Trump's Plan to Gut the EPA/Destroy the Planet Leaked


VIP Member
Feb 7, 2017
Anyone laboring under the impression that the new Trump administration will be all bark and no bite when it comes to overturning long-established bipartisan policies should watch Team Trump’s assault on the Environmental Protection Agency closely. Aside from appointing Scott Pruitt, who is mainly familiar with EPA as a hated adversary in court, to be in charge of that agency, plans for an initial regulatory wave and budgetary policies amount to a 180-degree turn in environmental enforcement, as reported today by Axios. They include the complete elimination of climate-change programs; a half-billion-dollars in funding cuts for EPA grants to state and local governments; an immediate halt to Clean Air Act regulations affecting new and existing power plants; an about-face on auto emissions standards; and a general defanging of EPA’s crucial ability to overrule federal and state regulations that pose environmental dangers.

That’s probably just the beginning, because these plans were formulated by Trump’s EPA transition director, Myron Ebell, mostly famous as a climate-change skeptic, but more generally active as a policy wonk at a very prominent libertarian-ish think tank called the Competitive Enterprise Institute, financed mostly by a rogue’s gallery of fossil-fuel industries and right-wing foundations.

Team Trump Is Launching a Frontal Assault on the EPA
Well, I don't think the EPA needs to keep that close an eye on offshore drilling rigs, or those coal ash lakes, you know? Everything turned out all right when Bush rolled back the EPA.

That reminds me. George W. Bush, with the help of the GOP Congress, grew every government agency, and even created a new police state Cabinet level department while he was President.

He shrank only TWO government agencies. The SEC and the EPA.

It all turned out just fine...
How long do we have left to live? I have a Roth IRA I could burn through and go out in a blaze of glory.

One must always consider the agenda of those in power.

Neither side really give a shit about you. You must educate yourself, and take care of yourself. Dispense with the illusion that government will ever help you out.
During the Dark Years. the EPA was converted to an environmental Gestapo, pursuing new regulations with reckless abandon, substituting leftist wish lists with hard science, and totally prostituting the cost-benefit analyses in order to satisfy the regulators' disdain and distrust of private industry.

Emissions limits were ratcheted down dramatically due to nothing more than advances in detection technology which enabled detection at low PPB levels never before possible. Every honest and competent environmental scientist knows that "everything is poisonous and everything is safe - it's all about the concentration." The O'Bama EPA stepped all over that principle, on the assumption that microscopic concentrations of anything harmful was a plague requiring rectification.

It's what happens when you hire people who have never actually had a real job.

Most conspicuous was the preposterous declaration that CO2 is a "dangerous pollutant," from which the most extreme measures flow. FACT: Nothing done in the United States to curtail carbon emissions WILL HAVE ANY MEASURABLE EFFECT ON GLOBAL TEMPERATURES ONE HUNDRED YEARS FROM NOW.

Please prove me wrong. But read the above statement before responding.
You want to shock a lib?

Ask them the ignorants what admin instituted the EPA and then drink in their shocked looks when you tell them it was Richard Millhous Nixon.

Be that as it may, I lived in a world where the EPA didn't even exist and the bees still buzzed, and the flowers still bloomed.

The only reason the EPA exists is to restrict business and extort money from them for government.

Ask Colorado the King Mine what they think of how the EPA protects the environment.

Wouldn't have happened without the EPA.

EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange -
Anyone laboring under the impression that the new Trump administration will be all bark and no bite when it comes to overturning long-established bipartisan policies should watch Team Trump’s assault on the Environmental Protection Agency closely. Aside from appointing Scott Pruitt, who is mainly familiar with EPA as a hated adversary in court, to be in charge of that agency, plans for an initial regulatory wave and budgetary policies amount to a 180-degree turn in environmental enforcement, as reported today by Axios. They include the complete elimination of climate-change programs; a half-billion-dollars in funding cuts for EPA grants to state and local governments; an immediate halt to Clean Air Act regulations affecting new and existing power plants; an about-face on auto emissions standards; and a general defanging of EPA’s crucial ability to overrule federal and state regulations that pose environmental dangers.

That’s probably just the beginning, because these plans were formulated by Trump’s EPA transition director, Myron Ebell, mostly famous as a climate-change skeptic, but more generally active as a policy wonk at a very prominent libertarian-ish think tank called the Competitive Enterprise Institute, financed mostly by a rogue’s gallery of fossil-fuel industries and right-wing foundations.

Team Trump Is Launching a Frontal Assault on the EPA

High time and past. EPA excesses have become legendary. Go Trump!
Anyone laboring under the impression that the new Trump administration will be all bark and no bite when it comes to overturning long-established bipartisan policies should watch Team Trump’s assault on the Environmental Protection Agency closely. Aside from appointing Scott Pruitt, who is mainly familiar with EPA as a hated adversary in court, to be in charge of that agency, plans for an initial regulatory wave and budgetary policies amount to a 180-degree turn in environmental enforcement, as reported today by Axios. They include the complete elimination of climate-change programs; a half-billion-dollars in funding cuts for EPA grants to state and local governments; an immediate halt to Clean Air Act regulations affecting new and existing power plants; an about-face on auto emissions standards; and a general defanging of EPA’s crucial ability to overrule federal and state regulations that pose environmental dangers.

That’s probably just the beginning, because these plans were formulated by Trump’s EPA transition director, Myron Ebell, mostly famous as a climate-change skeptic, but more generally active as a policy wonk at a very prominent libertarian-ish think tank called the Competitive Enterprise Institute, financed mostly by a rogue’s gallery of fossil-fuel industries and right-wing foundations.

