Trump's "Nomination" (Concession to Hillary) Speech This Thursday...

We should be seeing a big jump in the polls for Trump in the middle of the convention with hour after hour of praise for the nominee and also only few weeks after the release of the FBI report on Clinton. However, in the most populous battleground states of Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, Clinton is still on top with only a small uptick for Trump.
1. Nobody gives a flying fig about Clinton & Benghazi or Clinton's emails. Real voters care about real matters near to them.
2. I wonder about the "praise" of Kasich not showing for the convention...along with scores of other high-ranking GOP officials. The actions speak louder than words. And to that, Trump has been getting slapped in the face every hour of the convention. it's not like the viewing public is unaware that most of their party is a no-show in protest of Donald Trump himself.
There is big difference in endorsing someone because he or she is your party's nominee and actually working to see they get elected. Most Republicans are endorsing Trump but I have seen damn few that are actually working to get him elected.

This summer is when both campaigns put the petal to metal. They have to work not just at national level but they need grass roots support in the states and that takes a party united behind it's nominee. I don't see that with Trump.
We should be seeing a big jump in the polls for Trump in the middle of the convention with hour after hour of praise for the nominee and also only few weeks after the release of the FBI report on Clinton. However, in the most populous battleground states of Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, Clinton is still on top with only a small uptick for Trump.
1. Nobody gives a flying fig about Clinton & Benghazi or Clinton's emails. Real voters care about real matters near to them.
2. I wonder about the "praise" of Kasich not showing for the convention...along with scores of other high-ranking GOP officials. The actions speak louder than words. And to that, Trump has been getting slapped in the face every hour of the convention. it's not like the viewing public is unaware that most of their party is a no-show in protest of Donald Trump himself.
There is big difference in endorsing someone because he or she is your party's nominee and actually working to see they get elected. Most Republicans are endorsing Trump but I have seen damn few that are actually working to get him elected.

This summer is when both campaigns put the petal to metal. They have to work not just at national level but they need grass roots support in the states and that takes a party united behind it's nominee. I don't see that with Trump.

Doesn't matter what a party does or doesn't do if the People want to elect a given candidate they will do so. Too many people want their country back for Hellary to win even if she manages to get nominated and is still free at the time of the elections.
Keep dreaming
What dreaming? The poll in the OP link says Hillary has a 76% chance of winning, BEFORE Trump loses his shit like he did in the primaries, over and over and over and over....providing Hillary's camp with endless damning soundbites to kill not only Trump's chances, but other GOP Congressional hopefuls as well. Hillary's plan is to remain calm and provoke Trump in debates. And he will oblige her without thinking. Everyone knows this.

Reality is. Read the link in the OP. Unless you think Hillary will hold back on Trump's rabid comments and not use them as commercials in key states?

OMG we should end it now...the New York times has spoken.......psyche!!!!!

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

The New York Slimes? The most liberal rag in America says Hitlery will win??

Color me shocked. LOL
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Hillary has a 76% chance of getting the win in November...but not before several debates where she calmly entices Bozo the Clown into endless foaming rages and soundbites for her commercial campaigns in key states. By then it'll be around 86% chance of winning....maybe even 96%. And what's the most shocking is, the GOP leaders know this to the core of their bone marrow. ie: they are throwing this year's election.

A friend of mine even postulated that because of their choices in 2008 & 2012, they also threw those elections too. One wonders how the democrat-raised Dick Cheney's influence is really directing the republican party? The king of all moles and his cohorts may have fatally infected the GOP decades ago..

So, don't forget to tune into Trump's Thursday mean "nomination" speech. It's like having a funeral 3 1/2 months before the person actually died.
You need to stop sniffing glue. A friend of mine postulated that libtards believe anything from libtard sources and ask no questions. Who wants to be like you? Not me.

Hillary has a 76% chance of getting the win in November...but not before several debates where she calmly entices Bozo the Clown into endless foaming rages and soundbites for her commercial campaigns in key states. By then it'll be around 86% chance of winning....maybe even 96%. And what's the most shocking is, the GOP leaders know this to the core of their bone marrow. ie: they are throwing this year's election.

A friend of mine even postulated that because of their choices in 2008 & 2012, they also threw those elections too. One wonders how the democrat-raised Dick Cheney's influence is really directing the republican party? The king of all moles and his cohorts may have fatally infected the GOP decades ago..

So, don't forget to tune into Trump's Thursday mean "nomination" speech. It's like having a funeral 3 1/2 months before the person actually died.
You need to stop sniffing glue. A friend of mine postulated that libtards believe anything from libtard sources and ask no questions. Who wants to be like you? Not me.
It's early he's in a dead heat.......let's wait a bit

Blacks...will they come out?
Women.......well see

Hispanics......well see...but he is not doing that bad compared to non bush republicans

Uh, yeah, actually, he is doing badly. He's barely breaching 40%.

