with a large portion of the legal proceedings still maintaining the children's benefits of marriage (regular contact with both a mother and father) while the other parts of the marriage contract are dissolved. So, when it comes to childrens' benefits from marriage, they never end. That's how much proof their is that marriage is about children first and adults second.

Considering election 2016 was a referendum from the middle voters on Obergefell; and other "identity politics" they're sick of on the left, which judges or Justices would you recommend Trump's team appoint?
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I was wondering when you would do another 'Greatest Hits' thread?! I am little sad you left out Ferber this time around. lol
Yes...because dissolving the main parameters of a contract that foremost benefits children, without their having unique representation for their interests in that contract at the Hearing held to dissolve it...even dissolving the compelling reason it was created in the first place... is "lame bullshit".

Some legal scholars would say differently. So would some child psychologists and legal advocates....Stay tuned.
Yes...because dissolving the main parameters of a contract that foremost benefits children, without their having unique representation for their interests in that contract at the Hearing held to dissolve it...even dissolving the compelling reason it was created in the first place... is "lame bullshit".

Some legal scholars would say differently. So would some child psychologists and legal advocates....Stay tuned.

Hundreds of amicus briefs were filed to the court concerning children in Obergefell, some in support and some against gay marriage. The idea that children were not represented in the hearing is just another comfy lie you tell yourself.
Did Silhouette actually get anything right in her OP? I am just assuming that most of it comes directly from the voices in here her head that constantly tell her to attack gays.
Men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom.

Arguments for gay marriage that don't apply to marriage between close relatives? Ready, GO!
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Men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom.

Arguments for gay marriage that don't apply to marriage between close relatives? Ready, GO!

Men were intended to marry? Intended by whom?

Arguments against gay marriage that are actually arguments against gay marriage? Ready, Go!
Did Silhouette actually get anything right in her OP? I am just assuming that most of it comes directly from the voices in here her head that constantly tell her to attack gays.
Yes, Silhouette did get the OP right. To wit:

"Marriage was invented over 1,000 years ago to REMEDY the situation of a child not having either a vital mother or father....not to legally create an inescapable situation where the child will NEVER have a mother or father!"

But putting me down does offer a desperate distraction for you.
Judicial appointments must be advocates for the main beneficiaries of the marriage contract (children) Parties harmed as described below must come forward and asks that Obergefell be reheard for these reasons (among others):

1. That one of the Justices had advertised to the public before the Hearing how she was going to vote on it: undermining the American judicial process, creating a mistrial (Capteron v A.T Massey Coal 2009) and

2. That that same Justice and one other were performing gay marriages as federal court Justices while the question of "should the fed preside over the states on the question of gay marriage being legitimate" was pending to be Heard (again, Caperton v A.T. Massey Coal 2009) and

3. That there isn't even a remote insinuation in the US Constitution that homosexual behaviors have special rights while other sexual behaviors like polyamory do not (somehow; ironically citing the 14th Amendment). Hively v Ivy Tech (7th circuit 2016) found that homosexuality is NOT covered under the 1964 Civil Rights Act even. and

4. That "gay marriage" uses a contract to dismiss even the hope of children (the main beneficiaries of the marriage contract) having the missing gendered parent (which may vitally be their own gender as a role model) missing from a "married" home..which is forbidden under the Infancy Doctrine, children, and contracts. (New York vs Ferber (1982) where it states nobody's civil rights may be exercised if they hurt children physically or mentally) Gay marriage actually damages children via a contract they used to benefit from . Also see: PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

The first priority the GOP has in the coming weeks is to fill lower federal court appointments with conservative judges; and to fill the vacancy on the USSC with a conservative Justice like Scalia. When Ginsburg either steps down or is impeached (see #s 1 & 2 above), they will replace her also with a conservative. Then the mistrial called "Obergefell" can be reheard; for the sake of the children it hurts if for no other reason..

Marriage was invented over 1,000 years ago to REMEDY the situation of a child not having either a vital mother or father....not to legally create an inescapable situation where the child will NEVER have a mother or father!

Gays may make great parents in isolated examples; but they never can provide the missing gender. Likewise, wolves may raise a child successfully and lovingly; but they also are deficient when it comes to the parameters of the foundation of what states call "marriage".

And, since divorce comes up all the time in the counter argument I will say right here and plainly that divorce is also about the children in that it is granted reluctantly...with a large portion of the legal proceedings still maintaining the children's benefits of marriage (regular contact with both a mother and father) while the other parts of the marriage contract are dissolved. So, when it comes to childrens' benefits from marriage, they never end. That's how much proof their is that marriage is about children first and adults second.

Considering election 2016 was a referendum from the middle voters on Obergefell; and other "identity politics" they're sick of on the left, which judges or Justices would you recommend Trump's team appoint?
Since Trump packs his own pistol in public I think he will have a litmus test for the 2nd Amendment.

This is a good thing.

Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan should each have been vetted on the English language and the 2nd Amendment and should then have been rejected. Instead they were only vetted on Roe v. Wade and then everyone was happy with them. What a mistake !!!
Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan should each have been vetted on the English language and the 2nd Amendment and should then have been rejected. Instead they were only vetted on Roe v. Wade and then everyone was happy with them. What a mistake !!!

Yes, because apparently they seem unable to read the constitution or even to understand the requirements of austerity of their position. Only that could explain why Ginsburg went out and gave a public interview months in advance of Obergefell, telling the world how America was ready for gay marriage; (whether or not the majorities in each state said so). Wow! Talk about advertising using the Bench for fascism. I would have impeached her on the spot. But no... We'll see what the new Congress does with her..and Kagan (who also was out performing gay weddings as a federal US Supreme Court Justice while the question of "should the fed preside over states on the question" was pending in her Court)..

I think the new Congress should quietly give both Ginsburg and Kagan the option of retiring without fuss or facing the firing squad for breach of their position. They should cite Caperton v A.T. Massey Coal (2009) of which Ginsburg herself signed off on...

As far as I know, neither Breyer nor Sotomayor went out and told the public months in advance of Obergefell how they were going to cast; so their seats would be safe under this litmus test.

For Obama's part in that tyranny, there must be some type of censure Congress could apply for his having the Whitehouse lit up with rainbow lights the very same day Obergefell came down to the public. Everyone knows it takes weeks to approve changes at the Whitehouse of such a nature. And giving the majorities in some 40 states the middle finger like that on the same day, smacks of tyranny...besides the executive advertising to the world "we knew what the decision was going to be before you did!"..

From my poli-sci courses in school, I don't recall that pivotal (or any) USSC decisions were to be advertised as settled matters months before the hearing...or that the executive branch would be privy to that premature "settled matter" behind the scenes. If the Founding Fathers were alive today; and the customs of the day prevailed, both Ginsburg and Kagan would have been hung by their necks for treason. Obama too for his advertising his part in unrepentant tyranny.

And I'm saying this as a registered democrat who voted for Hillary. These assaults on our Constitution are a bipartisan nightmare.
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