Trump's Phony "Made in America Week" While Steel Worker Pensions are Cut in half Go Through.

I'm saying their all hypocrites just like you. Obama singed the law oking the cutting of the pensions. Read your own damn sources.

Trump has tried to reverse anything and everything Obama supported.. Where is Trump for these steel workers..Freezing this pension cut?

Focusing on Obama and leaving the Republican Congress out..What about our Vice President.?

It’s a fact – Mike Pence, governor of Indiana and former Congressman (R-Ind.), voted against labor’s interests 95 percent of the time while in congress. He voted in 2001 against the railroad retirement revisions that gave us full retirement at age 60 with 30 years of service. During his tenure from 2001 to 2013, there was not a single person in congress with a worse labor record than Pence. The Republican nominee for President has stated that he wants to freeze and roll back regulations, including ones that may affect our safety. Mike Pence has a well-documented history of trying to do just that.
Know the facts before you vote - Smart Union

"Mike Pence has voted for every trade agreement that ever came up for consideration during his time in Congress. He also voted to bring China into the WTO despite its record of human rights and worker rights abuses.

No I'm not leaving the Magic Negro out of this, he caused it all. You dolts think that trying to control the narrative by not dealing with things that don't fit your parameters is a viable strategy? Nope, sorry. You may want Trump to "fix" the Negro's theft from worker's but you need to assign the responsibility for the problem to the people who caused it. Write your fucking Congressman, write the White House, have you? Nope, you just sit at your fucking keyboard and cry, bitch and moan.

Interesting what Executive Orders Trump has signed so far...But nothing for the Steelworkers

EOs dont override legislation

While Trump has spent 6 months guiding his congress to take healthcare away from Americans ( the poorest Americans in the coal mines ) in the poorest areas of America...Has Trump requested his busy Republicans Congress to pass any new laws to protect the steelworkers? No!
You keep moving the goal posts, so whats the point?
Good day!
Still love ya though :)
The hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America Week’

Union leaders were enraged. Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers Union, called Trump a “phony” who has “never done anything for anybody but himself.” The AFL-CIO published a report decrying Trump as a “sellout” whose “decisions are all about higher profits for himself and his family at the expense of American producers and their employees.”

While Trump has promised steel workers in Rust Belt states that he will restore lost jobs to their economically battered communities, he has built at least two hotels with steel and aluminum from China — the persistent bogeyman of Trump’s campaign speeches in which he decried the decline of American manufacturing. When faced with the evidence of his Chinese steel purchases, though, Trump just plowed ahead, continuing the charade that he is an unemployed steel worker’s best friend.

The hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America Week’

This cross-section of America includes more than a million former truck drivers, office and factory employees, bricklayers and construction workers who are threatened with cutbacks that could last the rest of their lives.

The Central States Pension Fund was the first to actually be approved for this triage under a 2014 law known as the Multiemployer Pension Fund Reform Act. Many pension advocates call it unfair.

Another blow for heartland workers: Slashed pensions


Government Employees Pension Slashed

Does a Border Patrol agent struggling to put his kids through college deserve to have his pension slashed so a Fortune 500 CEO can buy a second yacht? Does a VA nurse deserve to put her retirement plans on hold for another five years so a venture capitalist can tack another month onto his trip to Monte Carlo?
Trump’s budget trades workers’ retirement security for CEO tax cuts
are ANY of these end goals of yacht's and trips to monte carlo directly related to this or just supposition from the left doing the typical EVIL RICH mantra in a generic sense?

I was just pointing out how Trump is taking care of the American workers..I am all for cutting back on Congress luxury pension plans..not the Social workers, Vet Nurses..ect who are overworked and under paid.

How about you post a link to these luxury pension plans congress gets.


Not only do they get a great pension, they have the best healthcare...including home healthcare for round the clock nursing care in their homes ..
I once helped a old Vietnam Vet crippled who was only granted 1 week of home healthcare...he lived in a shack.