And Hitlery....a known quantity and member of the current administration is like 41.....uh oh....
You need to stop sniffing glue. A friend of mine postulated that libtards believe anything from libtard sources and ask no questions. Who wants to be like you? Not me.
I was promoting John Kasich. I have no idea who you're addressing in your post; definitely not me.

As for sniffing glue... Trump doesn't and will never carry:

1. Women
2. Hispanics
3. Blacks
4. Many of the GOP and
5. All democrats.

I assume you passed elementary school math? And we haven't even seen the first debate/ soundbite harvesting episode between Hillary and Trump. By November, the entire GOP will look like Bozo the Clown's circus and we'll be swearing in President Clinton next January. It isn't even a horse race. It's like pitting a thoroughbred against a snail. There needs to be a parallel universe of mathematics for Trump to win.

Undecideds by and large don't give a rat's about Benghazi (where FOUR WHOLE PEOPLE died in a war-torn ME area!!) or her damned emails (likely people identify with wanting to keep email private). What they do care about is stability and the ability to govern properly. At the very least, Hillary has Bill as a fond memory lodged in the minds of people. Trump has....oh, right...nothing but the hot air continually pumping out of his pathologically-lying mouth. Hillary may tell lies too, like ALL politicians do (the public knows and accepts this so don't run with it). The difference is that Hillary lies only when it is absolutely necessary. Trump lies like diarrhea, without even understanding why he lies; except to look grandiose in each moment, whatever that calls for.

One is a common politician, which is the only fare the public can hope for in an election. The other is a dangerous pathological personality, obvious to all but the stupidest of people. The folks in the middle, undecided, by their very nature tend to be more intelligent and thoughtful, discerning. Therefore, Trump is screwed with that lot.

Therefore, the "acceptance" speech by Trump at the GOP convention, is, factually, a concession speech. The Congressional and Senate candidates for the GOP, might as well line up behind the King of the Jackasses and prepare to give their concessions speeches as well...imagine all the money they'll save by just hanging it up?
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You need to stop sniffing glue. A friend of mine postulated that libtards believe anything from libtard sources and ask no questions. Who wants to be like you? Not me.
I was promoting John Kasich. I have no idea who you're addressing in your post; definitely not me.

As for sniffing glue... Trump doesn't and will never carry:

1. Women
2. Hispanics
3. Blacks
4. Many of the GOP and
5. All democrats.

I assume you passed elementary school math? And we haven't even seen the first debate/ soundbite harvesting episode between Hillary and Trump. By November, the entire GOP will look like Bozo the Clown's circus and we'll be swearing in President Clinton next January. It isn't even a horse race. It's like pitting a thoroughbred against a snail. There needs to be a parallel universe of mathematics for Trump to win.

Ok which of those would kasich get?

Same talking points

What policy of kasich do you like?
You need to stop sniffing glue. A friend of mine postulated that libtards believe anything from libtard sources and ask no questions. Who wants to be like you? Not me.
I was promoting John Kasich. I have no idea who you're addressing in your post; definitely not me.

As for sniffing glue... Trump doesn't and will never carry:

1. Women
2. Hispanics
3. Blacks
4. Many of the GOP and
5. All democrats.

I assume you passed elementary school math? And we haven't even seen the first debate/ soundbite harvesting episode between Hillary and Trump. By November, the entire GOP will look like Bozo the Clown's circus and we'll be swearing in President Clinton next January. It isn't even a horse race. It's like pitting a thoroughbred against a snail. There needs to be a parallel universe of mathematics for Trump to win.
I responded to you and used some of your wording and that wasn't enough of a clue as to who I was talking to? Wow.

Many dems and independents did vote vote him, many women did and will. Not only are you remarkably stupid but to show it off it just special.
You need to stop sniffing glue. A friend of mine postulated that libtards believe anything from libtard sources and ask no questions. Who wants to be like you? Not me.
I was promoting John Kasich. I have no idea who you're addressing in your post; definitely not me.

As for sniffing glue... Trump doesn't and will never carry:

1. Women
2. Hispanics
3. Blacks
4. Many of the GOP and
5. All democrats.

I assume you passed elementary school math? And we haven't even seen the first debate/ soundbite harvesting episode between Hillary and Trump. By November, the entire GOP will look like Bozo the Clown's circus and we'll be swearing in President Clinton next January. It isn't even a horse race. It's like pitting a thoroughbred against a snail. There needs to be a parallel universe of mathematics for Trump to win.

Undecideds by and large don't give a rat's about Benghazi (where FOUR WHOLE PEOPLE died in a war-torn ME area!!) or her damned emails (likely people identify with wanting to keep email private). What they do care about is stability and the ability to govern properly. At the very least, Hillary has Bill as a fond memory lodged in the minds of people. Trump has....oh, right...nothing but the hot air continually pumping out of his pathologically-lying mouth. Hillary may tell lies too, like ALL politicians do (the public knows and accepts this so don't run with it). The difference is that Hillary lies only when it is absolutely necessary. Trump lies like diarrhea, without even understanding why he lies; except to look grandiose in each moment, whatever that calls for.

