Trump's Money-Fairy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does Trump have the moral backbone to pass a simple money-test?

We shall see...



Elias was a 'money-fairy' who dropped money randomly on streets and sidewalks and on shopping-mall floors for people to find and pick up and decide if they should turn the money over to the authorities or keep it for themselves. Elias was a fairy from Ireland, and he could cloak himself to make himself completely invisible. One day, he decided to drop a $100 bill on the White House lawn for U.S. President Donald Trump to find. Trump had to decide if he should tell someone or pocket the money for himself. It was an interesting meditation.

"Wow, a $100 dollar-bill! What should I do with it? I wonder who dropped this (maybe one of the White House aides, or perhaps it was a White House visitor --- completely random!). Well, since I'm the President, people expect me to naturally turn it over to the White House managers and my advisors, but who's going to miss this money? After all, some fool foolishly dropped this money for anyone to pick up, and since I'm the President, I know I'll use the money for a good purpose. Then again, if the person turns up trying to claim it, and they ask me and I seem nervous, they'll suspect I pocketed it and irresponsibly didn't tell anyone (and there'll be a field-day in the press which will probably create yet another anti-TrumpUSA street protest in D.C. or N.Y.). Well, I'm thoroughly vexed. I'm sure it wasn't an angel of God or a leprechaun(!) or maybe even a strange magical 'money-fairy'(!), since, after all, such a miracle-circumstance is so darn unlikely. We have serious practical considerations in our modern real world to think that God or his angels or money-fairies are dropping money on the White House lawn to see if the person (perhaps even the President!) who finds it passes that proverbial old 'morality-test'(!). I think I'll just pocket this money...after all, I'm gifting America with the splendor of 'Trumponomics'(!)."



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