Under both CSRS and FERS, Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at the age of 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. Members are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member’s retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary. There were 620 retired Members of Congress receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of October 1, 2015. Of this number, 344 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $74,136. A total of 276 Members had retired with service under FERS and were receiving an average annual pension of $41,316 in 2015.
Trump has tried to reverse anything and everything Obama supported.. Where is Trump for these steel workers..Freezing this pension cut?

Focusing on Obama and leaving the Republican Congress out..What about our Vice President.?

It’s a fact – Mike Pence, governor of Indiana and former Congressman (R-Ind.), voted against labor’s interests 95 percent of the time while in congress. He voted in 2001 against the railroad retirement revisions that gave us full retirement at age 60 with 30 years of service. During his tenure from 2001 to 2013, there was not a single person in congress with a worse labor record than Pence. The Republican nominee for President has stated that he wants to freeze and roll back regulations, including ones that may affect our safety. Mike Pence has a well-documented history of trying to do just that.
Know the facts before you vote - Smart Union

"Mike Pence has voted for every trade agreement that ever came up for consideration during his time in Congress. He also voted to bring China into the WTO despite its record of human rights and worker rights abuses.

No I'm not leaving the Magic Negro out of this, he caused it all. You dolts think that trying to control the narrative by not dealing with things that don't fit your parameters is a viable strategy? Nope, sorry. You may want Trump to "fix" the Negro's theft from worker's but you need to assign the responsibility for the problem to the people who caused it. Write your fucking Congressman, write the White House, have you? Nope, you just sit at your fucking keyboard and cry, bitch and moan.

Interesting what Executive Orders Trump has signed so far...But nothing for the Steelworkers

EOs dont override legislation

While Trump has spent 6 months guiding his congress to take healthcare away from Americans ( the poorest Americans in the coal mines ) in the poorest areas of America...Has Trump requested his busy Republicans Congress to pass any new laws to protect the steelworkers? No!
You keep moving the goal posts, so whats the point?
Good day!
Still love ya though :)

Now you know I love my TNHarley too..

BTW.. USA Harley Motors announced a big lay off this week as well... young people are not buying them like past generations..

Anyway..I am just shooting the shit this morning...stirring up
Trump has tried to reverse anything and everything Obama supported.. Where is Trump for these steel workers..Freezing this pension cut?

Focusing on Obama and leaving the Republican Congress out..What about our Vice President.?

It’s a fact – Mike Pence, governor of Indiana and former Congressman (R-Ind.), voted against labor’s interests 95 percent of the time while in congress. He voted in 2001 against the railroad retirement revisions that gave us full retirement at age 60 with 30 years of service. During his tenure from 2001 to 2013, there was not a single person in congress with a worse labor record than Pence. The Republican nominee for President has stated that he wants to freeze and roll back regulations, including ones that may affect our safety. Mike Pence has a well-documented history of trying to do just that.
Know the facts before you vote - Smart Union

"Mike Pence has voted for every trade agreement that ever came up for consideration during his time in Congress. He also voted to bring China into the WTO despite its record of human rights and worker rights abuses.

No I'm not leaving the Magic Negro out of this, he caused it all. You dolts think that trying to control the narrative by not dealing with things that don't fit your parameters is a viable strategy? Nope, sorry. You may want Trump to "fix" the Negro's theft from worker's but you need to assign the responsibility for the problem to the people who caused it. Write your fucking Congressman, write the White House, have you? Nope, you just sit at your fucking keyboard and cry, bitch and moan.

Interesting what Executive Orders Trump has signed so far...But nothing for the Steelworkers

EOs dont override legislation

While Trump has spent 6 months guiding his congress to take healthcare away from Americans ( the poorest Americans in the coal mines ) in the poorest areas of America...Has Trump requested his busy Republicans Congress to pass any new laws to protect the steelworkers? No!
You keep moving the goal posts, so whats the point?
Good day!
Still love ya though :)

BTW.. I have a small online store selling vintage clothing..I am on the hunt for items several times a week.

Everyone loves Made in America old items they were made well.
While made in China items have low value..generations later..
Clinton destroyed our steel mills. He NAFTAd them.

Well, see?

That's what you get for reading all those alternative fact sites you fools like so much.