One is a common politician, which is the only fare the public can hope for in an election. The other is a dangerous pathological personality, obvious to all but the stupidest of people. The folks in the middle, undecided, by their very nature tend to be more intelligent and thoughtful, discerning. Therefore, Trump is screwed with that lot.

Therefore, the "acceptance" speech by Trump at the GOP convention, is, factually, a concession speech. The Congressional and Senate candidates for the GOP, might as well line up behind the King of the Jackasses and prepare to give their concessions speeches as well...imagine all the money they'll save by just hanging it up?

Ok which of those would kasich get?

Same talking points

What policy of kasich do you like?

The 'policy' I like of Kasich that sets him apart from the others is that he is a sitting governor, (already knows how to govern, will need little if any on the job training) ..known to balance budgets and has foreign policy experience that I believe is more real and outranks Hillary's. Plus, he beats Hillary in polls all the time...

He would carry, because of his wife and daughters and moderate/progressive stance on women's rights, women, Hispanics & Blacks who want true conservativism (practicing catholic Hispanics/ southern Christian blacks) and who believe in traditional family values, the vast majority of conservatives except a recalcitrant faction of the truest of die-hard Trumpsters, independents (Kasich is moderate) and a good share of "never Hillary" democrats.

And, the polls all through the primaries support what I just said. They find him leading Hillary consistently where Trump is and will always fail miserably, lagging way behind...and he hasn't even provided Hillary with the soundbites coming in future debates yet...his numbers will be far worse by then.
I responded to you and used some of your wording and that wasn't enough of a clue as to who I was talking to? Wow.

Many dems and independents did vote vote him, many women did and will. Not only are you remarkably stupid but to show it off it just special.

Paid online Trump schill ^^...
I responded to you and used some of your wording and that wasn't enough of a clue as to who I was talking to? Wow.

Many dems and independents did vote vote him, many women did and will. Not only are you remarkably stupid but to show it off it just special.

Paid online Trump schill ^^...
What I said is true and called you on your stupid bullshit. You are one dumb sucker. Who ties your shoes?
^^ Wow, like your master you're erudite too..and well-spoken...with words..."lots of words!".... :lmao:

I'm sure Trump will do things...lots of things...lots of great things if he could only get the support of women, blacks, hispanics, most of the republican party and even some of the independents...
I responded to you and used some of your wording and that wasn't enough of a clue as to who I was talking to? Wow.

Many dems and independents did vote vote him, many women did and will. Not only are you remarkably stupid but to show it off it just special.

Paid online Trump schill ^^...
What I said is true and called you on your stupid bullshit. You are one dumb sucker. Who ties your shoes?

LMAO Probably the same person who wipes his ass.
^^ Wow, like your master you're erudite too..and well-spoken...with words..."lots of words!".... :lmao:

I'm sure Trump will do things...lots of things...lots of great things if he could only get the support of women, blacks, hispanics, most of the republican party and even some of the independents...
You sound worried.


Hillary has a 76% chance of getting the win in November...but not before several debates where she calmly entices Bozo the Clown into endless foaming rages and soundbites for her commercial campaigns in key states. By then it'll be around 86% chance of winning....maybe even 96%. And what's the most shocking is, the GOP leaders know this to the core of their bone marrow. ie: they are throwing this year's election.

A friend of mine even postulated that because of their choices in 2008 & 2012, they also threw those elections too. One wonders how the democrat-raised Dick Cheney's influence is really directing the republican party? The king of all moles and his cohorts may have fatally infected the GOP decades ago..

So, don't forget to tune into Trump's Thursday mean "nomination" speech. It's like having a funeral 3 1/2 months before the person actually died.
^^ I see you posted a streaming picture of yourself when the news comes on the eve of election day showing the landslide Clinton buried Trump under for her win..
We should be seeing a big jump in the polls for Trump in the middle of the convention with hour after hour of praise for the nominee and also only few weeks after the release of the FBI report on Clinton. However, in the most populous battleground states of Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, Clinton is still on top with only a small uptick for Trump.
1. Nobody gives a flying fig about Clinton & Benghazi or Clinton's emails. Real voters care about real matters near to them.
2. I wonder about the "praise" of Kasich not showing for the convention...along with scores of other high-ranking GOP officials. The actions speak louder than words. And to that, Trump has been getting slapped in the face every hour of the convention. it's not like the viewing public is unaware that most of their party is a no-show in protest of Donald Trump himself.
There is big difference in endorsing someone because he or she is your party's nominee and actually working to see they get elected. Most Republicans are endorsing Trump but I have seen damn few that are actually working to get him elected.

This summer is when both campaigns put the petal to metal. They have to work not just at national level but they need grass roots support in the states and that takes a party united behind it's nominee. I don't see that with Trump.

Doesn't matter what a party does or doesn't do if the People want to elect a given candidate they will do so. Too many people want their country back for Hellary to win even if she manages to get nominated and is still free at the time of the elections.
If you trying to say the party doesn't matter in a presidential election, you are dead wrong. We have never had a president elected by the people without the support of a political party.

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