Trumps long awaited Healthcare Plan

After promising something better and cheaper than Obamacare, Trump finally revealed what he considers a “plan”
It is not a plan at all, but a series of empty promises that are not funded or backed by legislation.

Trump’s announcements Thursday failed to match his pledge of a “full and complete” health care plan. They also failed to make good on senior officials’ claims, made on the press call just ahead of Trump’s speech Thursday, that the President would present an “historic” proposal.
Well, at least it has slightly more substance than his climate change proposal.

"It'll get cooler, just watch."

Or his COVID response: "It'll just go away - Like MAGIC!"
After promising something better and cheaper than Obamacare, Trump finally revealed what he considers a “plan”
It is not a plan at all, but a series of empty promises that are not funded or backed by legislation.

Trump’s announcements Thursday failed to match his pledge of a “full and complete” health care plan. They also failed to make good on senior officials’ claims, made on the press call just ahead of Trump’s speech Thursday, that the President would present an “historic” proposal.

Hey, that one-time $200 gift card should be plenty to pay for prescriptions and health care for at least - - - > One week so long as ya don't get sick or injured - MAGA!
Some “gift”
It is only if it gets funded through savings on international drug sales
Biden currently does not support Medicare for All. His Healthcare Plan involves expanding Medicaid eligibility and beefing up Obamacare.

If the court strikes down Obamacare, the only option for Dems will be to quickly implement Medicare for All.
And commit political suicide....

I have to admit, that couldn't happen to a better bunch of people!!!!
It would be worth it

What will the reaction be if the court strikes down Obamacare and Republicans have no Plan B?
Well, if you want to piss off 2/3 of the voters when they lose a good insurance plan and have to have the government run their health plan, go ahead....

We sure know that worked out with the VA!!!!

View attachment 393135
Voters who just lost their Healthcare?
All this while Trump continues his Supreme Court challenge to eliminate Obamacare in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years

He has nothing to replace it
When you have cancer, you remove it and don't replace it with more cancer.
The federal government has no constitutional mandate to provide healthcare plans or funding.
Educate yourself by reading the Constitution, the 10th Amendment in particular.
Biden currently does not support Medicare for All. His Healthcare Plan involves expanding Medicaid eligibility and beefing up Obamacare.

If the court strikes down Obamacare, the only option for Dems will be to quickly implement Medicare for All.
And commit political suicide....

I have to admit, that couldn't happen to a better bunch of people!!!!
It would be worth it

What will the reaction be if the court strikes down Obamacare and Republicans have no Plan B?
Well, if you want to piss off 2/3 of the voters when they lose a good insurance plan and have to have the government run their health plan, go ahead....

We sure know that worked out with the VA!!!!

View attachment 393135
Voters who just lost their Healthcare?

Yep, the 2/3 of the voters who will lose their current healthcare if we go single-payer....
If Dems take the White House and Congress, they need to act quickly and decisively.

Repeal Trumps tax cuts on business and the wealthy
Enact tough gun legislation
Single Payer healthcare
Strict environmental protections
Raise minimum wage to $15 and tie increases to inflation
Immigration reform with a path towards citizenship

Also.....Make DC and Puerto Rico States to lock in the Senate for Democrats
All this while Trump continues his Supreme Court challenge to eliminate Obamacare in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years

He has nothing to replace it
When you have cancer, you remove it and don't replace it with more cancer.
The federal government has no constitutional mandate to provide healthcare plans or funding.
Educate yourself by reading the Constitution, the 10th Amendment in particular.
Medicare has been around for over 50 years, how Constitutional is that?
To make healthcare cheaper we would need to take chunks out of big pharma , as well as put limits on costs of procedures, such as joint replacements, which can be 5X here vs elsewhere for example.

The big money interests involved in these areas blocked these things when Obamacare was being put together and they'd try to block it now. Without dealing with some of that, there are few realistic options.

IMHO, Obamacare is going nowhere in the near term. Maybe some minor tweaks here and there, but I'm not seeing a major overhaul in the works and they've had nearly 4 years to work on it, which indicates to me they have no real intention of doing much, if anything, with it.
Medicare has been around for over 50 years, how Constitutional is that?
Irrelevant diversion, commonly referred to as "whataboutism".
Educate yourself by reading the Constitution, the 10th Amendment in particular.
Medicare has been around for over 50 years, how Constitutional is that?
Irrelevant diversion, commonly referred to as "whataboutism".
Educate yourself by reading the Constitution, the 10th Amendment in particular.
Actually, it is something called a “precedent” where the Government has controlled healthcare
IMHO, Obamacare is going nowhere in the near term. Maybe some minor tweaks here and there, but I'm not seeing a major overhaul in the works and they've had nearly 4 years to work on it, which indicates to me they have no real intention of doing much, if anything, with it.