Except you are the fool. You don't know your ass from page 8 about the rust belt.
The fact is that most in my little town and up and down the valley worked in those steel mills generation after generation, until NAFTA reared it's ugly head and shut the mills down. I don't have to read Democratic bullshit to know where all the jobs went. They used to use a pic of Clinton as a dart board in the office at Weirton Steel. And the steelworker's union was just as bad. They did nothing to protect the retirement benefits of the workers.
Tell me more about the Steel Valley I live in.... :ahole-1:
Must of hit a raw nerve there, bringing up the rapist whose enabler almost made it into the White House again.
The hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America Week’

Union leaders were enraged. Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers Union, called Trump a “phony” who has “never done anything for anybody but himself.” The AFL-CIO published a report decrying Trump as a “sellout” whose “decisions are all about higher profits for himself and his family at the expense of American producers and their employees.”

While Trump has promised steel workers in Rust Belt states that he will restore lost jobs to their economically battered communities, he has built at least two hotels with steel and aluminum from China — the persistent bogeyman of Trump’s campaign speeches in which he decried the decline of American manufacturing. When faced with the evidence of his Chinese steel purchases, though, Trump just plowed ahead, continuing the charade that he is an unemployed steel worker’s best friend.

The hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America Week’

This cross-section of America includes more than a million former truck drivers, office and factory employees, bricklayers and construction workers who are threatened with cutbacks that could last the rest of their lives.

The Central States Pension Fund was the first to actually be approved for this triage under a 2014 law known as the Multiemployer Pension Fund Reform Act. Many pension advocates call it unfair.

Another blow for heartland workers: Slashed pensions


Government Employees Pension Slashed

Does a Border Patrol agent struggling to put his kids through college deserve to have his pension slashed so a Fortune 500 CEO can buy a second yacht? Does a VA nurse deserve to put her retirement plans on hold for another five years so a venture capitalist can tack another month onto his trip to Monte Carlo?
Trump’s budget trades workers’ retirement security for CEO tax cuts
are ANY of these end goals of yacht's and trips to monte carlo directly related to this or just supposition from the left doing the typical EVIL RICH mantra in a generic sense?

I was just pointing out how Trump is taking care of the American workers..I am all for cutting back on Congress luxury pension plans..not the Social workers, Vet Nurses..ect who are overworked and under paid.

How about you post a link to these luxury pension plans congress gets.


Not only do they get a great pension, they have the best healthcare...including home healthcare for round the clock nursing care in their homes ..
I once helped a old Vietnam Vet crippled who was only granted 1 week of home healthcare...he lived in a shack.

Under both CSRS and FERS, Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at the age of 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. Members are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member’s retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary. There were 620 retired Members of Congress receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of October 1, 2015. Of this number, 344 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $74,136. A total of 276 Members had retired with service under FERS and were receiving an average annual pension of $41,316 in 2015.

You act as if these pensions are handed out as freebies, and if you read your own link they're not. They have to contribute to their retirement just as any employee of the government does. I guess intellectual honesty is not one of your strong suits.

The hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America Week’

Union leaders were enraged. Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers Union, called Trump a “phony” who has “never done anything for anybody but himself.” The AFL-CIO published a report decrying Trump as a “sellout” whose “decisions are all about higher profits for himself and his family at the expense of American producers and their employees.”

While Trump has promised steel workers in Rust Belt states that he will restore lost jobs to their economically battered communities, he has built at least two hotels with steel and aluminum from China — the persistent bogeyman of Trump’s campaign speeches in which he decried the decline of American manufacturing. When faced with the evidence of his Chinese steel purchases, though, Trump just plowed ahead, continuing the charade that he is an unemployed steel worker’s best friend.

This cross-section of America includes more than a million former truck drivers, office and factory employees, bricklayers and construction workers who are threatened with cutbacks that could last the rest of their lives.

The Central States Pension Fund was the first to actually be approved for this triage under a 2014 law known as the Multiemployer Pension Fund Reform Act. Many pension advocates call it unfair.

