Trumps Pathetic Amphibious Attack Comment

Got to say it again. Pro Putin for taking what use to be Russia? Alaska use to be part of Russia.
Yes, Putin is having his way. Unless we send troops, there is no way to stop him, and our country is sick of war. Putin was building to this for several years, and you would know this if you had done your homework. Unfortunately, you did not, and you are reduced to stupid remarks because of your ignorance. Tump, in all his glory, has created a world on edge with his "locked and loaded" foreign policy. He is a fool and so are you.
All we had to do was to kick Russia completely out of SWIFT and sanction all of the banks and for every NATO country to quit buying Russian oil - who cares if gas goes to 5 dollars. Blaming Trump is just crazy. Biden's weakness is why Putin invaded. He knows Biden will never do anything that seriously threatens the Russian economy, their military, or their president. The Biden's were bought and paid for by both Russia and China and they will never do anything that really matters to try to stop the expansionism of either. If Biden were to really interfere, they'd leak the financial details and Biden would be the first President to be both impeached and convicted.
Come on now, you know damn well had Biden said something like this there would be 100 threads about it with in 2 hours.

Why can you people not just admit that he is not a god and says dumb shit like this?
Biden is president. Trump is not. If Biden had said it, it would matter.
All we had to do was to kick Russia completely out of SWIFT and sanction all of the banks and for every NATO country to quit buying Russian oil - who cares if gas goes to 5 dollars. Blaming Trump is just crazy. Biden's weakness is why Putin invaded. He knows Biden will never do anything that seriously threatens the Russian economy, their military, or their president. The Biden's were bought and paid for by both Russia and China and they will never do anything that really matters to try to stop the expansionism of either. If Biden were to really interfere, they'd leak the financial details and Biden would be the first President to be both impeached and convicted.
Utter nonsense. The weakness was tump and he was in Putin's hip pocket. Tump has already let Putin know that he has tump's support, not that it would matter.
Utter nonsense. The weakness was tump and he was in Putin's hip pocket. Tump has already let Putin know that he has tump's support, not that it would matter.
How was Trump responsible when he hasn't been in office for over a year?

The way you braindead progs blame Trump for all of Biden's fuckups is truly pathetic.
The American people got swindled, moron. Now we're suffering from Biden's incompetence.
You call it a swindle because your boy got his ass beat. But sane people know it was a free & fair election.

Now cry some more if it makes you feel better, shithead.
How was Trump responsible when he hasn't been in office for over a year?

The way you braindead progs blame Trump for all of Biden's fuckups is truly pathetic.
Trump attacked NATO right from the start of his fake presidency. Which is just what his pal Putin wanted.

Putin's asseater Trump is still up to his old tricks.
Trump attacked NATO right from the start of his fake presidency. Which is just what his pal Putin wanted.

Putin's asseater Trump is still up to his old tricks.
TRump criticized NATO. As a result, NATO increased its spending on defence. It's now stronger than before Trump got elected, not weaker.

Biden is the one who is groveling before Putin and giving him whatever he wants.
You call it a swindle because your boy got his ass beat. But sane people know it was a free & fair election.

Now cry some more if it makes you feel better, shithead.
Only brainwashed trolls believe it was free and fair.

It doesn't matter how many times you say repeat your mantra, all intelligent Americans know it was a swindle.
If he didn't go after them, then why are they so afraid of him?
Who? The swamp that let him off the hook on both impeachments & are letting him off the hook on criminal charges right now? If you or I stole top secret documents with the highest security clearence needed to even acknowledge that they exist our asses would be sitting in Leavenworth right now. Trump? He's playing golf & running his yap at CPAC, getting applause from the same swamp who he & his cult claim to despise.

This whole swamp thing is nothing but a charade, another one of Trump's conjobs for the rubes to suck up.
Who? The swamp that let him off the hook on both impeachments & are letting him off the hook on criminal charges right now? If you or I stole top secret documents with the highest security clearence needed to even acknowledge that they exist our asses would be sitting in Leavenworth right now. Trump? He's playing golf & running his yap at CPAC, getting applause from the same swamp who he & his cult claim to despise.

This whole swamp thing is nothing but a charade, another one of Trump's conjobs for the rubes to suck up.
You and the other progs on here are the swamp, dumbass. At least, those in government who think like you are the swamp.
Who? The swamp that let him off the hook on both impeachments & are letting him off the hook on criminal charges right now? If you or I stole top secret documents with the highest security clearence needed to even acknowledge that they exist our asses would be sitting in Leavenworth right now. Trump? He's playing golf & running his yap at CPAC, getting applause from the same swamp who he & his cult claim to despise.

This whole swamp thing is nothing but a charade, another one of Trump's conjobs for the rubes to suck up.
So the swamp is a charade and a con job…….but it is keeping Trump out of prison. :cuckoo:

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