Trump’s Judgement on hiring Michael Cohen?

Shit happens in politics. Trump made a mistake in hiring Cohen and so did the FBI in hiring Hanssen and the CIA hiring Aldrich Aimes.
Might be he is building and working in Corrupt New York. They were fine with it til he left their party.

Reminds me of this.

Considering how many crooks Trump hired ended up disgraced, disbarred, or convicted, I frequently ask what special breed of grifters and scum would be crazy enough to work for Trump going forward.

When the whole world has seen just how much of Trump's filth has been exposed, the people who are drawn to work for him have to be some real pieces of work.

We've already seen a lot of former Never Trump Republicans toss every last one of their principles out the window in the hopes some of his grime will rub off on them. The ones who kept their integrity and honesty have been run out of the Trump swamp on a rail.

There's always a line of Michael Cohens waiting in the wings. Some of them have already been working diligently on his behalf. This will end in tears for them.

Trump already suborned one of his lawyers to falsify a statement for him regarding his possession of secret documents.

And like every mob boss the world over, Trump didn't sign the document himself. He had his stooge lawyer do it.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, it's because you never read any of the indictments in order to preserve your willful ignorance so you can await your orders of what lies to parrot.

This criminal behavior by Trump is not a "mistake". Wakey wakey!

Oh, by the way. That lawyer Trump suborned to lie still works for him. Just like Michael Cohen kept working for Trump until the law caught up to him.

That's how organized crime works. The soldiers take the fall while the mob boss skates free and eats well.
New York is corrupt from top to bottom. Dirty politicians, agencies to get anything zoned, built or done.

Was fine til he betrayed the 1 party rule.
Except Trump knew exactly what Cohen was. That's why he hired Cohen. To do his dirty work and take the fall for him.

Catastrophic analogy fail.
It makes sense that Biden's son would be in the business of selling access to the presidency but it makes no sense that Trump would hire Cohen. Doctored resume's are a dime a dozen but how could Robert Hanssen have fooled the FBI and how could Aldrich Aimes have fooled the CIA for such a long time. Careless administration?
I always have a big belly laugh when a Trump creduloid like you calls other people dishonest.
I never find you lying trolls funny.

I find your efforts to be spectacular fails, though.

I wonder if being honest would cause you to suffer actual physical pain?

I guess we will never know.
Might be he is building and working in Corrupt New York. They were fine with it til he left their party.

That's the fairy tale Trump likes to tell.

Yet he was sued over 4,000 over his career for his fraud.

One of those suits involved him stealing $2 million from cancer kids and other charities.

The man should have been jailed a long, long time ago.
I never find you lying trolls funny.

I find your efforts to be spectacular fails, though.

I wonder if being honest would cause you to suffer actual physical pain?

I guess we will never know.
Hey, you can broadcast your credulity as many times as you like. Doesn't matter to me.

That offer of a 30,000 square foot apartment still stands, though.
Hey, you can broadcast your credulity as many times as you like. Doesn't matter to me.

That offer of a 30,000 square foot apartment still stands, though.
You rely on your dishonesty.

Nobody buys your lies.

Keep flailing.

Also, troll: you’re off topic. Hope that helps you find your way back.
More reason I'm not voting in November.
Same here.

Though I do plan on voting for local offices and measures.

I used to leave the top of the ballot blank until a Republican poll worker was caught marking Republican candidates on ballots that weren't completely filled out.

So now I write in Snoopy or Pat Paulsen or other characters.

Maybe I'll write in Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. They've actually earned my vote.
It was either sheer brilliance to have such a perfect Fall Guy, or complete incompetence to have your own lawyer be that terrible.
It makes sense that Biden's son would be in the business of selling access to the presidency but it makes no sense that Trump would hire Cohen. Doctored resume's are a dime a dozen but how could Robert Hanssen have fooled the FBI and how could Aldrich Aimes have fooled the CIA for such a long time. Careless administration?
See post 35, rube.

Time to wake up and smell the Trump swamp.
Is this the new MAGA media narrative now? Trump is so incompetent and stupid, he didn't know he had hired a swarm of crooks?

Yet he somehow knew his go-to man to pay off his hooker and illegally cover it up was Michael Cohen.

How do your credulous pointy heads not explode from cognitive dissonance, unless you actually have no cognition?

It's like you mouth-breathers sit in front of your TVs and wait for your plates to be filled with bullshit to eat.

It's getting really fucking weird.
Is this the new MAGA media narrative now? Trump is so incompetent and stupid, he didn't know he had hired a swarm of crooks?

Yet he somehow knew his go-to man to pay off his hooker and illegally cover it up was Michael Cohen.

How do your credulous pointy heads not explode from cognitive dissonance.

It's like you mouth-breathers sit in front of your TVs and wait for your plates to be filled with bullshit to eat.

It's getting really fucking weird.
Whole fucking State of New York is crooked.

I dont care. This is political and nothibg more
Is that the defense's closing argument?

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Donald Trump had no choice but to cheat on his wife with a porn star and commit crimes to cover it up. Because this whole state is crooked!"

Yeah, that's it.
It isnt a crime to cheat. It isnt a crime for too consenting adults to fuck.

NDAs are not illegal and most of the time done with the so called victim EXTORTING RICH PEOPLE..

As Far as business...kick backs and bribes Ive heard is freaking normal there.

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