Trump's "Nomination" (Concession to Hillary) Speech This Thursday...

We should be seeing a big jump in the polls for Trump in the middle of the convention with hour after hour of praise for the nominee and also only few weeks after the release of the FBI report on Clinton. However, in the most populous battleground states of Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, Clinton is still on top with only a small uptick for Trump.
1. Nobody gives a flying fig about Clinton & Benghazi or Clinton's emails. Real voters care about real matters near to them.
2. I wonder about the "praise" of Kasich not showing for the convention...along with scores of other high-ranking GOP officials. The actions speak louder than words. And to that, Trump has been getting slapped in the face every hour of the convention. it's not like the viewing public is unaware that most of their party is a no-show in protest of Donald Trump himself.
There is big difference in endorsing someone because he or she is your party's nominee and actually working to see they get elected. Most Republicans are endorsing Trump but I have seen damn few that are actually working to get him elected.

This summer is when both campaigns put the petal to metal. They have to work not just at national level but they need grass roots support in the states and that takes a party united behind it's nominee. I don't see that with Trump.

Doesn't matter what a party does or doesn't do if the People want to elect a given candidate they will do so. Too many people want their country back for Hellary to win even if she manages to get nominated and is still free at the time of the elections.
If you trying to say the party doesn't matter in a presidential election, you are dead wrong. We have never had a president elected by the people without the support of a political party.

How many times has Hellary run? No, I'm saying that in this election the vast majority of (living, legal) voters have already decided how they will cast their vote. So much so that further antics by the parties are highly unlikely to have any meaningful effect. Remember that Trump is the Rep. nominee in spite of the Rep. party because the People insisted it be so. The parties aren't nearly a powerful as they seem to think.
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How many times has Hellary run? No, I'm saying that in this election the vast majority of (living, legal) voters have already decided how they will cast their vote. So much so that further antics by the parties are highly unlikely to have any meaningful effect. Remember that Trump is the Rep. nominee in spite of the Rep. party because the People insisted it be so. The parties aren't nearly a powerful as they seem to think.

There is a bloc of about 20% of voters who are undecided. When you're undecided this late in the game it usually means you are unimpressed by the cult of personality of either candidate and instead use your brain to deliberate the pros and cons of both candidates. ie: if you're undecided, chances are you're smarter than the average bear.

So, of the 20% undecided, ostensibly smart people, how many will warm up to Trump by November's election; after Hillary calmly provokes him in debate after debate into a foaming rage of weird pathological lying and verbal abuse of her? My guess is most of the undecideds will go to Hillary "at the end of the day", perhaps reluctantly...but nevertheless...

So given that she's leading him now with women, democrats, independents & minorities, the math and the facts are not looking good for Trump.

Jul 15 2016, 8:34 am ET..Clinton is ahead of Trump by eight points among registered voters in Colorado, 43 percent to 35 percent; a combined 21 percent say neither, other or are undecided....In Florida, which decided the 2000 presidential election, she's up seven points, 44 percent to 37 percent; the rest are undecided or prefer someone else....In North Carolina, a state Obama won in 2008 but lost in 2012, Clinton leads by six points, 44 percent to 38 percent....And in Virginia, Clinton's advantage is nine points, 44 percent to 35 percent. Head to Head: Here's Who's Winning Battleground States
We should be seeing a big jump in the polls for Trump in the middle of the convention with hour after hour of praise for the nominee and also only few weeks after the release of the FBI report on Clinton. However, in the most populous battleground states of Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, Clinton is still on top with only a small uptick for Trump.
1. Nobody gives a flying fig about Clinton & Benghazi or Clinton's emails. Real voters care about real matters near to them.
2. I wonder about the "praise" of Kasich not showing for the convention...along with scores of other high-ranking GOP officials. The actions speak louder than words. And to that, Trump has been getting slapped in the face every hour of the convention. it's not like the viewing public is unaware that most of their party is a no-show in protest of Donald Trump himself.
There is big difference in endorsing someone because he or she is your party's nominee and actually working to see they get elected. Most Republicans are endorsing Trump but I have seen damn few that are actually working to get him elected.

