Trumps problem with women


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
I admit there are some things about Trump that give me pause. Iā€™m sure these will come out eventually, so Iā€™m just going to list them.

First ā€” and this is corroborated by five contemporaneous witnesses ā€” in 1978, Trump violently raped Juanita Broaddrick in a Little Rock, Arkansas, hotel room, then, as he was leaving, looked at her bloody lip and said, ā€œBetter put some ice on thatā€ ā€” oh wait, Iā€™m terribly sorry. Did I say Trump? I didnā€™t mean Trump, I meant Bill Clinton.

Hang on ā€” here we go! Knowing full well about Bill Clintonā€™s proclivity to sexually assault women, about three weeks after that rape, Trump cornered Broaddrick at a party and said, pointedly, ā€œI just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him. Do you understand? Everything you do.ā€

No! My mistake! That wasnā€™t Trump either. That was Hillary Clintonā€¦ But this next one Iā€™m sure was Trump.

In the early 1990s, Trump invited a young female staffer to his hotel room at the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, dropped his pants and said, ā€œKiss itā€ ā€” WAIT A SECOND!

I donā€™t know how this keeps happening. That was Bill Clinton. Please bear with me ā€” itā€™s late at night and my notes are jumbled.

As CEO of an organization, Trump had a female employee, just months out of her teens, perform oral sex on him while he made business calls. That girlā€™s name was Monica Lewinā€“ No! Wrong again! That was Bill Clinton, too! Please donā€™t stop reading. Let me find my Trump notesā€¦

What I meant was that Trump was the one who later smeared that girl as a delusional stalker. She may have volunteered for the sex ā€” at around age 20 ā€” but Monica Lewinsky didnā€™t volunteer to be slandered! And yet this fiend, this user-of-women, this retrograde misogynist, Donald Trump, deployed his journalist friends, like Sidney Blumenthal, to spread rumors that Monica was a stalker, trying to blackmail the president.

Oh, boy ā€” this is embarrassing. This must seem very sloppy. That wasnā€™t Trump either; it was Hillary Clinton.

There must be something here that was Trumpā€¦ Here! I have one.

When an attractive woman desperately in need of a job came to Trumpā€™s office in 1993, instead of helping, he lunged at her, kissed her on the mouth, grabbed her breast and put her hand on his genitals. He later told a mistress that the claim was absurd because the woman, Kathleen Willey, had such small breasts.

Uh-oh ā€” youā€™re not going to believe this, but ā€” yep, that was Bill Clinton.

This one, Iā€™m sure was Trump. In January 1992, Trump went on 60 Minutes to slime nightclub singer Gennifer Flowers, knowing full well she was telling the truth. He implied she belonged in a loony bin, telling millions of viewers ā€œevery time she called, distraughtā€¦ she said sort of wacky things.ā€

Dammit! I donā€™t know how this keeps happening. That wasnā€™t Trump! That was Hillary, smearing one of her husbandā€™s sexual conquests.

Letā€™s just go back to the Timesā€˜ story, based on months of investigation and interviews with hundreds of women. Iā€™ll give it to you straight: When Trump was at the New York Military Academy as a teenager, one person who knew him said ā€” and this is corroborated by two other witnesses: ā€œDonald was extremely sensitive to whether or not the women he invited to campus were pretty.ā€

I almost threw up reading that. I am physically ill.

Ann Coulter: Trump's Problem with Women - Breitbart
Trump's problem with women?

Bill is a serial sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, and adulterer.

Aside from being Bill's facilitator and enabler, Hillary has demonized, intimidated, threatened, and silenced his victims.

She has paid female employees less than men while taking millions from nations that oppress women, treat them like property, stone them for being raped, and engage in female genital mutilation.

You can't hate, abuse, manipulate, molest, betray, and victimize women any more than the Clintons have done...
You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy.
My son used to have a tee shirt in his single days, Billionaire looking for model. I think that sums it up.
You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy.