Another blow for heartland workers: Slashed pensions


Government Employees Pension Slashed

Does a Border Patrol agent struggling to put his kids through college deserve to have his pension slashed so a Fortune 500 CEO can buy a second yacht? Does a VA nurse deserve to put her retirement plans on hold for another five years so a venture capitalist can tack another month onto his trip to Monte Carlo?
Trump’s budget trades workers’ retirement security for CEO tax cuts
It doesn't get dumber than this. A pension cut that resulted from a law Obama signed in 2014 is Trumps fault? Pack of idiots.

Regarding the second topic, tax payer funded unions, they need to go away. My kids shouldn't be forced to pay for a kickback scam created by Dems to benefit Dems.
The hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America Week’

Union leaders were enraged. Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers Union, called Trump a “phony” who has “never done anything for anybody but himself.” The AFL-CIO published a report decrying Trump as a “sellout” whose “decisions are all about higher profits for himself and his family at the expense of American producers and their employees.”

While Trump has promised steel workers in Rust Belt states that he will restore lost jobs to their economically battered communities, he has built at least two hotels with steel and aluminum from China — the persistent bogeyman of Trump’s campaign speeches in which he decried the decline of American manufacturing. When faced with the evidence of his Chinese steel purchases, though, Trump just plowed ahead, continuing the charade that he is an unemployed steel worker’s best friend.

The hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America Week’

This cross-section of America includes more than a million former truck drivers, office and factory employees, bricklayers and construction workers who are threatened with cutbacks that could last the rest of their lives.

The Central States Pension Fund was the first to actually be approved for this triage under a 2014 law known as the Multiemployer Pension Fund Reform Act. Many pension advocates call it unfair.

Another blow for heartland workers: Slashed pensions


Government Employees Pension Slashed

Does a Border Patrol agent struggling to put his kids through college deserve to have his pension slashed so a Fortune 500 CEO can buy a second yacht? Does a VA nurse deserve to put her retirement plans on hold for another five years so a venture capitalist can tack another month onto his trip to Monte Carlo?
Trump’s budget trades workers’ retirement security for CEO tax cuts
are ANY of these end goals of yacht's and trips to monte carlo directly related to this or just supposition from the left doing the typical EVIL RICH mantra in a generic sense?

I was just pointing out how Trump is taking care of the American workers..I am all for cutting back on Congress luxury pension plans..not the Social workers, Vet Nurses..ect who are overworked and under paid.

How about you post a link to these luxury pension plans congress gets.


Not only do they get a great pension, they have the best healthcare...including home healthcare for round the clock nursing care in their homes ..
I once helped a old Vietnam Vet crippled who was only granted 1 week of home healthcare...he lived in a shack.

Under both CSRS and FERS, Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at the age of 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. Members are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member’s retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary. There were 620 retired Members of Congress receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of October 1, 2015. Of this number, 344 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $74,136. A total of 276 Members had retired with service under FERS and were receiving an average annual pension of $41,316 in 2015.

You act as if these pensions are handed out as freebies, and if you read your own link they're not. They have to contribute to their retirement just as any employee of the government does. I guess intellectual honesty is not one of your strong suits.

Many of those pensions were contributions FORCED upon the employee, just to work for the company. I ended up having to pay DUE's for one union, even though I wasn't even classified for that union to represent me. After 1 year of service to that company, I left and my contributions stayed with the union. Real nice theft of dues, wasn't it?
The hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America Week’

Union leaders were enraged. Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers Union, called Trump a “phony” who has “never done anything for anybody but himself.” The AFL-CIO published a report decrying Trump as a “sellout” whose “decisions are all about higher profits for himself and his family at the expense of American producers and their employees.”

While Trump has promised steel workers in Rust Belt states that he will restore lost jobs to their economically battered communities, he has built at least two hotels with steel and aluminum from China — the persistent bogeyman of Trump’s campaign speeches in which he decried the decline of American manufacturing. When faced with the evidence of his Chinese steel purchases, though, Trump just plowed ahead, continuing the charade that he is an unemployed steel worker’s best friend.

The hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America Week’

This cross-section of America includes more than a million former truck drivers, office and factory employees, bricklayers and construction workers who are threatened with cutbacks that could last the rest of their lives.