This summer is when both campaigns put the petal to metal. They have to work not just at national level but they need grass roots support in the states and that takes a party united behind it's nominee. I don't see that with Trump.

Doesn't matter what a party does or doesn't do if the People want to elect a given candidate they will do so. Too many people want their country back for Hellary to win even if she manages to get nominated and is still free at the time of the elections.
If you trying to say the party doesn't matter in a presidential election, you are dead wrong. We have never had a president elected by the people without the support of a political party.

How many times has Hellary run? No, I'm saying that in this election the vast majority of (living, legal) voters have already decided how they will cast their vote. So much so that further antics by the parties are highly unlikely to have any meaningful effect. Remember that Trump is the Rep. nominee in spite of the Rep. party because the People insisted it be so. The parties aren't nearly a powerful as they seem to think.
Without the Republican attacks on Hillary branding her as corrupt and a liar, Trump would have no campaign. In 2012, the Republicans party saw Clinton as the unstoppable nominee in 2016. Their campaign against Hillary that started back in 1994 went into full swing after the 2012 election with continual attacks on her character with investigations and Congressional witch hunts. The party had done a good job of branding Hillary as corrupt and a liar long before Trump's nomination.

Trump needs the party now more than every in every city and state. He simply does not have the organization.
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There's no way at all their Benghazi/email dead horses are going to beat Hillary in this race. Everyone expects every politician to have some degree of being corrupt. It's a no-go. All those two topics do is make the GOP look even more desperate than they already look. It's sad. I wish someone would point that out to them. They want so badly for those two dead horses to be the cure-all.

Hillary will beat Trump badly in November. Get ready GOP; those commercial soundbites for key states will spew forth from your diarrhea-mouthed assclown-candidate within the first 10 minutes of the first Hillary/Trump debate..
How many times has Hellary run? No, I'm saying that in this election the vast majority of (living, legal) voters have already decided how they will cast their vote. So much so that further antics by the parties are highly unlikely to have any meaningful effect. Remember that Trump is the Rep. nominee in spite of the Rep. party because the People insisted it be so. The parties aren't nearly a powerful as they seem to think.

There is a bloc of about 20% of voters who are undecided. When you're undecided this late in the game it usually means you are unimpressed by the cult of personality of either candidate and instead use your brain to deliberate the pros and cons of both candidates. ie: if you're undecided, chances are you're smarter than the average bear.

So, of the 20% undecided, ostensibly smart people, how many will warm up to Trump by November's election; after Hillary calmly provokes him in debate after debate into a foaming rage of weird pathological lying and verbal abuse of her? My guess is most of the undecideds will go to Hillary "at the end of the day", perhaps reluctantly...but nevertheless...

So given that she's leading him now with women, democrats, independents & minorities, the math and the facts are not looking good for Trump.

Jul 15 2016, 8:34 am ET..Clinton is ahead of Trump by eight points among registered voters in Colorado, 43 percent to 35 percent; a combined 21 percent say neither, other or are undecided....In Florida, which decided the 2000 presidential election, she's up seven points, 44 percent to 37 percent; the rest are undecided or prefer someone else....In North Carolina, a state Obama won in 2008 but lost in 2012, Clinton leads by six points, 44 percent to 38 percent....And in Virginia, Clinton's advantage is nine points, 44 percent to 35 percent. Head to Head: Here's Who's Winning Battleground States
Republicans have built Hillary into an untrustworthy, corrupt, liar. That's going to be hard to do in a face to face debate. Trump will either come across as an irrational bully or incompetent. Unlike most of Trump's opponents, Clinton is not a strong attacker but she throws a hell of counter punch.

Hillary has a 76% chance of getting the win in November...but not before several debates where she calmly entices Bozo the Clown into endless foaming rages and soundbites for her commercial campaigns in key states. By then it'll be around 86% chance of winning....maybe even 96%. And what's the most shocking is, the GOP leaders know this to the core of their bone marrow. ie: they are throwing this year's election.