Clinton Rape Accuser Juanita Broaddrick: NY Times Should Interview Billā€™s Alleged Female Victims

During an interview today, Bill Clintonā€™s rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick suggested the New York Times spend the same amount of energy investigating claims of sexual assault against Bill Clinton that the newspaper put into probing Donald Trumpā€™s alleged past treatment of women.
You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy.

Clinton Rape Accuser Juanita Broaddrick: NY Times Should Interview Billā€™s Alleged Female Victims

During an interview today, Bill Clintonā€™s rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick suggested the New York Times spend the same amount of energy investigating claims of sexual assault against Bill Clinton that the newspaper put into probing Donald Trumpā€™s alleged past treatment of women.
The New York Times has a least 500-1000 articles on Bill and Monica Lewinsky so, I'd say they've done their share on covering him on that scandal.... haven't searched the others yet, like Paula Jones scandal, or Broaderrick, or Flowers etc....But the coverage on Lewinsky alone was through the roof....

Monica S. Lewinsky

And I might add, Bill is not running for the Presidency. ;)
I admit there are some things about Trump that give me pause. Iā€™m sure these will come out eventually, so Iā€™m just going to list them.

First ā€” and this is corroborated by five contemporaneous witnesses ā€” in 1978, Trump violently raped Juanita Broaddrick in a Little Rock, Arkansas, hotel room, then, as he was leaving, looked at her bloody lip and said, ā€œBetter put some ice on thatā€ ā€” oh wait, Iā€™m terribly sorry. Did I say Trump? I didnā€™t mean Trump, I meant Bill Clinton.

Hang on ā€” here we go! Knowing full well about Bill Clintonā€™s proclivity to sexually assault women, about three weeks after that rape, Trump cornered Broaddrick at a party and said, pointedly, ā€œI just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him. Do you understand? Everything you do.ā€

No! My mistake! That wasnā€™t Trump either. That was Hillary Clintonā€¦ But this next one Iā€™m sure was Trump.

In the early 1990s, Trump invited a young female staffer to his hotel room at the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, dropped his pants and said, ā€œKiss itā€ ā€” WAIT A SECOND!

I donā€™t know how this keeps happening. That was Bill Clinton. Please bear with me ā€” itā€™s late at night and my notes are jumbled.

As CEO of an organization, Trump had a female employee, just months out of her teens, perform oral sex on him while he made business calls. That girlā€™s name was Monica Lewinā€“ No! Wrong again! That was Bill Clinton, too! Please donā€™t stop reading. Let me find my Trump notesā€¦

What I meant was that Trump was the one who later smeared that girl as a delusional stalker. She may have volunteered for the sex ā€” at around age 20 ā€” but Monica Lewinsky didnā€™t volunteer to be slandered! And yet this fiend, this user-of-women, this retrograde misogynist, Donald Trump, deployed his journalist friends, like Sidney Blumenthal, to spread rumors that Monica was a stalker, trying to blackmail the president.

Oh, boy ā€” this is embarrassing. This must seem very sloppy. That wasnā€™t Trump either; it was Hillary Clinton.

There must be something here that was Trumpā€¦ Here! I have one.

When an attractive woman desperately in need of a job came to Trumpā€™s office in 1993, instead of helping, he lunged at her, kissed her on the mouth, grabbed her breast and put her hand on his genitals. He later told a mistress that the claim was absurd because the woman, Kathleen Willey, had such small breasts.

Uh-oh ā€” youā€™re not going to believe this, but ā€” yep, that was Bill Clinton.

This one, Iā€™m sure was Trump. In January 1992, Trump went on 60 Minutes to slime nightclub singer Gennifer Flowers, knowing full well she was telling the truth. He implied she belonged in a loony bin, telling millions of viewers ā€œevery time she called, distraughtā€¦ she said sort of wacky things.ā€

Dammit! I donā€™t know how this keeps happening. That wasnā€™t Trump! That was Hillary, smearing one of her husbandā€™s sexual conquests.

