Trump’s Message to Immigrant Sponsors: You Want ‘Em? You Pay for ‘Em!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The immigration laws currently require that, when an alien receives certain forms of means-tested public benefits, the government or non-government entity providing the public benefit must request reimbursement from the alien’s financial sponsor,” the memo read.

These laws also require that, when an alien applies for certain means-tested public benefits, the financial resources of the alien’s sponsor must be counted as part of the alien’s financial resources in determining both eligibility for the benefits and the amount of benefits that may be awarded. Financial sponsors who pledge to financially support the sponsored alien in the event the alien applies for or receives public benefits will be expected to fulfill their commitment under law.”

This all goes along the Secretary Carson’s edict to remove illegals from public housing. Doesn’t seem like much at first glance, but the Trump administration appears to be tightening the screws on illegals and those taking them in.

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@ Trump's Message to Immigrant Sponsors: You Want 'Em? You Pay for 'Em!
Show both the immigrant and sponsor pictures of the Normandy Beaches and sands on Iwo Jima with their littered dead and explain the reason they are even ALLOWED to come here or pay for someone is that these soldiers paid with everything they had-their lives. If they can't understand the concept-they won't make good Americans. We have enough people who say "what's in it for me"?
The immigration laws currently require that, when an alien receives certain forms of means-tested public benefits, the government or non-government entity providing the public benefit must request reimbursement from the alien’s financial sponsor,” the memo read.

These laws also require that, when an alien applies for certain means-tested public benefits, the financial resources of the alien’s sponsor must be counted as part of the alien’s financial resources in determining both eligibility for the benefits and the amount of benefits that may be awarded. Financial sponsors who pledge to financially support the sponsored alien in the event the alien applies for or receives public benefits will be expected to fulfill their commitment under law.”

This all goes along the Secretary Carson’s edict to remove illegals from public housing. Doesn’t seem like much at first glance, but the Trump administration appears to be tightening the screws on illegals and those taking them in.

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@ Trump's Message to Immigrant Sponsors: You Want 'Em? You Pay for 'Em!

Trump is moving on this issue and deserves the credit for it.
Trump returns home after a tremendously successful trip to Europe and resolves our border crisis the same day. Trump is definitely the best President since Eisenhower.
Seems silly to me , pay or no pay , the invaders have attained their goal of being in the USA .
thousands a day get into the USA with no sponsors and are distributed all through the USA at taxpayer expense after lunch , a diaper change and a health checkup Correl ,

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