A friend of mine even postulated that because of their choices in 2008 & 2012, they also threw those elections too. One wonders how the democrat-raised Dick Cheney's influence is really directing the republican party? The king of all moles and his cohorts may have fatally infected the GOP decades ago..

So, don't forget to tune into Trump's Thursday mean "nomination" speech. It's like having a funeral 3 1/2 months before the person actually died.

He could, in fact, save us a lot of trouble if he just conceded tonight. I doubt it will happen.
He could, in fact, save us a lot of trouble if he just conceded tonight. I doubt it will happen.

Oh no for sure. His ego will demand he will still be in denial when Hillary landslides him in November. It's more the entire GOP as a unit should concede now; cut his funding and save. Can you imagine investing in Trump's campaign knowing for a fact that the groups he's alienated and can never get back (because of Hillary using those comments over and over in soundbites on TV, radio etc.), will tip the math fatally against him and for the favor of Hillary? Talk about throwing your money down a black hole. I guess they're all rich enough to just dump cash down the commode, when we all know what's going to happen this Fall...regardless of the two dead horses of the GOP apocalypse: Benghazi (snore) and the email thing (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......)...

And Hillary herself hasn't even gotten started on harvesting new soundbites she'll absolutely get in truckloads as she calmly baits him in debate after debate...
How many times has Hellary run? No, I'm saying that in this election the vast majority of (living, legal) voters have already decided how they will cast their vote. So much so that further antics by the parties are highly unlikely to have any meaningful effect. Remember that Trump is the Rep. nominee in spite of the Rep. party because the People insisted it be so. The parties aren't nearly a powerful as they seem to think.

There is a bloc of about 20% of voters who are undecided. When you're undecided this late in the game it usually means you are unimpressed by the cult of personality of either candidate and instead use your brain to deliberate the pros and cons of both candidates. ie: if you're undecided, chances are you're smarter than the average bear.

So, of the 20% undecided, ostensibly smart people, how many will warm up to Trump by November's election; after Hillary calmly provokes him in debate after debate into a foaming rage of weird pathological lying and verbal abuse of her? My guess is most of the undecideds will go to Hillary "at the end of the day", perhaps reluctantly...but nevertheless...

So given that she's leading him now with women, democrats, independents & minorities, the math and the facts are not looking good for Trump.

Jul 15 2016, 8:34 am ET..Clinton is ahead of Trump by eight points among registered voters in Colorado, 43 percent to 35 percent; a combined 21 percent say neither, other or are undecided....In Florida, which decided the 2000 presidential election, she's up seven points, 44 percent to 37 percent; the rest are undecided or prefer someone else....In North Carolina, a state Obama won in 2008 but lost in 2012, Clinton leads by six points, 44 percent to 38 percent....And in Virginia, Clinton's advantage is nine points, 44 percent to 35 percent. Head to Head: Here's Who's Winning Battleground States
Republicans have built Hillary into an untrustworthy, corrupt, liar. That's going to be hard to do in a face to face debate. Trump will either come across as an irrational bully or incompetent. Unlike most of Trump's opponents, Clinton is not a strong attacker but she throws a hell of counter punch.

Her counter punches are based on false emotion and consist mainly on lies and narratives that aren't even based in reality. Her followers eat this garbage up though.
How many times has Hellary run? No, I'm saying that in this election the vast majority of (living, legal) voters have already decided how they will cast their vote. So much so that further antics by the parties are highly unlikely to have any meaningful effect. Remember that Trump is the Rep. nominee in spite of the Rep. party because the People insisted it be so. The parties aren't nearly a powerful as they seem to think.

There is a bloc of about 20% of voters who are undecided. When you're undecided this late in the game it usually means you are unimpressed by the cult of personality of either candidate and instead use your brain to deliberate the pros and cons of both candidates. ie: if you're undecided, chances are you're smarter than the average bear.

