Trump’s Judgement on hiring Michael Cohen?

This may be the Worst decision I’ve ever heard of Trump making.
Naw, he's made a shitload of worse decisions, it's why he owes half a billion dollars, has half a dozen bankruptcies, and was rated the worst president in history by historians.

Somewhere in Hell, James Buchanan cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"
Naw, he's made a shitload of worse decisions, it's why he owes half a billion dollars, has half a dozen bankruptcies, and was rated the worst president in history by historians.

Somewhere in Hell, James Buchanan cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"
Historians of the libturd persuasion.

No value in their assessement.

And Potato is the worst President in our history. Preceded by Obumbler. Preceded by Carter.
This may be the Worst decision I’ve ever heard of Trump making.
You mean to say you have not noticed Trump deliberately surrounds himself with criminals or wannabe criminals?

That's what mob bosses do! It's their whole schtick.

Mob bosses don't hire honest people. They hire fellow grifters on the make.

By the way, the worst mistake Trump ever made was running for President.
Well at least you have a sense for humor.

Billionaire vs eventual roadkill
The mob boss gets rich by hiring underlings to aid him in his grift.

That's how organized crime works. The man at the top reaps the biggest rewards and creates a wall of separation between himself and the actual crimes committed for him.
I like the truth just fine.

Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from China!

Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from Burisma!

The 2020 election was stolen!

The Arizona election was stolen!

The January 6 insurrection was an FBI operation.

A "Ghost Bus" of FBI agents showed up at the Capitol on January 6 and incited the insurrection.

The Democrats laundered money from Ukraine through FTX.

Paul Pelosi was involved in a lover's quarrel with his gay prostitute.

Americans are dropping like flies after taking the Kung Flu vaccine.

The Covid vaccine alters your DNA.

The Covid vaccine makes you magnetic.

Covid is no worse than the flu.

Covid is a hoax.

“Cheese pizza” is Democrat code for child pornography.

Jewish space lasers started the fires in California.

The 9/11 attacks were a US government operation.

The Parkland school shooting was staged.

Joe Biden had SEAL Team 6 killed.

Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin sexually assaulted and murdered a child, drank their blood, cut its face off and wore it as a mask.

Hillary Clinton sold 20 percent of America's uranium to Russia.
The mob boss gets rich by hiring underlings to aid him in his grift.

That's how organized crime works. The man at the top reaps the biggest rewards and creates a wall of separation between himself and the actual crimes committed for him.
Exactly as every US president, who usually is far worse than any mob boss.
Trump’s a scumbag, but you have no ability to see it.
No. He’s not. You are. You can’t see either of those two facts.

You’re also off topic as usual, troll bitch.

The topic (which is fair enough) is the mistake Trump made in hiring scumbag Cohen. Not much to debate, there.
No. He’s not. You are. You can’t see either of those two facts.

You’re also off topic as usual, troll bitch.

The topic (which is fair enough) is the mistake Trump made in hiring scumbag Cohen. Not much to debate, there.

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