Unless the Supreme Court strikes it down
Then, Democrats will have no option other than Medicare for All
IMHO, Obamacare is going nowhere in the near term. Maybe some minor tweaks here and there, but I'm not seeing a major overhaul in the works and they've had nearly 4 years to work on it, which indicates to me they have no real intention of doing much, if anything, with it.

Unless the Supreme Court strikes it down
Then, Democrats will have no option other than Medicare for All

I don't see that happening. The Supreme Court already ruled on it, so that is the existing precedent. That is one helluva hill.

We've got other things to worry about. This one is, IMHO, a total scare campaign, right up there with Trump is going to kill grannies social security. In this case the dems are seeding this in advance of the new justice to use the conservative majority of the bench as the scare tactic this time around, pointing at healthcare and Roe V Wade to declare total armageddon if conservatives are not driven out at the ballot box. We see this stuff every election cycle, so should recognize it for what it is as this point. This time there is this added wrinkle of using the court as the boogeyman, but it is the same old, same old.
After promising something better and cheaper than Obamacare, Trump finally revealed what he considers a “plan”
It is not a plan at all, but a series of empty promises that are not funded or backed by legislation.

Trump’s announcements Thursday failed to match his pledge of a “full and complete” health care plan. They also failed to make good on senior officials’ claims, made on the press call just ahead of Trump’s speech Thursday, that the President would present an “historic” proposal.
Awww you’re going to hurt donnys feelers ! It’s a Yuge ! Healthcare plan. Better than all other healthcare plans. trump makes only the best healthcare plans . And only he alone can fix it. Believe him !
IMHO, Obamacare is going nowhere in the near term. Maybe some minor tweaks here and there, but I'm not seeing a major overhaul in the works and they've had nearly 4 years to work on it, which indicates to me they have no real intention of doing much, if anything, with it.

Unless the Supreme Court strikes it down
Then, Democrats will have no option other than Medicare for All

I don't see that happening. The Supreme Court already ruled on it, so that is the existing precedent. That is one helluva hill.

We've got other things to worry about. This one is, IMHO, a total scare campaign, right up there with Trump is going to kill grannies social security. In this case the dems are seeding this in advance of the new justice to use the conservative majority of the bench as the scare tactic this time around, pointing at healthcare and Roe V Wade to declare total armageddon if conservatives are not driven out at the ballot box. We see this stuff every election cycle, so should recognize it for what it is as this point. This time there is this added wrinkle of using the court as the boogeyman, but it is the same old, same old.
I’d like to agree with you.

But Justice Roberts saved Obamacare 5-4 the last go around.

At 6-3, the Trump Court will find grounds to abolish it and open the way for Medicare for All
IMHO, Obamacare is going nowhere in the near term. Maybe some minor tweaks here and there, but I'm not seeing a major overhaul in the works and they've had nearly 4 years to work on it, which indicates to me they have no real intention of doing much, if anything, with it.

Unless the Supreme Court strikes it down
Then, Democrats will have no option other than Medicare for All

I don't see that happening. The Supreme Court already ruled on it, so that is the existing precedent. That is one helluva hill.

We've got other things to worry about. This one is, IMHO, a total scare campaign, right up there with Trump is going to kill grannies social security. In this case the dems are seeding this in advance of the new justice to use the conservative majority of the bench as the scare tactic this time around, pointing at healthcare and Roe V Wade to declare total armageddon if conservatives are not driven out at the ballot box. We see this stuff every election cycle, so should recognize it for what it is as this point. This time there is this added wrinkle of using the court as the boogeyman, but it is the same old, same old.
I’d like to agree with you.

But Justice Roberts saved Obamacare 5-4 the last go around.

At 6-3, the Trump Court will find grounds to abolish it and open the way for Medicare for All
which Biden will veto.
IMHO, Obamacare is going nowhere in the near term. Maybe some minor tweaks here and there, but I'm not seeing a major overhaul in the works and they've had nearly 4 years to work on it, which indicates to me they have no real intention of doing much, if anything, with it.

Unless the Supreme Court strikes it down
Then, Democrats will have no option other than Medicare for All

I don't see that happening. The Supreme Court already ruled on it, so that is the existing precedent. That is one helluva hill.

We've got other things to worry about. This one is, IMHO, a total scare campaign, right up there with Trump is going to kill grannies social security. In this case the dems are seeding this in advance of the new justice to use the conservative majority of the bench as the scare tactic this time around, pointing at healthcare and Roe V Wade to declare total armageddon if conservatives are not driven out at the ballot box. We see this stuff every election cycle, so should recognize it for what it is as this point. This time there is this added wrinkle of using the court as the boogeyman, but it is the same old, same old.
I’d like to agree with you.