So, of the 20% undecided, ostensibly smart people, how many will warm up to Trump by November's election; after Hillary calmly provokes him in debate after debate into a foaming rage of weird pathological lying and verbal abuse of her? My guess is most of the undecideds will go to Hillary "at the end of the day", perhaps reluctantly...but nevertheless...

So given that she's leading him now with women, democrats, independents & minorities, the math and the facts are not looking good for Trump.

Jul 15 2016, 8:34 am ET..Clinton is ahead of Trump by eight points among registered voters in Colorado, 43 percent to 35 percent; a combined 21 percent say neither, other or are undecided....In Florida, which decided the 2000 presidential election, she's up seven points, 44 percent to 37 percent; the rest are undecided or prefer someone else....In North Carolina, a state Obama won in 2008 but lost in 2012, Clinton leads by six points, 44 percent to 38 percent....And in Virginia, Clinton's advantage is nine points, 44 percent to 35 percent. Head to Head: Here's Who's Winning Battleground States
Republicans have built Hillary into an untrustworthy, corrupt, liar. That's going to be hard to do in a face to face debate. Trump will either come across as an irrational bully or incompetent. Unlike most of Trump's opponents, Clinton is not a strong attacker but she throws a hell of counter punch.

Her counter punches are based on false emotion and consist mainly on lies and narratives that aren't even based in reality. Her followers eat this garbage up though.

So, he wasn't making fun of a man's physical disability? So he wasn't insinuating that Ms. Kelly was on her period?

Is this what you're saying?
How many times has Hellary run? No, I'm saying that in this election the vast majority of (living, legal) voters have already decided how they will cast their vote. So much so that further antics by the parties are highly unlikely to have any meaningful effect. Remember that Trump is the Rep. nominee in spite of the Rep. party because the People insisted it be so. The parties aren't nearly a powerful as they seem to think.

There is a bloc of about 20% of voters who are undecided. When you're undecided this late in the game it usually means you are unimpressed by the cult of personality of either candidate and instead use your brain to deliberate the pros and cons of both candidates. ie: if you're undecided, chances are you're smarter than the average bear.

So, of the 20% undecided, ostensibly smart people, how many will warm up to Trump by November's election; after Hillary calmly provokes him in debate after debate into a foaming rage of weird pathological lying and verbal abuse of her? My guess is most of the undecideds will go to Hillary "at the end of the day", perhaps reluctantly...but nevertheless...

So given that she's leading him now with women, democrats, independents & minorities, the math and the facts are not looking good for Trump.

Jul 15 2016, 8:34 am ET..Clinton is ahead of Trump by eight points among registered voters in Colorado, 43 percent to 35 percent; a combined 21 percent say neither, other or are undecided....In Florida, which decided the 2000 presidential election, she's up seven points, 44 percent to 37 percent; the rest are undecided or prefer someone else....In North Carolina, a state Obama won in 2008 but lost in 2012, Clinton leads by six points, 44 percent to 38 percent....And in Virginia, Clinton's advantage is nine points, 44 percent to 35 percent. Head to Head: Here's Who's Winning Battleground States
Republicans have built Hillary into an untrustworthy, corrupt, liar. That's going to be hard to do in a face to face debate. Trump will either come across as an irrational bully or incompetent. Unlike most of Trump's opponents, Clinton is not a strong attacker but she throws a hell of counter punch.

Her counter punches are based on false emotion and consist mainly on lies and narratives that aren't even based in reality. Her followers eat this garbage up though.

So, he wasn't making fun of a man's physical disability? So he wasn't insinuating that Ms. Kelly was on her period?

Is this what you're saying?

You're saying that Mrs Clinton is okay with " get these retards out of here?" Is that what you're saying. We can do this for years and neither of us will win with these two despicable candidates.
"There is a bloc of about 20% of voters who are undecided. When you're undecided this late in the game it usually means..."

