Trump’s Judgement on hiring Michael Cohen?


Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from China!

Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from Burisma!

The 2020 election was stolen!

The Arizona election was stolen!

The January 6 insurrection was an FBI operation.

A "Ghost Bus" of FBI agents showed up at the Capitol on January 6 and incited the insurrection.

The Democrats laundered money from Ukraine through FTX.

Paul Pelosi was involved in a lover's quarrel with his gay prostitute.

Americans are dropping like flies after taking the Kung Flu vaccine.

The Covid vaccine alters your DNA.

The Covid vaccine makes you magnetic.

Covid is no worse than the flu.

Covid is a hoax.

“Cheese pizza” is Democrat code for child pornography.

Jewish space lasers started the fires in California.

The 9/11 attacks were a US government operation.

The Parkland school shooting was staged.

Joe Biden had SEAL Team 6 killed.

Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin sexually assaulted and murdered a child, drank their blood, cut its face off and wore it as a mask.

Hillary Clinton sold 20 percent of America's uranium to Russia.
You're an odd little idiot, aren't you?
This may be the Worst decision I’ve ever heard of Trump making.
Really, worse than hanging around Jeffrey Epstein? Worse than engaging in the fraud known as Trump University? Worse than the sexual assault of E. Jean Caroll? Worse tha cheating on his wife with Stormy Daniels? Worse that doing nothing on 1/6?

Trump has made many dumbass decisions. Michael Cohen was hired because they are brothers from another mothers, as they say.
It isnt a crime to cheat. It isnt a crime for too consenting adults to fuck.
It is a crime to make an illegal in-kind contribution to a political campaign.

It is illegal to falsify business records to cover up the original crime.

NDAs are not illegal and most of the time done with the so called victim EXTORTING RICH PEOPLE..

As Far as business...kick backs and bribes Ive heard is freaking normal there.
Ah. The argument of a five year old. "It's okay for me to break the law because others have broken the law, too!"

And you call yourselves the law and order party. :lol:
It is a crime to make an illegal in-kind contribution to a political campaign.
Which didn’t happen here.
It is illegal to falsify business records to cover up the original crime.
There was no original crime and no falsification of business records.
Ah. The argument of a five year old. "It's okay for me to break the law because others have broken the law, too!"
Nobody here (other than Cohen) committed a crime. Grand larceny. Uncharged.
And you call yourselves the law and order party.
Recognizing what the law says is a key part of that. You are hopelessly lost.
Mikey was an insignificant, low-level staff lawyer/liar. I doubt seriously if DJT had any idea who that was until he was sent off to service convicts in a federal prison.

Trump's choices in cabinet positions were abyssmal. Jeff Sessions.... are you fucking kidding me?

I'll bet he does better this time.

mikey cohen cocksucker.jpg
Which didn’t happen here.

Says the ipse dixit creduloid who obviously did not read the indictment of Michael Cohen or the indictment of Donald Trump.

As usual, you speak out of your ass.

There was no original crime and no falsification of business records.
Wow. You made a deliberate effort not to read the indictment, didn't you.

This is what I call willful blindness.
Says the ipse dixit creduloid who obviously did not read the indictment of Michael Cohen or the indictment of Donald Trump.

I don’t give a shit about Cohen.

Unlike you, I did read the indictments against Trump. Also, unlike you, I understood them as the nonsense they all are. .
As usual, you speak out of your ass.
No. I’m speaking to an asshole.
Wow. You made a deliberate effort not to read the indictment, didn't you.
WOW. You don’t understand any part of it. You still don’t.
This is what I call willful blindness.
That’s the story of your entire ignorant life.

If you want an explanation, I could help you — since clearly you don’t understand any of this.
Mikey was an insignificant, low-level staff lawyer/liar. I doubt seriously if DJT had any idea who that was until he was sent off to service convicts in a federal prison.

Wishful thinking coming out of your ass.

You really have no clue of how close they were, do you. Your propagandists have done an amazing job of keeping you rubes ignorant!

Here is Trump visiting New Hampshire in 2011 when he was considering a 2012 run. Guess who his closest advisor was.

Go ahead. Guess.


When the residents of Trump World Tower wanted Trump's name removed in 2006, guess which fixer Trump sent to defeat them.

Go ahead. Guess.

When Trump was campaigning in 2016, guess who was always by his side.

Go ahead. Guess.


Remember those famous staged photos of deluded pastors laying hands on the thieving, lying, adulterer? Guess who was right there with him.

Go ahead. Guess.


So, basically, dipshit, if you are going to manufacture bullshit, make sure I'm not around.
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Billionaires are magnets for grifters, and Cohen is a grifter. He envied the lifestyle that Trump enjoyed, and wanted some of that for himself.