But Justice Roberts saved Obamacare 5-4 the last go around.

At 6-3, the Trump Court will find grounds to abolish it and open the way for Medicare for All
which Biden will veto.

IMHO, Obamacare is going nowhere in the near term. Maybe some minor tweaks here and there, but I'm not seeing a major overhaul in the works and they've had nearly 4 years to work on it, which indicates to me they have no real intention of doing much, if anything, with it.

Unless the Supreme Court strikes it down
Then, Democrats will have no option other than Medicare for All

I don't see that happening. The Supreme Court already ruled on it, so that is the existing precedent. That is one helluva hill.

We've got other things to worry about. This one is, IMHO, a total scare campaign, right up there with Trump is going to kill grannies social security. In this case the dems are seeding this in advance of the new justice to use the conservative majority of the bench as the scare tactic this time around, pointing at healthcare and Roe V Wade to declare total armageddon if conservatives are not driven out at the ballot box. We see this stuff every election cycle, so should recognize it for what it is as this point. This time there is this added wrinkle of using the court as the boogeyman, but it is the same old, same old.
I’d like to agree with you.

But Justice Roberts saved Obamacare 5-4 the last go around.

At 6-3, the Trump Court will find grounds to abolish it and open the way for Medicare for All

What grounds? That's what I mean by 'boogeyman' "They'll find something or do this or that" We hear that kind of stuff all the time during election cycles and 99.99% of the time it is baseless scare tactics.

The court already ruled and that is the precedent, which really is my point. To think they are going to suddenly reverse all history of the court and over-rule this precedent simply because of a shift in numbers is unlikely. That's what I honestly think, I'm not trying to make a point or 'win' a debate. The power of precedent on the Supreme Court is very strong.

I don't know that there are any grounds to even review the constitutionality of it at the Supreme Court level. The court may not even hear a challenge to it again, even if one is brought through the lower courts, which would be difficult in itself due to the Supreme Court precedent. I would think if there were some substantive grounds we would be seeing activity still in the lower courts on this or that angle, which I don't think we are.

Even if it does show up on their doorstep again, these guys aren't just going to trash what the court stands for and toss the precedent in a pique of partisanship. I could be wrong I guess, but I don't think these people are quite at that level of store-bought whorishness just yet.
Because he's a jerkoff corporatist. {Pay attention KissMy}:

He will have no option once SCOTUS abolishes Obamacare.

Biden prefers to enhance Obamacare, but if he has no option.....
IMHO, Obamacare is going nowhere in the near term. Maybe some minor tweaks here and there, but I'm not seeing a major overhaul in the works and they've had nearly 4 years to work on it, which indicates to me they have no real intention of doing much, if anything, with it.

Unless the Supreme Court strikes it down
Then, Democrats will have no option other than Medicare for All

I don't see that happening. The Supreme Court already ruled on it, so that is the existing precedent. That is one helluva hill.

We've got other things to worry about. This one is, IMHO, a total scare campaign, right up there with Trump is going to kill grannies social security. In this case the dems are seeding this in advance of the new justice to use the conservative majority of the bench as the scare tactic this time around, pointing at healthcare and Roe V Wade to declare total armageddon if conservatives are not driven out at the ballot box. We see this stuff every election cycle, so should recognize it for what it is as this point. This time there is this added wrinkle of using the court as the boogeyman, but it is the same old, same old.
I’d like to agree with you.

But Justice Roberts saved Obamacare 5-4 the last go around.

At 6-3, the Trump Court will find grounds to abolish it and open the way for Medicare for All

What grounds? That's what I mean by 'boogeyman' "They'll find something or do this or that" We hear that kind of stuff all the time during election cycles and 99.99% of the time it is baseless scare tactics.

The court already ruled and that is the precedent, which really is my point. To think they are going to suddenly reverse all history of the court and over-rule this precedent simply because of a shift in numbers is unlikely. That's what I honestly think, I'm not trying to make a point or 'win' a debate. The power of precedent on the Supreme Court is very strong.

I don't know that there are any grounds to even review the constitutionality of it at the Supreme Court level. The court may not even hear a challenge to it again, even if one is brought through the lower courts, which would be difficult in itself due to the Supreme Court precedent. I would think if there were some substantive grounds we would be seeing activity still in the lower courts on this or that angle, which I don't think we are.

Even if it does show up on their doorstep again, these guys aren't just going to trash what the court stands for and toss the precedent in a pique of partisanship. I could be wrong I guess, but I don't think these people are quite at that level of store-bought whorishness just yet.
We shall see shortly

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