Letā€™s just go back to the Timesā€˜ story, based on months of investigation and interviews with hundreds of women. Iā€™ll give it to you straight: When Trump was at the New York Military Academy as a teenager, one person who knew him said ā€” and this is corroborated by two other witnesses: ā€œDonald was extremely sensitive to whether or not the women he invited to campus were pretty.ā€

I almost threw up reading that. I am physically ill.

Ann Coulter: Trump's Problem with Women - Breitbart

We all know that Ann Coulter was a huge promoter of Donald Trump, as was Shawn Hannity and many others. Ann Coulter put out this article to basically state that she was going along to get along with the Tea Party in her support of Donald Trump.

Now I am wondering how many others are going to jump ship on Donald Trump--as they see this Tsunami headed right at them?
I lied to myself for years about who my allies were. No more. | RedState
this sums it up ..

The percentages of women who had an unfavorable or negative impression of Trump in recent public polls are staggering: 67 percent (Fox News), 67 percent (Quinnipiac University), 70 percent (NBC News/Wall Street Journal), 73 percent (CNN/ORC) and 74 percent (ABC News/Washington Post).

Read more: Donald Trump's rock-bottom ratings with women
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Yup, That there is some might unbiased sources alright.

We all know that Ann Coulter was a huge promoter of Donald Trump, as was Shawn Hannity and many others. Ann Coulter put out this article to basically state that she was going along to get along with the Tea Party in her support of Donald Trump.

Now I am wondering how many others are going to jump ship on Donald Trump--as they see this Tsunami headed right at them?
I lied to myself for years about who my allies were. No more. | RedState

Proving yet again, absolutely nothing. More liberal smoke and mirrors.
You should at least get Monica's age right instead of claiming she was just out of her teens!

Also, you should tell us all that Broaderick was attending an event supporting Bill Clinton the 3 weeks after he supposedly raped her....why would a woman that was raped attend a fund raising/supporting event for the man that raped her, if he did rape her?

And you might mention Broaderick swore on an affidavit that Bill did not rape her....she committed perjury and broke the law doing so, if her later statement that he did rape her is true...?

BTW, the girl in the New York times article was 21 years old....when the millionaire Trump in his 40's got her to sleep with him....that was YOUNGER than Monica was when she did the dirty deed with Billy boy. if the facts aren't exactly clear due to intentional misinformation in the media caused by the Clintons themselves, you want to discount the whole issue? You would rather put this evil bastard back in the White House. I'm sure the female staff at the White House appreciates that.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the media spends defending these degenerates?
Trump has done nothing that every heterosexual man wouldn't do if he was born a millionaire.
It is normal.
What Bill Clinton has done is not normal.
I admit there are some things about Trump that give me pause. Iā€™m sure these will come out eventually, so Iā€™m just going to list them.

You mean you are going to list stories that Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars investigating and could not verify any of them?

People didn't guy this salacious horseshit 20 years ago, why do you think they are going to buy it now when Bill isn't the one who is running? if the facts aren't exactly clear due to intentional misinformation in the media caused by the Clintons themselves, you want to discount the whole issue? You would rather put this evil bastard back in the White House. I'm sure the female staff at the White House appreciates that.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the media spends defending these degenerates?

Ken Starr Spent 70 million trying to prove Clinton did any of the things you guys accused him of, and the only thing he could prove was that he got to third base with Monica Lewinsky.
Trump has done nothing that every heterosexual man wouldn't do if he was born a millionaire.
It is normal.
What Bill Clinton has done is not normal.

I'm a little confused here. Actually, Bill and Trump have both acted like Alpha Males.

The difference is that while Trump has publicly abused women who disagreed with him, sometimes without any point - see Rosie O'Donnell and Megyn Kelly - Bill Clinton did some pretty solid things for the women of this country.

The Family and Medical Leave Act.
The Violence Against Women Act.
Protecting their right to Choice by appointing sensible justices to the Court.