The Central States Pension Fund was the first to actually be approved for this triage under a 2014 law known as the Multiemployer Pension Fund Reform Act. Many pension advocates call it unfair.

Another blow for heartland workers: Slashed pensions


Government Employees Pension Slashed

Does a Border Patrol agent struggling to put his kids through college deserve to have his pension slashed so a Fortune 500 CEO can buy a second yacht? Does a VA nurse deserve to put her retirement plans on hold for another five years so a venture capitalist can tack another month onto his trip to Monte Carlo?
Trump’s budget trades workers’ retirement security for CEO tax cuts
are ANY of these end goals of yacht's and trips to monte carlo directly related to this or just supposition from the left doing the typical EVIL RICH mantra in a generic sense?

I was just pointing out how Trump is taking care of the American workers..I am all for cutting back on Congress luxury pension plans..not the Social workers, Vet Nurses..ect who are overworked and under paid.

How about you post a link to these luxury pension plans congress gets.


Not only do they get a great pension, they have the best healthcare...including home healthcare for round the clock nursing care in their homes ..
I once helped a old Vietnam Vet crippled who was only granted 1 week of home healthcare...he lived in a shack.

Under both CSRS and FERS, Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at the age of 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. Members are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member’s retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary. There were 620 retired Members of Congress receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of October 1, 2015. Of this number, 344 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $74,136. A total of 276 Members had retired with service under FERS and were receiving an average annual pension of $41,316 in 2015.

You act as if these pensions are handed out as freebies, and if you read your own link they're not. They have to contribute to their retirement just as any employee of the government does. I guess intellectual honesty is not one of your strong suits.


Bullshit, they get 80% of the same salary they left with along with the freebies their rich buddies fill their pockets with..
Why are you supporting these congress crooks? This is a non partisan issue that has angered many people.

I am curious , has Trump and his family made any changes to bring their business's to America yet?
I thought that you liberals wanted the Trumps to give up their assets, so they wont have a conflict of interest? Now which is it? Stop being fucking hypocrits....Nvm that is like telling a river not to flow.. mean their pretend changes that they have given up while you all excuse it..

Ivanka was in the meeting with Japan leaders with her dad , only a few hours after she made her Japan/ Ivanka clothing deals..
You provided the source that says Obama signed the pension thing into law, you really should read your on sources.

Good for you Doc... You win the prize for reading the Links...Yes, Obama signed it after the republican controlled Congress passed the bill..
Where is Trump right now , he had time to freeze that or push congress .. No he is more interested in cutting their healthcare..

You're just like every other hypocrite, your Messiah did it and now you're crying because you want Trump to fix it.

Dude, tell me what is Trump doing for the Steel Workers, while they lose their pensions and their healthcare..A Big Nothing Burger..:biggrin:

Same as the coal workers..
Stupid post. It's going to take a while to fix all of Obama's failures. It's a shame the unions lied to their members, selling them on a unsustainable fairy tail. Bet the highly paid Union bosses are not taking a cut.
You provided the source that says Obama signed the pension thing into law, you really should read your on sources.

Good for you Doc... You win the prize for reading the Links...Yes, Obama signed it after the republican controlled Congress passed the bill..
Where is Trump right now , he had time to freeze that or push congress .. No he is more interested in cutting their healthcare..

You're just like every other hypocrite, your Messiah did it and now you're crying because you want Trump to fix it.

Dude, tell me what is Trump doing for the Steel Workers, while they lose their pensions and their healthcare..A Big Nothing Burger..:biggrin:

Same as the coal workers..
Stupid post. It's going to take a while to fix all of Obama's failures. It's a shame the unions lied to their members, selling them on a unsustainable fairy tail. Bet the highly paid Union bosses are not taking a cut.
They never do, just like with establishment politicians it is all about taking as much as they can, before they get caught. Bernie Madoff was an amateur compared to the likes of the leaders of the SEIU and AFL-CIO.
are ANY of these end goals of yacht's and trips to monte carlo directly related to this or just supposition from the left doing the typical EVIL RICH mantra in a generic sense?

