Trump's New Hampshire victory speech shows he's running out of time to hide

You kookbots are comical....sage 4 TDS must be much worse than regular old dementia.
Speaking of places to run and hide, where will Dimwits like you move once he is elected?
We're moving into your neighborhoods to turn it blue, shit head.

Trump's New Hampshire victory speech shows he's running out of time to hide

Whether it is the stress of his many legal battles, his advancing years, or a combination of both, “Dementia Don” is trump’s inevitable future. As his mental decline becomes more and more apparent, his attacks on Biden are just the pot calling the kettle black.

With many weeks until the November elections and the primaries to face, as shown by New Hampshire’s results, Nikki Haley’s chances for winning the GOP nomination are increasing rapidly.

Dementia Don’s popularity will remain high among his devoted fans, regardless of his incoherent babbling. However, as the year wears on, moderate Republican voters will take note of Dementia Don’s failing mental faculties and for the coming primaries throw their support to Nikki Haley.

By the time Election Day 2024 rolls around and Nikki as the alternative, moderate Democrats will want to leave both Sleepy Joe and Dementia Don in the past.

As the Republican nominee, Nikki Haley could help carry the down-ballot GOP candidates to the congressional majority for 2025. This conservative majority would assure a federal abortion ban, the end of Social Security and Medicare, with business-friendly and environmentally lethal legislation to then pour out of Washington D.C.

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You can't win this one.

Trump's New Hampshire victory speech shows he's running out of time to hide

Whether it is the stress of his many legal battles, his advancing years, or a combination of both, “Dementia Don” is trump’s inevitable future. As his mental decline becomes more and more apparent, his attacks on Biden are just the pot calling the kettle black.

With many weeks until the November elections and the primaries to face, as shown by New Hampshire’s results, Nikki Haley’s chances for winning the GOP nomination are increasing rapidly.

Dementia Don’s popularity will remain high among his devoted fans, regardless of his incoherent babbling. However, as the year wears on, moderate Republican voters will take note of Dementia Don’s failing mental faculties and for the coming primaries throw their support to Nikki Haley.

By the time Election Day 2024 rolls around and Nikki as the alternative, moderate Democrats will want to leave both Sleepy Joe and Dementia Don in the past.

As the Republican nominee, Nikki Haley could help carry the down-ballot GOP candidates to the congressional majority for 2025. This conservative majority would assure a federal abortion ban, the end of Social Security and Medicare, with business-friendly and environmentally lethal legislation to then pour out of Washington D.C.

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Hide from what? It is Biden who is hiding in the basement. Hell, he won't even do a Super Bowl interview.
lol. The world is trying, and lying and spending and propagandizing Trump because he stands in the way of a New World Order takeover by 2030. He is THE ONLY ONE that will halt the digital takeover of our money. THE ONLY ONE.
So yeah, for my children's sake, I'd like for them to have a few more years of freedom left, not having to eat Bill Gates burgers and vaccine veggies. A life without foreigners committing crimes, then I'm good with that. The rest is just lefty bullshit. I want Trump in office and the criminal Biden Family Inc up on charges. That would be great...
You're worried about the border? Too bad Trump & his lackeys like Dainty Lindsey & Trump's handjob master Johnson ignored your concerns when they blew up the bill to address it.

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