...that you are so uninformed and apathetic you will just not take the trouble to vote when it's time to do so. Your "bloc of 20%" is nothing but a wild and unreasonable guess. A "smart" person would never be dumb enough to vote for Hellary.
How many times has Hellary run? No, I'm saying that in this election the vast majority of (living, legal) voters have already decided how they will cast their vote. So much so that further antics by the parties are highly unlikely to have any meaningful effect. Remember that Trump is the Rep. nominee in spite of the Rep. party because the People insisted it be so. The parties aren't nearly a powerful as they seem to think.

There is a bloc of about 20% of voters who are undecided. When you're undecided this late in the game it usually means you are unimpressed by the cult of personality of either candidate and instead use your brain to deliberate the pros and cons of both candidates. ie: if you're undecided, chances are you're smarter than the average bear.

So, of the 20% undecided, ostensibly smart people, how many will warm up to Trump by November's election; after Hillary calmly provokes him in debate after debate into a foaming rage of weird pathological lying and verbal abuse of her? My guess is most of the undecideds will go to Hillary "at the end of the day", perhaps reluctantly...but nevertheless...

So given that she's leading him now with women, democrats, independents & minorities, the math and the facts are not looking good for Trump.

Jul 15 2016, 8:34 am ET..Clinton is ahead of Trump by eight points among registered voters in Colorado, 43 percent to 35 percent; a combined 21 percent say neither, other or are undecided....In Florida, which decided the 2000 presidential election, she's up seven points, 44 percent to 37 percent; the rest are undecided or prefer someone else....In North Carolina, a state Obama won in 2008 but lost in 2012, Clinton leads by six points, 44 percent to 38 percent....And in Virginia, Clinton's advantage is nine points, 44 percent to 35 percent. Head to Head: Here's Who's Winning Battleground States
Republicans have built Hillary into an untrustworthy, corrupt, liar. That's going to be hard to do in a face to face debate. Trump will either come across as an irrational bully or incompetent. Unlike most of Trump's opponents, Clinton is not a strong attacker but she throws a hell of counter punch.

Her counter punches are based on false emotion and consist mainly on lies and narratives that aren't even based in reality. Her followers eat this garbage up though.

So, he wasn't making fun of a man's physical disability? So he wasn't insinuating that Ms. Kelly was on her period?

Is this what you're saying?

You're saying that Mrs Clinton is okay with " get these retards out of here?" Is that what you're saying. We can do this for years and neither of us will win with these two despicable candidates.

You'll have to cite your source for the quote....
"Without the Republican attacks on Hillary branding her as corrupt and a liar, Trump would have no campaign."

Hellary proved herself a corrupt liar as well as totally incompetent long before Trump came along.
Yeah right, 76% Hillary chance, that's why an editorial in the Washington Posts calls for a freaking coup after Trump is elected.
White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Just days before the Republican National Convention is expected to formally nominate him for president, Donald Trump has taken his largest lead yet over Hillary Clinton.

The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly White House Watch survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 44% support to Clinton’s 37%. Thirteen percent (13%) favor some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

This is the third week in a row that Trump has held the lead, although last week he was ahead by a statistically insignificant 42% to 40%. This week’s findings represent Trump’s highest level of support in surveys since last October and show Clinton continuing to lose ground.
There's no way at all their Benghazi/email dead horses are going to beat Hillary in this race. Everyone expects every politician to have some degree of being corrupt. It's a no-go. All those two topics do is make the GOP look even more desperate than they already look. It's sad. I wish someone would point that out to them. They want so badly for those two dead horses to be the cure-all.

Hillary will beat Trump badly in November. Get ready GOP; those commercial soundbites for key states will spew forth from your diarrhea-mouthed assclown-candidate within the first 10 minutes of the first Hillary/Trump debate..
If Trump had something to offer the American voter, his campaign would be shouting it nonstop. However, the fact is they don't, so the best they can come up with is Liar, Liar, corrupt Hillary.
He looked like a dog fuming to escape a teleprompter muzzle during his speech. But Hillary will have unscripted provocations she'll hurl his way in debates. And we all know how well he does with unscripted "attacks" on his ego.. Who is going to put money on the Trump horse in this race remains to be seen. I guess you could call it a tax write off.

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