Trump's July trip to England?

Trump didn't become a multi-billionaire and the President of the greatest country in the world, by worrying about what some butt-hurt little crybabies think. To hell with "overseas." If they want to play the game, they will play by our rules or not play at all.
Trump didn't become a multi-billionaire and the President of the greatest country in the world, by worrying about what some butt-hurt little crybabies think. To hell with "overseas." If they want to play the game, they will play by our rules or not play at all.
I know.
First he inherited it and then he got help from Russians after American banks stopped lending him money after all those bankruptcies.

We know exactly how Trump got rich:


And don't forget the Trump U scam and the Trump criminal organization, Trump foundation, is still under investigation.

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

He doesn't think he's popular, he knows it. Even better, they all fear him. The Sadiq Khans of the world can mock our President at their leisure, then bed wet over our trade domination and upcoming removal of NATO from the US power outlet.

When a foreign country publicly ridicules our sitting President, every US citizen should be outraged. Luckily no President in our history has been stronger on the world stage. Even Ike kowtowed to Stalin. Not since JFK have we had a man in the oval office willing to hold the line for American security and interests.

And all those who mock our President across the pond will be unable to take their eyes of their tellies for fear of missing a moment of his visit. If that's not popularity incarnate, I don't know what is.
Who the fuck cares if if a bunch of european pansies that don't even pay their fair share of the cost of military protection think of our president.

If they don't like 'Murcia, then fuck 'em.
Ewe want us to pay for Europe’s protection from Russia while they buy their oil from Russia? Don’t you think President Trump has a point when he says we’re schmucks?
He's vilified and ridiculed overseas. Thanks to him, the world pities the citizens of this country. Well, all except the ones ruled by dictators because they know he envies them and wants to be just like them..
Expect the same losers in Britian, who lost brexit and predicted a labor win, to whine about Trump. They have a similar problem. Two years after their elections leftists still rampage in the streets demanding the vote be overturned.


They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

The vast majority of Trump voters do not travel outside their zip code to say the least, out of the country. They do not understand other cultures or how stupid the USA looks with Donald Trump as President to the world.

They are going to be flying this balloon over the building where Trump is speaking.

You know how think skinned he is. Worse than a little baby.

Giant 'Trump Baby' balloon approved to fly

"So when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

The vast majority of Trump voters do not travel outside their zip code to say the least, out of the country. They do not understand other cultures or how stupid the USA looks with Donald Trump as President to the world.

Some more horseshit!
Who the fuck cares if if a bunch of european pansies that don't even pay their fair share of the cost of military protection think of our president.

If they don't like 'Murcia, then fuck 'em.

Yes, we should only care what autocratic leaders who jail, execute, starve, torture their citizens think. Of course that’s after our president kisses their asses after they told him that he’s “a stable genius” and other things to stricken his giant ego.
Democracies? Who gives a shit? Autocracies? Trumpsters love them.
of course he will , Trump will love it same as i do . Its a perfect example of 'effete' euros . Reminds me of some of the lefties on this board that post cartoons of obscene and perverted situations . They think that they are clever . This balloon is the same sort of silly , childish thing .

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