Team Trump Is Launching a Frontal Assault on the EPA



The Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE), formerly the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) and prior to that the Guest Choice Network, is an American non-profit entity founded by Richard Berman that lobbies on behalf of the fast food, meat, alcohol and tobacco industries.

EPA Facts is a front group operated by the PR firm Berman & Co. Berman & Co. operates a network of dozens of front groups, attack-dog web sites, and alleged think tanks that work to counteract minimum wage campaigns, keep wages low for restaurant workers, and to block legislation on food safety, secondhand cigarette smoke, drunk driving, and more.
You want to shock a lib?

Ask them the ignorants what admin instituted the EPA and then drink in their shocked looks when you tell them it was Richard Millhous Nixon.

Be that as it may, I lived in a world where the EPA didn't even exist and the bees still buzzed, and the flowers still bloomed.

The only reason the EPA exists is to restrict business and extort money from them for government.

Ask Colorado the King Mine what they think of how the EPA protects the environment.

Wouldn't have happened without the EPA.

EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange -
Be that as it may, I lived in a world where the EPA didn't even exist and the bees still buzzed, and the flowers still bloomed.
And kids got sick from lead paint poisoning, and kids getting asthma from fumes of leaded gas and factories belching toxic chemical and dumping them in the ground to give the drinking with a nice tang
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You want to shock a lib?

Ask them the ignorants what admin instituted the EPA and then drink in their shocked looks when you tell them it was Richard Millhous Nixon.

Be that as it may, I lived in a world where the EPA didn't even exist and the bees still buzzed, and the flowers still bloomed.

The only reason the EPA exists is to restrict business and extort money from them for government.

Ask Colorado the King Mine what they think of how the EPA protects the environment.

Wouldn't have happened without the EPA.

EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange -
Be that as it may, I lived in a world where the EPA didn't even exist and the bees still buzzed, and the flowers still bloomed.
And kid got sick from lead paint poisoning, and kids getting asthma from fumes of leaded gas and factories belching toxic chemical and dumping them in the ground to give the drinking watch a nice tang

Breaking: Libs to impose sanctions on volcanos for belching toxic gas into the atmosphere.
During the Dark Years. the EPA was converted to an environmental Gestapo, pursuing new regulations with reckless abandon, substituting leftist wish lists with hard science, and totally prostituting the cost-benefit analyses in order to satisfy the regulators' disdain and distrust of private industry.

Emissions limits were ratcheted down dramatically due to nothing more than advances in detection technology which enabled detection at low PPB levels never before possible. Every honest and competent environmental scientist knows that "everything is poisonous and everything is safe - it's all about the concentration." The O'Bama EPA stepped all over that principle, on the assumption that microscopic concentrations of anything harmful was a plague requiring rectification.

It's what happens when you hire people who have never actually had a real job.

Most conspicuous was the preposterous declaration that CO2 is a "dangerous pollutant," from which the most extreme measures flow. FACT: Nothing done in the United States to curtail carbon emissions WILL HAVE ANY MEASURABLE EFFECT ON GLOBAL TEMPERATURES ONE HUNDRED YEARS FROM NOW.

Please prove me wrong. But read the above statement before responding.
substituting leftist wish lists with hard science
This is hard science. To the point you have to really read it carefully, it distinguishes between assumption and facts, and in the end it builds a strong case for global warming and it's connection to man.Does CO2 always correlate with temperature (and if not, why not?)
totally prostituting the cost-benefit analyses in order to satisfy the regulators' disdain and distrust of private industry.
Sweden: Decoupling GDP growth from CO2 emissions is possible. As you can see other countries do succeed in growing it's GDP while reducing CO2 emissions dramatically.

on the assumption that microscopic concentrations of anything harmful was a plague requiring rectification.
Tell that to the people of Flint. I work in a oil refinery and believe me when I say that microscopic concentrations are perfectly capable of causing long term harm.

Most conspicuous was the preposterous declaration that CO2 is a "dangerous pollutant,"
Nobody ever claimed it's a pollutant. It is a green house gas. It's not directly harmful in small concentrations. But it has the property to trap more heat in the atmosphere.

And you know this how? Scientist are not sure what the actual effects will be, yet most do agree it will be bad. They think this because it has happened before.Permian extinction
They associate this anoxia with the prolonged eruption of the Siberian flood basalts (the so-called Siberian Traps), which probably led to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
If I missed a particular assertion in your post please feel free to point it out.
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Anyone laboring under the impression that the new Trump administration will be all bark and no bite when it comes to overturning long-established bipartisan policies should watch Team Trump’s assault on the Environmental Protection Agency closely. Aside from appointing Scott Pruitt, who is mainly familiar with EPA as a hated adversary in court, to be in charge of that agency, plans for an initial regulatory wave and budgetary policies amount to a 180-degree turn in environmental enforcement, as reported today by Axios. They include the complete elimination of climate-change programs; a half-billion-dollars in funding cuts for EPA grants to state and local governments; an immediate halt to Clean Air Act regulations affecting new and existing power plants; an about-face on auto emissions standards; and a general defanging of EPA’s crucial ability to overrule federal and state regulations that pose environmental dangers.

That’s probably just the beginning, because these plans were formulated by Trump’s EPA transition director, Myron Ebell, mostly famous as a climate-change skeptic, but more generally active as a policy wonk at a very prominent libertarian-ish think tank called the Competitive Enterprise Institute, financed mostly by a rogue’s gallery of fossil-fuel industries and right-wing foundations.

Team Trump Is Launching a Frontal Assault on the EPA

High time and past. EPA excesses have become legendary. Go Trump!

They need to be reined in. The EPA has way to much power.
Let us not forget it was the EPA who screwed over Flint, Michigan by hiding the reports from the public about the drinking water.

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