Trump liked him because he aggressively defended the brand, but he never used him for corporate business.

Hiring him was a mistake, but trusting him was a bigger one.
Birds of a feather 🪶

I wouldn’t praise him for it.

But, then again, I doubt the level of Cohen’s scumbag nature was foreseeable.
It was completely foreseeable. One scumbag
can certainly recognize another. Trump’s own loyalties are very situational. Cohen wasn’t willing to fall on the sword for Trump.

I love it when scum-waffles turn on each other.:popcorn:
It was completely foreseeable.
Mno. It wasn’t.
One scumbag can certainly recognize another.
Oh please. You sound like one of the regular suspect lib trolls when you post such vapid crap.
Trump’s own loyalties are very situational.
According to — you.
Cohen wasn’t willing to fall on the sword for Trump.
I love it when scum-waffles turn on each other.:popcorn:
Nah. You just dislike Trump and like it when anybody appears to threaten him or his candidacy.

You’re backing the convicted perjurer. Not a good look for you.
JFK hired his own brother to cover his ass as A.J. and it almost brought the U.S. to nuclear war. Obama appointed a freaking idiot as A.G. who authorized the shipment of illegal weapons to Mexican cartels. In a just and fair world Holder would have been held responsible for the death of a Border Patrol agent killed with one of the weapons but an administration that is protected by 95% of the media is immune from judicial responsibility. Holder thumbed his nose at a congressional subpoena and left the administration.
Mno. It wasn’t.

Oh please. You sound like one of the regular suspect lib trolls when you post such vapid crap.

According to — you.


Nah. You just dislike Trump and like it when anybody appears to threaten him or his candidacy.

You’re backing the convicted perjurer. Not a good look for you.
It sounds like you are trying to claim that a man, who hired another man to be his “fixer” (i.e. a person who carries out illicit activities on behalf of someone else) had no idea the person he hired to do scumbag activities wasn’t a scumbag? And that a person who hires out his scumbaggery is exempt from the scumbag title?

I have some pretty good bridges for sale.
It sounds like you are trying to claim that a man, who hired another man to be his “fixer” (i.e. a person who carries out illicit activities on behalf of someone else) had no idea the person he hired to do scumbag activities wasn’t a scumbag?

Who says that Trump hired scumbag Cohen to be his “fixer?” And who says that ANY “fixing” has to be “illicit?” And who says that any person playing the role of a “fixer” in any event needs to be a “scumbag” to do that job?

And that a person who hires out his scumbaggery is exempt from the scumbag title?
Depends on all of the foregoing pre-assumptions. And you haven’t supported any of them.
I have some pretty good bridges for sale.
Good for you. But you haven’t made your “case.”
Yes, yes, yes. It was all a "mistake".

Sure, sure.

Just like hiring money launderer Paul Manafort was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Russian asset George Papadopoulous was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Russian colluder Rick Gates was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Q-tard Michael Flynn was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Elliott Broidy was a "mistake".

Just like hiring pedophile George Nader was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Tom Barrack was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Roger Stone was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Steve Bannon was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Rudy Giuliani was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Steve Mnuchin was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Alexander Acosta was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Sam Clovis was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Scott Hall was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Mark Meadows was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Sydney Powell was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Jenna Ellis was a "mistake".

Just like hiring John Eastman was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Kenneth Cheseboro was a "mistake".

Just like hiring David Shafer was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Ray Smith was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Cathy Latham was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Harrison Floyd was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Jeffry Clark was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Robert Cheeley was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Mike Roman was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Shawn Still was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Stephen Lee was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Trevian Kutti was a "mistake".

Just like hiring Misty Hampton was a "mistake".

Gosh! Poor widdle babe in the woods Donald Trump accidentally found himself surrounded by an organized crime outfit! My goodness!

It's time to wake up and smell the swamp, kiddo. Trump hires criminals to carry out his evil aims. He always has. Going all the way back to his first dime of profit.
But, but, but.... Trump only hires the best people!
It was completely foreseeable. One scumbag
can certainly recognize another. Trump’s own loyalties are very situational. Cohen wasn’t willing to fall on the sword for Trump.

I love it when scum-waffles turn on each other.:popcorn:
Tell me about a laptop and that scum. While your at it why a gas company hires a drug addict?

Then classified material issues Biden and the wicked witch Hillairy.

2 tiered justice system. New York can go fuck themselves
It sounds like you are trying to claim that a man, who hired another man to be his “fixer” (i.e. a person who carries out illicit activities on behalf of someone else) had no idea the person he hired to do scumbag activities wasn’t a scumbag? And that a person who hires out his scumbaggery is exempt from the scumbag title?

I have some pretty good bridges for sale.
What illicit activities? That he may have fucked a porn star who was extorting him??

Lawfare and nothing more

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