The other difference is while Trump is on Trophy Wife #3, Bill remained married to the same woman for 40+ years. if the facts aren't exactly clear due to intentional misinformation in the media caused by the Clintons themselves, you want to discount the whole issue? You would rather put this evil bastard back in the White House. I'm sure the female staff at the White House appreciates that.
I wonder how many millions of dollars the media spends defending these degenerates?

Ken Starr Spent 70 million trying to prove Clinton did any of the things you guys accused him of, and the only thing he could prove was that he got to third base with Monica Lewinsky.
Yep......the Clintons are real good at it. Comes from years of practice. The Clintons are as good as mob bosses at covering up their criminal activities.
Now, are you trying to say that it's worth it to give these criminals another chance to do it again, because is sure sounds like it to me?
I admit there are some things about Trump that give me pause. Iā€™m sure these will come out eventually, so Iā€™m just going to list them.

First ā€” and this is corroborated by five contemporaneous witnesses ā€” in 1978, Trump violently raped Juanita Broaddrick in a Little Rock, Arkansas, hotel room, then, as he was leaving, looked at her bloody lip and said, ā€œBetter put some ice on thatā€ ā€” oh wait, Iā€™m terribly sorry. Did I say Trump? I didnā€™t mean Trump, I meant Bill Clinton.

Hang on ā€” here we go! Knowing full well about Bill Clintonā€™s proclivity to sexually assault women, about three weeks after that rape, Trump cornered Broaddrick at a party and said, pointedly, ā€œI just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him. Do you understand? Everything you do.ā€

No! My mistake! That wasnā€™t Trump either. That was Hillary Clintonā€¦ But this next one Iā€™m sure was Trump.

In the early 1990s, Trump invited a young female staffer to his hotel room at the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, dropped his pants and said, ā€œKiss itā€ ā€” WAIT A SECOND!

I donā€™t know how this keeps happening. That was Bill Clinton. Please bear with me ā€” itā€™s late at night and my notes are jumbled.

As CEO of an organization, Trump had a female employee, just months out of her teens, perform oral sex on him while he made business calls. That girlā€™s name was Monica Lewinā€“ No! Wrong again! That was Bill Clinton, too! Please donā€™t stop reading. Let me find my Trump notesā€¦

What I meant was that Trump was the one who later smeared that girl as a delusional stalker. She may have volunteered for the sex ā€” at around age 20 ā€” but Monica Lewinsky didnā€™t volunteer to be slandered! And yet this fiend, this user-of-women, this retrograde misogynist, Donald Trump, deployed his journalist friends, like Sidney Blumenthal, to spread rumors that Monica was a stalker, trying to blackmail the president.

Oh, boy ā€” this is embarrassing. This must seem very sloppy. That wasnā€™t Trump either; it was Hillary Clinton.

There must be something here that was Trumpā€¦ Here! I have one.

When an attractive woman desperately in need of a job came to Trumpā€™s office in 1993, instead of helping, he lunged at her, kissed her on the mouth, grabbed her breast and put her hand on his genitals. He later told a mistress that the claim was absurd because the woman, Kathleen Willey, had such small breasts.

Uh-oh ā€” youā€™re not going to believe this, but ā€” yep, that was Bill Clinton.

This one, Iā€™m sure was Trump. In January 1992, Trump went on 60 Minutes to slime nightclub singer Gennifer Flowers, knowing full well she was telling the truth. He implied she belonged in a loony bin, telling millions of viewers ā€œevery time she called, distraughtā€¦ she said sort of wacky things.ā€

Dammit! I donā€™t know how this keeps happening. That wasnā€™t Trump! That was Hillary, smearing one of her husbandā€™s sexual conquests.

Letā€™s just go back to the Timesā€˜ story, based on months of investigation and interviews with hundreds of women. Iā€™ll give it to you straight: When Trump was at the New York Military Academy as a teenager, one person who knew him said ā€” and this is corroborated by two other witnesses: ā€œDonald was extremely sensitive to whether or not the women he invited to campus were pretty.ā€

I almost threw up reading that. I am physically ill.

Ann Coulter: Trump's Problem with Women - Breitbart
Trump raped a 13 year old and his wife

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