Trump's meaningless military strikes done only to boost approval ratings, period


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
both the Syrian and Afghan strikes were done in a vacuum, no larger strategy or planning involved.....all theater

and by now even Repubs are scratching their heads, wondering what the hell this lunatic is up to

historic times
i didn't like the syrian strikes because no American were killed and i don't believe that gas was used and even if gas was used on civilian fureigners , well , no Americans were killed or hurt . ----------------- Afganistan bombing was good though , latest reports was 94 muslims killed by the strike on the cave . Plus it was good payback for the Green Beret that was killed JApple !!
bigger strategy , Only that mrobamas weakness is gone as long as TRUMP is in charge JApple !!
i didn't like the syrian strikes because no American were killed and i don't believe that gas was used and even if gas was used on civilian fureigners , well , no Americans were killed or hurt . ----------------- Afganistan bombing was good though , latest reports was 94 muslims killed by the strike on the cave . Plus it was good payback for the Green Beret that was killed JApple !!

that MOAB dropped in Afghanistan is meaningless regardless of that fabricated KIA number, they 'estimate' these figures, obviously in the military's favor

but even if they killed 500 it would still be meaningless to stem any 'terrorist' efforts there, probably only serve as a recruitment tool like all the other bombs dropped on Afghanistan
i didn't like the syrian strikes because no American were killed and i don't believe that gas was used and even if gas was used on civilian fureigners , well , no Americans were killed or hurt . ----------------- Afganistan bombing was good though , latest reports was 94 muslims killed by the strike on the cave . Plus it was good payback for the Green Beret that was killed JApple !!

that MOAB dropped in Afghanistan is meaningless regardless of that fabricated KIA number, they 'estimate' these figures, obviously in the military's favor

but even if they killed 500 it would still be meaningless to stem any 'terrorist' efforts there, probably only serve as a recruitment tool like all the other bombs dropped on Afghanistan
--------------------------------------------------- SO WHAT , we just keep killing the muslim enemy for the next few hundred years JApple !!
Trump's meaningless military strikes done only to boost approval ratings, period

Did you figure that out on your own or did you get help from an adult? :dunno:
Wag the Dog False Flag. Obviously Assad had nothing to gain by ordering a chemical weapon attack. He was winning the war and peace was at hand. There's no strategic value for him ordering such an attack. The only ones to benefit from the attack, were the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be. It was a False Flag event.

And then there's the 'distraction' benefit for Trump too. That's the 'Wag the Dog' aspect of it. But he's certainly not the first President to do it. Many past US Presidents have done it. Whenever a US President is struggling domestically, a good ole bombing or invasion sufficiently distracts the American Sheeple. It's been proven to work. Trump's approval ratings will be rising. Americans love their war. The US is an incredibly violent nation. If he doesn't get a significant enough bump in his ratings, you can bet he will go further. And that should worry Americans. What's coming next?
both the Syrian and Afghan strikes were done in a vacuum, no larger strategy or planning involved.....all theater

and by now even Repubs are scratching their heads, wondering what the hell this lunatic is up to

historic times

A failed attempt on Trump’s part at political distraction, having no military value whatsoever.
Give it 2 weeks and like the Yemen raid well fond out that it was a shit move. Remember Yemen got them all kinds of great information for 2 weeks...then they revealed not much was gained? But by that time they already spent 2 weeks using the soldiers dead bodies for human shields.
both the Syrian and Afghan strikes were done in a vacuum, no larger strategy or planning involved.....all theater

and by now even Repubs are scratching their heads, wondering what the hell this lunatic is up to

historic times

A failed attempt on Trump’s part at political distraction, having no military value whatsoever.

Hey, 'Wag the Dogs' work. It's been proven. His approval numbers will rise. Bet on it. Most Americans love their war.
Those strikes do send a message to everyone around the world: the US is no longer run by a pussy. Obama's words were empty, Trump's are not. And that does mean something, it ain't all theater.
Those strikes do send a message to everyone around the world: the US is no longer run by a pussy. Obama's words were empty, Trump's are not. And that does mean something, it ain't all theater.

When Obama was drone striking the shit out of people you sung a different tune. Let's remember that Obama got Osama bin Laden. Trump dropped bombs on an airstrip after telling the Russians to take cover. Lol...tough
i didn't like the syrian strikes because no American were killed and i don't believe that gas was used and even if gas was used on civilian fureigners , well , no Americans were killed or hurt . ----------------- Afganistan bombing was good though , latest reports was 94 muslims killed by the strike on the cave . Plus it was good payback for the Green Beret that was killed JApple !!

Aren't you just the gutless wonder!
Those strikes do send a message to everyone around the world: the US is no longer run by a pussy. Obama's words were empty, Trump's are not. And that does mean something, it ain't all theater.
When Obama was drone striking the shit out of people you sung a different tune. Let's remember that Obama got Osama bin Laden. Trump dropped bombs on an airstrip after telling the Russians to take cover. Lol...tough
You can say that again!

both the Syrian and Afghan strikes were done in a vacuum, no larger strategy or planning involved

I can't attest to the accuracy of the motive you note in your thread title, but I can say it's plausibly so. Regardless, that the actions were undertaken absent any coherent strategy of which they are expressly a part, that is a strategy in which is found a clear answer to "now that we've done that, what next," is without question a problem and disconcerting. Moreover, it does little to inspire confidence that the POTUS has a well developed plan for where he's taking the nation. Rather, it makes him look like he's just "winging it" and seeing what happens. That is not good management; it's not good leadership either.

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