Trump’s Legal Blitz Isn’t Contesting Enough Votes to Win

The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.

And as soon as anybody shows any proof of widespread voter fraud,I'll join you in your outrage. There have been nothing but accusations presented so far.
Do you agree that allegations of voter fraud SHOULD be investigated? That to not do so calls into question the validity of our elections?

Of course credible claims of voter fraud should be investigated. However, if all the accusations Trump and his clowns have made turned out to be true, it would still not cause enough of a change in the vote count to win the presidency for him.

There's the weasel qualifier I expected from a hack like bulldog, "credible".

Because to bulldog anything that might take away their "win" isn't credible.

Fucking hack.

So...credibility doesn't matter?
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.

And as soon as anybody shows any proof of widespread voter fraud,I'll join you in your outrage. There have been nothing but accusations presented so far.
Do you agree that allegations of voter fraud SHOULD be investigated? That to not do so calls into question the validity of our elections?

Of course credible claims of voter fraud should be investigated. However, if all the accusations Trump and his clowns have made turned out to be true, it would still not cause enough of a change in the vote count to win the presidency for him.

There's the weasel qualifier I expected from a hack like bulldog, "credible".

Because to bulldog anything that might take away their "win" isn't credible.

Fucking hack.

So...credibility doesn't matter?
With all due respect, Coyote...the whole "mail in" vote concept was ALWAYS deemed to be fraught with peril as far as permitting voter fraud. When you've got States producing never before seen vote totals and a huge percentage of those votes are coming in through the mail after the election and the vast majority is for one candidate then how could it NOT be "credible" to ask if everything was on the up and up?
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.

And as soon as anybody shows any proof of widespread voter fraud,I'll join you in your outrage. There have been nothing but accusations presented so far.
Do you agree that allegations of voter fraud SHOULD be investigated? That to not do so calls into question the validity of our elections?

Of course credible claims of voter fraud should be investigated. However, if all the accusations Trump and his clowns have made turned out to be true, it would still not cause enough of a change in the vote count to win the presidency for him.

There's the weasel qualifier I expected from a hack like bulldog, "credible".

Because to bulldog anything that might take away their "win" isn't credible.

Fucking hack.

i understand. Credible is a level you have a hard time with. You usually hover around the "BATSHIT CRAZY" range.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.

And as soon as anybody shows any proof of widespread voter fraud,I'll join you in your outrage. There have been nothing but accusations presented so far.
Do you agree that allegations of voter fraud SHOULD be investigated? That to not do so calls into question the validity of our elections?

Of course credible claims of voter fraud should be investigated. However, if all the accusations Trump and his clowns have made turned out to be true, it would still not cause enough of a change in the vote count to win the presidency for him.
Do you agree that any claims of voter fraud that DO turn out to be true need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and that doesn't change simply because it isn't enough to change the election results? If Joe Biden has truly won the Presidency with valid votes then the office is his. If however he's won it by means of election fraud in battleground States then those who committed that fraud need to be made an example of.

That sounds like a perfectly reasonable way to look at things, as long as you understand an accusation is not the same as proof.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.

And as soon as anybody shows any proof of widespread voter fraud,I'll join you in your outrage. There have been nothing but accusations presented so far.
Do you agree that allegations of voter fraud SHOULD be investigated? That to not do so calls into question the validity of our elections?

Of course credible claims of voter fraud should be investigated. However, if all the accusations Trump and his clowns have made turned out to be true, it would still not cause enough of a change in the vote count to win the presidency for him.
Do you agree that any claims of voter fraud that DO turn out to be true need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and that doesn't change simply because it isn't enough to change the election results? If Joe Biden has truly won the Presidency with valid votes then the office is his. If however he's won it by means of election fraud in battleground States then those who committed that fraud need to be made an example of.
If allegations againt Trump voters are equally investigated
What allegations would you be referring to, Ben?
My question for you, a simple one. Which side had ballots pouring into the polling places days after the election was held? Was it the GOP? Or was it overwhelmingly on the Democratic side? It's been pointed out for quite some time now that the mail in ballots that were sent out by the millions provided an opportunity for voter fraud unlike anything we've ever had before in a modern US election!
Increasing the number of people voting is very undemocratic e
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.

And as soon as anybody shows any proof of widespread voter fraud,I'll join you in your outrage. There have been nothing but accusations presented so far.
Do you agree that allegations of voter fraud SHOULD be investigated? That to not do so calls into question the validity of our elections?

Of course credible claims of voter fraud should be investigated. However, if all the accusations Trump and his clowns have made turned out to be true, it would still not cause enough of a change in the vote count to win the presidency for him.
Do you agree that any claims of voter fraud that DO turn out to be true need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and that doesn't change simply because it isn't enough to change the election results? If Joe Biden has truly won the Presidency with valid votes then the office is his. If however he's won it by means of election fraud in battleground States then those who committed that fraud need to be made an example of.
If allegations againt Trump voters are equally investigated
What allegations would you be referring to, Ben?
My question for you, a simple one. Which side had ballots pouring into the polling places days after the election was held? Was it the GOP? Or was it overwhelmingly on the Democratic side? It's been pointed out for quite some time now that the mail in ballots that were sent out by the millions provided an opportunity for voter fraud unlike anything we've ever had before in a modern US election!

