Trump’s Legal Blitz Isn’t Contesting Enough Votes to Win

The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

With my wife as my witness, when Obama was elected, I was not happy, but I told my wife that he is still my commander-in-chief, and I hope he does a good job. What else could I say at that time ?
Since then, I have been disgusted as to the direction of the democrat party.
Im deeply concerned that anyone could possibly hate one person enough, to cause them to vote for someone else.
Thanks to Hollywood, big tech, and MSM, people are voting with feelings and not based on results.
Biden is a career politician. Both sides have agreed for years that the coruption needs to stop and now when someone finally exposed that, you people side with the corruption.
Hating Hillary was the main reason most of the crazies gave for voting for trump to start with.
Oh stop with the propaganda--more people voted for trump this time around than when he ran against the crooked clintons.

But not enough to win the election.
No---not enough to win the election when the dems are using algorithms to track the vote in real time so they know exactly how many fraudulent votes that they need to quickly print up to steal the election...........BUT he did get enough votes to shock the cheating dems who weren't prepared for the deluge of votes for Trump which caused them to rush and make some huge errors proving that they were cheating. In the long run, after Trump finally wins the 2020 election officially-----------this will be used to clean up the election process and to stop some of the dems future cheating especially if we are lucky enough to see cheating dems and foreign chinese nations who helped with the attempted steal go to prison where they belong.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

So you won't mind if we just keep plodding along and sue the fuck out of you guys anyway...right.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

Ah...yes...phase two of the Democratic coverup! First you declare that ZERO proof has been found of voter fraud! Then you declare that it may have happened...but not in the numbers needed to overturn the results! What do you base that on, Dana? This process has just begun yet you've already demanded that it stop. Why is that? Are you so terrified of Trump having his day in court?
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
Act up? Since when is challenging election results that may have invalidated the votes of tens of millions of Americans "acting up"? The Democrat's insistence on mail in voting is the root cause of this debacle. It has nothing to do with Trump. The outcome being challenged was predicted LONG before the election took place. Mail in voting provides the perfect opportunity to commit mail fraud. If that HAS taken place then those responsible for it need to be exposed and criminally charged.
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The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

THe goal is to buoy the argument the elections were frauds not get votes thrown out

That's clear as day now unless they manage to find some problems on the digital side of the counting
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
We going to beat that dead horse to death again? (eye roll) Barry jobbed our educational system by claiming to be a foreign student. That's what led to the confusion over where he was born! That has ZERO to do with numbers that simply don't add up in this election!

I'm sorry if you have problems with addition. Perhaps you should get a tutor.
I've got an MBA. My education and a cursory look at the numbers from the election tell me that something is amiss! I happen to value my vote. Having it nullified by people casting illegal votes or tampering with computers annoys me. It should annoy anyone who values their vote.

And as soon as anybody shows any proof of widespread voter fraud,I'll join you in your outrage. There have been nothing but accusations presented so far.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
This came from Speaker of the Assembly, Vos. They have memo from election officials.
Last edited:
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
This came from Speaker of the Assembly, DeVos. They have memo from election officials.

Devoss is a lying **** who bought her position
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
This came from Speaker of the Assembly, DeVos. They have memo from election officials.

Devoss is a lying **** who bought her position
Sorry, I added the De in front of the name accidentally. It is just Vos. Different person than who you think. Apologies for any confusion.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
This came from Speaker of the Assembly, DeVos. They have memo from election officials.

Devoss is a lying **** who bought her position
Sorry, I added the De in front of the name accidentally. It is just Vos. Different person than who you think. Apologies for any confusion.

Thank you. Not many here admit mistakes. Perhaps you have learned, as I have, that it's not helpful to argue for something you know to be wrong.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.
If you keep moving the goalposts pretty soon there will be massive fraud, just not organized massive fraud, right?

No goal post was moved. You are shifting them from widespread fraud to...any fraud. As if it were the same thing.
We'll see. Once ballots are compared to voter purge lists that weren't purged and signatures are looked closely.
Not much to see.

The election officials have been very careful in this election knowing Trump was likely to act up.
In Wisconsin state election officials told poll workers they could fill in missing witness addresses on absentee ballots. That's against state law and completely negates the purpose of the witness verification. Every ballot that was filled in by a poll worker is invalid. There are similar reports in other states.

There were supposed to be reports from Hawaii that proved Obama wasn't born there too. Right wing generated reports usually are nothing but bullshit.
Yeah...and Clinton and her attorney friend pushed this lie without realizing why Obama didn't have a long form legit HA birth certificate...they didn't realize that children adopted out of the country at that time by their communist hoing mothers like Obama was to Indonesia---have their US long form BC DESTROYED with a new foreign BC issued from the adopting country in their new legal name---Barry SOETORO in this case. Hence why Obama the ears has a connecticut SS number and he had to spend what 2 MILLION $$$$$$$ to hide what happened with all those trips back and forth to HA to do so. He btw could have had his citizenship reinstated if he had applied for it after the age of 18 but he never did this.

Now behave or I will also start explaining who Obama's likely real sperm donor is----------and exactly what his communist ho mother was.
The republicans need to understand that just saying something doesn't make it true.

You need honest, concrete, factual proof.

trump and republicans have not produced any to any judge in any court yet. Which is why their cases keep being thrown out of court.

trump can't flip enough states with court cases. It's just impossible.

Stop the lies. Just accept that the majority of the people in America don't want trump as president.

First there was no fraud, now there wasn't enough to win..

What is the next goalpost position you are going to take?
Every election likely has very small amounts of fraud (as in with intent). But the penalties for doing so are very high. Most so called fraud isnt, it is human error. No one claims no fraud, but you guys are claiming, without evidence, widespread fraud.

The Penn case details 10 issues, you can ignore them if you want.

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