I was just pointing out how Trump is taking care of the American workers..I am all for cutting back on Congress luxury pension plans..not the Social workers, Vet Nurses..ect who are overworked and under paid.

How about you post a link to these luxury pension plans congress gets.


Not only do they get a great pension, they have the best healthcare...including home healthcare for round the clock nursing care in their homes ..
I once helped a old Vietnam Vet crippled who was only granted 1 week of home healthcare...he lived in a shack.

Under both CSRS and FERS, Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at the age of 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. Members are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member’s retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary. There were 620 retired Members of Congress receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of October 1, 2015. Of this number, 344 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $74,136. A total of 276 Members had retired with service under FERS and were receiving an average annual pension of $41,316 in 2015.

You act as if these pensions are handed out as freebies, and if you read your own link they're not. They have to contribute to their retirement just as any employee of the government does. I guess intellectual honesty is not one of your strong suits.

Many of those pensions were contributions FORCED upon the employee, just to work for the company. I ended up having to pay DUE's for one union, even though I wasn't even classified for that union to represent me. After 1 year of service to that company, I left and my contributions stayed with the union. Real nice theft of dues, wasn't it?

We're not talking about private pensions here, we're talking about congressional pensions. The intellectually dishonest OP talked like they just get pensions without their own contributions and they don't.

I was just pointing out how Trump is taking care of the American workers..I am all for cutting back on Congress luxury pension plans..not the Social workers, Vet Nurses..ect who are overworked and under paid.

How about you post a link to these luxury pension plans congress gets.


Not only do they get a great pension, they have the best healthcare...including home healthcare for round the clock nursing care in their homes ..
I once helped a old Vietnam Vet crippled who was only granted 1 week of home healthcare...he lived in a shack.

Under both CSRS and FERS, Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at the age of 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. Members are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member’s retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary. There were 620 retired Members of Congress receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of October 1, 2015. Of this number, 344 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $74,136. A total of 276 Members had retired with service under FERS and were receiving an average annual pension of $41,316 in 2015.

You act as if these pensions are handed out as freebies, and if you read your own link they're not. They have to contribute to their retirement just as any employee of the government does. I guess intellectual honesty is not one of your strong suits.

Many of those pensions were contributions FORCED upon the employee, just to work for the company. I ended up having to pay DUE's for one union, even though I wasn't even classified for that union to represent me. After 1 year of service to that company, I left and my contributions stayed with the union. Real nice theft of dues, wasn't it?

We're not talking about private pensions here, we're talking about congressional pensions. The intellectually dishonest OP talked like they just get pensions without their own contributions and they don't..
there was also a lot of anger over buying yachts, expensive vacations and other SPLURGES but no links to show that's what happened with the money. just they're evil rich and assumptions are ok cause it makes us feel better.
are ANY of these end goals of yacht's and trips to monte carlo directly related to this or just supposition from the left doing the typical EVIL RICH mantra in a generic sense?

I was just pointing out how Trump is taking care of the American workers..I am all for cutting back on Congress luxury pension plans..not the Social workers, Vet Nurses..ect who are overworked and under paid.

How about you post a link to these luxury pension plans congress gets.


Not only do they get a great pension, they have the best healthcare...including home healthcare for round the clock nursing care in their homes ..
I once helped a old Vietnam Vet crippled who was only granted 1 week of home healthcare...he lived in a shack.

Under both CSRS and FERS, Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at the age of 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. Members are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member’s retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary. There were 620 retired Members of Congress receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of October 1, 2015. Of this number, 344 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $74,136. A total of 276 Members had retired with service under FERS and were receiving an average annual pension of $41,316 in 2015.

You act as if these pensions are handed out as freebies, and if you read your own link they're not. They have to contribute to their retirement just as any employee of the government does. I guess intellectual honesty is not one of your strong suits.


Bullshit, they get 80% of the same salary they left with along with the freebies their rich buddies fill their pockets with..
Why are you supporting these congress crooks? This is a non partisan issue that has angered many people.

Now you're plain lying. Read the couple of paragraphs above the ones you posted. BTW I don't support any compensation for elected officials beyond their terms, but unlike you, I won't lie about what they get either.


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