Perfectly legal votes that were delayed in the mail are just as valid as any other votes. Our military has taken advantage of that for a long time.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.

And as soon as anybody shows any proof of widespread voter fraud,I'll join you in your outrage. There have been nothing but accusations presented so far.
Do you agree that allegations of voter fraud SHOULD be investigated? That to not do so calls into question the validity of our elections?

Of course credible claims of voter fraud should be investigated. However, if all the accusations Trump and his clowns have made turned out to be true, it would still not cause enough of a change in the vote count to win the presidency for him.

There's the weasel qualifier I expected from a hack like bulldog, "credible".

Because to bulldog anything that might take away their "win" isn't credible.

Fucking hack.

So...credibility doesn't matter?
With all due respect, Coyote...the whole "mail in" vote concept was ALWAYS deemed to be fraught with peril as far as permitting voter fraud. When you've got States producing never before seen vote totals and a huge percentage of those votes are coming in through the mail after the election and the vast majority is for one candidate then how could it NOT be "credible" to ask if everything was on the up and up?

No. Trump's accusations do not in and of themselves deem anything. They are bullshit accusations just like all the other bullshit accusations that come from him. Ask all the questions you want, but you have to be mature enough to accept a credible answer when you get it.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
There still no fraud. Saying he's not contesting enough votes to win is not an admission there is fraud.

Read, think, then post. Don't just emote.

You don't know that, you just don't care but don't have the balls to admit it.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.

And as soon as anybody shows any proof of widespread voter fraud,I'll join you in your outrage. There have been nothing but accusations presented so far.
Do you agree that allegations of voter fraud SHOULD be investigated? That to not do so calls into question the validity of our elections?

Of course credible claims of voter fraud should be investigated. However, if all the accusations Trump and his clowns have made turned out to be true, it would still not cause enough of a change in the vote count to win the presidency for him.

There's the weasel qualifier I expected from a hack like bulldog, "credible".

Because to bulldog anything that might take away their "win" isn't credible.

Fucking hack.

So...credibility doesn't matter?

Credibility is a weasel word used to dismiss things you don't want.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.

And as soon as anybody shows any proof of widespread voter fraud,I'll join you in your outrage. There have been nothing but accusations presented so far.
Do you agree that allegations of voter fraud SHOULD be investigated? That to not do so calls into question the validity of our elections?

Of course credible claims of voter fraud should be investigated. However, if all the accusations Trump and his clowns have made turned out to be true, it would still not cause enough of a change in the vote count to win the presidency for him.

There's the weasel qualifier I expected from a hack like bulldog, "credible".

Because to bulldog anything that might take away their "win" isn't credible.

Fucking hack.

i understand. Credible is a level you have a hard time with. You usually hover around the "BATSHIT CRAZY" range.

Nothing would be credible to you because you would rather win at all costs than win fairly.
The Chairman of the Federal Election Commission has apparently declined to certify the results of the general election of Novermber 3, 2020 as legitimate.

Without a certification of the results of the election in accordance with the due process of law in pusuance of the Constitution and in particular the Twelfth Amendment, Joe Biden will not become President on January 20, 2021, and Donald Trump will serve a second term, until a due process of law for regular elections can be restored and more firmly established.

The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
There still no fraud. Saying he's not contesting enough votes to win is not an admission there is fraud.

Read, think, then post. Don't just emote.

You don't know that, you just don't care but don't have the balls to admit it.
Yes, I do know that. I know it because I both read and comprehended the post in question. Which part did you have trouble with?
He and his porno shop presser holding spokesman can bitch all they like.
It's over. Accept it and get on with preparing yourself to go back to being the deficit hawkish and bitching about religion and abortion.
Most of these cases are destined for the round file.

Sore losers. Got the world's smallest violin ready to play you a pity party symphony.

You must be a stuttering fuck too.

L-L-L-et m-m-m-m-me p-p-p-put it so ev-v-v-ven y-y-y-y-you c-c-c-can unders-s-s-s-stand it:

N-n-n-n-nob-b-body g-g-g-gives a f-f-f-f-fuck what-t-t-t y-y-y-you th-th-think.


You can't even swing a 2 Iron can you? I could...years ago when I was younger.
If you have something of value to add, please feel free to add it.
Otherwise, proceed to the basement.
There is no credible evidence of widespread voter fraud.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
There still no fraud. Saying he's not contesting enough votes to win is not an admission there is fraud.

Read, think, then post. Don't just emote.

You don't know that, you just don't care but don't have the balls to admit it.
Yes, I do know that. I know it because I both read and comprehended the post in question. Which part did you have trouble with?

The part where you are pretending you would actually care if Dems used fraud to win. Again if Trump was that fucking evil, wouldn't cheating be justified?

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